
Equality Quotes

There are 25519 quotes

"It's possible to have a fantasy view about how the world could be in terms of equality and opportunity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Having equalizing our environments as our main priority, and then having the social and emotional learning part of it being our second priority, I think that those are the two things that I want to see us do."
"What is feminism? I think the most common definition is the social, political, and economic equality between the sexes."
"We could have rubble, and everyone could be equal in the rubble."
"Leadership is recognizing that we're all one, that every person you lead is as brilliant as you, as talented as you, and has the same capacity for growth and accomplishment. They simply need to be reminded of this fact."
"The great equalizer meaning you don't have to be a Vanderbilt, not a Kennedy, not a Clinton, not a Trump, not a Jordan to read books."
"We believe in freedom, kindness, and fairness for all of God’s children."
"It's a great equalizer; it just keeps me in check, keeps me in alignment."
"Our country is best when everybody is treated equally under the law."
"Whether you're Bill Gates or a shepherd from Senegal, you should receive equal treatment and consideration."
"When you embrace your weirdness and embrace who you are with confidence... you're entitled to everything in the world, not because of the qualities you have, but because of the equalness of all things."
"If you believe that we're all one, then you should understand that we're all equal."
"It's not about calling the moving company; it's about can you be an equal contributing partner in the relationship."
"I'm not better than you or anyone else; I'm just another normal person."
"Cinematic empowerment isn't a zero-sum game. Just because you lift women up doesn't mean you have to bring men down."
"We should have free college so that everyone has an equal opportunity to educate themselves to build better lives for themselves."
"You can't call yourself a feminist if your feminism doesn't include every woman."
"We all have such an amazing purpose to provide to the earth and people around us, and we are equally all as important and special as each other."
"The demographic shift happening in the United States is inevitable, and the laws must be significantly changed to ensure fair representation and protect the rights of all people."
"I'm inferior to no one, I'm superior to none, but equal to all and greater than every challenge."
"I'm asking you to care about equality and justice in relationships, regardless of money."
"Affirmation Tower says the American promise to us all of equal access to economic empowerment is real."
"We're Black people. We care about schools for our kids, a fair justice system that stops mass incarceration, and we want economic opportunity like everybody else."
"Everybody gets it equally... everybody gets a basic amount of money, and they get that because they're a citizen."
"Former president Trump for present purposes is citizen Donald Trump and he enjoys no greater protection against criminal prosecution than any other citizen of the United States."
"Behind a successful man, what's behind them? A successful, beautiful woman. Not even behind, side to side."
"We are not the party of the rich; we are the party of everyone."
"There's not one person on this planet that's more important than the other; we all have the exact same contribution to make because we are one."
"I am the daughter of a janitor, a refugee, a child survivor of war and genocide. That's why I am so grateful and so proud to live in this country where we are all equal, and where everyone truly deserves a chance."
"I believe we are all equal, and everyone deserves a chance."
"Women have authority to subdue creation just as men do and should not, therefore, be kept from exercising dominion in relation to creation."
"Be good to the next person, no matter what color their skin is or how much they weigh on the scale."
"There is zero place in the Christian church for a special group of Christians who have a special access to God and they become a bridge for other Christians to access God's grace because Jesus is your full access."
"Men should be open to receiving biblical and doctrinal instruction from women."
"There cannot be one set of rules if your last name is Biden and another set of rules for the rest of America."
"The only pronoun we all need to share is human."
"We're all equal because God still resides in each of us."
"A society believes in an equitable distribution of resources, making little to no distinction between the needs of the ruler and the ruled."
"At the deepest level, there already is equality; there is oneness."
"In Islam, there is none. This is we're all equal. We're All God's Children."
"Human rights are universal; no one should be attacked, imprisoned, or killed simply because of who they are or whom they love."
"We always have to challenge supremacy, not just white supremacy, but any form of ethnic nationalism that claims one group is more supreme than others."
"The true connection comes when you both bring equal value and choose to be with each other."
"The very idea of America is that we're all created equal."
"Homophobia is basically the belief that there's something bad about gay people or queerness."
"No one, not even the president, should be above the law."
"Fathers have to teach their sons that women and men are equal, even though they may not have been raised with that belief."
"Misogyny is still a thing, and we're still trying to build a world where men and women can actually be seen as equal."
"You don't want to walk ahead of them, and you certainly don't want to walk behind them; you want to walk hand-in-hand with them."
