
Empathy Quotes

There are 65202 quotes

"The ability to transiently embody the personas of other people...allows for really thorough exploration of idea space."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"To engage with other people by simulating on the substrate of our own self and then inferring the goals and the feelings and the outcomes and the experiences of those experiences that we've simulated, that's what is very essential to being a human."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When a kid says, 'I was picked last and nobody even wants me,' to sit and say some version of like, 'I'm so glad we're talking about this, and I could tell that was a really hard gym class. Sweetie, I believe you.' You will watch your kid. It is crazy to me what parents tell me happens when they say those words to their kids."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Empathy is just about letting somebody feel understood."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Empathy is the ability to feel, or at least think we feel what others feel."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"During the MDMA session, people report feeling less threatened, more pro-social towards others, more empathic towards others and themselves."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What is more important for the survival of the human species than empathy and compassion, than actually being able to look at another human being, even if they look different than you, even if they have a different belief system than you, what is more important than actually understanding that 98% of your life is very similar?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Any of us who watch a close friend suffer, it's hard. You want to do anything you can to help them. That's empathy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"As a parent, you just want to take that pain and suffering away. That's how I'm defining empathy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It is the greatest driver of human empathy to learn how our minds work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I care about reducing human suffering. And then I meet someone who I think is pro a policy that promotes human suffering. And of course, the visceral human instinct is like, to hell with you and your viewpoint, this is horrible, this is intolerable. But because I have this cognitive science hat on. It allows me to walk around with a slightly different viewpoint."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I care about other people, even if I don't know them, because I can understand and empathize with what it feels like to be vulnerable."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can't help but love him for everything he has been through in his life."
"Much love and respect to her family. That's not pieces of garbage."
"You're moving into a land of both empathy and ethics, of nutritional knowledge and empowerment."
"The nature of empathy and obligation to other conscious selves becomes something we can start to tackle in a really interesting way."
"It's okay to recognize everybody lost in this situation."
"The way to extend people's compassion... is to appeal to... very hardwired systems within us that respond to individual people."
"If we can hold compassion for people, that really is the pathway out."
"Mercy has to be at the foundation. Mercy for self, mercy for others."
"Role-playing isn't just fun; it makes you a better person, gives you empathy, cures baldness, it leads to democracy."
"Most normal humans have an empathy circuit; we feel compassion if someone gets hurt."
"If you're more compassionate and more empathic, you're going to feel the hunger of other people and you'd be more motivated to care for them."
"Empathy is not walking in someone else's shoes, but learning to listen to the story you tell about what it's like in your shoes and believe you, even when it doesn't match my experiences."
"If you want people to listen to you, you need to listen to them."
"The best possible thing that you can do for yourself... is to work as hard as you can on behalf of what's best in other people."
"We establish empathy for a character through a couple of different methods, one of which is, we show that they are like us in some way."
"Everyone praised them for shedding light on the lives of the poor through interviews."
"Katarina was supportive and proud to see Allan stand up for a girl facing difficulties."
"Be kinder than necessary because everyone is fighting a battle you know so little about."
"Be curious about why they think or feel what they think or feel."
"There is no shame in pornography addiction, especially considering that what it is, is quite literally a hijacking of your biological wiring as a man."
"Understanding what someone is going through, why they did what they did, is powerful because it just kind of takes the self-blame away."
"Love real love is recognizing the other as yourself."
"It's just extremely sad to think that Deborah struggled most of her life, was someone who clearly had good intentions, a good heart, and wanted the best for the world."
"Many people suffer from mental health issues every single day and never decide to callously take the life of another person."
"If there were two identical groups of people and one of them were more empathetic...that group...has a greater chance of reproducing."
"The first person who benefits from compassion is the one who feels it."
"Every time we've realized a social ill or malady was not due to personal fault but a condition or circumstance out of their control, it's become a more humane place."
"We can build a world in which we protect people from damaging folks and hopefully along the way recognizing how people became damaging."
"We need to be compassionate towards each other. There's so much shaming and blaming."
"A gold standard to strive for is to not bring more distress into the life of the person who's already experiencing the illness, to be as empathic as possible."
"It's really about how do you meet someone where they're at and put yourself as well as you can in their point of view."
"If we were judged by all of our mistakes instantly without being given a second chance, then what kind of world would we live in?"
"Before you started to describe what you thought of the other side, you had to say, 'Before I disagree with you, here's what I think your position is.'"
"Empathy, at its base level and the Shu level, I learned it on the suicide hotline, is saying like, 'You sound angry.'"
