
Self-identity Quotes

There are 6091 quotes

"Our biology is inherently a social one; we are directly dependent on other people for the formulation of our own sense of self."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Living in alignment with the things that you most want... do you most want to be somebody that pleases others, or do you most want to be somebody that lives in alignment with things that are important to you?"
"At the end of our lives, we all ask: Did I live fully and vibrantly and powerfully as myself? Did I love openly and honestly and completely, or did I hold back because I got hurt one time? And did I matter? Did I make a difference?"
"The truth is, if you define yourself with that car or that look or that body... as long as you define yourself by that, you're never gonna be happy."
"True belonging never asks us to change who we are; it demands that we be who we are."
"The kids who said 'I don't cheat' versus the kids who said 'I am NOT a cheater'... those who adopted the idea that they were not a cheater actually cheated less."
"Those negative thoughts in your head, those aren't the truth. We just hold on to them and we identify with them. Let those go."
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not."
"Success for me is simply just being myself, things naturally being magnet to me."
"You are a soul, and you are like an actor playing a character."
"I am not what people say about me. I am not what people think. That's part of my sobriety."
"Know ye not that you are the temple of the living God?"
"You are the house of God. You are the church of God. You are the synagogue, the cathedral, the temple of the living God."
"Being able to adapt has a lot to do with mindset... My identity as a human being is not determined by certain outcomes."
"What's changing in the brain to support all those mental habits and behaviors that make up our self-identity? Well, the answer is 'activity-dependent plasticity.'"
"I am consciousness, and consciousness is I, the real I."
"All thoughts, ideas, emotions, memories, ego... they arise in consciousness, play around in consciousness, and disappear back into consciousness, which I am."
"If you split somebody's brain, and one side's an atheist and one side is a Christian, what does that say about how we think about who we are? What is the self?"
"Oh, how wonderful. I am awareness itself, no less. The world is a magic show, but in me, there is nothing to embrace and nothing to turn away."
"Discuss yourself with yourself and say to yourself, 'Self, am I who I really am?'"
"I'm not even cool. I'm just one of those girls that can do a lot of things."
"I'm proud of who I am, but now I have employers and coworkers that are also proud of who I am."
"Who I truly am is good indeed. I am authentic in thought, word, and deed."
"Who you really are is a freaking diamond, a gem that's maybe a little bit lost right now but is about to be found."
"I am existence absolute, knowledge absolute, bliss absolute, and avyaya (without decay). I am immortal, without change, without death."
"You were created to be more than what people say you are."
"Remember, you are a divine being of love and light."
"You are already that immortal awareness, not physical body, not even the subtle body."
"Doing everything you can to stay true to yourself because then... you're anchored to something that makes sense."
"We are who we are in the present moment; we are not defined by the past."
"You aren't part of something else; you are that something else."
"Children of immortal bliss, you are immortal, you are not mortal."
"I am the source of the light, I can never die."
"I am not born with the body; I do not die with the body. I am indestructible."
"The achiever can take feedback now without his identity being threatened."
"I don't beg. I am being me because that's who I am."
"You guys are no longer the person you used to be, and you're at this transitionary stage where you're not that old person you were but haven't fully stepped into the new person you're becoming."
"I am limitless, forever at peace, a radiant eternal soul, never born, an innocent, joyous, holy son of God, Divine love, pure presence, right at home with all creation."
"You can only lie about who you are for so long without going crazy." - From Ellen Wittlinger, from the book "Parrotfish."
"If somebody calls you a dog, you look at your bottom to see if you've got a tail. If you haven't got a tail, you're not a dog, it is the end of the problem."
"Your immune system has an absolutely exquisitely sophisticated way of knowing you versus other."
"I did learn to make sure that I never lose so much of who I am that I have to validate it through another person."
"The strongest force in the human personality is the need to be consistent with how we define ourselves."
"What's the point of being on this earth if you're gonna try to be someone you're not?"
"Creating this new identity of self, one that is imperfect but still valuable, one that is always learning and always growing, one that is allowed to make mistakes but takes accountability for those mistakes."
"Saturn is making you reinvent yourself, start a new beginning in your life, new self-identity through a renewed sense of self-confidence, through a new sense of inspiration."
"Why live your life and shape your life around what other people think about you, versus living and going about your life about who you know you are and who God says you are?"
