
Inspiration Quotes

There are 120739 quotes

"Inspiration and awe seem to me kind of rather high-level emotional experiences compared to say fear or happiness, and yet inspiration and awe just seem so fundamental to how we learn and navigate life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When people see that things are better for someone else, they realize things can be better for themselves too."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When I first saw people flying around in person, it looked like magic. It looked like they were flying on magic carpets."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Rick has an incredible ability to translate his understanding of the creative process in a way that is meaningful for anybody."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I try to make things-- all I've ever tried to make was something I like or something that I felt like was missing as a fan that I wanted, and nobody was making it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everything that I make or have made has always been based on something that I see or hear that allows me to see something that I didn't see before." - Rick Rubin sharing his creative inspiration.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think ultimately the way to come up with new ideas or inspiration is to collect the raw materials of experience and then give ourselves these periods... to marinate and combine in whatever ways that are unique to you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It really made me want to be a much better person."
"A story of a man's life that honestly I can't believe isn't more well-known."
"It's one of those mysteries that really makes you think and appreciate your life because what this man has gone through will blow your mind."
"I have never seen or felt the world more alive, the people around me more alive, than when they are doing the thing that makes them feel great."
"Do something amazing, do something incredible, do something for yourselves because you guys deserve it."
"The Ace of Wands symbolizes this new beginning, a new idea that's sparking our interest that we're excited to go forward on and act on."
"The law of inspired action: 'I only write when inspiration strikes. Fortunately, it strikes at nine every morning.' - William Faulkner"
"A crazy idea popped in, and the fruit heads were born."
Jess Carpenter
"You must be the change that you wish to see in the world."
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set it free."
"A man can always change things. That's what makes him different from the barnyard critters."
"I wish I would have trusted myself a lot more in my 20s, so I encourage all of you 20, with greatness and dreams and goals inside of you, write them all down, plan it out, and tell everyone who doesn't believe in it to go themselves."
"We all have reservoirs of life to draw upon, of which we do not dream."
"I want to see you create more revenue and a more enjoyable lifestyle for you and your family so you can become a beacon of light in your community."
"It's good progress for today, good motivation, it really helps spark it up again."
"It's not about the destination; it's about the journey."
"Carry the flame of humanity deep and deeper on into existence."
"I'm pretty sure I saw videos around that time of people splitting their own selves into different parts... and to me, I think when I was young, that was the epitome of irrespective of any kind of reach, like the value was found in how much does this wake up my soul."
"It's drilled out of us that we should give up too soon when you really can make it out. I'm proof of it."
"Creativity is something that's coming to you from somewhere else, and you are not the commander of but you are in a relationship with."
"If I had a really super powerful nucleus accumbens, I'd be the person out there who is charismatic, fighting for every dream and hope, and I'd inspire other people to join me."
"Don't just get the inspiration. The inspiration without the action is nothing."
"Believe in something bigger, believe in something greater, and know that you're more capable than you realize."
"Motivation, inspiration, and execution are the three things kind of a trifecta all working together for you to actually get your drawings and projects done to your satisfaction."
"The ultimate secret to dealing with lack of inspiration or motivation is just to remember that you don't have to be motivated or inspired; sometimes you just have to sit down and do it."
"Inspiration will find you eventually, but it has to find you working."
"If a little kid from West Virginia who got a C in composition in college can go on and become a best-selling author, anybody in this area here can do anything as well."
"My whole life is built around positivity and kindness. I tour the world sharing stories of inspiration and hope."
"If someone else has done it, you can probably do it too if you dedicate your life to it for the next few years."
"Van Gogh wrote to his brother, Theo: 'Some artists have a nervous hand at drawing, which gives their technique something of the sound peculiar to a violin.'"
"Be a light even in a dark place, to be a light to people that are also lost and also going through it."
"The self-actualized life, the inspired life, is the kind of life that's available for you."
"See it in multitude, see all of that magical energy pushing itself out, healing, growing, manifesting in the future."
"This good recognition where you guys feel on top of the world, you guys feel inspired, you guys feel really good about it."
"It's time to be the sun, time to awaken that potential, time to shine your light."
"We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aids, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn, which does not forsake us in our soundest sleep."
