
Identity Quotes

There are 79743 quotes

"As humans, we are driven to say 'I was here; here's my handprint. I'm going to spit it onto a rock so forevermore anybody else comes in here is going to see that it was me who was here.'"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nature versus nurture and how we come to be who we are."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I have learned in my adult life to anchor my identity to why I do the things I do rather than what I do."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It is impossible to exist in this world without knowing who you are and your identity and your past."
"I'm Chloe, I'm a girl. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, it's a beautiful thing, and I've learned to embrace that."
"Your structure as a human being is the sum total of everything you've ever consumed."
"Anyone who's had experience with Alzheimer's disease knows the agony of watching someone fade away as it steals memory and, at the end, a person's own identity."
"You are not your depression, your depression doesn't have to define you."
"Do you commit crimes because you are a criminal, or do you become a criminal because you commit a crime?"
"An identity check is critical because the only way you're going to bounce back from what is going to happen in life is to have a strong sense of self."
"Our belief around our identity is what shapes a lot of our mindset."
"Gender dysphoria involves a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender they identify with, causing significant distress."
"You're a person, you're a human being. You're a son, you're a daughter, you're a husband, father, whatever it is. That's what you are."
"Move from 'I can't' to 'I don't'. 'I don't' is much more a personal, lifestyle, identity type decision, rather than an external forces type decision."
"I'm not who I think I am, I'm not who you think I am, I'm who I think you think I am."
"What you pay attention to is what defines you as a person."
"I'm an American, and I can't lie to you guys."
"All I know is hide, and all hide knows is me. Am I hide? Is hide me? What is the meaning of hide?"
"When you're born and you grow up, a lot of the ideas and the concepts that define who you are have been socially conditioned."
"You get to not play the part; you get to change the role; you get to put on a new mask or take the mask off altogether."
"Your brand vision is your vision for the future. This is what you're leading your followers toward. Your brand identity is your story, where you came from, and how you transformed."
"Feel in alignment with the highest version of your self-identity. You feel like, 'Oh, I match where I want to be.'"
"Your struggle is what made you who you are now."
"I am not what I think I am; I am not what you think I am; I am what I think you think I am."
"The worst person to determine who you are is often times you... The rest of the world sees you differently than you see yourself."
"You're not the body; you have a body. You're not the mind; you have a mind. You are an avenue of awareness."
"There is a very real difference between being a victim and making victimhood an identity."
"I'm not a business man. I'm a business, man!" - Jay Z.
"The only identity I found that has served me is to be that of the learner."
"I'm not smart or dumb, I'm not rich or poor, I'm not good or bad; I'm just me."
"Play with who we want to be and who we want to grow into."
"People aren't who they are on their best days neither are they who they are on their worst days; they are who they are on most days."
"What we know matters but who we are matters more."
"Pride Month is obviously a wonderful time of the year. It's that one month where so many people who feel that they cannot express themselves can finally do that; they can finally be who they truly are."
"You can be fearfully and wonderfully made and not be convinced of it in your mind."
"This isn't about questioning anyone's sexuality or identity choices; everyone should live as they wish without judgment. However, the issue arises when straight black men in Hollywood find themselves pressured into compromising their public personas."
"The fine line between gangster rapper and gang member must be walked carefully because just one wrong step can be the difference between fame and glory or an early grave."
"Acting in a certain way makes you become a person, and then you can decide whether you want to still be that person after you become more emotionally mature."
"In the developed world, it's easy for us to have an identity, travel, prove our creditworthiness, and get credentials."
"Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got, I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block."
"I am not throwing away my shot! Hey yo, I'm just like my country, I'm young, scrappy, and hungry, and I'm not throwing away my shot!"
"If success changes your identity, it wasn't strong."
"My mere existence is a form of activism, especially in the body positivity community."
"Jamie Lee Curtis's quote: 'In the society, there is a genocide of authenticity.'"
"What do you feel like for you, has been your single-handedly biggest lesson in this life?...You're not who you think you are."
"The normality in our society is that people are disconnected from who they are."
"We create these identities; we can just as easily, if we choose to, create a different one."
"I think one of the reasons most of us don't know who we are is because we're making decisions that are inconsistent with that true cause, with that why."
