
Belief Quotes

There are 62215 quotes

"Ingesting glucose can improve your ability to engage tenacity and willpower, provided that you believe that glucose is the limiting resource for engaging tenacity and willpower."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What we believe has power. If we believe we can make something great, the chances of us making something great are better than if we don't believe we can." - Rick Rubin.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The belief part of it is a huge part of the conversation about everything." - Rick Rubin on the power of belief in creativity.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The brain activation is corresponding to the belief."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We all wanna believe that we were here for something more and something better."
"I'm not doing it anytime soon, but going back to the fact that I do think you can kind of rewire your brain."
"Our belief around our identity is what shapes a lot of our mindset."
"Belief and perception may be more powerful than the truth."
"I'm a believer that self-doubt is the killer of dreams... if we don't believe in ourselves, it's not gonna happen."
"I am convinced beyond any shadow of a doubt that we can be, do, or have anything in this world if we will see it, believe it, and give gratitude for it."
"The only belief that matters is that if you put time and energy into getting better at something, you'll actually get better at it."
"Protect your kids' beliefs and ensure that they know without a doubt that you love them."
"It doesn't always have to be backed up by science."
"Believing in the impossible represents you being unique, your unique gifts and skills."
"Believe in something bigger, believe in something greater, and know that you're more capable than you realize."
"There's a god-shaped hole in everyone's heart; we just disagree on how it got there."
"How do we finally transition into abundance? It has everything to do with our mind and what we believe."
"If we believe a thought, it will manifest, and the story manifests."
"What we believe in our mind changes the way we behave, and the way we behave in the world changes the world."
"To give our lives any sense of meaning and psychological stability, we must choose to believe certain things matter more than ourselves."
"I'm not superstitious, but I'm a little stitious."
"Limitless is not about being perfect. Limitless is about progressing beyond what you and others believe is possible."
"Your thoughts are very important. Thoughts really do become things."
"I don't believe in coincidences. I think everything happens for a reason."
"The fundamental hallmark of belief is how you act, not what you say about what you think you think."
"The foundation of all personal development is to believe that you have the power and ability to respond and to create any kind of life that you choose."
"To believe in fear is to believe in something you can't see. To believe in faith is to believe in something you can't see. Well, if you have a choice, I think I'd choose faith."
"Magic exists and spirituality is a real deal."
"It's about building something you believe in, it's about serving other people, it's about work ethic, it's about showing up and working, and I value myself for that."
"If you're tethering your ability to quell your grief or deal with your addiction to a belief in a deity, and something happens that unravels that belief system for you, then what happens to your mental health?"
"I truly believe better days are ahead of us."
"You don't have to be believe in love because of one couple that you really like that broke up. Love exists everywhere."
"If you can make God bleed, then people will cease to believe in him."
"Your soulmate is already with you in spirit. Believe this, and it will manifest physically."
"There's overwhelming research that the placebo effect... if a human being thinks that something can work, it actually objectively increases their likelihood of it working."
"I don't care what you believe. Just believe it."
"Optimism is not a denial of the current state; it's a belief that the future is bright."
"No man could get to heaven without God. It's impossible."
"If your good deeds make you happy and your bad deeds make you sad, you're a believer."
"You gotta believe you can do it and then you gotta build that mindset where no matter what happens, you're gonna find a way."
"You are cultivating a mindset where you believe in your bones your soul every part of your being that no matter what you're facing you can have a positive impact."
"Delusional optimism is always believing in the best outcome, even if it's sometimes delusional."
"Optimism is about a belief in better; it may not seem realistic, but that's because it's not real. Yet."
"Believe in the impossible, even if you don't know how."
"You have to somehow believe that you can do it, or else you never try to put a car on the surface of Mars, right? It's crazy."
"It's not about going to church every day or banging your head on the floor; it is in the heart."
"Faith is acting like God is telling the truth."
"Your faith and belief has finally awoken, your faith in the divine, your faith in God, the universe, spirituality."
