
Cognitive Development Quotes

There are 229 quotes

"If you want to increase your tenacity and willpower you absolutely can, by triggering activation of this incredible hub within the brain, the anterior mid singulate cortex."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Play is the substrate by which our nervous system changes us from this hyper-connected batch of neurons, where everything is connected to everything, more or less, to a brain and nervous system whereby certain circuits work with immense proficiency and others are less accessible to us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting kids to play an instrument... it's very clear it improves their ability to learn all sorts of things for their entire life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's no such thing as good or bad memory, there's a trained memory and there's an untrained memory."
"The problem that a lot of these people are going to start having is that people are starting to wake up and most importantly the community is starting to grow up and they're developing cognitive functions."
"I learned through debate... it's getting your brain to work. It's like a muscle working here."
"I always push chess at young kids. Chess helps you think, helps you plan, and helps you predict the future."
"Learning is... the process of internalizing things around us and making it a part of our thought process."
"To achieve fluency, give your brain thousands of hours of input in the target language to build a model of how the language works, similar to a machine learning algorithm."
"Now is the time to... be bold and try new things and get out of your comfort zone and really be shaping your brain in a good way."
"With consistent practice and immersion, you can develop the ability to think in English."
"The more you use your brain, the more it grows."
"The design of a fair educational policy affecting early childhood, K-12, and post-secondary education both in the US and internationally is critical in order to ensure the correct development of cognitive processes and critical thinking."
"When you learn a new fact, you make links, connections, synapses."
"You move from one knowledge structure to the next one which includes the previous one and is better."
"Portal has become the linchpin in the discussion of the importance of video games in the development of the human mind."
"Make a cognitive leap... you can thrive in conditions that shouldn't allow you to thrive."
"We learn far better by retrieving stuff from our brains... the very act of retrieving stuff from your brain actually strengthens the connections."
"Music has known to have a positive impact on cognitive development, emotional well-being, and social skills."
"Making mistakes is a normal part of the thinking process."
"Crystallized intelligence increases through your 40s and 50s."
"These puzzles are so great for training your mind."
"Overall, really good progress for you guys in the realm of understanding in the mind, the way that the world works."
"The best learning experiences are those that involve multiple different ways of understanding the same thing."
"That's what we call learning: your mind is here, you want to bring your mind there."
"My 33 year old brain is better than my 11 year old brain."
"Learning another language opens up your brain."
"That's gold... helping people reflect on the quality of their reasoning."
"Kids who are brought up in multilingual environments are actually their mental progress happens much quicker."
"For cetaceans like whales and dolphins, play is a vital part of cognitive development."
"Personal changes that lead to mental, philosophical, perceptual, cognitive kind of communicative changes."
"Stories are the way that we first begin to make sense of the world around us and to construct the world around us."
"The more you use your brain, the thicker and denser and stronger your brain becomes."
"Testing yourself strengthens neural connections, making memory a natural reflex."
"So as you work on the cognitive aspect of uh of these robots do you think we'll ever get to human level or superhuman level intelligence."
"Technology as an evolutionary process elevates us to higher levels of thinking and existence."
"As we're sort of fixing all this stuff, like we haven't figured out how to conquer the mind."
"Plasticity of plasticity: mental training improves engagement with neuroplasticity over time."
"The mind is a powerful thing... our generation has not been taught to master the mind."
"Play allows the mind to learn unexpected things, and young crows love to play."
"This is obviously great for gross motor skills, as well as listening and cognitive skills."
"Rosetta Stone has made learning a new language an engaging way to hone your mind."
"Bilingual babies may be better at learning rules and switching between them than monolingual babies."
"Whole brain thinking surpasses left brain thinking or right brain thinking."
"Welcome your problems... problems are simply tough games for the athletes of the mind."
"We can move from incorrect to correct perception."
"Education is not putting stuff in but pulling stuff out of your brain."
