
Opportunity Quotes

There are 75042 quotes

"It's possible to have a fantasy view about how the world could be in terms of equality and opportunity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Human beings are incredibly resilient if given the opportunity to brace themselves first."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Hardship can be taken as an amazing opportunity."
"There has to be an opportunity that comes out of it; otherwise, it was for nothing."
"It's always a great time to work on yourself."
"Education plus opportunity equals empowerment."
"Appreciative of the doors of opportunity that are opening."
"Our biggest fears always carry with them the greatest opportunity for personal growth."
"COVID-19 is taking so much from us, but it's also giving us something special: the opportunity to come together as one humanity to work together, to learn together, to grow together."
"Shift your focus from all of the negativity and shift your focus on the positivity because that's the only way that you're going to see opportunity in front of you."
"I think if you have opportunities, go for it."
"You have all the tools and all the supplies now to move ahead on something exciting."
"This is a time where we can really begin to unlock a new world that can be very beneficial for us."
"Charge forward confidently; the situation, seen or unseen, is in your favor."
"There is never any hurry on the creative plane; and there is no lack of opportunity."
"If you know the combination to the lock, it doesn't matter who you are... if you know the combination, the lock has to open."
"There's an amazing opportunity at the same time."
"We don't need to wait until January to make a resolution. There is no quota or threshold we have to meet before we can qualify to make real, concrete change in our everyday life."
"You've worked really hard to get here. Don't miss this chance to explore something beautiful."
"These opportunities only happen so often. It's time. Don't hold back, don't resist."
"This is the positive good news coming your way: this whole new opportunity."
"This is a great opportunity to use the time that you have to do the inner work and the thought processing about how things are shifting."
"If you're really serious about it, go ahead and check out the blueprint. It's free."
"Life is short. That's urgent. So you better get it right because you don't have that many opportunities."
"You miss 100% of the shots that you don't take."
"You can carry on as you've always been, or you can try Silva Ultramind risk-free for 15 days. You have absolutely nothing to lose and a whole incredible, magical new life to gain."
"Your role should be to open up every door possible. Let the world close the doors you're not meant to walk through, and walk through the ones that remain open."
"The great equalizer meaning you don't have to be a Vanderbilt, not a Kennedy, not a Clinton, not a Trump, not a Jordan to read books."
"The more self-knowledge you develop and the truer it is, the more the world becomes your oyster."
"You want a society in which people are given lots and lots of opportunities and incentives to learn how to do something well that they love doing."
"Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you."
"We look at areas where people have a burning desire and the advice is horrible. And I'm like, that's for us."
"A big opportunity is coming to you, but you might be scared to take it."
"In this case, though, a ground shaking event didn’t prove a catastrophe, but a catalyst—an opportunity for Boeing to be its best Boeing."
"There's no such thing as luck. There's preparation meeting opportunity."
"If you're still breathing, you still have an opportunity to be achieving."
"The budding music scene would create an opportunity for those young men stuck in the cycle of violence to get out and forge another path through music."
"It's often at unlikely intersections that opportunity hides."
"I also feel this year overall there'll be some sort of deal that you do or something that will benefit you long term."
"Whenever there's a major change in our lives, it's important to realize... we're being set up for something better."
"If you're going to win, you must be willing to shoot your shot."
"There's so much to do, practically anything that you can think of."
"The whole point of investment is to look forward, not backward. That's where the opportunity is."
"I think disadvantages are the ultimate advantage."
"Anybody can be successful in America, in my opinion."
"Visualization is... reprogramming your reticular activating system, that system of neurons that act like a filter in your brain, so that it's spotting opportunity."
"We should have free college so that everyone has an equal opportunity to educate themselves to build better lives for themselves."
"Approach a new opportunity with childlike eagerness. Welcome all opportunities with childlike excitement."
"And when it happens, don't turn away from it. That's the moment that change is born."
"The aha moment is the door that opens, but your new life does not begin unless you step through the door."
"It's a reality that it could be approved as soon as today. That's what today is about."
"Don't stay stuck on that person that hurt you. Keep your eyes open because someone else could come along."