"The deepest pleasure, once you've learned to walk up mountains, is to see the positive effect that observing that has on other people."
"I mentioned that those teams...had inspired the name of our Crew Dragon capsule, Resilience."
"Notice the synchronicities and coincidences occurring around you on a daily basis, and you'll find the knowledge, inspiration, strength that you desire."
"If there's anything that I could possibly share that even a tiny nugget of what I share helps them become more of who they want to be, then I feel I have done my job successfully."
"Our goal is for Bayview to provide inspiration and learnings others will use to build more sustainable places that benefit people and the planet."
"Be the change that you want to see in the world."
"The handicaps that God, the universe give us often give us an edge in another area."
"You inspired someone that searched up how to have a painless death at 17 years old to start with self-improvements. Best decision in my life."
"My inspiration really was my desperation. You could say my mess became my message."
"Jose Silva... speaks with a soft, lost accent of a Mexican-American, a kind man who smiles easily whenever he hears 'Jose, you changed my life,' and he replies, 'No, I didn't do it; you did, with your own mind.'"
"Your role should be to open up every door possible. Let the world close the doors you're not meant to walk through, and walk through the ones that remain open."
"Nourish the world with your happiness and then watch it conspire helping you get what you truly seek."
"It's about helping people realize, wait a minute, you can be happier than you currently are."
"I think you gotta have a dream. The School of Greatness, really."
"And he would show them this leather bound journal he had, which he filled with beautiful pictures, quotes and ideas on the kind of life he wanted to build."
"Master number 11 years are filled with inspiration and creativity, facing challenges to master new skills or talents."
"One of my goals is to inspire and touch the lives of a billion people."
"She is the most dynamic spark of life and most magical."
"I need like guidance, and my kid is serving as some kind of ultimate like north star."
"It wasn't necessarily the words he said but who he was being that made me think I was capable of much more."
"The world needs to see more humans out there chasing after their dreams, being their authentic selves."
"The best way to do that is to see in others, reminders. Use other people as reminders for the way that you should be living your life."
"Get inspired. You have to really truly want what you want, or else you're not going to get it."
"Magic was an inspiration, something both beautiful and cruel. Beyond his immediate reach, he believed that magic came after hard work."
"I learned so much from Gordon Ramsay. The whole experience has been amazing. It's life-changing, really."
"The power of science fiction literature is that it inspires us to create the world as we can imagine."
"Resolve to just completely take the lid off your marvelous mind and let the greatness start to flow."
"Shine your light, let it out because people need to see it, they need to experience it."
"If another human being can do it, they're simply giving you evidence of what's possible for all of us."
"Every once in a while you read a book and you're a little bit angry because you're like, 'I wish I wrote this,' because it's that good and it's that smart."
"I think people will find at least a few stories, a few tidbits, in this that they can walk away with and ponder or use in some fashion."
"The way she loves herself and her body and doesn't care what anyone says about it. And she inspires me, she motivates me."
"So much of what I want to do in my life is impact people in a positive way."
"I've been blessed to be around the most amazing people."
"Be the example. So, you actually like showing the results of the lifestyle, and then that's going to inspire those around you to jump on board."
"He's the only one that can take your mess and make a message."
"I’m blessed, and I want you to know that you’re blessed."
"I'm always looking for any opportunity to be able to go in and share hope with people who need hope."
"If you lead me properly, I'll submit naturally. It's about seeing the effort and being inspired by it."
"You're about to step into a period of inspiration and creativity like never before."
"It is actually going to inspire you a lot and it's going to cause you to see the world in new ways and in expanded ways."
"You are expanding who you are at a deep level, and it's going to be very inspiring for other people to kind of see that."
"Paul Graham...put her on the very short list of a couple people...as the most impressive people."
"The visualization the elite athletes use is crucial; they run their races a thousand times in their mind."
"You are a spreader of joy...you make people laugh, you spread joy, you spread ideas, you uplift people."
"Remember as a believer you are the light of the world, so please continue to shine your light bright so that this darkness cannot spread further."
"The purpose of this video is simply just to point out the things about yourself that you may not see because you're too busy comparing yourself to someone else, while meanwhile, people are actually comparing themselves to you."
"Your authenticity actually inspires the people around you to have the bravery to be authentic."
"I want to be like you. I admire everything about you. You inspire me to be better."