"People don't realize that, you know, your brain's potential... 10%... light up the other 90%."
"Juggling actually helps you to build better brains."
"Always be learning, it's like software upgrade for your brain."
"Playing on a regular basis can directly affect and impact the regions of your brain that are responsible for fine motor skills, information organization, memory, and spatial awareness."
"The human brain flourishes when it keeps on growing, expanding consciousness until we die."
"The second time that repetition is going to help you actually apply, rewire, and reconfigure."
"The Flynn effect: gradual increase in IQ over time."
"It really helps you polish your brain never stop using your noggin."
"Reading improves your ability to understand the thoughts and feelings of others."
"Women's brains developed in some slightly different ways."
"In this stage, the child acquires an understanding of object permanence and starts to understand cause and effect relationships."
"You're going to restore passion within yourself and in every area of your life."
"You have expanded and contracted and receded a lot larger a lot longer than them so you've got a larger mind and that mind created larger organs so you have larger perceptions of the world."
"Your mind is a muscle, and you control what goes into your brain."
"The human brain is always changing, making new connections, severing old ones, and it's incredibly resilient."
"We're in the business of critical infrastructure, and the most critical infrastructure is our cognitive infrastructure."
"By learning a new language, you’re strengthening your memory, improving problem-solving skills, and expanding your cognitive function."
"Geniuses understand the journey to optimal brain health is paved by simple, yet truly helpful habits."
"Consistency can make your brain flourish, my friend."
"Fine tune it to your advantage, you can unlock its true potential."
"It takes some work, but it is well worth that work."
"We can physically change our brain by using our mind."
"You're actually enlightening, awakening, and making connections even in your physical brain."
"The key to solving so many of the questions we face is a deeper understanding of language and its development."
"It's important for living a full life... to constantly be learning and challenging our mind."
"Once you learn a thought process, you can actually see yourself in that and add to it."
"Your brain is like a muscle; train it to think effectively."
"The Witness is a game that conditions you to think in ways you hadn't before and apply that to your life."
"Video games won't rot your brain, and in some cases, it can actually be beneficial to play them."
"Build something and then analyze it. This helps both sides of the brain."
"It's changing the brain is not an easy process, it's similar to going to the gym. It's only so easy it can be and still work."
"Brilliant is a platform that I wish I started using sooner just for my brain's sake."
"Different kinds of books, both fiction and nonfiction, can help with this."
"It's actually a really good thing to see errors in your work because that means your brain is doing its job."
"Humans are born with potential, potential to reach the extremes of their cognitive ability and with this potential they shall surpass the limits of human ability."
"Doing things that have many more moving pieces and require much more of the brain tend to boost cognitive reserve."
"You're never too young, you're never too old to start training your memory."
"Take your problem-solving abilities to the next level."
"We start trying to figure out the world around us and we make inferences."
"Smart technology aids in the development of cognitive skills through interactive and adaptive learning environments."
"Object permanence is the understanding that things exist when you no longer see them."
"The notion of conservation is that there's ways to transform things such that some aspects of them change but others remain the same."
"Tapping into your inner child and engaging in those classic activities isn't just a nostalgic trip down memory lane. It could actually help to strengthen your brain at any stage."
"It's also helping you learn how to think."
"Knowledge is also based on levels of thinking, levels of consciousness."
"During this stage, we're able to use symbols and relate to abstract concepts such as algebra and science."
"We do become more formal in our thinking as we grow older."
"We should accelerate biological cognitive development so that when the time comes where we create intelligent machines, we will be more competent at doing so."
"Your brain will go, it expands and wow, you got a big brain baby."
"Pass the explicit false belief task but like the seven-year-old kids."
"Brain-building play made fun and made with care."
"We create a mental blueprint between the ages of one and five."
"When you make a mistake, it actually enhances brain growth, learning, and memory."
"During the formal operational stage children, at about age 12, acquire the ability to think logically about concrete and abstract events."