"Luck can be a fickle and mysterious force, but it is also, as Roman philosopher Seneca once mused, what happens when preparation meets opportunity."
"This is like a new place; it's a new beginning, Fresh Start."
"Every moment then becomes an opportunity for you to change the way we perceive the world and ease the burden by which there is potential for destructive emotions like anxiety, anger, and sadness."
"Fear is the thief; it takes the past and projects it onto the future, robbing you of the only opportunity you have to change."
"Fear is a thief and it takes the past and projects it into the future. It robs you of the only opportunity you have to create change."
"You would pass along a good opportunity if you thought someone else needed it more."
"Success is when preparation meets opportunity."
"I really hope this portfolio has been helpful for you guys, as I strongly believe early 2024 will be the final window of opportunity to accumulate quality projects."
"Every day is a sacred gift, it is we are being gifted the opportunity every day to create new and decide what we want to do from that day."
"If you have opportunities and you don't take them, that's a disservice to humanity."
"There is a fragility in the middle of this regime. There is an opportunity here where Putin's regime has got a central weakness on display."
"Much of life can be unfair, unjust, even tragic, but this is the country where if I'm clever enough, work hard enough, and just get lucky enough, I have a chance to dream big and make my dream a reality."
"I am the daughter of a janitor, a refugee, a child survivor of war and genocide. That's why I am so grateful and so proud to live in this country where we are all equal, and where everyone truly deserves a chance."
"I believe we are all equal, and everyone deserves a chance."
"Somebody may like all of a sudden be ready for this situation."
"Every challenge is an opportunity for waking up."
"It's very important to realize the importance of using the adversity that inevitably arises in everybody's life often on a personal level or on a collective level, to see, to recognize that as an opportunity for becoming more conscious instead of less conscious."
"New opportunities come anytime; however, the moment a person denies his cause, the foundation that builds the person gets scattered."
"Confidence is everything, opportunity is everything."
"At least I have a chance at making millions."
"Who am I to sit and determine which youth of this particular college or university has the potential to go to the maximum level unless I provide them opportunities and avenues to participate in that?"
"While there's been a lot of pain...it also means there's a lot of opportunities for growth and healing right now."
"If we don't see opportunity... I think it's always best to try to look for the opportunity in even those [expletive] situations and to look at things that happen to you as a blessing."
"Sometimes in life, you are at the right place at the right time, and you have a chance, and if you don't take the chance at this particular moment, the chance will be gone forever."
"Sure, we want to understand the motive, but I think this is also an opportunity to look forward to policy."
"What if the setback is a setup for what God is about to do?"
"Success is when opportunity meets preparation. You've got to be prepared for when the moment comes."
"But for the grace of God, I could have been born five miles away in a different family and my path upwards would not have been there for me."
"Every experience that we have is like a catalyst that is there to provide an opportunity for growth."
"Sometimes when you have influence, God puts you in a situation to change it into something other than what it is."
"There's a spotlight you're meant to step into."
"The world's a dung heap, but there's a lot of opportunities to be seized right now if you're not afraid to get your hands a bit dirty."
"Every door that opens ain't meant for you to walk out of; sometimes God opens the door to prove to your enemies if you wanted to, you couldn't be kept in."
"If we were wise, and faithful, and courageous, and responsible, we could continue to spread that to everyone. We could eradicate absolute poverty. We could bring about a time of abundance and opportunity for everyone."
"Imagine all unwanted thoughts dissolving into clouds, creating new opportunities."
"I'm prepared for this. I've always felt I could do it, but I just needed somebody to give me the opportunity."
"The main thing is that Assad and Sadat are ready for peace, and it is only proper to hold on to this opportunity."
"The evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations... points to a cosmic community teeming with life and ripe with opportunities for collaboration and mutual learning."
"A lot of immigrant parents come to give their children the best opportunities that they can."
"If you had one shot or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted in one moment, would you capture it or just let it slip?"
"I am a patriot of this country, a country that once let in a 13-year-old immigrant and gave me the opportunity to be where I am today."
"You don't know who you may be passing by who needs something that you might say."
"A man's gift maketh room for him and bringeth him before great men."