"Paradise is not gender specific; it's for both men and women, and they will get the rewards in Paradise whether it's a woman or whether it's a man."
"I'm a pro-black, non-racist; like, I really, really love black people, but I don't love them more than other people."
"God, who knows the heart, bore witness to them, giving the Holy Spirit just as He did to us."
"He made no distinction between us and them, but cleansed their hearts by faith."
"Real justice as a Christian is equal treatment of all people; it's not equal outcomes."
"You're made in God's image; all humans are in God's image, so you just can't look at any group and treat them that way."
"All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights."
"Ultimately though, whether or not someone takes a dim view of an industry like this, the safety of those involved matters just the same."
"Other themes that are going to be important this month for you: equality, breaking down old paradigms and expectations, and this sort of element of surprise."
"You don't have to be a feminist to support women. You just have to be human."
"A Palestinian baby has the same value as an Israeli baby."
"We're going to learn how to live together in the context of equality and dignity. We're going to have Jewish safety, we're going to have Jewish security."
"TESA attempts to see if you can give all 30 children the same number of opportunities... TESA believes you learn best when you're involved in the process."
"Fairness and sameness are not the same thing."
"The fact that there are differences between the sexes doesn't mean that sexism is justified."
"Star Trek continues to soar, showcasing an optimistic future of equality and peace in the galaxy."
"Justice is not concerned with survival; justice is about equal access to opportunities."
"I wish we all did get along, right? Obviously, I think inclusion and diversity is great, but it has to be applied equally."
"If you're trying to fight discrimination, you should be fighting all discrimination."
"Equality requires acknowledgment of inequality."
"Universities need to promote diversity, but there's ways to promote diversity besides discriminating against people solely based on a factor that they cannot control."
"You can't have equality in any sense when you are subjecting different people to different standards of assessment based on skin color, ethnicity, or any other immutable characteristic."
"So until we have equality for all, we do not have equality at all."
"Equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. That's the liberal position."
"This isn't protest for George Floyd; these protests are for civil rights and actual equality."
"What Joe Biden owes to Black people, and to Black America, in some ways, the same as what he owes to all of America: a competent, functioning government representing the collective will of the people."
"Martin Luther King's argument was very clear that he had a dream that one day people will be judged by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin."
"The liberation of all really means the liberation of all."
"The reason trans people are often reluctant to debate our rights is that we want the same assumed protections as other groups whose rights liberals have decided are not up for debate."
"Gay rights: What's the argument against it? There is none."
"All people are not created equal in every single way; we are created equal in the sight of God. That means that we have individual rights before God."
"In their capacity to suffer, a dog is a pig is a bear is a boy; we are all equal in our capacity to suffer, which is all that matters."
"Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, personal, and social rights for women."
"It doesn't matter who your parents are, what abilities you're born with, or where you're born; if you take the world head-on with hard work and a smile, there is nothing you cannot accomplish."
"Your wealth should not define your justice before the law."
"We still believe that everyone deserves a fair shot at making it; we're still a nation that gives hate no safe harbor."
"We do not want sympathy; we do not want pity; we want opportunities."
"Girls can have wives, and boys can have husbands if they want."
"The principle of inviolability of borders must be equally applicable to all."
"This team has shown an undeniable truth, an inalienable right that the equality of women must be guaranteed in this nation."
"Longevity science isn't just about making rich people live longer, it's about making all of us live healthier lives and avoiding premature death."
"The essence of justice is that justice is the same for everybody; it is not driven by individual circumstance, it is not driven by sympathy, it is not driven by empathy."
"We're all human beings at the end of the day."
"Wearing a face mask turns out to be a great leveler."
"Everyone gets 24 hours in a day, nobody gets more and nobody gets less."
"I treat the cleaner with the same respect that I'll treat the CEO... that cleaner was my mum."
"Welfare is a mechanism that enhances human freedom because it means the circumstances of one's birth are less capable of preventing them from living an enriching, fulfilling life with equal opportunity to others."
"I think why I stand on strongly disagree is because I feel outcome is directly correlated to opportunity."
"Equality of outcome will only be achieved if you have equality of opportunity."
"Solidarity, compassion, and fairness give everybody a reasonable shot at good life outcomes."
"The Declaration is clear: all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."
"Being a feminist is just believing in equal rights: man, woman, gay, straight, black, white."
"There's no talent here, this is hard work. This is an obsession. Talent does not exist, we are all equal as human beings. You can be anyone if you put the time in. You will reach the top, and that's that. From nothing to something to everything."