"You are what you make yourself, and that is a hero."
"It doesn't matter where you are, it's who you are, and that's not going to change whether you're in California or Maine or New Mexico."
"Awakening... is a fundamental shift in the way we perceive and feel about ourselves, what and who we take ourselves to be."
"You are not your patterns, but your life becomes a combination and a result of your patterns."
"If you understand reality, you no longer are concerned with the 'I am this, this is who I am.'"
"Becoming more of yourself does not require you to become less of who you used to be."
"I am that I am, and beside me, there is none other."
"You don't owe anybody an explanation for who you are, what you are, what they think, or anything else. You don't have to defend yourself to anybody ever."
"Your superpower is literally just being real."
"Gender, however, is a fundamental part of one's self-identity. It isn't a game."
"Everything else will fall into place once we are grounded with who we are."
"Remember who you are and remember that you're a good person."
"You are you at every point of your life. Allow yourself to grow, to be you at every stage of life."
"The most important thing is to be ruthlessly authentic to yourself."
"Everything's changing so much that if we try and just focus on who we want to be...that will make a big difference to our mental state."
"The minute I become who you want me to be in order to fit in and make sure people like me is the moment I no longer belong anywhere."
"I've had white people call me I'm anti-black and that I'm racist and that I hate myself and have internalized racism and misogyny."
"You are the same person that you were before you were diagnosed... That diagnosis doesn't change that, but what comes with it is more understanding of who you are."
"My choice is to stay true to myself and my religion."
"Don't let nobody tell you what you used to be because tell them, 'I'm new.'"
"I am a self, that means something. I work hard and create something in the world, and I am proud of that."
"I challenge people to describe who they are without mentioning their occupation or family terms. It's a good exercise to stand on your own."
"Don't let that bother you. You know who you are, so don't let anybody else tell you otherwise."
"I believe in your individual autonomy. I believe in your right to be who you are."
"The real me is the one who chooses to remember the real me."
"Through both his ambiguous gender presentation and sexuality, Jack Sparrow let young people know it's fine to be different as long as you're true to yourself."
"You no longer have to be that old character you were in the matrix, you can choose who you want to be."
"I don't want to pretend to be someone I'm not."
"I am the most powerful homeless cowboy this world has ever known."
"You know what? I don't need a label. I'm me and I think that's all that matters."
"You're not a negative person at all; you can be any person you choose to be."
"The biggest space we lose ourselves is often in romantic relationships."
"Who you were yesterday isn't going to always have to be who you are today, and you can always change."
"That 'I am' is causing every single problem in your life."
"You are God. The question is, when will you realize?"
"At the core of your being, you're this loving, joyful, powerful God or Goddess."
"The strongest human desires there is, is to remain consistent to the way that we define ourselves."
"If you don't know who you are, you're gonna fill yourself up with the things around you and the people around you."
"Everything that has happened in my life has come together to create and make me the person that I am now."
"Sometimes when we lose sight of ourselves, we try to hold on to the echoes of who we used to be."
"What is the core of yourself and your sense of identity? Once you find that, once you root yourself in through the eyes of spirit and see yourself at your core, at the deepest truth of who you are, there's nothing that will ever shake you off your center."
"Keep being you. What others say or do is a reflection of them, not you."
"I believe there is a 'me' within this, not simply the collection of physical reactions going on in my body and the universe."
"I might be for you, and I might not be, but I don't care in that I know the version of myself is what I feel comfortable being."
"I am a fighter, but I'm a provider, and I have a wife and a daughter I come home to every day."
"I feel like that's kind of core piece that was always with me since childhood... turned out to be such an important piece of identity."
"Each of us have one 'self' composed of several identities, like 'leader', 'husband', 'cat lover' ... And the more identities, unrelated to each other we have, the more complex our 'self' is."
"I am who God says I am. I can do what God says I can do."
"This is what I do; this is what I was born to do."
"If you don't tell yourself who you are, then you'll allow anybody else to tell you who you are."
"There are nearly as many conceptions of the self as there are writers on the subject."
"Don't worry about labels when you know who you are."
"You are ready to become what you are already."
"The Hall of Fame is not going to change who I am as a person, but I took it very seriously."
"You gotta stay focused on the part of you that borrowed the body that came to enjoy the mission... then lift back up and remember you're God again."
