
Self-exploration Quotes

There are 805 quotes

"Kids were using these scientific ways of exploring the world and thinking about questions to try to understand their own sort of selves, their own origin story, their own place in the world."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What we can do to optimize our wellness is a journey that we all can undertake, exploring both our inner selves and the ways we interact with the world around us."
"The journey I've been on, and the way I have found to do that, is to strip away layers, is to peel away layers of the onion."
"Recovery and discovery. Recovery of our past, recovery of what we're dealing with right now, and then discovery, which is the magical moments."
"It's through our philosophical explorations that we can identify contradictions in our own life, resolve them, and transcend current challenges."
"The willingness only comes from the pain and the willingness to change or to go very very deeply into the wound."
"I wrote that piece because I needed a bit of it was during a, you know, intensely sort of healing process. I was really using the tool of writing to help kind of explore my own heart and my feelings."
"Your shadow contains both positive and negative qualities."
"Solo pleasure is a natural and healthy means for both men and women to explore their bodies and desires."
"What do you really want from your life if you had no limitations, if you had all the money, all the time, and all the talents and all the abilities?"
"Once you learn to go to those places inside of yourself that you've always been afraid of, the way you live your entire life is now subject to change."
"The only way to get to the source is to work at the being level, go internally, look within, turn your whole life into a meditation."
"I find that exploring just about anything and understanding yourself deeper and better and having a greater experience of yourself is almost always an overwhelmingly positive experience."
"My intention is not to get married, not to have children, not to have enough wealth to travel around and see the world; my intention is liberation, my intention is to explore the depth of my being."
"Allow your heart to be free and follow what makes you feel passionate."
"Treat yourself like the most interesting adventure ever."
"Depth means more eyes on the issues. Depth means engaging with the politics. Depth means exploring our own desires and beliefs vigilantly."
"Trust the third eye, go within, and I think that's the key thing here."
"I think there's so much loneliness we haven't explored within ourselves yet."
"The right question to ask is, 'What would I do and love every day even if I were failing?'"
"You're accessing depths of your being that you have not experienced before, bringing more solutions to you."
"Psychedelics are very helpful tools in exploring the mystery and discovering more about ourselves and the extraordinary gift of being alive as a human being."
"Do these things actually make me happy? So I was willing to give it a shot."
"It's a very intimate and self-exploring experience for the artists to muster up the willpower to illustrate their own face."
"The goal of that is not just to understand it, but to be able to then look inside ourselves and see whether we can actually develop deeper resources, deeper strengths, in dealing with these situations."
"Encouraging people to explore their core beliefs."
"Shadow work is all about embracing the darkness within you."
"You can't live your life not accessing everything that's on the device and expect to be a reflection of the image of God."
"Spirituality is about having a connection with a higher power where you can explore issues in your life and resolve those issues."
"By opening yourself up to that inner darkness, cheesy as it sounds, you let in the light."
"The good news is you don't have to be a part of a community if you don't feel it represents you. You can go on about your business and figure out who you are."
"Explore yourself. I'm here for when you get home."
"Check us out; we're getting into a deeper dive type version of ourselves and really sharing some vulnerable stories that have shaped our opinions over the show."
"Therapy is your space, your story, your experience."
"I still have to figure out what works for me, and I'm trying to deal with the fact that that's okay."
"I'm kind of just like an undefined canvas; I'm always looking for something new to do, something new to learn."
"We are really limitless; there's a part of you that can't be defined."
"We don't owe them an explanation first; we owe ourselves an explanation because we owe ourselves the obligation to understand the Book of Allah better."
"Therapy doesn't work by going into a therapist's office and just talking about positive stuff; therapy is about talking through all your deepest, darkest secrets."
"Those two things exist inside of me, and my attempt to make sense of that apparent contradiction is what makes me a writer."
"Isolation can bring us to the deepest, darkest places, but it can also illuminate the most intimate parts of our creativity and soul."
"The only true philosophy that matters is a philosophy of self-exploration."
"Psychedelics open the door for you, but it's still up to you to walk through that door and walk that path in your actual life."
"Not until you have gone deeply and searchingly into your inner nature and have overcome many enemies that lurk there, can you have any approximate conception of the subtle power of thought, of its inscrutable relation to outward and material things, or of its magical potency when rightly poised and directed."
"Inquiry is the only thing I know to break the spell."
