
Human Expression Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"As humans, we are driven to say 'I was here; here's my handprint. I'm going to spit it onto a rock so forevermore anybody else comes in here is going to see that it was me who was here.'"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Creativity and intelligence are different yet interconnected pathways of human expression and exploration."
"Humans are going to continue producing art forever; that is part of being human."
"Charles Darwin called blushing 'the most peculiar and most human of all expressions'."
"For the first time, people were able to organize and record the world around them, to write their own names and thoughts."
"Laughter is the most beautiful thing we can ever do or we can share."
"Cinema is a powerful thing because it is an extension of the human soul."
"The reason why the androids are here is because they express what it means to be human in these robotical terms."
"The artist is said to have produced this piece based on the idea of the universal human need to break free."
"It's a love letter to the persisting and ever-evolving beauty of human creativity."
"When we do a fake facial expression or fake gestures, they're more likely to be asymmetrical because they haven't been tightening those muscles on the face for six million years."
"Music is the maximum expression of being human."
"Why is it so important to have an expressive face, given that you're a robot?"
"The grace and expressiveness of the human form and art."
"Life isn't just about passing on your genes. We can leave behind much more than just DNA through speech, music, literature, and movies."
"Music is like the purest expression of human emotion in my opinion."
"Art is about imperfections, about mastering a stroke, about putting your Humanity on paper in a different medium and an expression."
"The biggest indicator of beauty for me is when I can see light in someone's eyes."
"At Cannibal Club, we celebrate artistic excellence as the natural and inevitable expression of the unbridled human spirit."
"The cornerstone of any culture is its artistic expression. It's what makes people feel alive."
"The face gives us a little portal into consciousness."
"Art is an expression of humanity and a necessary force in the world."
"What you all call cancel culture is really just a human expression."
"What type of instrumentation is more human than the human voice?"
"Love is love, right? That's what humans said. Studying a brave of course, I just want to be loved, accepted."
"The expression of creativity and innovation is the ultimate form of being a human being."
"An object made by people whose lives were saturated in deep colors and shining textures."
"True art can only be created by humans, out of passion and experience and life."
"It's art and people made it for people."
"Art is the work of a human being who's doing something that someone else couldn't do."
"Anything that human beings can do is essentially an expression of who you are."
"The greatest film location in the world is the human face."
"Comedy and laughter, especially laughter, is a wonderful human expression."
"Isn't that what we want to see? Facial reactions?"
"The only thing I really feel strongly about, and it's true, it's really true, is the human face."
"Nothing can beat the human art form of writing."
"She breathes and blinks and looks at us with an expression of the most profound terror possible."
"We're musicians; we can't improvise and you can't sort of get the same feeling from a machine that you do from a person."
"The humanities is the expression of what it is to be a human being at the highest level."
"It was kind of a curious, surprised look, but plastered on a dog's face, a very human expression on a dog's face."
"Human beings of many cultures from a very early time have made drawings."
"Art, it's defined as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination."
"You see that smile on his face, that just hits home, man."
"You can really see the conflict on everyone's faces."
"What makes a God a God? A divinity is precisely human expression of devotion, worship, veneration."
"Human face is really a pretty amazing thing... no two are alike and they're so expressive."
"It's just a simple truth that every Interstellar Army needs its boots on the ground, as humans would say."
"The seven basic laws of emotion are showing happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, contempt, and disgust."
"The body is beautiful, that sexuality is an expression of love between humans."
"Art is ultimately and fundamentally expression of everything that is humanity, aspires to be, that humanity regrets being. Art is humanity's memory of the past, and its aspiration and desire for the future."
"Human beings still leave their mark whenever they can; the tools and instruments may have changed, but the impulse and the concept remains the same."
"I just think that it's so great that humans are like, let's make a music."
"I love cinema that makes use of the human face."
"His story stands as a testament to the human capacity for self-expression and the allure of the extraordinary."
"The greatest expression of which we are capable."
"If your brain's not functioning at a hundred percent, literally your human expression is diminished."
"All human beings are valid and the music that they make to express themselves... all of those things are valid."
"Art is something absolutely fundamental to us as human beings; it is a means by which we both explore and express the nature of reality."
"The human voice is capable of a wide array of tones and textures."
"The emotions people show without even thinking about it."
"Art is a very person-generated thing; it's not a computer-generated thing."
"Eyes are the windows to the soul, but when it comes to human expression, the face holds a lot of energy."
"I was so amazed by the joy that was expressed in these humans."