
Understanding Quotes

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"I wanted very much to understand how we could use and leverage developmental biology."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Empathy is just about letting somebody feel understood."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We need to agree at the outset that emotions are complicated and yet they are tractable. They can be understood."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"For something to be creative, it actually has to reveal to us something fundamental about the world or about how we work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The idea that if there's a beautiful tapestry that's the size of the wall, that you can see that only standing back from it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What I cannot build, I do not truly understand."
Richard Feynman
"It's my firm belief that the better you understand the situation, even if it's hard to understand, the more equipped you're going to be to actually make a positive impact in your life."
"Understanding that pain and pleasure are in a really dynamic balance can help us."
"The greatest mystery of the universe is that it can be understood."
"There is so much that goes on in a look that we share with another person about ourselves."
"A three-year-old is not half a six-year-old; a six-year-old is not half a twelve-year-old. They're three; give them a break. They're six."
"The first thing you should do is understand this: Behavioral change does not come from information transmission; it comes from understanding."
"Creativity is having the ability to apprehend what is and really learn and understand the true nature of the world without any prior beliefs or biases."
"Empathy is not walking in someone else's shoes, but learning to listen to the story you tell about what it's like in your shoes and believe you, even when it doesn't match my experiences."
"We're kind of going through life without understanding the mechanics or how to use the controller or the mouse and keyboard for who we are."
"We gain a greater perspective when we zoom out."
"Be curious about why they think or feel what they think or feel."
"Understanding what someone is going through, why they did what they did, is powerful because it just kind of takes the self-blame away."
"Because only through properly understanding the patient and what symptoms they're experiencing and why they're experiencing them, can you make the right diagnosis then come to the correct treatment."
"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."
"Before you started to describe what you thought of the other side, you had to say, 'Before I disagree with you, here's what I think your position is.'"
"Remember that you never know what others are going through."
"I've always believed that the study of psychology is the study of everything because every other subject is the human understanding of said subject."
"Understanding girls' feelings around physical safety, objectification, creeps, being self-conscious, and stuff like that, is so important, I think, for men to understand."
"If your will, your dissonance, and your frustrations about how you feel or how you see the world is directed in a will to understand what is going on, you will have the ability to grow and be much more in line, align your beliefs with reality."
"If you make making sense your core value on a fundamental level, not only will it allow you to achieve anything you want more easily, but it will give you the ability to rise above any conflict you have experienced in your life."
"The meaning of this whole thing is to gain knowledge and understand the universe."
"Real genuine eye contact... makes you feel understood and acknowledged."
"If you understand why other people do what they do, all you have to do is connect what they care about with what you want them to do, and you just increase the probability of them doing what you want them to do."
"You don't stop evil by fighting evil with evil; you stop it with love and with understanding."
"Definitions alone do not score... having the definition... centers you."
"We learn as we teach...by having to articulate it and explain it and distill it, you are understanding it better than if you were just learning it for yourself."
"The challenge is not just in seeing the world but in understanding the human within it. That will argue throughout these lectures, that we cannot escape considering the human being."
"One of the things I've learned as I've gotten older is subjective experiences are very, very hard to understand."
"Understanding is the key to every great thing you could dream of."
"People are willing to do what you tell them if they feel heard out."
"Empathy is an essential tool to understand the state other people exist in and, as a person who creates policy for other people, your ability to empathize with their living situation is essential."
"Words are in a sense a way for us to do mental telepathy with each other."
"This isn't about shaming. It is about empathy. Stop being deliberately obtuse."
"Empathy is a person's ability to feel another person, to feel what the other person feels."
"Empathy means: 'I understand what you're saying. I also want to know how you feel.'"
"I didn't understand why we had to fight. There was no reason for us to fight each other."
"Our visualization tools, like space and time, necessarily ignore most of the data and compress it into something we can understand."
"I'm a big fan of meeting people where they're at."
"To attack is easy; to understand is hard. And I choose the hard path."