"Executive functioning skills can continue to develop through the lifespan."
"This shows that the child has mastered the concept of reversibility."
"This shows that kids are conservative in transferring a verb across different pivot schemas that they have, and second, it's easier to transfer from the passive to the active than it is to transfer from the active to the passive."
"We need to start kids at around age eight learning to draw, not to become artists but to think better."
"What are the attributes of the human brain that allow us to grow up and create a worldview one way versus another way?"
"It's a cognitive gym that you get to work out in every single day."
"Mindfulness practice can develop your thinking muscle."
"Learning to think differently is the real key."
"There's really good value in developing your cognitive awareness."
"...complete cognitive upgrade for your brain."
"The brain hemispheres really are meant to unfold in a beauty goodness truth sequence."
"The learning process itself is a combination of the intellectual and the emotional."
"Early capacity for self-regulation is highly predictive of social and cognitive functions."
"Space and time are part of our theory of the world. You construct them yourself as an infant."
"You're learning to create mental models, visual representations of understanding, and you have to build on those models over time."
"Learning to play music... seems to pull from the most corners of our mind and I can't imagine that not being good for you."
"The act of learning makes your brain say, 'God, I got to pull from different pathways, I got to get to different corners of my mind.'"
"It's not about whether you master playing the piano, just the process of trying to... that's going to do all the groundwork and all the sort of heavy lifting in the brain."
"The open cranial vault remodeling resulted in a higher IQ in children in comparison to those who underwent endoscopic strip craniectomy."
"The thing that ties these together in a remarkable way is developmental biology because each one of us has taken that journey from chemistry and physics to being a complex metacognitive mind."
"Reading is fundamental; it makes us more balanced, more well-rounded people, it feeds our brain."
"We're actually hardwired to learn and to find great joy in learning."
"Working memory is related to learning."
"The cognitive revolution enabled humans to start to do increasingly complex activities with our brains."
"Regular music practice, thinking artistically, and regular exercise has an impact on cognitive skills such as concentration and attention."
"Children adapt their thinking in two important but different ways: through assimilation and accommodation."
"Trust me, you put in the cognitive effort now, you'll be way better off in a couple of months when you're on the job."
"Cognitive development is simply the study of how we acquire the ability to learn, to think, to communicate, and to remember."
"The formal operational stage... emerges in adolescence, in which children can finally think abstractly and reason hypothetically."
"Games actually help with strategizing and developing the brain to solve things."
"Growing up bilingual increases cognitive capabilities."
"We all become better problem solvers, decision makers and critical thinkers when we all shape our thinking."
"Their thought process from around three or four years of age to usually around seven or eight years of age is typically magical in nature."
"Learning plays a central role in establishing categorical knowledge that later supports all the things I just described."
"Healthy proteins, healthy amino acids are what your dog's bones, muscle health, and brain health need to grow in the most optimal way."
"We exercised our minds by figuring out which play area matches the item."
"The brains of the gamers experienced a volumetric increase."
"The visual word form area goes from reading faces to reading print through exposure to print awareness activities."
"I think where we're seeing the largest evolution amongst the human species is in the brain."
"We have examples of a very high level of cognitive development and very high level of ethical development of different populations based on cultures."
"Reflective thought is born, the development of man from the earliest forms of pre-hominoids up to present-day man."
"We have large brains relative to our body size, which allows for more complex thought, greater social memory, and the ability to make cognitive connections."
"Developing ourselves cognitively, becoming better and better at processing information is every bit as important as working on our emotional game."
"Sorting is an excellent activity for children."
"The best exercise to actually promote brain development and attention are cognitive sort of exercises."
"Kids need to be taught to draw not for art's sake, but for the kind of thinking that the right hemisphere does."
"Language comprehension, background knowledge, vocabulary knowledge, and knowledge of language structures, verbal reasoning, all these things here, they develop over time."
"We need to train not our bodies but our brain as well."
