
Science Education Quotes

There are 300 quotes

"Kids were using these scientific ways of exploring the world and thinking about questions to try to understand their own sort of selves, their own origin story, their own place in the world."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Science is the language of nature, and learning how to think like a scientist means you are learning how to systematically seek out truth in the world."
"Gravity pulls things together here on Earth. If you jump out the window, with very high confidence, you will fall down, you will not fall up under the force of gravity."
"The first time people come across the uncertainty principle is the idea of position or momentum: that if we know the position of something with a certain accuracy, we have less accuracy in measuring its momentum, and vice versa."
"Friends and colleagues, I'm delighted to be here talking to you, giving you a very brief tour on gravity."
"Science may be full of mysteries; it doesn't have to be mysterious to us. Citizens can learn, in general form, what some of the leading questions are in any given area of inquiry."
"If you're not astonished by quantum mechanics, then you haven't understood it."
"Evolution is a fact, the theory of evolution by natural selection is the scientific theory that explains that fact."
"We have choices we can make: let fanatical religious minorities dictate public policy and drag our science education and literacy back to the Middle Ages."
"I was often struck and rather bewildered and perplexed as to how anyone could go through a four-year university program in the natural sciences, especially the life sciences, and come out atheist at the other end." - Jonathan McClatchy
"You could not just do a brick in the wall model from fire, earth, water, and air to get to the periodic table. You actually need to go all the way back in the decision tree to the question, 'What is it made of? What are the fundamentals?' and rebuild from there."
"Science literacy is a vaccine against charlatans of the world that would exploit your ignorance of the forces of nature."
"Kids need to be able to explore freely... It's those seeds of curiosity that are the foundation of what it is to become a scientist."
"The theory of evolution is not something to believe in; it is a scientific theory based on facts."
"The freest, most liberal societies are secular...on an exam with biology, physics, and chemistry, the answer isn't 'God did it'."
"GMO crops are not bad for you in any sense at all."
"Why not learn about real climate science from people other than those who echo your belief that it's all a conspiracy?"
"If parents can teach their children laws of science such as the law of causality or the law of biogenesis, then they are implicitly teaching their children that God exists because these laws point to a creator."
"Understanding the basics helps empower patients... every cell needs oxygen to survive."
"Science itself is a process. It's the scientific process." - Josh Feuerstein
"Keep your creation mythology out of our science classes, kicker God out of our governments... and stop using religion as an excuse to prevent the progression of scientific advancements." - Unknown
"The best way to illustrate quantum coherence is with the good ol’ double-slit experiment."
"Science is a process of understanding the physical world, not a declaration or verdict."
"Science literacy is not memorizing how your microwave oven works, it's about how your brain is wired for thought."
"Intelligent design is not science, there's no place in the science classroom."
"We need to foster a sense of wonder in the next generation. What have we done? It's not just about the God question, it's teaching science and math."
"Evolution isn't just Darwin's theory... it has continued well beyond Darwin."
"It can’t be stressed enough that there is no mechanism by which mRNA can produce DNA in the human body, nor implement DNA into the human genome. It is literally impossible."
"Does discussing scientific evidence that might conflict with the paradigm of naturalism equate with teaching religion in a science course?"
"So if you ever hear anyone misrepresenting the second law of thermodynamics or the concept of entropy in general, you now know how to correct them."
"If you're an unvaccinated child and you understand science and you don't just listen to what your parents say please urge them to get you vaccinated."
"In order to really understand evolution you have to get your mind around incomprehensible time spans."
"5G towers are radioactive. So is the glowing banana, the ocean, the glowing face on your watch, and yet somehow we don't have a rash of wrist tumors."
"Trust bust Google, they have too much power and with that too much corruption."
"Chemistry is the study of matter molecules change their bonds. It is fascinating."
"It's like you're in a kitchen, pulling out chemical bonds of your ingredients."
"Photosynthesis! It is not some kind of abstract scientific thing. You would be dead without plants and their magical- nay, SCIENTIFIC ability to convert sunlight, carbon dioxide and water into glucose and pure, delicious oxygen."
"So the following experiment we are going to do was an experiment that Michael Faraday described in his own words as 'Beautiful,' underlined."