"With your energetic support, with President Donald Trump's leadership and vision, with this extraordinary team that he has assembled, the work of NASA, and with God's help, America will lead mankind into the vast expanse of space."
"What you put in your ears is what you will put in your heart."
"I try to live my life, in my career, with, like, 'What would Dolly do?'"
"Why are Gmod ARGs coming back? Well, to be honest with you, it seems like the creators are probably just all getting inspired again at around the same time."
"That was inspiring to me. I felt like that was really honest."
"Now it's not often I sit down with somebody, and they say something that makes me think. You give me something to think my own damn way."
"Art is creating something from nothing and the beauty involved in that."
"Human potential, you say, is nearly limitless."
"Light one candle, but that one candle can also light a million other candles."
"Let me be the light, then. Let me be the example. Let me be the agent of change in this community I'm in."
"Learn from those things that you're inspired by, and then allow things to unfold naturally."
"Trust the creative spark you're feeling and express it through writing stories that inspire and enlighten."
"In doing our work, we shine the light to illuminate the way for others."
"I hope this inspired you to pick up a new little self-care item or treat yourself."
"You're healing earth, spreading consciousness, helping people get a big change, wake-up call, reality check."
"You guys are artists, and you teach people with your art. You inspire people with your art."
"Let's all inspire each other to pick up the pace."
"Hope-filled heroes can inspire us to imitate them emotionally and behaviorally."
"The greatest source of optimism in the world, which is relentless, rewarding, and the essence of personal revival."
"The imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force the world has ever known."
"People like Einstein make our lives meaningful, and people like [Carrie Mullis] make our lives possible and good."
"It's not a competition, but we should aspire to inspire each other."
"It helped with my work ethic the most. Watching Kobe and seeing like, oh, it is possible for somebody to work out that much."
"I think of Elon...Steve Jobs...but was Walt Disney the smartest? He needed to be the one that put in all the time when everybody else gave up."
"One candle can light one room, but one candle can also light a million other candles, and those can light a million other rooms."
"Your energy, spirit, all of this forever, it's so contagious, infectious, inspiring."
"Emotionally, it was like we were blown out of the water. It was incredible."
"Absolutely breathtaking. I think everybody around the globe has just been so inspired by it all."
"The most important person in my life is my mom because she was a single mother with four kids."
"This is about science and discovery exploration. When people see countries doing these stunning things in other worlds, it inspires all of us."
"You are providing inspiration and advancing science and exploration for not only the United States but for the world."
"Success is not just about what you accomplish in your life; it's about what you inspire others to do."
"Your energy is palpable. You're just full of life, you know. You're pumped to be around."
"God's lowest thought about you is higher than your greatest thought about yourself."
"You have this energy about you, like when people are around you, good things happen."
"There's something in each of us, some little voice in us that knows, 'I can do that. I don't know how to do it yet, but I can figure it out.'"
"What a fabulous way to educate and inspire the next generation of explorers."
"Whenever you're tempted to quit, it's always good to remember why you started."
"We're going now to inspire a whole new generation of students, the Artemis generation."
"In order to lead the orchestra, you must first turn your back on the crowd."
"Your destiny is giving people hope. You are like a lighthouse for people."
"This is personally very exciting for me because when I was in fifth grade, what inspired me to work for NASA is the search for answering whether or not we're alone in the universe."
"What's beautiful about 2020 is you are going to be inspired to follow your dreams, you're gonna find something that does inspire and motivate you, and you are going to chase them fearlessly."
"You shine brighter than most people around you... you have that royal regal energy."
"I've met Dr. Sian Proctor before, just a bundle of joy, just such a wonderful driven human."
"It's been an absolute honor to prepare you for this historic flight. Today, you are truly inspiring the world."
"When I turned 11, my parents sent me to Space Camp as a birthday present. I immediately knew space would be something I'd do for the rest of my life."
"If you inspire someone, you make them want to do something, you make them feel confident and excited to try something."
"You are full of light, inspiration, and creation."
"Your inspiration holds the entire blueprint to make it happen; you just need to follow it."
"Inspiration has three main qualities: evocation, approach motivation, and transcendence."
"Let your mind wander around the fringes of your focus, and inspiration might pay you a visit."
