
Physical Exercise Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"It just so happened that cardiovascular training done three times per week for an hour at a time at moderate intensity increased the size of the anterior mid cingulate cortex."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I consider doing regular weekly therapy as just as important as doing regular physical exercise in order to improve one's health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The best way to sustain and develop your cognitive function is through physical exercise."
"Physical exercise is very much an unsung hero in terms of improving both your emotional state and cognitive function."
"Physical exercise is associated with a 38 percent reduced risk of cognitive decline."
"Opening your left arm up towards the sky, turning your left toes out towards the left for Ardha Chandrasana."
"Physical exercise is the most effective remedy, about 1.5 times more effective than antidepressants for depression."
"Physical exercise and nutrition...it's just important. It's basic."
"Exercising for three to five times a week for about 45 minutes each time was associated with the best mental health outcome."
"Practice balancing, practice stretching, and as you're doing those things, focus and feel your muscles moving through space."
"The gym is literally like an anti-depressant."
"The handstand is a great exercise that utilizes all the muscles in your body."
"A good laugh does more for the stomach muscles than five minutes setting up exercises."
"Working out is not all about losing weight, it's about physical but also like mental exercise."
"Remember every muscle movement is an exercise."
"If you're picking stuff up and putting it down, you're building muscle."
"If you feel this way often, doing a full body shake, whoo, when we start to feel it build, can give our nervous system the release that it so desperately needs."
"If you want to be really efficient at 100 RPM and you also want to be really efficient at let's say 65, you have to do work at both ends of the Cadence spectrum."
"Working out now is so much not for my aesthetics, but it's like, I'm stressed today, well I haven't ran, I haven't worked out, I haven't released this energy."
"There are so many mental and physical benefits to daily exercise."
"Can we just talk about the bruises on my shoulders from squats? Like, that's crazy!"
"Nice and slow, your arms are like heavy weights, your head is last to arrive."
"Exercise is not just for our body, it's for our skin too."
"This exercise makes people feel so good, they wanna do it."
"If I don't get my exercise in, my mental health falls off the face of a cliff."
"Just work with the breath, reach forward with your fingers and then over and out."
"As soon as you get in the iron temple and start working out, it unlocks a part of your mind."
"That's your muscles figuring it out and if any of these poses are new to your body, the more often you practice them the stronger the brain-body connection becomes."
"That feeling of your legs burning right now is the feeling of growth."
"These stretches... they're really really really great medicine for the entire system."
"Physical exercise is really one of those things Genius Foods focuses on."
"Rigorous exercises like those of the Navy's top gun school."
"Work out. Dota can be exhausting and rage-inducing even for the calmest of people. Dota convert in their day. But if you work out, even if you are having a bad day, you'll still feel great."
"Are you limited with physical exercise keeping things chatty and light-hearted on day seven of the main event you gotta love that."
"Think about how many muscles you're working."
"Last chance, try to lock your knees, change arms and head up together, inhale all the way up, arms down by your side."
"Inhale halfway exhale fold, inhale coming up to standing as you reach both arms up to the sky."
"The push-up plus activates the supraspinatus as hard as it can in a functional movement pattern."
"Flexing isn't only for strengthening your body muscles and showing off, you can also use it to make eye muscles stronger."
"All right so just let's do the answer soft with the arms the first movement there."
"We have to exercise in space because we're coming home again and we don't want to come back as, like, you know, jellyfish."
"Step your foot in closer, inhale round your spine."
"Who says exercise doesn't have any benefit in war?"
"Feel the stretch over the chest, the pecs, the biceps."
"This is tightening my lip muscles. Oh, this is worth it."
"Physical exercise is the not so secret superpower for your brain."
"Handstands are great for building your balance, core strength, and shoulder strength."
"Lifting helps with depression, anxiety, OCD. All of it."
"Inhale the right arm to the sky and grab the back foot for a quad stretch."
"Exercise really does get you out of depression."
"Inhale, reach your arms up and over your head, exhale interlace behind the back off of the heart to chest up."
"It's completely normal if your body aches after you work out... congratulations you did it."
"Stretch it out that way too, stretches out the scalene muscles a lot."
"Good, breathe it up, bring your feet in close together."
"One of the best ways to get rid of popping and cracking sounds in the upper back is to strengthen it."
"Lifting has helped my mental health so much, it's a great stress relief."