"Life isn't about finding yourself; it's about creating yourself."
"It's hard to be a teenager trying to form an identity and gain independence in a shutdown."
"Your true self is not what you see in the mirror...your true self is immaterial and must be sought out."
"Whether or not you're Mexican is a statement of fact, but race, like gender, is a social construct. Ethnicity is not a social construct other than we are pointing to groups and determining how much you fit into there."
"This is about understanding and knowing how one feels about one's identity and how one wants to express it."
"It is being demonstrated time and time again that pop culture is fertile ground for belief, for identity formation, and Community formation."
"I am not what I think I am, I'm not what you think I am, I am what I think you think I am."
"I may never be a man," I tell him, "but I won't always be a girl either."
"I didn't want anything to define me except for me."
"Be very careful with what people say about human Origins and how human beings began because when you get Humanity's origin story wrong, you can change their relationship to themselves, you change their relationship with God."
"I'm gay according to the internet. That's my favorite one."
"Peace, peace, and black power, family. This is Jade Arrendelle, aka Lioness Crowned, your revolutionary and apologetically black host."
"Salute to the chat and everybody that's black and proud to be black every day."
"I remember telling my friend... 'If I lose Mormonism, I don't have anything to go to.' But the beautiful thing I found [was] maybe I could just be me."
"You can't know yourself unless you know your history."
"Culture is everything you do. What you eat, what you wear, how you walk, where you walk, what you say, everything that affects your lives on a daily basis."
"It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices."
"If you think that brands wearing corporate logos on your body increase your status, you have officially become brainwashed."
"The only smart way to go about identity is to adopt the identity of the learner."
"When you start feeling what it feels like to be you instead of what you'd become, that's very important."
"Don't forget to love the other things about yourself that aren't tied to the hours you put in working on something."
"We aren't defined by what has happened to us."
"I don't know, let's just clear one thing up: we know that Cheney is not Kim Kardashian; she's her own person."
"You will love again the stranger who was yourself."
"You get to be privileged and a victim at the same time. Pick one."
"It's about how you want to show up to the world, what values are important to you, what relationships you have, how you want to feel within yourself, how much integrity you have."
"Just by virtue of who you are, you have worth; you don't need to do anything to be worth something."
"DNA is the physical manifestation of who you are. It is your soul's physical aspect."
"Fashion has always been my defense mechanism."
"You are not the body, mind, or intellect; you are the witness of all these."
"Every word that you speak is a testament to who you believe you are."
"You are not somebody who becomes free; you are freedom itself."
"You think of yourself as a person now, but when you step back into your real nature, you are free of the person."
"Why am I so weird? I don't know why I'm so weird."
"I was born in West London, but I was made in the Royal Navy."
"I spent a very long time code-switching and conforming, and that's not freedom."
"You suffer because you don't know who you are. You confuse yourself with your body, mind experience."
"I am not the body, the body is not mine. I am not the mind, the mind is not mine."
"If you add to that variation in creativity, which gives you a kind of fluidity of identity, it's sort of a hallmark of creativity."
"Awakening means to suddenly recognize that the thoughts that go through your head continuously, but also the emotions that reflect those thoughts, are not who you are."
"This old age belongs to the body, not to me."
"Edward comes to terms with everything he has been, everything he is now, and everything he is to become."
"It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me."
"Sometimes it's only madness that makes us what we are."
"Start celebrating yourself. Look in the mirror and say, 'I am that girl. I am the main character.'"
"In trying to be authentic, we're just chasing the ideal of who society tells us we should be."
"Your brain is you. I don't think there is uploading your brain."
"The only pronoun we all need to share is human."
"It's about choosing to fight. I'm choosing to live. That's who I am."
"Instead of saying you're a typical observer, just saying you are you, and accepting that."
"Perhaps the largest problem plaguing both online and real-life politics today is our inability to separate people from their ideas."
"The largest problem is we don't allow the person to be separate from the ideas."
"You are the king and the queen and the princess, all of those energy systems within a human being."
"I am not what happens; I am the space in which everything happens."
"Freedom isn't just about being unchained; it's about choosing where you belong."
"We're fundamentally storytellers; that's what human beings are."