"It was a sense of self-identity in this new place, it gave me kind of a grounding of who I was."
"I've learned to by process of elimination get rid of the things you go, 'Well, that is not me.'"
"You won't be very successful in spiritual warfare until you know the answer to these two questions: Who am I? and What do I do?"
"Stay true to yourself; don't lose becoming the person you are meant to be, and that is someone financially free and someone that is in control of your own money."
"Sometimes we mask so much that we forget how to just be ourselves or who ourselves is because we've been cutting off little pieces of ourselves for so long to fit in."
"I am much more than that pathetic Saiyan Son Goku."
"You're no slave, you're no god, you're just a human being."
"Being yourself, regardless, is a marathon, not a sprint."
"Atma is not a third-person he, she, or it. Atma is the core or essence of who you are."
"My identity is just who I am, and that's all I need to be, and that's good enough."
"Every morning upon awakening, I experience a supreme pleasure: that of being Salvador Dali, and I ask myself wonderstruck, what prodigious thing will he do today, this Salvador Dali?"
"We wear a lot of hats, we encounter challenges, and when you encounter those things, you decide who you are, what makes you happy, what your priorities are, and you work from there."
"It's not so much about how society perceives the individual as much as how the individual wants to be perceived."
"We are enough in and of our own identity of 'I am' at every second of every point of our existence."
"You are not defined by what you got on; it is not the name you wear, it's the name you have."
"Being true to yourself, being who you really are, that's my definition of a good life."
"There's the internal struggle with trying to not be defined by my accomplishments."
"All of us have gone through things that were very hard for us, that were very difficult, they were very challenging, but it doesn't make us who we are as a person."
"What's left is the essence of who you are and how much you love, and that's actually the superpower here."
"The core issue in BPD is that the sense of self is distorted or not formed very well."
"The key thing here is that you don't really know who you are... you sort of define yourself based on how other people treat you."
"I wanted to be a whole person aside from my body... I'm so much more complex than that."
"You need to pick a side, do you want to be the victim or do you want to be the gangster?"
"When you relax and let go of all your definitions, like 'Who am I?' as an ego, you become suddenly expanded out through that whole thing."
"You aren't just you right now; you're you and you tomorrow and you next week and you in 10 years."
"Hate me for who I am, don't love me for who I'm not."
"At the end of the day, you are who you are in life, and at this point, you guys know me well enough, I'm not changing."
"You say you want wealth but how could you want something that makes up the very essence of who you are? You are abundant, rich, wealthy already, vibrationally."
"Gender isn't really something that I think about a lot; it's not really something I think of as defining me."
"I don't borrow money, and if you don't like that about me, I'm okay with that. I'm still going to be me."
"I really do envy... people who are completely able to constitute their sense of self and identity... completely outside of what they're producing."
"I am existing and living truthfully in whatever my purpose is."
"I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus."
"I've come to realize that the labels we assign to ourselves can liberate us or imprison us in our own minds, and it's a really strange thing to think that a word can be so powerful."
"We're not just separate selves floating in an external reality, but our relationships are part of ourselves."
"There is no fixed self; it's a constantly dynamic changing system."
"I'd rather be successful or unsuccessful based on who I really am, not based on some plastic Ken doll that you put up in front of audiences."
"I can only surprise you, not a victim but a survivor and alive to tell the real story."
"The words we use are powerful. Anything after 'I am' usually starts to manifest."
"Your number one move is you identifying who you want to be. Not who Tiffany wants to be, not who Patrick wants to be, not what Bob... You want not what your older brother, sister, mom that who do you want to be."
"Imagine yourself, but if you had made a slightly different choice at a key juncture in your life."
"Write the story of who you want to be, like who you really are, as the hero. 'I am the person that makes people feel better about themselves whenever I have the opportunity.'"
"The most important thing is just to authentically be yourself, and I don't think being around people who don't look like you should be a reason for you to act any different."
"I think the most important thing is just to authentically be yourself."
"Don't let anyone take away who you are and how true you are and what you matter in this world to so many other people."
"You are not defined by your past, you are not defined by your behavior, you are not defined by your failures."
"You are not the negative things that people say about you. You are so much more than that."
"In the name of Jesus, I am the righteousness of God; I stand before God without one single fault."
