
Stress Management Quotes

There are 5206 quotes

"If you're not sleeping well and if you're not managing your stress levels well, it's going to be much harder for you to engage tenacity and willpower."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everyone in this class will struggle, no matter who you are. Questions are going to be flying at you that you cannot answer, and when that happens, you're going to experience stress. And if you don't understand that stress, you'll think it means 'Oh no, I don't belong here.' But in fact, that stress is an indicator that your understanding is deepening. It's not a sign that you're not learning; it's a sign that you are learning."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Adopting a growth mindset and a stress can enhance performance mindset is incredibly valuable, and even more valuable is combining those two mindsets."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Daily short bouts of intense stress actually undid, reversed the effects of chronic stress."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Mindsets are an assumption that you make about a domain... Those mindsets, those core beliefs, orient our thinking, they change what we expect will happen to us when we're stressed, how we explain the occurrences that happen or unfold when we're stressed, and also change our motivation for what we engage in when we're stressed."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Acknowledge that you're stressed, to own it, see it, be mindful of it. Welcome it because inherently in that stress is something you care about. Utilize the stress response, to achieve the thing that you care about."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"To stew over a problem is not the way to solve a problem."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Stress is going to happen, but it is extremely important that we all have readily accessible stress management tools that work the first time and every time."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The balance between your sympathetic, which is your fight or flight nervous system, and your parasympathetic, which is your rest or digest nervous system, is crucial."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you're somebody who struggles with stress and energy levels, and balancing stress and energy levels, today's episode is going to be vital for you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's great benefit to having a practice that perhaps you do every other day, but if you can't maybe every third day or every other day of deliberately increasing your adrenaline in your body while learning to stay calm in the mind."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We don't have to be slaves to our hormones. And certainly not the hormones that cause us stress, we can learn to control those both to the benefit of our body and benefit of mind."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A sense of control makes stressors less stressful."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can stress and focus as much as you want as long as you can still fall asleep at night and sleep well."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"How you think about stress is really important."
"The most common definition of an adaptogen is a compound that is typically a supplement or a drug, that helps you adapt to and buffer stress."
"Stress is part of life. Learning how to work with it, how to dance with it, how to buffer it is terrific. But zeroing out cortisol is not the goal."
"Agitation and stress were designed to get us up and move us."
"93% of the worries that we have don't come true."
Dr. Alan Mandell, D.C.
"Cold plunging improvements in managing stress, anxiety, and depression... most of those reports are showing quite a positive correlation with cold plunging and improvements in mental health."
"The double breath... allows for the most rapid reduction in stress levels."
"Regularly doing things that you love makes you more resilient to stress."
"You can use this as a way of increasing your stress threshold... and getting more confident."
"If we could improve awareness, we can improve outcomes."
"I wish I had that tool (meditation) when I was in training because it's stressful."
"I think being physically active throughout life, eating foods as close to the way nature produces them as possible, and managing stress are key to good health."
"If you're stressed, two inhales, two exhales, to max lung capacity, and then a long exhale, and your calm will just be right there waiting for you."
"Team and community... is a powerful tool for buffering stress."
"Keep your cool, take a break, take a breather, gather your thoughts."
"Learning to control your heart rate and thereby your mind using your breathing goes: breathing, heart rate, mind."
"Stress is stress. You have to overcome it. But the benefits are massive."
"Training your parasympathetic nervous system to engage on demand just like you want your sympathetic nervous system to engage on demand is crucial. Your ability to switch back into a relaxed parasympathetic state is going to dictate how well you'll be able to perform when the next key event in life hits."
"It is not the experience that is stressing us out, it is our reaction to the experience."
"Struggling to fit everything in is this sense of struggling which is actually showing that you're doing the right things."
"When you understand that every single situation in life has multiple perspectives and you can train yourself to choose what I call the happiness perspective, you don't create emotional stress in your body."
"I take a lot of comfort in curiosity... it's a great resource for dealing with stress."
"Meditation... is definitely helpful for calming myself down; life's crazy at the moment."
"95% of all worries don't materialize anyway."
"To reduce it to its essence: Eat well, move more, stress less, and love more."