"We grow our metacognitive ability to overcome egocentrism by living in the presence of other people and having their perspective of knowing impact and shape our perspective."
"The monolingual mindset is the greatest impediment to recognizing, valuing, and utilizing our language potential."
"Automatized handwriting frees up so much cognitive space for your students."
"A big part of your training when you do strength training is brain training and central nervous system training, not muscle training."
"Our kids have these incredibly creative minds."
"It's good for your brain to like build some stuff, follow some directions."
"Children who received sensory enrichment therapy had an average IQ increase of 8.4 points."
"Each hour of cognitive stimulation reduced the chances of attentional problems later in life by about 30 percent."
"Problem solving and play are connected."
"Children are not only processing language but thinking about relationships, judging behavior, learning about life, and guessing what's going to happen next."
"Studying those subjects actually expands our cognitive capacity and our basic intelligence which raises achievement and accomplishment in a variety of domains."
"I think it's good for the human brain to learn languages."
"The exposure standard for lead in children has been lowered over the years because even small amounts can result in impaired cognitive development."
"The Adolescent is in the formal operational stage; they can plan for their future and understand cause and effect."
"Just like our brains have been evolved to track objects for survival, we can also train it to detect patterns optimized around achieving a specific goal."
"Cognitive stages: As children become more aware of their surroundings, they become increasingly more cognitive."
"They're turning into concrete thinkers which is really going to help them learn skills and understand the world around them."
"When they can combine play actions, guess what they do? They combine words."
"Learning is a matter of the heart and the head."
"Watching movies can be incredible training for your ability to think."
"It's good for our brains to try and be plastic and learn things."
"Object permanence is an important milestone."
"The theory of mind was an indispensable device that we hit on early in our evolution."
"Playing an instrument makes you use both sides of your brain, which strengthens cognitive skills such as memory."
"Bilinguals develop abilities that monolinguals don't... they do better on logic tasks than monolinguals do."
"Brains are getting bigger apparently because we're being told too much information."
"The more you are aware of your thoughts and choose to redirect them, you actually build your prefrontal cortex."
"Any reading that you do is great, whether it's in English or not, it really doesn't matter, the more you read and the more you pay attention to the structure of language and the way that it's organized, is going to help you."
"When you write well, you develop your ability to think well."
"The arts are not an add-on; they are an essential part of cognitive development."
"When we're young, our minds are really good at learning things."
"When you ask them to describe a system, you begin to understand really their mental view of the world, their boundaries."
"Learning languages really does create kind of new Pathways in your brain."
"Not only are you learning to string combos together, you're working your brain at the same time."
"The brain is actually changing with all of our experiences."
"After you learn one foreign language, the second foreign language is easier. You will more easily learn languages in general."
"We want to empower our students to build up their cognitive power and their physical power and their character power."
"We are all equally human beings in the sense that we have our own lives, we have our own cognitive capacities, and the important thing is that each of us is free to develop our own capacities to our fullest extent."
"Awareness of morphology supports word recognition, word memory, and word recall above and beyond phonological awareness and orthographic awareness."
"Schemas was this process by which a kid and a baby would take something and use a structure or a template to try and figure out the world."
"Bilingualism is key in this country. It helps with social and cognitive skills."
"Designed by experts with your toddler's developing brain in mind."
"Our growing use of the net and other technologies has led to a widespread and sophisticated development of visual-spatial skills."
"Mental enrichment really helps with that."
"It's a learning that is an internal process."
"Bilingualism supports children's cognitive functions overall such as memory, attention, transferring abilities, transformational thinking."
"This abstract representational capacity out of which a type of thinking evolves... is so far removed from the concrete bodily periphery and so far removed from the raw emotional core."
"Short-term memory is like a muscle, and the more you do it, the easier it gets."
"How we learn about music and how music helps us learn."
"The more you learn, the more plastic your brain becomes."
"I think puzzles are a really nice toy option because they stimulate the mind."