"Humans are primates just in case you didn't know, you're animals."
"Dr. Stone still manages to make being a scientist feel like the coolest thing ever, highlighting how on Earth's default settings scientific knowledge is tantamount to a superpower."
"Remember that evolution is descent with inherent modification."
"They're getting closer, man. If they keep studying their Bible, keep studying the science, they're going to be an independent Baptist when they're done. You get done climbing the mountain of truth, that's where you end up, you know?"
"The god of the gaps thinking... is accurately described as leading to a dead end in learning about the world."
"In my opinion, the Sun is a star." Tywin Lannister: No, that's not an opinion, it's a fact!
"It's an opportunity to engage the broader public in doing science."
"New space has spawned a new breed of online science communicators."
"Having a scientifically literate general public is one of the best things that this world could have."
"Kids who are educated this way are repeatedly taught all the wrong arguments against science."
"Why do we ask every child to learn science from primary school? Because even if you're not a scientist, knowing something about the world around us empowers us as citizens."
"The earth is round, Flat Earth? That's ridiculous."
"The energy from the Sun, both light and heat, originates from nuclear fusion. So, this is what we're teaching in science classes."
"Teach children about science keep everyone in learn knowledge is power knowledge is power thank you appreciate it."
"Science is wonderful, it's fun, it's exciting, and it's as enjoyable to understand as listening to a sonnet."
"Evolution is a part of science; it is not at odds with science."
"Reality as understood by science is amazing and wonderful... and we now have a very good understanding of that."
"Geology, paleontology, oceanography, meteorology, and others—the earth sciences are fascinating."
"David Goodstein's contributions to science education and advocacy for a sustainable future left a lasting legacy."
"Chemistry isn't random so no it's not at all like dropping toothpicks and randomly having them form letters."
"Do you believe in evolution? We came from a macromolecule. You ought to be proud of it."
"Science is just knowledge about the natural world based on facts."
"Science is the opposite of common sense. It is there to show us that our eyes can easily be deceived."
"Teach evolution as a fact 'cause that's what it is."
"Evolution... a valid scientific model... but it's not an ultimate truth."
"To deprive children of the great knowledge that science has provided is in the 21st century now is a great tragedy for them."
"Helium can lift stuff because it is less dense than air."
"If nobody told us otherwise we'd logically assume that the earth was flat, motionless with everything in the sky revolving around us."
"Water is always level, whether it's in a glass, bathtub, swimming pool, lake, or ocean."
"The earth is round, all you flat earthers out there quit it quit pretending."
"Why are they talking about the most basic part of science?"
"You can't be scientifically literate or an educated member of society if you don't understand the rudiments of evolution."
"We'll kick it up a notch since we got the rainbow, so spectroscopy is the study of rainbows."
"The whole point of science is to question things, propose a hypothesis and contest the hypothesis."
"What is nuclear fusion? How can just one glass of anything contain as much energy as 10 million pounds of coal?"
"The Earth is round. Keep doing your homework."
"It's important that we have more figures like Bill Nye."
"At a time of such division and politics and elections and all this garbage, this is an exercise in science and math."
"Nuclear fusion is the same process that powers our sun and every other star in the universe."
"Gravity is stronger over oceans than land. The spinning gaseous sun should be oblate, it's almost a perfect sphere."
"It's like going from the Flat Earth to a spherical earth."
"How do we know the shape of the earth? Well, I'm happy to let scientists share our best answers from the 21st century."
"I am now looking at my life like... but I'm grateful I'm alive."
"Do you know why a ship floats and a stone cannot?"
"The living things are cells; we are communities of cells, about 50 trillion cells making us up." - Bruce Lipton
"Physics is the primal science; if you want to study biology, you've got to know physics before you know biology." - Rupert Sheldrake
"Smooth ER: hub for lipid synthesis, detoxification, and calcium storage."
"You just sort of have to have some basic understanding of science."
"Now cotton, what is cotton chemically speaking?"
"Don't stick your hand in liquid oxygen. Don't try and drink it. It would be bad."
"This isn't rocket science we're dealing with here."
"It's also nice to see people throwing money and just learning about the galaxy."
"Remember, five carbon has a phosphate, three carbon has an OH group. Difference between oxyribose and deoxyribose is the OH on the second carbon."