"Now Fumi demanded to know who she really was. She told him that she was the second princess of the kingdom."
"You are not an entity sitting inside your body. That is not who you really are."
"You have to intend to become your true self."
"In most of the modern versions, Bruce Wayne is the mask that Batman wears for convenience, and not in any way a person."
"I love today where that is not the case, and you do need to see people for how they identify themselves to better equip and empower them to achieve their hopes and dreams."
"Positive self-direction says I know who I am and I know where I want to go."
"At one point, there were more photos of me on Frankie's X Factor page than there were of Frankie."
"You have to always strike a balance between continuity and change, because if there is no change, then you have stagnation. And if too much change happens too quickly, then a sense of identity is lost."
"Multiculturalism is when one person can occupy more than one cultural space. You are multicultural when you can prepare those dishes."
"You're not only who you are right now and how you feel right now; you're this strange entity that exists right now but that already existed in the past and that is going to repeat itself into the future."
"Your identity is the story you tell about your actions in the world but it's also your actions in the world."
"In a world that's so mixed up and fouled up as we are, and so much distrust and unrest, God's people need to just be living out who God intended for us to be."
"You're ready to claim your space, to claim who you are and to say, 'Hey, this is me, and I'm accepting myself for me.'"
"I have the heart of a 16-year-old girl, okay? I'm aware. I know."
"The Babushka lady's identity and motives remain shrouded in secrecy."
"The most common underlying problem globally with humanity is one of identity. People don't know who they are."
"What a ship is... what the Black Pearl really is... is freedom."
"This is what it means to be enough. This is what it means to really find myself and be single and whole on my own."
"Human beings are...not animals but they're also not gods."
"Your capability is constant, but how much of it you use depends upon the identity you have for yourself."
"We are all one, and when you begin to identify with everyone and you shed the definitions and constructs of who you are, it opens you to greater possibilities."
"Everything that affects you... makes up the person that is you."
"The truth is, most of reality is created via the subconscious mind, via the identity."
"It is my belief that we have a true identity, a sense of identity that is so harmonious with our being and our purpose in life."
"Political identities are standing in for a lot; they are very powerful on how we treat each other."
"The death of the idea of yourself is actually the precursor to the life of your true self."
"Your father is supposed to be your first example of identity."
"How are you going to know what you want if you don't know who you are?"
"Tonight marks the beginning of something much bigger than that, a new brand that is fierce, passionate, and full of sizzle."
"This is our legacy, our journey, this is who we are, and we are ready to unleash it upon the world."
"This level of codependency means that we need other people to show us who we are."
"You have to have pride in yourself. You have to have something about you, whether it's your last name, whether it's just the smallest thing, you have to be proud of yourself."
"The idea you have of yourself right now isn't complete; you can transform."
"We are a distinct culture if you recognize Jamaican, Trinidadian, any type of Caribbean, Puerto Rican, Dominican; if you recognize that, then you should be able to easily recognize that we are black."
"Mirror is an amalgam of perception, history, memory, and dreams."
"You are not your subscriber count. You are you."
"I want Billy to be my father because that's who I have always known to be my father."
"Humanity is more than the physical, more than the aesthetic, an idea that can linger no matter how… shambling a mass of flesh might be."
"You've got to know who you are to know where you're going."
"Being their friend, he would challenge them, but to pave that road first...the challenge is no longer a threat to your identity."
"The Taiwanese are not only rejecting being part of the People's Republic of China but also the idea that Taiwan is the Republic of China. In other words, Taiwan is Taiwan."
"You're saying I'm the Magic School Bus? Absolutely, man, thanks."
"It's not where you're from, it's where you're at."
"Remember who you are. You are my son and the one true king."
"It's about who we are as Americans, who is this country going to be for in the future, and what are the values that we're fighting for."
"As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man."
"Depression's eternal, baby. I'm not my feelings."
"Long has the Stormcrown languished, with no worthy brow to sit upon. By our breath, we bestow it now to you in the name of Kyne, in the name of Shor, and in the name of Atmora of old. You are Ysmir now, the Dragon of the North."
"This revolution will lead to a fusion of our physical, digital, and biological identity."
