
Brain Science Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"We all have this particular brain area and quite excitingly, this brain area is highly subject to plasticity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"By studying the brain processes, we can map it with conscious experience. But... how is it that purely physical processes... are transformed into this vivid first-person experience of life?"
"Free will is an illusion in the sense that your brain decides first, and you become aware of it after the fact."
"Our brains are constructed to experience different states of consciousness, and there's a reason for it: it helps us deal with stress."
"Neural plasticity means your brain has the capability of change."
"The brain has a science of its own all the time and had the capacity for radical change even in adulthood."
"We are very, very far from being able to understand how a particular pattern of electrochemical signals in the brain creates a subjective experience of love, or anger, or hate, or whatever."
"The brain of an Alzheimer's patient riddled with beta-amyloid is a manifestation of disease that can be influenced by dietary factors."
"Investments in understanding the connectome could lead to developing new techniques to look into the brain at a micro-scale."
"Mindfulness meditation has been proven to induce gray matter changes in your brain, essentially it improves your ability to regulate your emotional brain."
"People do feel a little bit of a physical sensation, if you're prone to epilepsy it's not a good idea to try this, so it does require some careful supervision experimentally."
"Somehow our mind is integrally dependent on the brain tissue."
"Neuroplasticity is the ability for a brain to change and adapt as a result of any type of experience."
"Therapists are geniuses, they know how the brain works."
"The brain is only as interesting as the mind and of course it is like psychedelics are only worth studying in terms of their brain effects because their psychological effects are so damn stunning."
"Alzheimer's begins in the brain 30 to 40 years before the first symptom."
"From an interpersonal neurobiology perspective, the initial wound is still there, we build new neural networks which help us manage the wounds better."
"All of mental training and visualization relies on what I consider really the Holy Grail of our brain and nervous system and that's neuroplasticity."
"Understanding neuroplasticity for better learning."
"What it comes down to is that addiction is the result of how our brains are wired, and since no one can control that, there is no way addiction can be the fault of an individual."
"Your brain is the organ of happiness, so if you want to be happy, work to have a healthier brain."
"Your brain is not even done fully developing until you are 25 years old, baby."
"We need much more understanding about what's going on, what's going on with the wiring that leads to this."
"Teaching people about their brain made them far more effective at whatever they wanted to achieve."
"Consciousness is not reducible to the brain."
"God designed our brains for monogamy, and the more that we design our brains only to be triggered and turned on by our spouse, the more brain chemicals are being released to reinforce that bonding and connection."
"There's this other thing... consciousness or mind... something beyond just some pink tissue in our skulls."
"Your brain never stops evolving. Your brain is plastic."
"Neuroplasticity is the concept that a brain can change."
"Neuroplasticity changes everything; the brain is not a machine."
"The brain's visual Machinery is not subject to the logic of the rest of the brain."
"Consciousness is distinct from the gray matter from the brain."
"Psychedelics increase the neuroplasticity of the brain."
"There's always plasticity of the brain."
"Morality has its origins in the natural selection of brains in small tribal groups."
"It's a change in the brain that results in a person continuously seeking reward or relief from a certain substance or behavior."
"The ventricular cavity at the center of the brain may be thought of as a lens through which the interior implicit order looks out into the explicate order." - Narrator
"Your brain has neuroplasticity which means it has the ability to learn new things for your entire lifetime."
"In terms of connectivity, memory champions' brains are more connected."
"If you want to build the brain, we definitely need to understand how it works."
"...a merger occurred between cognitive psychology and brain science which really gave rise to a new science of mind."
"Getting insights from brain science allows for more rational approaches to new treatments."
"Generosity goes hand in hand with happiness. When we're being generous, when we're giving, there's a part of our brain that's correlated with positive emotion that lights up."
"Losing weight starts with your brain. The program helps you understand the science behind your eating choices and why you have cravings."
"There's no correlation at all between brain size and intelligence."
"The brain is actually controlling change, its plasticity, on the basis of outcomes."
"My findings to date are pretty conclusive that we are onto something of prime importance regarding the brain."
"There is so much more that we do not know about brain development."
"If you know what clicks with the brain, you can apply that knowledge to create a better customer experience."
"What I should have done, and what I could have done if people had taught me more about how the brain learns, is I could have just closed the book, walked away, and let my brain go into this diffuse mode."
"Dr. Taylor loves educating all age groups, academic levels, as well as corporations, about the beauty of our human brain and how we can work with ourselves to live a more peaceful life."
"If you want the brain to stay close, then you have to represent calmness."
"Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change."
"This becomes our mandate in education which is to increase the knowledge and the awareness of where we're going with brain science."
"Others suggest that conscious awareness is caused or related in some important way to entangled particles in the brain."
"Power changes your brain chemistry."
"...Brains exist along a spectrum...it's a lot more complicated than just like a continuum."
"All of this is about neuroplasticity."
"Neuroscience... dealing with the structure and the function of the nervous system as well as the brain."
"Recovery and 12-step communities and treatment centers and Outpatient Therapy, we're at a new level of understanding how the brain starts doing that."
"Our emotions, the emotional brain develops before the thinking brain."
"Our brains are indeed very malleable, very plastic."