"If Karl is attracted to other men but only when inhabiting a female avatar, can virtual reality allow us access previously dormant aspects of our 'self'?"
"Experiment with what makes you feel comfortable and happy."
"Yoga is a journey. It's an experience. It's all about exploring not just your physical body but also your inner self."
"If I've been masking for decades and only just got an autism diagnosis later in life, then the question of 'who am I?' behind the mask is a serious question that takes some time to explore and to answer."
"I am driven by... really trying to figure out who I am and just to have more happy days than unhappy days."
"What better subject to study than ourselves? What better subject to interrogate and investigate daily?"
"Honor your shadow self and let it reveal any hidden mysteries to you. A completion is near."
"What they were doing was taking advantage of a unique situation in world history of an affluence that gave people the opportunity to ask deep questions: Who am I? What do I really want in the world?"
"There's a whole world inside of you. That's the key."
"I want to ring the sponge of every ounce of potential. I want to find out exactly what I could become."
"What would you do if you could control your dreams? Would you fly, travel the universe, learn more about yourself, or manifest things in your life instead?"
"Forget about what is trendy. Forget about all the free guides...Start with yourself."
"Creativity... involves something larger than yourself somehow moving or doing something in your life. That's the anima function too."
"There is great value in each of us exploring multiple viewpoints not just our own."
"We are the universe trying to understand itself, and the more we go, the more the universe become alive, maybe intelligent, and maybe also conscious."
"Solitude is the journey of the alone to the alone."
"Art is about two things: 'Who am I?' and 'What is true?'"
"When I open myself up to the full spectrum of experience, I give myself permission to explore the depths of my being."
"You're never gonna be closed off to experiencing something, with the exception of a few very specific things."
"Feel it from your core. What do you want? Tell me what you want."
"We're still finding parts that need to be healed, but it's natural. Ask these questions of that place in your body and wait for the answers to come."
"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self."
"Feeling safe makes us push ourselves, be ourselves, to challenge ourselves. Because when you feel safe, you can truly live life freely."
"Nowadays, I'll be feeling mad spiritual, digging through my soul and finding something lyrical."
"Pausing and allowing yourself to sort of be in that moment is exploring what it means to not do that."
"I went into a counselor to find out if I was schizophrenic. That's how powerful it was."
"The body is the vehicle, consciousness the driver. Yoga is the path, and the Chakras are the map."
"You're not going to know what you're good at until you try a lot of different things."
"Making journaling really honest. You're not doing it from a point of judgment, but a point of curiosity."
"Inhabit your own life, be yourself, live in and interact with the world."
"Let us not be afraid to map the chaos inside of us. Let us create a map that will guide us into the heart of darkness."
"What I'm struggling with now is how do I keep that going? How do I honor her, and who am I?"
"Role-playing games are often wonderful because they let us explore versions of ourselves that are more heroic, more powerful than we have the opportunity to be in our everyday lives."
"It's all about exploring the self in new ways to find success strategies so that you can evolve into the person that you want to be, and not the one that you were."
"The more that we cling to this idea about what a man should be... that will just limit you. It will stop you from exploring so many other things that could be a lot more interesting."
"In a lucid dream, you are placed in an environment where you have total control over everything."
"The Socratic method involves asking deep questions about a person's beliefs to help them better understand themselves and society through cooperative dialogue."
"Our collective unconscious is a map of sorts. We hold the key but we don't know how to use it."
"You deserve to be happy. You owe it to yourself to really explore the things in life that bring you joy."
"You have to look. Winning requires you to go so far deep inside yourself, it's way beyond the surface, it's way beyond internal."
"If you want genuine tools of transformation... we will give you tools, to experience or touch a dimension, which is inward."
"It's based, like I said, it's me talking about who I am, who I'm not, who I want to be, who I don't want to be, who I can't be, you know. It's everything."
"And when you start to engage in these exercises, you become far more interested in what matters to you, as opposed to going through the motions because you think you should."
"This thing takes you to your nature, to get to know who you are."
"Playing this game will show people who have been wondering how would it actually be if I was in charge."
"Between 18 and 29, the world will try to tell you what works for you. You can't know that without trying a lot of things."
"I think it's every person's right and kind of their mission to go through their own journey with religion."
"It's always been with you, you've always had the capacity to create, are you willing to do that?"
"Whatever you're struggling with today, until you finally understand what's driving you, you'll continue to wrestle with that until you die."