"Existing studies of human biology and psychology show that these two liberal values of freedom and equality are actually universal and they're endorsed in all human religious and cultural systems to some extent."
"Belief in God leads to a lack of equality because people believe God is above them and that God requires some form of obedience and worship."
"We are Muslims; to steal from a Muslim is a sin, to steal from a Hindu is a sin, to steal from a Christian is a sin."
"Equality is better for everyone. I think, you know, I love my job because it's an optimistic and a hopeful job which is about creating more choices for people."
"What I'm trying to equalize is opportunity and choice."
"Men and women are both in God's image... They have equal value, immeasurable value, crownings of creation."
"Equality of opportunity is a very admirable goal, and then there's equality of outcome, which I think is a totalitarian impossibility."
"Web3 offers democratization of opportunities and talent, creating an environment where there is no discrimination based on your background."
"Liberalism aims to maximize freedom and equality above all else."
"There is so much more equality and fairness that you are learning, that you are now creating and cultivating in your relationships."
"The fight for a more equal and just society is met with fear by some, who feel that when other people have the same opportunities, they are somehow being oppressed."
"I do want to see something as evenly distributed as possible, and that is opportunity...nobody is frozen out."
"Being opposed to marriage equality and equal civil rights for everyone, that's a fringe idea."
"You can't have personal freedom without equality of opportunity."
"Illness and cancer... doesn't matter where you are in society, it doesn't matter if you are the most fabulous princess in the world, one can still be affected and still go through it."
"The definition of feminism that I work with is the fight for the equality of the sexes."
"All humans deserve equal respect and dignity regardless of their ethnicity, sexual orientation, biological sex, or gender."
"Sexism is wrong. You're both equally precious."
"I believe women and men are equal under the law and should be treated completely equally."
"My views on gender are very simple. I think that we're slightly different, but together we're ultimately powerful."
"You talk to people respectfully as equals, and you do that honestly."
"It's about making sure that everyone has a good opportunity and is not unfairly dealt with."
"All men are created equal; that's not just all Americans."
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
"To be truly anti-racist is to be feminist. To truly be feminist is to be anti-racist. We cannot be anti-racist if we are homophobic or transphobic."
"Get rid of your own hierarchy and realize that we're literally all the same."
"I want the government to protect human rights and human life, and I believe in everyone having equal rights and equal protections under the law."
"Social justice is an indication that everyone is entitled to the exact same standards of treatment regardless of their race, sexuality, whatever."
"In an ideal world, equality is a given right, but as history shows, it's actually more of a privilege."
"Every human being on this earth deserves dignity at some level."
"Whether you're rich or not, we love you all the same."
"Education is supposed to be the great equalizer."
"No one is free until we are all free. There is no room for any injustice."
"Our aim should be to attain universal literacy at a very high level, to achieve not only greater economic prosperity but also greater social justice and more effective democracy."
"To the privileged person, equality feels like oppression."
"You need some degree of equality of outcome to ensure that equality of opportunity has true meaning."
"How dare we hate what we are... God did not make one type of tree or flower or fish or horse or grass or rock. How dare you ask Him to make one type of human that looks just like you?"
"I don't care how smart, how rich, how powerful you think you are, I don't care how young, how old, this virus is the great equalizer."
"The right is grounded in the liberty component of the 14th Amendment, but it promotes interests in autonomy, bodily integrity, liberty, and equality."
"The assumption that more racial diversity equals racial equality is a dangerous myth."
"Government-funded paternity leave equal to maternity leave and shifting societal norms could be a solution."
"Recognizing that we are on average different is the critical first step to building a society in which all opportunities are truly open to everyone."
"I'm no different than my white brother and sister; we all are Brothers and Sisters in Christ."
"It's a coming together of players who want the same thing that all of us do: freedoms, equality, tolerance, understanding, and justice for those who have been unjustly treated, discriminated against."
"Stoicism... are the originators of this idea of cosmopolitanism, the idea that we are all equal."
"The Civil Rights Act of 1964 guaranteed equal access to public accommodations."
"It's not about who owns the Internet. It's about can it get to everyone who needs it."
"By integrity of the judicial system, I'm pretty sure he means just like the fact that we have laws, those laws matter, and those laws will be enforced somewhat equally across the United States and not arbitrarily."
"We really need to have the three dimensions to go simultaneously such that the end results will be equitable, inclusive, and sustainable."