"It didn't take me long to learn to write my own name, but it was years before I could claim to know who it was glued to."
"Who are you really? Because here's the thing, you're not a body, you're not a disassociative mind, you're not a victim. You're a person. You have personality, quirks, wants, feelings, desires."
"You shouldn't be limited to your assigned gender at birth; you should be able to experience life with freedom."
"I'd rather much more be myself now than win over a fan who thinks I'm somebody I'm not."
"You can't let other people tell you what you are and what you're not."
"Meditate so you know that you are not your thoughts because it is dangerous to believe that everything that you think is what you are."
"I'm standing on being me. That's what I feel good about doing."
"I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for what I'm not." - Kurt Cobain
"I'd rather fail at being myself than succeed at being someone else."
"I don't think I believe in 'deep down.' I kind of think all you are is just the things that you do."
"There's an incredible value in having people love and appreciate you for who you are and not who they hope you are or who you're pretending to be."
"Don't let it be like, 'Who are you?' 'Oh, I'm a guy that got divorced.' No, you're not. You're just a guy, yeah, and you got divorced."
"One important lesson you've said you learned from your mom, is never let anyone else define you. Only you define who you are."
"Our identity cannot be affixed to anything on the outside... it's anti-soul, it's anti-bliss, it's anti-destiny, and anti-manifestation."
"In the end, the forest was a part of himself, and only the most intense fire could burn the branches that connect the lost kingdoms."
"It's not about your body, maybe it's not about what you're made of, it's about who you are and the people you love."
"It's about who you are and the people you love... It's a gift."
"The most fundamental question you can ask yourself is, are you the thing that stays the same or are you the thing that changes?"
"You're not gonna ever take that out of me, no delicate flower."
"I am Son Goku. And I destroy limits. That's who I am."
"To frame yourself as an eternal victim gives you a sense of belonging, it gives you a sense of significance."
"I chose this world to be a warrior, and I would choose it again if I came back to this world."
"My greatness and my excellence can't be compartmentalized to an individual, to an environment, to a circumstance. It is my essence."
"You are worthy without all this... Your worthiness comes from the inside, and in knowing that, you can still enjoy things but know that your inner worth stems from you and who you choose to be."
"I will forever and always be that type of girl, that's how my mama raised me."
"I am made in the image of God, therefore I am who He says I am, I can do what He says I can do, and I will have all that He has for me."
"You are not what happened to you; you are how you chose to handle it."
"You can claim you're a peacock, not a chook all you want, but over time if you only claim but don't demonstrate, you'll end up being seen as a delusional chook."
"The measure of a person, of a hero, is how well they succeed at being who they are."
"I stood true to who I am when everybody else was showing either who they were or losing themselves in this."
"You're not like everybody else, and that's what's so unique and makes you stand out from the crowd."
"Remain who you are, no matter what. Don't chase validation or approval."
"You are who you choose to be; your thoughts don't dictate who you are."
"I gathered myself and my courage and said, 'I don't believe in Allah, I don't believe in Islam, I'm not a Muslim.'"
"I am who I am. The essence of being. And when you identify in that, it's very easy to know who you are."
"I am a wizard, I am the Ocho, I am Chris Jericho, and I always win."
"Your background or family lineage can be fun to look at, sure, it's interesting to find out where you came from, but it really doesn't change who you are now."
"You have merged as one with the activity. There is no distinction between you and your skill; they are one."
"I ignore Jeremy and I try to become the person I made for myself because that's what I want to be."
"I was designed to do this. I am this. I am a battle warrior."
"Your weaknesses and your flaws, your flaws are your gifts."
"I hate the idea that if I'm a choker, I'll be a choker forever. I can be a different person, or I can have different qualities from year to year."
"I think it takes a lot of strength to wear it."
"The kingdom of heaven is within; in fact, it is you."
"I am not a citizen of your empire. I will always answer to myself."
"Self-realization is the insight into the subjective experience of who am I that results in the sudden conclusion of self-image or ego, which are the thoughts we identify with as who we think we are."
"This ain't going away, son. This is who God made you."
"You guys definitely have something about you in your face that is very distinct and beautiful."
"To eliminate racism, whites will have to develop a new self-concept which allows affirming themselves without oppressing others."
"Don't let people tell you who you are. You tell them who you are."