"That's not a miracle, that's science, is essentially what I was claiming."
"I think if you can understand the power of the atom, I'm pretty sure you could get your head around the power of veto."
"They love rockets and are excited. That will be a cool trip."
"To understand where we came from—how earth, the solar system, the galaxy became what they are today—we need to understand how it all began."
"he is the reason many young stem professionals today ever built up an interest in science"
"Anatomy and physiology are essential to understanding the human body."
"Thanks to today's sponsor brilliant you don't have to go through all that to learn and understand Fields such as math data science and computer science."
"Science is not a belief system. You show them evidence, and then they either accept it or reject it."
"Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it's transformed."
"Our future depends on producing and encouraging highly competent, ethically responsible young scientists."
"Birds are living dinosaurs... evidence of evolution in progress."
"If you've ever touched mercury, you know it doesn't really stick to your hands in the same way that water will."
"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, so when you're applying force onto the object to change its direction the object is also applying force onto your hand."
"You're not breathing in just oxygen you'd be dead; you're living in a soup of gases."
"The pH plus the pOH always adds up to 14 at 25 degrees Celsius."
"The stronger acid has the lower pka value, whereas the weaker acid has the higher pka value."
"Remember, bases have a pH that's greater than seven; acids have a pH that's less than seven."
"Science isn't about the subject matter; it's about the methodologies."
"Learning about how evolution works actually made me more in awe of the natural world."
"I would love to learn astronomy and biology, chemistry."
"There's Carbon-14 dating; I won't hit you with lots of scientific detail, but essentially, we can measure the amount on Carbon-14 in bone."
"Unstoppable, you see, based on Newton's first law of motion..."
"Understanding the speed of light is crucial to unlocking the enigmatic nature of time."
"We have to start with science literacy for children and young people."
"When you understand the science of mitochondria and metabolism, you can actually connect all of those dots."
"Voltage is the push that causes the current to flow."
"Gold, silver, aluminum, or copper? Which metal is the best conductor of electricity?"
"We're really interested in trying to get science and pop culture to mix."
"Buoyancy is an object's ability to sink or float."
"If you're not scientifically literate, you will be left behind, that's just how it is."
"It's easy, you watch Bill Nye the Science Guy while you're in school there you watch Bill Nye saves the world on Netflix listen to Ross Anderson at the Atlantic and you listen to Startalk and turn it up loud bingo."
"Everybody should have to take an introductory biology course and an introductory Physics course just to know the world you're living in."
"Science is the systematic study of the natural world."
"Evolution isn't just a belief system it's a scientific theory and it's the best one we have."
"Trying to do physics without math is like trying to drive without gas in the tank."
"Science is not incompatible with Indian philosophy... these two go hand in hand."
"Science isn't a big book of facts, it's a process of finding things out."
"Science isn't just a big book of facts that you have to memorize, it's a way of processing information."
"Chemistry is a fascinating subject. It's essentially the study of how atoms and molecules change."
"With a catchy name and signature bow tie, Bill Nye taught generations of kids that science can be cool. Cool is just what I want to talk about today."
"Teaching actual science like evolution will hurt."
"Creationism fails at every step of the scientific process."
"Understanding evolution provides a kind of roadmap against the inner confusion."
"When we look up at the stars at night, we're looking back in time. The light takes years to get here."
"Singling out evolution... is very bad science education and also is legally dangerous."
"Earth is much older than 5,783 years, and the universe is much, much older than Earth."
"A red apple is only red because the tissue of the apple absorbs all other light other than red."
"I used to be a young earth creationist... my biggest frustration was that no one really explained why we know and how we know the things that we know."
"There's some sort of thing that you can really do to have much more fun when it comes to building your own legacy, to changing your career, to changing your legacy, to recreate yourself."
"Without a young earth, you can't keep your Sunday school stories as a guide to earth and life history."
"I do hope that some kid see it and get into science and enjoy it."
"It's called what is it called so the demon haunted world science as a candle in the dark."
"They don't understand the difference between observational science and historical sciences."
"The fact of evolution is observable and repeatable, and it's wonderful."
"We thought, 'Wouldn't it be fun to devise a test for each other to see how much rudimentary science knowledge we've still retained.'"