"You never know what someone is going through, so be kind, be kind, be kind."
"Remember that you never know what others are going through."
"There's a lot of people really suffering out there, and we have to be much more attuned to that and listen to people."
"We're moving into a land of both empathy and ethics, of nutritional knowledge and empowerment."
"Understanding girls' feelings around physical safety, objectification, creeps, being self-conscious, and stuff like that, is so important, I think, for men to understand."
"Perspective taking is, I think, really crucial in this."
"I think about being alone... and I don't want people to feel the way that I felt."
"You're not making the game for some faceless kid out there; you're saying I'm making the game for a kid like me."
"You have to help the world become a place where that kid like you needed a safety net."
"Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people."
"When you've only been seeing through unclear glasses, and then you put on the clear glasses... you start to see the world and even dare I say, admire and love people for who they are, independently of their utility value for your own deprivations."
"I practice unconditional regard... I want to see someone with my own eyes freshly."
"Improve your eye contact by acknowledging their existence, that this is a real person in front of you who's had their entire life story before you."
"If you focus on what other people want, you will be popular for the rest of your life."
"What I care about is how you experience your life, how happy you are. And I think you're the best judge and the only expert that can tell me about how it is to walk in your shoes."
"Celebrate how far people have come rather than judging them for how much they still have to go."
"Treat yourself like somebody you care about."
"I believe healing our country is going to take what I call radical empathy."
"Green values love, heart, soul, empathy, intimacy, kindness, compassion, mercy, and leniency."
"I'm not that heartless. He came all this way, braving God knows what dangers."
"How can you protect if you don't have empathy?"
"It's going to change the world, people are going to have to forgive, moving on the path of love is the key and understanding that you are everyone else, seeing yourself in everyone else it will be easy for you to forgive."
"Support victims because they deserve it, not when it benefits you."
"Consider everybody as a soul, the same as you, who is here to experience, learn, and evolve."
"A good way to think about your villain's motivation is to ask, how can you give the audience a chance to understand what it feels like to be in that villain's shoes?"
"We don't need to agree with the villain, but it goes a long way to making your villain a great one if you can get the audience to empathize with them."
"I cry a lot. What's the last movie you cried at?"
"It hurts to know that a child my daughter's age, who's only five, is actually hungry."
"I think one of the reasons that you've been so successful is you genuinely care about people."
"Elmo learned that it's important to ask a friend how they're doing."
"One of the things I've learned as I've gotten older is subjective experiences are very, very hard to understand."
"I just try to be really aware of the different subjective experiences that people can have."
"Compassion comes from two Latin words, 'com' meaning with and 'passio' meaning pain."
"The goal is to humanize each side of the Divide because it's the dehumanization that leads to violence."
"Empathy...that's the only quality to me that matters in a human being."
"Sometimes the best thing you can do is just be silent and hug somebody."
"Narcissists have what we call 'instrumental empathy.' They weaponize empathy."
"Empathy isn't just something that makes you good, that expands your moral universe. Empathy is something that's good for you."
"Highly empathic people tend to be looking for what they share with others, not what divides them."
"To know thyself... can also be achieved by stepping outside yourself, by discovering other people's lives."
"Listening very carefully, being empathetic... it's amazing as the patient, I'm like, 'Wow, this person is so kind.'"
"We just needed them to be empathic...it was the only thing that mattered because I wanted to put two decent, kind human beings into the world."
"Empathy is everything...it's the core of why kids bully, all the problems we have with kids. It has to be about empathy."
"Right now, kids in this country are seeing what happens when we stop requiring empathy of one another."
"Empathy is an essential tool to understand the state other people exist in and, as a person who creates policy for other people, your ability to empathize with their living situation is essential."
"Empathy crosses that bridge because we know what we would feel like in that situation and by projecting ourselves onto them, we can see through our projected experience what abuse might look like in that situation."
"Empathy does matter because, without empathy, we wouldn't even really be able to maintain social contracts."
"Logic is a good thing, but... The Golden Rule. Like, empathy does matter, and even though I think we should use both, we should both use logic and empathy in situations."
"I think you have to see the obvious common humanity in us to bridge the divide."
"Empathy requires foraging for information, a metabolically expensive process, especially when feeling encumbered."
"What if more men cared? What if more men viewed women as their equals, as fellow humans, instead of viewing them as disposable, as lesser, as other?"
"This isn't about shaming. It is about empathy. Stop being deliberately obtuse."
"Imagine watching comedy with friends or having sex or reading a sad book without empathy. It would be worse."
"Empathy is an important part of the way most of us live our lives and experience pleasure and think about things."