"You don't use empathy to just say, 'Yeah, we all deal with it.' You use empathy to say, 'Yeah, it was tough for me, but you had that plus this other layer that must have been even harder.'"
"Love and understanding. Why do you have to hate? If you don't understand it, let it be. Don't hate it."
"Pray for understanding. That's the key. Understanding so you can move in wisdom."
"To me, what a meaningful answer to this question is, I would like to understand how the mind works in those terms."
"We're quick to judge; slow down, give the person the benefit of the doubt until it's real."
"We do not practice empathy. What does empathy look like? Listening to understand, trying to understand someone's point of view and disposition."
"The understanding part of empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another."
"I don't know a lot, and in my experience, these things are helped when we as people are willing to slow down a bit and willing to let a situation just unfold a little more to see what's happening and what will happen down the road."
"If you can't make it simple, you don't understand it well enough."
"You can't just shut up and learn how to be a woman. It's about mutual respect and understanding."
"I think the way we have to approach all of these things is with empathy."
"Acknowledging this is extremely helpful because it gets us out of this notion that if you can't demonstrate something scientifically, it's not real."
"Stop listening to people, believe in yourself, and go to the gym; it actually does change your mental state."
"I think the biggest revelation that I've had is I think that our understanding of mental illness and mental pressure is woefully outdated."
"I love the moment when you and another person who speak a different language realize neither one of you knows how to say what you want to say."
"One thing you wish women knew about men: He can't read your mind."
"Effective communication is not just expressing yourself, it's learning how to listen, learning how to process and receive what they're saying."
"I'm fully committed to understanding and addressing her concerns."
"Let's move beyond willpower... let's move on to really understanding how our minds work."
"True understanding comes from acknowledging how little we actually understand."
"Being in your situation, or being in any other situation, we all need mercy."
"Let's get away from the spookality, let's get into the real talent science so we can understand what we're doing."
"Find out what's going on when there's unacceptable behavior and really get to the heart of what the truth is."
"If you listen to people, they'll tell you what they think, but you have to listen through things and listen for deviations."
"You're only seeing a small point of what's happening, maybe that's why we need a wider perspective."
"Being able to simplify complex ideas is the best evidence that someone understands those ideas."
"Seek first to understand, then to be understood."
"The people that I respect the most are people that get in the grind and do everything and really like really really understand it."
"Love compassion joy equanimity come from a deeper understanding that love is not just a sentiment, it's the deepest truth at the heart of creation."
"To really understand a reality, you need to look at it from every possible angle, every possible perspective."
"Your love is going to be directly proportional to your level of understanding and appreciation of the abundance that the universe inherently is."
"The universe is a never-ending process of self-reflection, of self-understanding."
"You have a deep understanding of the universe. There's something very magical about you."
"How can you be together if you're not speaking? Can somebody explain how that works?"
"You often spend a lot of time trying to understand views that are very different from your own. - Strong agree."
"It completely depends upon the elasticity of the lungs."
"We hope that by the kids understanding what the parents go through, that it'll improve their relationship."
"Once you understand what drives him towards the video game, it can help you set healthy boundaries."
"To truly understand the situation, we have to go back to where it all began."
"When we're fully authentic, we can fully know when someone else really understands us."
"If you think about it long enough a light will go off in your head and it will become simple."
"The questions important... it's worth spending the time to try to understand these important questions and form an opinion."
"He who claims that he knows does not know; he who knows that it cannot be known, truly knows."
"There are absolutely no limits to consciousness. Consciousness can keep growing and understanding itself at ever deeper layers and levels."
"Understanding is a capacity of consciousness. Notice that understanding is different from knowledge, information, memory, belief, or ideology of any kind."
"Explaining a concept is like dissecting a frog: you understand it better, but it dies in the process."
"This is all about education, promoting understanding not only among law enforcement and government employees but among we the people as a whole."
"If you understand that all life is the same energy of consciousness expressing in different ways, then you have a beginning."
"The better you understand human nature, the better you can lead people because you've got to understand where they're coming from."