"Give yourself a chance to see the world differently and see how that feels to you in this moment in time."
"When the answers start coming up, and it gets a little bit uncomfortable, that's where the real work comes in."
"Individual exploration is always a good place to start."
"What is the current value in your life that you're looking for and what does that require?"
"Being a pilgrim means connecting to places that are bigger than me."
"Taking risks and welcoming yourself in spaces that you've never graced your presence in before is important."
"What I would say is when you let yourself become the therapy gecko you will be the best therapy gecko you have to let it take you for a ride you can't you know turn on the engine and just go and tell it where to go you got to let it take you."
"Happiness is a deep thing because... you lift the lid and there's all sorts of stuff going on underneath."
"Exploring and discovering yourself is most important."
"I've spent the last five years meditating every day, doing deep inner work, man unraveling [ __ ] that I didn't even know was there."
"Thought experiments are ridiculous, but they help you understand yourself."
"Du Bois, like all great intellectuals, gave us the vocabulary to explain ourselves to ourselves."
"Be curious about where that dream comes from."
"I cannot teach you, but I can help you explore yourself. And I think that's going to be the beginning of people breaking more culture out there."
"I just feel like I wanna dive deeper into things that I've really always wanted to do."
"Embrace love and intimate relationships, create or build or explore an intimate relationship with yourself as well."
"There's more than just this regular routine life that comes easier to you, there's more than just even your physical body."
"Have that childlike wonder about yourself and really embrace your past talents or skills."
"Stay true to yourself, don't be afraid to lean into your fears, into the unknown."
"I don't have to be something that somebody says I'm supposed to be. I can figure this out and think through it."
"I think everybody kind of owes it. I think it's like morally you have an imperative to explore those special gifts you have in the biggest way possible."
"Psychedelics are teaching tools for learning."
"If something doesn't feel right, that means you've got to explore it."
"We have to go on this journey, y'all, and it has to be internal."
"I hate Trump and everything but now I'm kind of... figuring out my politics a little bit without him."
"You can be both, and maybe we can use all of those aspects of masculinity that make us strong men to explore the hidden inner parts of ourselves."
"You are life passing through your body, passing through your mind, passing through yourself."
"Last question: Where do you find fulfillment outside of work and family?"
"The courage to venture into the deepest depths of our very being and explore our most sacred of places."
"The benefit of placing oneself in the thick of a screenplay is at the heart of writing is to take yourself to unknown places."
"The search for wholeness should really take place within."
"Embrace change and explore different aspects of your personality."
"Travel, figure out what impassions you, what gets you fired up."
"I'm embracing that shadow side, I'm going down the path of the unknown."
"This level of fear can actually choke your ability to find the unique thing that's interesting and exciting to you."
"It's really about finding what you're excited about."
"Give yourself permission to explore opportunities and old dreams."
"Life is exploring my mind, changing it when I play a character who believes something I don't believe."
"You're needing to kind of feel your way through this naturally."
"This experiment allowed me to open myself up to truly be vulnerable."
"What parts of yourself are you ready to bust through? Where are you ready to be more of yourself?"
"Experiment and find out what feels best for you."
"Have the courage to go deep inside yourself, put the blinders up, and pursue the path worth enduring."
"A Libra lunar eclipse that is truly a deeper invitation into your soul."
"For the magic to work, you have to be willing to get vulnerable, you have to be willing to dive into your psyche."
"It's wise to use this energy to explore our emotional needs and encourages us to find balance between various polarities occurring in our lives."
"We're all looking for passion. Passions all around you. You have a whole [ __ ] stack of it all around you. It's your insecurities, all that [ __ ]. You gotta dive deep into that [ __ ]."
"Somehow the focus is a lot so there's a lot of focus like you're peeling layers of desire from you."
"It's an art form of self-exploration and to like figure things out like why do I believe what I believe why do I feel this way."
"Explorer energy: you're exploring yourself, embracing your feminine energy."
"I'm excited to explore who I am for real because I feel like I am who my parents raised me to be but, and they raised me right, you know, they raised me well."
"Consciousness and the expansion of consciousness are being oppressed... that's why the exploration of self is quintessential."
"Making a decision, we're going to into the unseen part of ourselves, using faculties most people don't even know they've got."