"You are entering this time of like a massive creative burst."
"You are one of the most strong and inspirational people I have ever met."
"Your courage and your optimism is really inspiring."
"Stay strong with a goal. You're an angel to us."
"You've been a major inspiration to me and I'm sure billions of other people."
"You inspired me so much. You have been fighting cancer for a long time and nothing's gonna stop you."
"Every individual can make a difference. And that difference ripples out."
"Romanticize your life, what else are we here for?"
"Life has its challenges, but every day is a gift."
"You being born is an absolute miracle; it's time we start taking advantage of the time that we have on this Earth."
"We think the enemy is hate, but the enemy is not hate. The enemy is fear." - Gandhi
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."
"She may be gone, but the spirit of joy and childlike wonder she hoped to impart in her work lives on forever."
"When you shine your light, you illuminate the way for other people."
"You are such an inspiration to so many different people, girls, guys, adults, kids, not just in this community but in the entire world."
"You are my inspiration for like everyday life."
"You've been a major inspiration to me and I'm sure billions and gazillions of other people."
"I never thought that I would be giving my TED Talk somewhere like this."
"For everyone out there, this is Michael Sandler saying be well, have fun, get the wisdom of the council and begin plugging into your true, greatest, most magnificent version of yourself today and shine bright."
"Why not let a player character actually be inspired? I mean, it's called inspiration, right?"
"This inspiration also came from antique farmhouse store; I love these were $34.00 for a set of two of them. We're going to do ours way more affordable and a fraction of the cost."
"This inspiration came from antique farmhouse. I love these crates but I would not pay $89 for them."
"I hope you felt inspired by this video today. Remember, leave a comment down below. Let me know which one you liked, which one you think you will try. Thanks so much for stopping by until the next episode. Bye, friends."
"You're gonna feel quite inspired by this person, you're gonna feel quite inspired by this energy, and it's going to awaken and liven you up a lot."
"You bring out the best in people. That's what a leader does."
"I had a dream, and God spoke to me and told me to start doing videos."
"A dream is deposited inside of you; God does that."
"Inspiration helps man grow wings of soul and rise above Earth's prison house."
"I think the past is like a lot... on the whole, very inspiring, gives me a lot of hope."
"We really are standing on the shoulders of giants."
"Vision is more important than leadership because vision is what creates the leader."
"Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration, not manipulation."
"The longer you wait for inspiration, the longer you wait for success."
"Inspiration is available for anyone who has the courage to take it."
"Be inspired by what you've done right rather than being discouraged by what you've done wrong."
"With inspiration comes motivation, action, and results."
"This is gorgeous. I always love the spotlights; it gives that Apollo vibe."
"A champion is someone who gets up, even when they can't."
"His dream is something he had received from his parents; they are the roots and he can only receive nutrients from them."
"These guys are inspired by oil beetles, tarantula hawk wasps, emo kids, and Vincent from Final Fantasy VII."
"Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams, because the world needs that very special gift that only you have."
"Space has a near universal ability to capture our imagination unlike anything else, to energize dreamers and doers alike."
"In his Inaugural Address, the President rededicated America once again to lead in the heavens and in his words to 'unlock the mysteries of space.'"
"True leadership is not about power, it's about empowerment."
"Leadership is not about manipulation, it's about inspiration."
"The Bible is a living book; the more we read, the brighter it gets."
"Art is reality through the lens of someone with imagination, which upon being shared with you, allows you to see the world not only with fresh eyes but with a perspective that can enhance the beauty of your life and the life of others."
"When you have a spectacular success, you're inspired by it, bolstered by it."
"Communication, inspiration, care, and compassion."
"I grew up watching Manchester United, listening to the greatest sports manager there's ever been, watching the greatest captain the Premier League's ever had."
"This is time to start something new. Don't let the past hold you back."
"The most inspirational people that I've ever met...he works a full-time job and still streams full-time because he loves this stuff so much."
"What Sydney chose to do is exactly what I'm trying to get all of you to do with this assignment: to help someone in need even when it doesn't benefit you at all."
"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken."
"When we have the courage to get real, amazing things can happen, stuff we can't even imagine."
"That's how powerful it is when we're willing to be authentic; it both liberates us and it touches and inspires the people around us."