"Cognitive empathy is when you feel for a person and have an intelligent response that helps them to help themselves."
"I think feeling some emotions for the people that's important around you, whether that be positive or negative, is an important part of being a good person."
"In reading non-verbal communication, it's a different form of intelligence. It's not algorithms, it's not formulaic; it's human, it's emotional, it's empathetic."
"Sometimes people just want you to listen to them."
"Nature has given you the tools: categories, ideals, empathy, and above all, intuition. Use it."
"Empathy is a person's ability to feel another person, to feel what the other person feels."
"Empathy means: 'I understand what you're saying. I also want to know how you feel.'"
"Empathy is a lot more important than a rigid structure of morals."
"Empathy is being able to share in someone else's feelings and emotions and show concern towards that person."
"An empath will absolutely throw all of themselves into this relationship; they will lose themselves in this relationship."
"Empathy isn't about fixing, it's the brave choice to be with someone in their darkness."
"Recognize that there are two predominant personality types: those that are more on the personal responsibility side and those that are more on the empathy side, and that we need both. We have to value each other."
"I'm a big fan of meeting people where they're at."
"To attack is easy; to understand is hard. And I choose the hard path."
"As long as there is still a risk that some will lose their humanity by losing their empathy and instead becoming a tool or weapon, the deeper questions beneath 'Blade Runner' are still relevant."
"You don't use empathy to just say, 'Yeah, we all deal with it.' You use empathy to say, 'Yeah, it was tough for me, but you had that plus this other layer that must have been even harder.'"
"The alternative that I'm proposing is that we should explain human cruelty in terms of the erosion of empathy."
"We're entitled to feel a kind of gut-wrenching sadness at what is going on. We are entitled for our hearts to be broken. But we're not entitled to allow our spirits to be broken because the people there are depending on our spirit."
"Empathy fuels connection; sympathy drives disconnection."
"Empathy is a very valuable resource for humanity... it has the power to resolve conflict."
"Empathy is a sort of umbrella concept with several different components... it's no different to other psychological processes like language or like memory."
"Once a man knows how to manage his masculine energy in an empathetic manner, he can lead in a way that is conducive to those in his domain."
"We're quick to jump to physical altercation; we're quick to jump into a warrior mindset. But when there's empathy, we can sit down and listen."
"Divine masculine is led with empathy. It's not just about being overtly masculine to the point of dominating everything."
"Acceptance, understanding, compassion, empathy, gentleness. Yes, accepting everyone."
"Empathy for people with addictions, empathy for domestic violence survivors, empathy for those in codependent relationships."
"Understanding through the lens of narcissism can help us see the lack of empathy and entitlement in societal power dynamics."
"Parents play a crucial role in raising empathic children by focusing on their emotional development."
"There's a spectrum that runs from noticing the other person to tuning into the other person to empathizing and understanding what's going on with them, and then, if they're in need and there's something we can do, compassion and maybe helping them."
"I don't knock anybody's journey. I don't judge, look down, or frown upon. I embrace them all."
"If you continue to behave in empathy and be kind... then she'll notice, people do notice."
"Mirror neurons... you can actually feel for somebody their pain, and those things are built into us."
"Empathy is seeing from another person's perspective; sympathy is feeling sorry for them. In negotiations, empathy is a strength, while sympathy can be a weakness."
"Just put in the effort for those five seconds. The payoff is so monumental for the other person that there's no ethical argument to not do it."
"We must not see any person as an abstraction. Instead, we must see in every person, a universe, with its own secrets, with its own treasures, with its own sources of anguish, and with some measure of triumph."
"For me, the movies are like a machine that generates empathy."
"Empathy is about more than isolated interactions between individuals. It's about seeing the world ethically and the people who populate that world not as ideas but as complete human beings."
"Empathy is hard work, and it's easier to judge people based on abstractions than to genuinely connect to them."
"Empathy is the art of stepping into the shoes of another person, and looking at the world from their perspective."
"Empathy can create radical social change. Empathy, I believe, can create a revolution, not one of those old-fashioned revolutions of new laws and institutions, public policies, but a revolution of human relationships."
"We urgently need empathy to create the social glue to hold our societies together and to erode the toxic 'Us vs Them' mentality, that is the cause of so much conflict."
"Empathy is the ultimate art form for the age of outrospection."
"We're quick to judge; slow down, give the person the benefit of the doubt until it's real."
"Empathy is the incredible human ability to get inside the perspective and the points of view of other people."
"Empathy is the most powerful tool that any human could possibly possess."