"The Earth is not flat, weirdly enough, thanks TikTok."
"Science is about asking questions and seeking evidence."
"But there is one classification that is, by far, the most important: Every particle is either a fermion, which is a matter particle, or a boson, which is a force particle."
"Science is not a set of facts but the methodology that establishes those facts." - "Good communicators spark interest in the process of understanding."
"Learn about plants' ecology, evolution, and adaptation to their environment."
"Entropy of the universe always increases. Heat will flow from a hot coffee cup into the table."
"It's not magic, it's just really cool science."
"This is evolution, this is science, this is nature."
"Sunscreen helps protect us from a type of light, UV or ultraviolet light, which also goes by its formal name ultraviolet radiation."
"It's difficult to know where to start because there are so many proofs that the earth is round."
"Chemistry is usually a huge pain, but sometimes it just works."
"We shouldn't fear engaging with evolution; it will strengthen our belief."
"Stop thinking the mitochondria is just nerdy stuff that doesn't apply it in you because it's just born biochem no it applies to you."
"Saying that anything in science is our God or is our religion is absurdity because we question everything, we assume nothing, and we follow the evidence wherever it leads."
"I seriously didn't know that. It stands for 'light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.' Okay, makes sense."
"Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. So, to break it down simply enough..."
"Observation can be an experiment if you make a prediction for a thing to happen."
"All I'm interested in is getting people interested in learning how the universe really works."
"Acceleration means it speeds up, and do you know what causes acceleration? Gravity, that's right."
"Chemistry is a subject which teaches you skills that no other subject or even science can."
"To reject this truth or to treat it as one theory among others is to deliberately embrace scientific ignorance."
"We know the earth is round because we have photographic evidence."
"I long for civilization to develop a level of science literacy."
"Chemistry is one of those things that seems really hard to define."
"Gravity is super important for humans or for a lot of other life on planet Earth."
"Electrolytes are electronically charged minerals."
"Science today on Science Max, it's all about gas pressure. Low pressure, high pressure, good ideas, a nucleation fountain, and bad ones."
"A candy such as this has a ton of little tiny microscopic imperfections, so when you drop it in, there's a lot more places for the bubbles to attach, and that makes the carbonation happen a lot quicker."
"Tragically, we have managed to simultaneously trivialize and complicate science education."
"Greetings, Science Maximize! Welcome to Science Max Experiments at Large. My name is Phil, and today we're going to be looking at the power of magnets."
"I think it’s really important to show them that science is not about memorizing facts."
"A fierce advocate for the public understanding of Science."
"Learning science by solving problems and working on puzzles... is the best way to master a subject."
"Chemistry is the central science."
"You don't need to wait until you're a grown-up to be a scientist. You can explore and make lots of discoveries all around you, just like a scientist."
"I am going to keep looking for ways to not waste water because I am Sid the Science Kid."
"Parents and Science educates parents about science and provides a forum to learn about emerging discoveries and to engage in an intellectual exchange with scientists and with each other."
"Knowing that exposing kids to science can impact them in such a meaningful way makes it immensely rewarding."
"The chemical and physical foundations of biological systems section of the MCAT can be a challenge, especially if you sit down to take the MCAT unprepared."
"Have a look at just an actual science on this subject, read a book by an actual biologist, somebody who has studied our evolution, and just look at it with an open mind."
"King Phillip came over for great soup: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species."
"Photosynthesis... you use carbon dioxide and you produce oxygen."
"Having a successful science center is more about how you introduce the items or materials that you have there and how you set your students up for success with those things."
"A generalized cell is made up of three basic parts: a plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and a nucleus."
"During my Biochemistry BSc, I became very interested in the structural biology aspect of science."
"The atomic number is actually the number of protons found in an atom."
"Mysterious, strange. This is cool science."
"A healthy understanding of science sparks the imagination."
"The four main functions here of epithelium is what? Line, protect, secrete, absorb."
"Everything I learned in 10th grade science... we just threw that all out the door."
"We could change our future if more kids would enjoy science and math."
"The Earth isn't flat, and I have one of the simplest observations to prove it to you."
"It's not really magic, it's science, but you don't have to tell anyone that."
"In order to understand electricity, we must first understand matter."