"Why shouldn't we use the best tools of understanding that we have, namely the scientific method, to address the questions that are the most important to us, as human beings?"
"The best type of communication is extremely clear; it's accurate and easy for other people to understand."
"Empathy creates a common ground when you can empathize with the person that you're communicating with."
"Win people into your way of thinking... not by manipulating, but by exploring what other people are doing in their ways of thinking."
"Understanding reality, truly understanding reality, not as an ideology, not as a belief system, not as some cultural artifact - really independently investigate and understand reality for what it is, is so fucking incredible. It's so beautiful, you won't regret it."
"I thought like they have it so easy... until you really connect with someone and you sharing that pain, you feel that hurt, you see the struggles."
"Empathy and understanding are bridges to deeper connections."
"If you understand human nature, you understand the world."
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."
"Psychedelics are not about achieving some wonderful state; it's about getting insight into the nature of how the entire system works."
"Whatever he's talking about genuinely was traumatizing for him."
"Which worldview makes human experience intelligible?"
"Now you have a name for it, you've got some power over it."
"You're meant to learn to see other people's point of views."
"The world is ultimately intelligible; we can make sense of it."
"Underneath hatred is hurt. That's the reality. By hatred, if you hate something, it must have hurt you."
"Be resilient and listen to the ideas you disagree with so you know what those ideas are, you understand them."
"Emotional granularity is not a thing; it's a process."
"Intuition and imagination are also vastly important... Imagination is actually how we go to meet the world and understand it."
"Don't break down a fence until you know why it's been put up."
"What I hear I forget, what I see I remember, what I do I understand."
"Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out."
"People think they know exactly what to do and people think that if they were in my situation, they would know what to do. But it's just, it's not that easy."
"Yet understood and respected, it's a symphony of liberation and enlightenment."
"The universal language on this planet is mathematics."
"There are so many people that operate at a high level subconsciously but can't tell you how or why. So, God is always in the why."
"It is not just important to hear, but to understand."
"I think that when you know someone who is [trans], it helps you be kinder and more understanding."
"You start to understand your parents way better...they were just humans like us, doing the best they could."
"When adults shift their thinking from 'Kids do well if they want to' to 'Kids do well if they can,' amazing things happen."
"What is possible when we can have a little bit more compassion for people not fully know what they're going through until we actually enquire and we care enough to listen."
"There's no greater gift you can give a human being than to truly understand fully fully get somebody's view of life."
"My heart goes out to you having lost children myself. I understand."
"We have to know what something is the answer for and what something is not the answer for."
"A concentrated mind is capable of greater understanding."
"When you take the time to know what the shouting is about, it makes it that much sweeter."
"Experience builds up equity intellectually so that you will be more profound and have a deeper understanding."
"Meditation...is timeless. It will continue to be something that we can all use to understand this reality better than anything else."
"Your mother is the first example of understanding. We don't all need agreement, but we all need understanding."
"With that understanding of how your immune system works, you will be in a much better position to understand which tools, that is which protocols, to implement should you be exposed to a cold or flu."
"You have to listen to the thing before you comment on the thing. That's kind of basic, isn't it?"
"You have to like kind of establish what is a healthy boundary, and a lot of people don't even know what healthy boundaries are."
"You can say, 'yeah, I get where you're coming from,' maybe you don't agree with my conclusion, but you can at least understand why I would feel the way that I do."
"We have tried so desperately to find peace, to find understanding, but we have found nothing but hate."
"There's nuance to the culture that I will never get unless I stay humble and listen."
"The understanding comes in the ethereal plane, in the balance of the pragmatic with the emotional, inside our own professor and our own writer."
"There's a difference between knowing the fact and actually like truly understanding the fact, like the fact that you're going to die one day."
"An STC is more than just a database of technology; it is a gateway to our understanding of all things, and they are arguably humanity's greatest singular achievement."
"We can change all of that, but we have to understand what's going on."
"What's understood does not need to be explained."
"Allah hears your Dua; Allah knows what is in your heart."
"I understand your position perfectly, I got it, I can explain it better than you and I still think it doesn't make any sense."