"I genuinely believe you can be rich and spiritual."
"And though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory."
"Belief determines behavior, and behavior is all that matters."
"I'm interested in believing as many true things as possible, and as few false things as possible."
"One of the most important things you can do as a psychiatrist is to believe patients."
"We don't want to believe stuff, we want to know stuff."
"I believe in reincarnation in the purely the sense of I think life restarts in some way after this life in some way, shape, or form."
"A time to believe something is when there's sufficient evidence for it."
"Falsifiability is not a sufficient reason for dismissing the idea that God exists. It is sufficient to conclude that I do not have good reason to believe this."
"I'm unconvinced that it exists, and for some gods where it conflicts with actual observed facts of reality, I am convinced those gods don't exist."
"If you think God has given you a sign, then trust the signs."
"You have to surround yourself with believers."
"Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
"God is an experience, not a belief or a theory."
"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me."
"Success and fulfillment are going to come from your unflagging ability to believe in what other people call impossible."
"Knowledge is generally considered by philosophers to be true justified belief."
"It's not a journey from not believing to believing in something. It's the journey from not knowing to knowing, to realizing, to seeing."
"You're going to have to throw your stake down at some time and say, 'This is what I believe in.'"
"Having principles that you believe in is way more important."
"Whenever you pray for something that you want, believe that you already have it, and it will be given to you."
"We should not seek the clear winning of a debate, for that is the concern of surfaces, but to win over the other to one's belief and/or to be won over to the other's belief for the sake of what is true and good."
"People who believe that they have been abducted by aliens are going to show authentic nonverbal communication because they genuinely believe what they are saying."
"The hardest thing about being a dad is having to exercise the patience required until your children believe what you see in them."
"You have to care about yourself. You have to have self-esteem. You have to believe in yourself even if others around you don't."
"Believe again. That belief is sometimes all you have when you go into the next step."
"When someone tells you who they are, believe them."
"If you use logic and reason to conclude that you are probably a Boltzmann fluctuation, then you must also think that you have no right to believe any of the steps you used along the way to do that reasoning."
"Sincerity is when you say what you actually believe when you've reasoned yourself to it and you've submitted it to some kind of curation based upon what you actually care about, not just how you feel right this moment."
"None of you will truly believe until you love for your brother what you love for yourself."
"The faster that you can stop believing that it's not real and just realize that something that you're doing all the time then you can use it to your advantage."
"Decide what you want, build your beliefs, and trust."
"Their soul mate is already with you in spirit. Believe this, and they will manifest physically."
"The one thing that unites all of them... is that they believe that our rights... don't come from any earthly authority; they come from God."
"The outcome you desire can be yours if you believe that it is possible."
"Faith is not being gullible. Faith is based off of experience. It's based off of something I've tasted, it's based off of something I've been involved in."
"I believe from what I understand that there have been significant changes, and whilst not everybody will believe that he deserves a second chance, I think I do."
"As you believe, so it shall be done unto you." - Neville Goddard
"If you think you can or if you think you can't, you're probably right."
"I believe in you, so please do not let me down."
"You are in a process of evolving, as long as you believe it."
"The only things that should be believed are those supported with the best reasons and truth is objective, it's not subjective."
"Questioning your beliefs is leading you to somewhere much greater."
"Through the great law of attraction, everything in life that I need for my work and fulfillment will come to me. It is not necessary that I strain about this; only believe, for in the strength of my belief, my faith will make it so."
"I believe in moderation, but I don't believe in censorship."
"The highest reward in Paradise is where Allah will speak to the Believers and he will say to the Believers, 'Are you satisfied with all of these things that I mentioned to you?'"
"Seeing Allah is the highest reward that Believers will have in Paradise."
"Knowing God and believing in God are two different things."
"Some scientists believe in the concept of the Multiverse."
"I have belief, I have that degree of spiritual confidence, but in terms of certainty of the highest degree, faith doesn't offer that."