"Football is like everything else; if you don't grab your chances, you might end up regretting it."
"We've all played in big games where the game was there for the taking, and we didn't take it."
"Fight or flight isn't it? It was there; they just needed to grab it."
"I don't look for knockout. I look for a fight, and then if knock out, if I collect the information at some point and have opportunity, I take that opportunity."
"This is about opportunity, it's about movement, this is about the future."
"The crisis becomes an invitation, a catastrophe is an invitation."
"Life will roll out the opportunities and the challenges for us to overcome these things that we feel are hurdles and holding us back."
"Uncertainty has the spirit of a child, full of questions, just like a child, full of curiosity, which means it's full of opportunity."
"This is your chance to be a hero among heroes."
"The ace of cups says that you will get what your heart wants and at the very least, you'll get a new opportunity."
"Something you've been wanting to do, all of a sudden, it's like you're grabbing the yes."
"There are loads of amazing people out there... There is loads of love, there is loads of opportunity, there are lots of good feelings."
"One chance is all you get in life, and I'm about to take my chance and win on the first try."
"Now is a powerful time for you, Libra. Time to step into your power, take control back, and go after the things you want."
"Each person matters, each person makes a difference. You may be one in seven billion, but now it's our opportunity, each and every one of us here, to go out there and be that one."
"The virus gives us a 'great opportunity,' and the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies."
"I got so much in store for y'all. Continue to keep going, continue to keep going. Use this as an opportunity just to build and find out who you are."
"I knew immediately what I had to do: this was my chance to redeem myself."
"There are thousands of young people outside that window that never get the chance."
"Invest in California now. Now is the time. It's on the up."
"There's a lot of opportunity within chaos, and April is really going to reward people who know how to skillfully seek out that opportunity and capitalize on it."
"More you improve your communication, more you'll be opening the new doors of luck and prosperity."
"I didn't want to waste my life, because I knew that it would be disrespectful to my two friends who would never have the opportunities that I had."
"You are about to receive a blessing in your career."
"There's a huge partnership coming in for you in your career."
"I had accumulated all this knowledge and experience, and when that opportunity came, I seized it with everything I had."
"Put yourself out there for that, you can't just sit at home waiting, hoping it's going to happen."
"The beginning... almost like new chance, New Life, New Hope."
"Starting from September, it will be a fantastic time to learn new skills."
"What the [__] gives you freedom? Freedom brings opportunity."
"Opportunist DNA causes the entrepreneur to really look at business as a vehicle. That's it."
"If you are born in a first-world country and you have the ability and the means to understand and watch this video, you have everything that you need if you want to become successful."
"Preparation plus opportunity equals success."
"Who knew extortion could lead to such incredible opportunities? Go, Naofumi!"
"The cost of failure is as close to zero as it's ever been right now."
"Remember that the cost of failure right now is the lowest it's ever been in the history of the world."
"Every day is a new opportunity to test your strength and discover something new."
"It is easier to create wealth now than it's ever been in human history."
"Your best chance to create wealth is right now."
"It's never a waste of time taking an opportunity."
"I constantly attract opportunities that create more money."
"Talent is everywhere, but opportunity isn't."
"Entrepreneurship provides you with an opportunity to actually curate a community of people in your life that you want to have in your life."
"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."
"Simply by virtue of being on a college campus, you have at your fingertips the thing that Faust sold his soul for, which is knowledge."
"Equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. That's the liberal position."
"You're missing out if you don't take advantage of all the resources."
"The fact that I can be just some small Montana kid and be able to go work at Netflix is absolutely fantastic."
"Stay in the game, you don't know when that good knock on the door is going to come."
"We believe this is a one-time opportunity, a generational opportunity that we have to truly create transformational policy and pass it through the reconciliation process."
"God isn't interested after COVID in you simply resuming your old life. Instead, he's giving us all the opportunity of a lifetime to reset our lives, to reboot our lives, to renew, refresh, reenergize our lives in a whole new way."
"It's special to have an opportunity to turn things around."
"You've got a real opportunity to carve out a niche here."
"You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation. It all started when a normal day turned into the opportunity of a lifetime."