"Your shadow self is supposed to be selfish, supposed to be stubborn, supposed to do whatever the heck they want because it takes a lot for you to get to that point."
"What are your deepest desires? How do you define passion?"
"I think that freedom is so important, the freedom to be able to make mistakes not just for your teammates or your coaches to see but like that own personal freedom of like, no I, I can try [__]."
"There's something about you that you're not tapping into or showing people... give them a chance to see it this month."
"Try something you've never done before because many of you, you're connecting or reconnecting with your twin flame."
"Embark on some kind of like a very personal adventure... it's going to be so powerful."
"Allow yourself the space for self-discovery."
"Cultivate that passion and really look into yourself."
"There are journeys of consciousness that no one can take but you."
"Every character you play is weirdly an examination of a piece of you."
"Spice up your me time, explore your fantasies."
"Your dreams might really want you to get in touch with your feminine side."
"It's time for you to look inward and begin asking yourself the big questions: who and what do you want?"
"Instead of going on an outward travel, I always travel inward. It's a bigger space."
"So what happens is... trying to figure out what I was interested in... just the ability to be creative."
"Your dreams are going to have a lot of information for you; consider starting a dream journal."
"Break free from these limiting mind frames, break free from your safe zone."
"Everyone deserves a right to live their life the way they believe they're meant to and figure out for themselves where they're right and where they might be wrong."
"You're gonna find a lot of happiness by looking inward, by being with yourself, by exploring who you really are."
"I challenge you to take off a week or two in your life and just see what happens."
"When we find an edge and we lean into that edge and we have the courage to explore uncertainty, the mystery, and what's unknown, then we grow and we expand."
"This is the year of experimentation. It's not even necessarily about being understood, it's not even necessarily about having everything figured out. This year is the breakdown of old structures of consciousness."
"Through your own exploration, enthusiasm, and optimism you are about to find out the next stage of your life."
"A wise Sage once said there is only one question that really matters: What is it that you are unwilling to feel?"
"Focus on exploring your creative side, your spiritual side."
"Sometimes, the most important mysteries are those within ourselves."
"There is an interesting time to experiment... like, who am I when I'm not doing things out of obligation?"
"I love anything that makes me just feel out of myself."
"Everything you are looking for really is inside of you. Look within, keep an open heart and mind, and then follow your intuition. Beyond thought, there is a knowing that embraces all knowledge."
"It's worthwhile to have answers to the questions that people will ask about your answers."
"Eternity is far more creative than the rigid, constrained, and exhausted ego."
"What happens when the spiritual energy becomes more oriented towards the individual, the self, the will, your own spark, your own fire?"
"You've created your own belief system if not entirely and thoroughly questioned your existing one."
"Safety comes from getting comfortable with the uncertainty of it all, knowing that you are always going to be able to move through the different layers of yourself."
"It's so much more interesting to understand why you believe what you believe."
"I think it's, right now I'm just really, I think I want to go weird."
"Any exploration of them cannot help but provide us with insights into the nature of ourselves and our relationship to the universe."
"The focus in Hinduism is on developing your own thinking power, your own number of exploration."
"giving yourself permission to go wherever your thoughts take you"
"The multi-dimensional aspect of ourselves and the universe—this is where the key is. You must begin to enter the multi-dimensional continuum and begin to experience it for yourself."
"I've never done more personal exploration than when I was alone."
"I've always had this super complicated relationship with my gender identity, which to a point makes me sometimes contemplate whether or not I'm gender-fluid."
"I think experimenting and just looking at yourself in a more objective way helps."
"Your inner child is going to be alive, your inner child who's not afraid of the boogeyman, your inner child who's not afraid to try something."
"So what are your non-work related hobbies? What are you doing for fun and for free that is just for play, just for your inner child?"
"Therapy is like a dress rehearsal, a place to try on different ways of being."
"Facing yourself is part of the process. It's like an initiation, literally going through hell and the underworld."
"Some people need to go to that place where they ask really hard questions about what they believe about the Bible, about God, about gender, about sex, about marriage."
"Give yourself time to figure out what commitment means for you."
"Therapy has helped me a lot because they ask the really difficult questions."
"Step into your inner feminine energy, let the inner wisdom shine through."
"Playing around with accents and trying to explore different parts of accents and identities helped me understand myself better."
"Everyone is afraid of themselves... the most exhilarating thing a human can do is dive within... I love you raising the Earth's vibration by just being here."