"The devil uses illusion and sleight of hand... the devil must deny that he is the devil because if the devil ever realized that he was the devil, he would have to stop being the devil."
"I'm a pro-black, non-racist; like, I really, really love black people, but I don't love them more than other people."
"Would my clone and I try to take over? Against myself, it would be a battle for supremacy. Matthew vs. Matthew."
"I don't think of myself as a man trying to be a woman. I think of myself as a woman with a male past."
"You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis."
"Belief is a kind of extension of the self. When you believe a proposition, when someone says something and you think, 'Yeah that's true', you are in some sense taking it in hand as part of your cognitive emotional repertoire."
"Know yourself very well, and when your roots are deep, when you're deeply rooted in your identity and who you are, you need not fear any storm."
"Labels should work for you, you should not work for labels."
"You are the one who gets to define what that label means to you and to your relationships."
"Your struggle does not have to become your identity but rather it should be your training ground."
"Identifying with our atomic level and bringing that out into the world is transformative and empowering."
"Identity achievement... you've got a good level of commitment to the things you believe, you feel confident in who you are as a person and what you stand for, but you've also put in a lot of research and broad research."
"Never ever ever mention Ireland as part of the UK or Britain because we're not."
"We are not defined by our perfection; we are defined by our lack of perfection."
"I'm not a beauty guru; I'm a craft guru, okay?"
"Make the private public... when you start to identify with the person you want to be, you behave like that person."
"It's the number one question a patient will ask me, like, 'Am I going to be the same? And am I going to remember, you know, my wife? Or am I going to remember, you know, these thoughts of my birthday when I was 10 years old?'"
"Diversity... refers to the characteristics and traits that make that bring that makes your uniqueness."
"I don't care enough about your perception of who we are and where we are because... we are unique as hell."
"Emerson said a man is what he thinks all day long."
"I don't have to be so pretty, I don't have to be so strong, I don't have to be so successful. Oh, bliss at last, I can just be me!"
"I'm not just a black actor, I'm an actor. I'm not a number, just like anyone else."
"Normal people don't focus on race in these ways; they don't look at skin color and see this as the predominant or identifying factor of who you are."
"Just because you're you doesn't mean you can't be somebody else."
"If I'm even lying to the person looking back at me in the mirror, then how the hell am I supposed to find the real me?"
"It's going to deeply affect everything you do... why handicap yourself when you can use it to your advantage instead?"
"It's the whole idea of Clark Kent and Superman... it really we get so used to seeing people certain ways that it does become a different identity as soon as you start to change it."
"But what it leans into is, who do you think you really are? It's about self-perception."
"We had an anchor, we had an island, but we abandoned it. We gave up on God, on religion, which was our source of identity, our sense of purpose, our Solid Ground."
"Who are you? This is an important question that, to be honest, isn't asked at all anymore."
"I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away. I don't know where my soul is."
"Who am I to people now?...Am I still lovable, am I still interesting, am I still worthy to be included in community?"
"Purpose is not just about doing some things; purpose is about becoming someone."
"Changing that little identity switch really just makes all the difference, and you start to believe it."
"We need the labels. This world runs on labels, didn't you know?"
"I'm really from the cloth, man. I am the epitome of hip-hop culture."
"Living your life day to day based on a core sentimentality that never changes, that's true to who you are as a person, you're immortal."
"You can call me what you want, but I'm not the same helpless, defenseless kid anymore."
"My favorite house stories are when a home tells the story of the person who lives there."
"You're not afraid of dying; you're afraid of dying before the world sees who you really are."
"We're all connected. We're all together in this. At the reduction of our identities of self lies real unity."
"The belief that trans women aren't real women and that trans men aren't real men is the most defining factor in the suicidality of young trans people."
"The performance is just constantly walking around knowing you're never able to just be you."
"The highest point of identity is the negation of identity, but it doesn't mean that identity is destroyed; it means it's transformed into something greater."
"The more they try to vilify him, the more attractive they make him to people who feel they've been left out by the establishment."
"Remember who you are and return to us; this world needs champions."
"Self-esteem is defined as the belief or pride in yourself, and the only way that you can have a belief in a pride of yourself is if you first know who you are in Jesus Christ."