"We just want the opportunity to prove ourselves. That's it. We're not obsessed with race and all of that."
"We're supposed to be a country where, regardless of your skin color and yes, regardless of your political belief, there is one standard of the rule of law in the United States of America."
"We need to have some baseline of existence in our country like everybody should be able to afford food, clothes, have a decent home, and access to health care and the internet."
"Technology can level the playing field for children."
"Emancipatory politics...seeks to actively rectify the power discrepancies in society that discriminate against and marginalize ethnic and racial and sexual minorities."
"All human beings have equal value before the law."
"Let's make sure that the internet stays a free and level playing field for everybody."
"No man in this country is so high that he is above the law. No officer of the law may set that law at defiance with impunity. All officers of the government from the highest to the lowest are creatures of the law and are bound to obey it."
"It's very significant that here the scene ends with a handshake and the two of them standing on level ground."
"The society as a whole should own the means of production...so that what they produce is distributed roughly equally."
"I have never preached any guarantee whatsoever; all I've advocated for is a goddamn fighting chance for the American people."
"I don't think there's anything wrong with splitting the date down the middle. It shows me that you are invested in this date like me."
"There's no difference between men and women... But this isn't true."
"I don't want to get behind anyone. I want to live my life alongside someone and so does my partner."
"Until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race, the dream of lasting peace, world citizenship, and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion."
"The best way to preserve our humanity is to assert our humanity. There are no vermin amongst us, no scum amongst us, no bitches amongst us. We are all human."
"Positive interactions with an out-group increase perceptions of equality and decrease the perception of the disadvantage and discrimination of an out-group."
"We're all humans, we're all created from God; we all deserve His blessings on earth."
"Everyone has the same finite amount of time, like 24 hours in a day, every single day."
"I see problems there; I see a need to invest in ourselves, invest in infrastructure, invest in human capital, create greater equality of opportunity."
"Not all Geometry Dash levels are created equally, but all levels should be treated equally and given a chance."
"In an equal partnership, 'love is not possession, but participation.'"
"Monogamous relationships make it so that the playing field is a lot more even, and more people can get into real relationships that they actually want."
"Your vote counts exactly the same as the crazy guy who's like 'I like his hair.'"
"Socialism is not so much about trading freedom for equality but rather posing the question of freedom for whom."
"One is calling for freedom, for freedom of all people, for equality and for democracy, and the other is literally calling for genocide."
"The liberation of the occupied is also the liberation of the occupier."
"We should all have a dream that we live in a world where our children live side by side with other children without passing judgment on them... judged by the content of their character."
"Aquarians are the universal friends. They will treat everyone equally the same."
"If there was a joke like the thing that I would need to believe that he was joking, he would need to have like a consistent and principled feminist advocacy for women's equality as the main line for the content."
"If Baristas should make as much money as doctors is just a more polite way of asking if Baristas should have the same quality of life as Physicians."
"America has always been about equality, we're all equal, that's our enduring idea."
"There are no savage and civilized peoples; there are only different cultures."
"Identity politics... it's called equality. Look into it. It's called America."
"If the people that we think are others were given the same opportunities and privileges as the people above, maybe those others could also gain a soul of their own."
"I wish that every person in Gaza and every person everywhere have the same opportunities that I had in life."
"Getting ahead means getting the same chance to succeed as everyone else."
"The journey can only end when every citizen is raised free of fear and filled with the same dream that so many of us take for granted."
"We need to lift up the minorities that have been taking away their voice. We need to lift up women whose voices have been too long suppressed."
"Equality is for everyone, regardless of our gender, our origins, our beliefs, or the person we choose to love."
"Emma Lazarus was right when she said until all of us are free, we are none of us free. We are all in this together."
"I didn't fight for marriage equality because I thought we needed to become like straight people. I fought for marriage equality because there's a lot of families with kids that need equal protection."
"You cannot have equality of opportunity if you're dead."
"The story isn't explicitly about the female experience but it portrays women as people just like men who deal with struggles just like men."
"Algorithmic discrimination protections: You should not face discrimination by algorithms."
"The key to objective justice is the blindfold and the weights that are equal."
"We have to return to a day when we have literally equal protection of the laws for all people."
"No parent should have to fight for that; that should be the presumption of equality."
"The lives and stories of girls matter just as much as stories about boys becoming men and they are just as ‘relatable’, and again, even if they’re not, who cares."