"It helps you to understand others without demonizing or judging them."
"I have always looked at this through the perspective of the child."
"The more we know about ourselves, particularly the soul, the greater respect we have for the human condition, for life itself."
"So often, children are punished for being human. Children are not allowed to have grumpy moods, bad days, disrespectful tones, or bad attitudes, yet we adults have them all the time."
"Worldview for me was a kind of organizing principle of how do all the things that you know connect."
"There are many things about being rich that unfortunately cannot be understood only financially."
"Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore, get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding."
"Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding."
"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding."
"Our thoughts and our feelings are two different things. If we don't like our feelings, we have to understand them."
"Conversations are two-way streets. We have to be able to understand each other's points and then respond to those points."
"It's like you said, the older you get the more you come to understand."
"In all of my experience of learning things, the two most powerful learning moments have always been when I got a result I didn't expect or when I finally understood something I was sure I understood before."
"Seek greater understanding within yourself and within others."
"The major sign of being such an old soul is acceptance of others."
"When you have true empathy for another being, you understand why they feel the way they feel."
"Intellectual empathy where you understand like why you try to understand what exactly someone else thinks and why they think it."
"I'm sorry, I think that I might have missed what you were hoping for, what do you need from me?"
"In order to understand our future, we must look to the past."
"Everything truly happens with purpose and reason. You will see the whole picture in time."
"These are not my humans; these are humans, and they have emotions and feelings just like I do."
"Science concerns itself with descriptive claims; it seeks to understand how the world is."
"All we have to do to fall in love is to be witness to somebody rather than know them."
"When we come to see that thought is a force, a manifestation of energy, having a magnet-like power of attraction, we will begin to understand the why and wherefore of many things that have heretofore seemed dark to us."
"How can you criticise others? How much do you know about them, why they did that? Give them the benefit of the doubt. And you have a happy life."
"Neither party is in the wrong. They both owned up to their mistakes and worked things out, which is very mature of them both."
"There are people who view the world very differently from you, and so you have to train your brain to be able to see things from a different perspective."
"Understanding people better as individuals allows us to view people on the other side of the aisle as people, not as enemies."
"Don't try to stop it, understand it first. Because everyone's trying to stop it, and no one is bothering to listen to what the experience of these men are."
"Diversity isn't about what you look like, it's about having people of different perspectives and backgrounds to help us better understand the world we live in."
"There's such tremendous power in conversation. We only know what we're told about people and the snippets that people want us to see."
"Value judgment about what the person is doing is not what the question is about. It's about how they are feeling, how they are doing, what's going on inside of them."
"The most important thing I believe that we need to do is we need to understand the dynamic, not the diagnosis."
"You've got this. It might just take some time, might just take some understanding, but you can definitely recover."
"Until you don't become the experience itself, you don't understand it."
"With the benefit of hindsight, we know exactly what they meant by this, of course."
"I hope you stick around so maybe you can understand my viewpoint a little bit better."
"Real strength isn't just about power; it's about understanding and intelligence."
"Scholarship is about understanding things and getting them right."
"I think if you're getting with a woman, you should try and see her in all her seasons."
"Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established."
"Love is built in the space between two people, and we tend to think of love as an internal feeling that exists inside one person, but that's not the way this works."
"Nobody understands the human condition less than the people whose job it is to bring it to you on television every night."
"I walked away very encouraged by your capacity to hold a respectful and charitable space for those who see things differently than you."
"Many of you are stuck in impossible situations that nobody else understands. The only one who understands is you and Allah."
"You cannot lie to a twin flame; they know you inside out."
"You stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for an offense, flaw, or mistake."
"And you have shown me that there are people out there who feel that same way."
"The heart knows things that the mind cannot understand."
"You can't fix a complex system unless you understand it."
"We live in a world where everyone wants to have an opinion. We need to start talking about empathy and understanding."
"We have a new understanding of what causes aging and even how to slow it down."
"It's not what's wrong with you, it's what happened to you."