"It may be comforting, increasing in happiness, adaptive to kind of act as if these things exist."
"You don't need to see it to believe it, you don't need to see it to work for it."
"Everyone needs something higher to believe in."
"Work comes before the belief. You don't believe first and then do the work."
"I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart."
"Maybe strength didn't come from winning or losing but from standing up for what you believed in."
"Whatever we believe is what we receive; whatever we believe is what we manifest."
"You have to become super confident to speak things into existence."
"Trust in your ability to manifest; the fact that your thoughts absolutely shape your experiences."
"Water actually does change its vibration based on what you give to it."
"I believe in you and I think that you are so talented."
"All is yours, but you must take it. The taking is always a mental process; it is believing absolutely."
"People have an overwhelming desire to believe in something, and cult leaders become the focal point of that desire."
"I mean, I wish she would have believed in you because I believe in you."
"Yet there are men who take others besides God as equals, loving them as they should love God. But those who believe, love God more ardently."
"Angels do not care whether you believe in them or not; they do not care whether you are a certain religion or have a certain belief or not; they love all of us and want to help empower all of us."
"I certainly do believe in a soul. I do believe in God."
"All the darkness in the world cannot overcome the power of one light, one person who believes in you."
"Keep fighting for what you believe in, and you shall be successful."
"Religion works for most people because... they do want it to be true that they are supervised, that God looks out for them."
"Belief is a kind of extension of the self. When you believe a proposition, when someone says something and you think, 'Yeah that's true', you are in some sense taking it in hand as part of your cognitive emotional repertoire."
"She is the one who believed in me when everyone else said I am a liar."
"When you believe in Him, you receive His Holiness; you're clothed in Christ's righteousness, not your own."
"Why not start believing these things?... Something big is coming. This is always what happens to me every time that I'm shifting into a new reality."
"I'm a big believer in informed decision-making."
"Reasoning can take us to almost any conclusion we want to reach, because we ask 'Can I believe it?' when we want to believe something, but 'Must I believe it?' when we don't want to believe."
"I am always prepared to believe a mathematician or scientist because they can demonstrate and predict with precision, unlike spiritual or mystical claims."
"It comes back to belief, and belief, as you've already admitted, is not a good way to determine what is or isn't true."
"The only thing you can do that's not a work is belief. Trusting isn't something that you do; it's just something that you accept."
"Write down the vision and make it plain... As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
"The wealth was in the mind of the man who believed in a guiding principle."
"Believe that you have it now, and you shall receive it."
"Everybody loves honesty when it's agreeable. Everyone believes honesty when it's a belief they already hold."
"In some way, the belief of the field allowed the belief of the individual to be cellularly embodied and allowed what we would call now magic to occur."
"Sometimes all you need is the right people to believe in you, until finally, you do too."
"Will this belief carry me to my desired life? Your ride into your dreams, my friends, is on your beliefs."
"Believe in the content you create. It will help you so much."
"I believe in this team; I'm incredibly lucky to work with them."
"It is la ilaha illaallah that transforms people; it is la ilaha illaallah that changed a people who used to bury their girls alive into some of the greatest human beings that ever walked the earth."
"La ilaha illaallah is not just a statement we all know; it is what we say to turn us from a disbeliever into a believer."
"If we do not believe then we will lose everything... everything you will not hold on to your money, your money will not come to you in your grave except in one situation when that money is used for the sake of Allah."
"I believe like we can reach our own beliefs and learn our own ways because your body is going to attract you to certain things because that's destiny."
"Never let anybody crush your dreams. I believe in your dream."
"Changing that little identity switch really just makes all the difference, and you start to believe it."
"Without faith, it is impossible to please Him."
"The possibilities are endless, all you need is to believe."
"I believe with all my heart that there is a higher power, and this higher power actually loves me."
"If you fight every day for what you believe in and you apply it to every singular facet of your life, it doesn't matter when or how you pass away because living your life the way it was intended teaches those around you to do the same thing."