"We're all in this together. We all have the same flaws and the same strengths."
"We do not practice empathy. What does empathy look like? Listening to understand, trying to understand someone's point of view and disposition."
"We must teach empathy and love for one another if we do not want brutality to continue any further."
"Humanity is actually much more cooperative and empathic than they're given credit for."
"The pillars of morality are reciprocity, a sense of justice and fairness, and empathy and compassion."
"The understanding part of empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another."
"Consolation is very similar to human consolation and is empathy-driven."
"I'm sorry for everything that you have all gone through. It's terrible, no one should have to go through the things that your families have suffered."
"Self-awareness comes first because if you aren't aware, you won't care."
"Without empathy, without respect, you really can't build anything. Everything's first floor, and it's always rocky."
"Great leaders need to have empathy and perspective."
"Empathy means, if there's an entire generation struggling, maybe it's not them."
"You want to be a great leader? Start with empathy. You want to be a great leader? Change your perspective and play the game you're actually playing."
"It compels us to imagine other people complexly, to experience their lives as real and important."
"Heart-centered radical honesty is direct, a little tough love, and a lot of heart."
"Your compassion for people is incomplete if it doesn't extend to yourself."
"I cried for other brides; I may as well cry for her. She looks beautiful."
"We need to validate that by hearing them, by listening to them."
"Treat others how you would want to be treated."
"Insight is the bridge that connects you to other people. When you have insight into other people, we call it empathy."
"Everyone I know who's waited tables is better at being a human being."
"Accepting the parts of yourself that are ugly or difficult or that you hate to have more empathy for other people."
"I think the way we have to approach all of these things is with empathy."
"We're all human beings; we all have our own stories and our own traumas and deserve to be heard."
"All healthy things are about balance, including how you hand out empathy."
"Empathic reversal is when a person who has suffered trauma gives a lot of empathy out to other people but gives themselves almost no empathy."
"Your capacity to feel into the inner dynamics of anything brings data and insight that gives you an advantage in achieving happiness and success."
"In higher vibrations, you have a greater sensitivity towards others, understanding them from a place of unconditional love."
"An empath is someone who cannot differentiate their feelings from the feelings of others. This is a beautiful quality when it is not being exploited."
"If you have high empathy, if you identify as an empath, you are someone who feels like it's your duty or you feel naturally drawn to wanting to heal people."
"I think it's not just entertainment; I think it's also inspiring and a little bit educational."
"I love hearing that you're happier than ever. I truly feel the same."
"Empathy is a choice, and it's a vulnerable choice because in order to connect with you, I have to connect with something in myself that knows that feeling."
"Forgiveness is something that everybody does deserve."
"Each and every one of you is a human being. I think a lot of creators lose sight of that, and it breaks my heart that they do."
"The only thing you care about is helping somebody who is in need. Why? Because they're a fellow American, or maybe they don't even maybe they're not American... It's a human being."
"Imagine watching your story like you would a television show and the empathy you would have for the main character, which is really your story."
"Leadership requires empathy, it requires understanding, it requires your ability to work with different people."
"Leadership is not about being number one. Leadership is about taking care of those in our charge."
"Being in your situation, or being in any other situation, we all need mercy."
"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."
"The highest form of compassion and empathy is to meet people where they already are rather than expecting them to change."
"Validating someone's suicidal feelings and understanding the depth of their despair is the first step in helping them change their life."
"Empathy tears down barriers and it opens up whole new frontiers for optimism."
"This younger generation senses that, and that's why they're into nuance, kindness, seeing the kinds of distinctions which are lost on older generations."
"I am consumer-centric, which is why I'm a great salesperson. I don't think about me trying to sell this basketball card; I think about why would Jason want this basketball card."
"Cry out, cry out, cry, cry out, and I bet that you'll find an audience of people willing to listen, able to relate, and eager to help."
"I do care, I wish that everybody agreed with me."
"We all have lows, and that's usually where we all find each other."
"Anytime someone tells their story, you can feel a little bit of yourself in that moment with them."
"People tend to experience more positive emotion, more relationship harmony, and seem to provide examples of being able to take other people's perspectives more easily."
"Validation is a communication skill that's really important. It helps people to feel heard, understood, and appreciated."
"If you're in a position to financially help somebody, you can do that. But also, if you're not, it doesn't mean you can't reach out to people."
"You often spend a lot of time trying to understand views that are very different from your own. - Strong agree."
"Mindfulness orients us to be present so we can be self-possessed, self-aware, well-regulated, empathic, and available, again, present in the moment."