"Lean forward so one two three four five six and on seven eight you're gonna get your hands from behind bring them in, the front and push down together at the bottom seven eight."
"We're loosening up that spine, firing up that core."
"It's a fun brain-involved skill where you're working your body, you're sweating." - Ethan
"Alright, do your best stretches. Get down onto the floor, right leg forward, left leg back and just reach your arms up."
"Running helps me relax. It helps me have more focus and clarity."
"Exercise can reverse brain shrinkage and stimulate both halves of the brain."
"Inhale, let's go ahead now reach both arms up to the sky lengthening through the body."
"...you're going to start to feel your muscles working."
"Just let your head hang down take a deep breath in breathing out and coming all the way up to standing."
"And when you're doing that kind of exercise it does take its toll."
"There's studies that have come out that have shown anti-depressants and regular physical exercise are almost equal in a lot of situations."
"Maybe you'd like to shake out your hands and move your wrists a little bit."
"This one, you're stretching out the quads and the hip flexors."
"That's the natural turn here, closer, yes, then that will give you a really a real body string."
"Physical exercise is actually the most important thing you can do to maintain your cognitive health."
"You're getting your heart rate up, you're getting the blood flowing, you're getting oxygen through your lungs."
"Looks like we get to exercise our bodies and our minds, this is going to be a really good game for the mind."
"Jiu Jitsu is definitely an intense workout because you're using every muscle in your body, including your brain."
"Inhale, fingertips to the sky, tuck the chin, exhale, peel the spine, and round over those legs."
"It's just practice, it's just your breath, it's just the body."
"Exercise the muscle to exercise the brain."
"This one challenges my mind and my muscles, I got to work together."
"Lift your chest and chin up towards the sky, feeling that stretch across the upper body."
"Physical exercise... seems to be very, very effective at staving off cognitive declines across the lifespan."
"Engage the core, lift through the heart."
"Use your core to bring your torso back to the center."
"Feel your oblique stretching and come back to the other side."
"We're exercising our muscle, we're exercising our brain."
"These nature walks are just a really great way to get outside, feel some fresh air, and move my body."
"Use your breath to kind of help you build a bit more heat, a bit more structure, and a bit more stamina."
"Keep the shoulders working down the back."
"So we've done a lot of work and used the body in a way that it's activated ourselves, our brain, we had to use our brain and our intelligence to take the right actions."
"Feel the back of your neck stretching."
"Stretching yourself apart in opposing directions, like natural human traction."
"Roll up one bone at a time through the spine."
"Keep your body straight by moving your waist left side and right side."
"It was therapy, it was like an angry walk."
"Feel those wobbles, now we're gonna go really slowly."
"The physical practice that gives you the healthiness allows you to think with a clear mind."
"Catch your breath, good work team."
"People who invest the effort into doing resistance exercise of some kind really benefit tremendously at a whole body level."
"Feel the stretch in the right front of your shoulder, the opening in your chest and your hip of course."
"Power yoga, vinyasa yoga, basically any style of yoga where you're really like vigorously working your body can definitely facilitate and help with weight loss."
"When you feel good, go ahead and lift your hips up and back towards your downward facing dog."
"Inhale, rise all the way up to tall mountain, and of course, cactus your arms, open your chest."
"Inhale, reach the arms down, around, and up."
"Inhale both arms up with a full breath, look up at your hands, exhale fold forward, lower your head."
"Inhale lift chin, chest, and palms off the floor, squeeze your shoulder blades behind you."
"We lift in the lower abs, we lift in the front of the hip, we lengthen the lower spine, we're lifting the heart, we open the shoulders and press down, we lengthen in the neck."
"Engage your quads to press the top of your thigh bones farther back."
"Squeeze your inner thighs together, push down into your heels and root them back towards your straighten the arms, soften your neck."
"We don't have enough extension in our life; this is a very important exercise for pretty much everyone to be doing."
"We're gonna start to really stretch into the heel here."
"You want to really pull it firmly to your spine, rounding the spine, beautiful C shape."
"Physical activity is just as good for your mental health as it is for your physical health."
"Singing in a choir is about as good for your mind, body, and soul as physical exercise."
"Starting to get that heart rate up now, which is always a good thing."
"Keep that contraction going, creating long lean muscles."
"I'm here to make sure that everybody in this school can enjoy physical exercise and that's exactly what I'm going to do."
"Exercise is just the best thing to know your mind and make you feel so much better."