"If you believe that you have the ability to make independent choices, that you can actually supersede your own biological drives and the environment around you to any extent, this means that you believe in something that can't actually be proved by science but that you are living every single day."
"If you don't believe as an entrepreneur, nobody else will believe."
"The first step in making a difference is believing you can. We make the impossible happen on a regular basis."
"Faith is demonstrated when we believe something enough to actually move towards it."
"Belief in yourself, belief after failure, belief when all others doubt."
"Belief is literally the only thing that matters because your experience, how you build something, what you learn, whatever it is, anything that you achieve, is literally only based off of how much you believe that's going to happen."
"At the end of the day, it's only people that lose belief that quit."
"Belief is the only thing that matters because your experience, what you learn, whatever it is, anything that you achieve, it is literally only based off of how much you believe it's going to happen."
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible, and receives the impossible."
"The first step to anything of thinking and growing rich is the thinking part is allowing yourself permission to believe that it's possible."
"If I can see it and if I can believe it, then I can achieve it."
"Believe and succeed; successful month for you."
"There are people that catch you; the universe catches you."
"If you dare to assume you are what you want to be, your inner conviction, your feeling of certainty, will bring it to pass."
"I believe with all my heart that our first priority must be world peace."
"If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth."
"Belief comes once you've done it, but you won't even take the first step if you don't believe that you can accomplish it."
"Belief without talent will take you far further than talent without belief."
"My one word is believe, and I believe in you. I believe you have Michael Jordan-level talent at something, and I want you to find it, embrace it, and use it to make a difference."
"Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone."
"I was always a believer in purpose. I felt everything had a purpose."
"Nothing is impossible to those that believe."
"The best thing you can do is be genuine. If you believe something, say you believe in those things."
"If you think you can, you will. If you think you're beaten, you are. If you think you will fail, you will fail."
"Manifestation is the fruition of confidence and belief."
"When I've started something, where I really believe in it, where I'm willing to go that extra mile, that's where I end up with success."
"Belief and exposure are two of the most powerful things that can happen to a person."
"I firmly believe perspective drives performance."
"Whether that God exists or not, it's like the invisible friend that the kid has that can provide legitimate comfort."
"Skepticism is essentially a desire to hold as many true beliefs as few false ones as possible and use the methods that make that most probable."
"As you believe, so shall it be done unto you."
"Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe."
"Skepticism is about wanting to believe as many true things and as few false things as possible."
"Skepticism is not about ooh what do you mean there's too much stuff. If there's sufficient evidence to warrant belief, then skepticism holds that you should accept it."
"Blessed are they who have not seen and yet they believe."
"Jesus said, 'Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.'"
"Believe in something wholeheartedly and follow that with faith and courage."
"All you need is belief, the belief that you can succeed."
"Believe in the impossible, have faith in your dreams."
"I don't just know that He loves me, I know that I am loved by Him."
"There's a coming of a new consciousness, and I really believe it's not one person; it's a collective consciousness."
"People want to believe what they want to believe."
"Do I believe gangstalking is real? Honestly, yeah. But that's with the inclusion of cartel members, grassroots drama, and other criminal activities."
"Nothing is impossible if you really believe it to the degree that you are moved to really try it."
"I can call a thing that is not seen as though it were seen, and the unseen becomes seen."
"Believe and your belief will create the fact."
"Jesus said, 'You are all sons of the Most High. You are all gods.' That's what Jesus said. If you believe that, really believe that, that you're a child of God, you are the light, you are gods, you experience salvation."
"It just comes down to this one thing... anything is possible."
"All you need to do is believe you are what you want to be, and then let the world... go to work to make your assumption possible."
"Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny. - Mahatma Gandhi"
"Jesus stretched his arms and I believe He was imagining you walking in joy, peace, wholeness."
"Belief isn't believing it's gonna happen; it's believing it's happening."
"All things are possible to you when you believe."
"Whatsoever you desire, believe you have received it, and you will."