"I want you guys to come to London for a trial to play for Aston Villa. I'll cover the travel and hotel expenses, so don't worry about any of that."
"We still believe that everyone deserves a fair shot at making it; we're still a nation that gives hate no safe harbor."
"Where you stumble, that's where you should dig for treasure."
"In everything that is happening in our life right now, there is an opportunity for joy."
"I was perfectly situated to like try to pull it together."
"It creates this enormous opportunity to invest in America: new bridges, new factories, more prescription drug costs decreases."
"Now is where your future is made. Now is the only time you can do anything. Now is where you can actually act."
"Oh my goodness, this is going to be a powerful portal opening up for everybody."
"Manifestation will be a very good month for you to manifest your dreams."
"Everything happens for a reason. Release regret. Embrace opportunities for happiness. Search for the silver lining."
"Ace of Gabriel: a gift of passion, opportunity, and inspiration. The chance to do something amazing. A sense of wonder."
"This is my only chance to achieve happiness."
"Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success."
"I think why I stand on strongly disagree is because I feel outcome is directly correlated to opportunity."
"Education is a very strong tool to develop yourself and gain more opportunities."
"Equality of outcome will only be achieved if you have equality of opportunity."
"Play the back until it's your time to play the front, and when it's your time, go full throttle."
"Money equals freedom. Money equals the opportunity."
"It's never been an easier time in human history to stand out."
"Absolutely where some see Calamity, Sha sees opportunity."
"Stay hungry, the opportunities are out there."
"Adversity is opportunity to those who possess the attitude of divine fortitude."
"What I'm trying to equalize is opportunity and choice."
"Sustainability is an opportunity. All we have to do is see it differently, think differently, and seek to understand how we can all make choices that have a positive consequence on the planet."
"Hyper-competent people are not selfish, and one of the great pleasures in their lives is to find people who have the capacity to also be hyper-competent and to open doors for them as rapidly as they can possibly be opened."
"If you graduate articulated and powerful, there will be people giving you so many opportunities you won't even be able to keep up with them."
"Equality of opportunity is a very admirable goal, and then there's equality of outcome, which I think is a totalitarian impossibility."
"This right now is your only opportunity really to build a solid foundation for creating an amazing, fulfilling life."
"Web3 offers democratization of opportunities and talent, creating an environment where there is no discrimination based on your background."
"We have to bring these people that haven't had the chance and make a change."
"I do want to see something as evenly distributed as possible, and that is opportunity...nobody is frozen out."
"Jason won the lottery by meeting David because he's a performer by nature. This was his chance to let someone else be the brains and mainly focus on being funny."
"What I tell fellow entrepreneurs is like, this is our time. Like when things are challenging, when they're difficult, when they're not stable, is exactly when entrepreneurs do well."
"You can't have personal freedom without equality of opportunity."
"You can close one door of security, emotional, psychological, material, but will open a new source of abundance for you."
"Sports saved my life. I'm a kid... I was on my way proudly to community college, and I got a call from two coaches."
"It's gonna be a very lucky month for you. I'm talking like being in the right place at the right time making connections."
"Every new experience then creates another new opportunity for us to dream even a greater experience for ourselves."
"Life is short but art is long...having an opportunity to leave a bit of art has been a tremendous opportunity."
"You never see a yellow car unless you're looking for a yellow car; you're never going to see opportunity unless you're looking for opportunity."
"No matter who you are... the fact you're even alive is so incredibly special, and every day is an opportunity to share that gift with the world."
"I'm happy to share with you that starting in August this year, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine will be tuition-free."
"Things happen for a purpose. It's going to lead you to something else, something new and possibly wonderful."
"You got one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. This opportunity comes once."
"You have a lot of spiritual support that's willing to open doors for you."
"Do not count yourself out before putting yourself in the game first."
"It's about making sure that everyone has a good opportunity and is not unfairly dealt with."
"The opportunity helped to open a lot of doors for me."
"More businesses are started in recessions and downturns in the economy than any other time."
"The stories of the XFL are stories of redemption, stories of second chances, but also just stories of opportunities."
"Don't rob God of the opportunity to bless you."