"When you learn how to navigate and manage your breath, you can actually navigate any situation in life."
"Being prepared for stress and anxiety actually allows us to potentially avoid it, potentially navigate it with more integrity and authenticity."
"To relax, I like to clean my room. To me, having a dirty room is extremely overwhelming."
"We have the access to the most powerful regulator of stress through our breath."
"This is not a course where it's a race, where it's a competition, there's no test at the end. This is something that you can do at your pace."
"Ask for help to carry some of that weight if you're overwhelmed."
"If it's not gonna matter in five years, don't spend more than five minutes thinking about it."
"Our brains are constructed to experience different states of consciousness, and there's a reason for it: it helps us deal with stress."
"If you consciously slow down your breath and change the way you breathe, instead of sending stress signals up to your brain, you can send calm signals instead."
"Focus on what you're in control of too, don't stress over things you're not in control of."
"The opposite of a stressed and wandering mind is a mindful one."
"Meditation is used for stress management, for concentration, for focus, for multiple purposes... But one must be aware that these techniques were originally developed by spiritual seekers as a support for their spiritual quest."
"Meditation and breath work can profoundly influence the way that stress impacts your brain and body, both for better or for worse."
"It really comes down to not the stressors of what happens to us, but really how we respond."
"We want to catch ourselves rehearsing and reliving stress or worrying about the next thing, saying, 'Right now, I'm safe.'"
"We just can't reduce inflammation with a drug, we can't reduce stress with a drug, we desperately need to learn how to use the whole range of the nervous system from the acute stress to the deep relaxation to heal and to promote these healthy resilient states."
"Life is a series of constantly shifting cycles. When we resist change, we resist the natural flow of life and create unnecessary stress. Go with the flow, you will be surprised where it leads."
"I really feel like you're ending a pattern of being stressed about life and having anxiety about life to entering a phase of enjoying life."
"When you're stressed, you're wasting your mental and physical energy, so you're not able to show up as the most amazing version of you."
"Positive communication is a powerful tool... Less stress, more structure equals easy wins."
"Become stress-free first, and decisions will become easy."
"Learning how to meditate can significantly alter your experience of stress."
"At the end of the day, we are all people, and no one needs to deal with that stupid Stress and Anxiety."
"Control the things you can control, don't worry about the things that you can't."
"The cheapest form of reappraisal is humor. When things are tough and you go: 'Oh, I'm just gonna laugh at this.' What do you do? You actually completely reduce the threat, the stress dramatically."
"When we resist change, we resist the natural flow of life and create unnecessary stress. Go with the flow; you will be surprised where it leads."
"I won't worry about that today; I'll worry about that tomorrow."
"Breathing can become your best friend in this situation."
"Through Headspace's guided meditation programs, I have learned essential techniques to manage my stress levels, calm the racing thoughts, doubts, and ground myself in the present moment."
"Everyone should meditate 20 mins a day... and if you don't have time, then it should be an hour."
"Your outlook, your way of managing stress is entirely your responsibility and is the choice that you make."
"Meditation is about preventing stress in our life."
"Overanalyzing the situation won't provide the answers you're seeking."
"I need people like this around me because it's like too much stress in this life. You got to be happy. You're always in a good mood. It's very important."
"The universe is giving you a message to take time to relax. It is okay to take time to relax."
"Take a break, allow yourself to relax, rather than being so tied up in responsibilities."
"To cope is to make a specific alteration mentally, emotionally, or physically so that you can manage or adapt to something that is causing you stress."
"I gave myself permission to cross things off my to-do list, my projects list, and just forget about them because they were overwhelming me."
"Wellness conversations attract us because at some point we got so stressed it jacked up our health, jacked up our happiness, and all of a sudden we're frustrated with life."
"When you know you have support on the climb, you are way less stressed."
"Stress tolerance is how you respond that really is the difference."
"If you can do that, dip in and out of that deeply relaxed state once or twice a day, your whole stress thermostat starts to shift."
"Knowing your emotional habits is important in understanding why you get stressed or not in certain situations."
"Exercise really helps us to reverse those negative physiologic effects of stress."
"Whenever we get stressed, we just write down what we need to do on a to-do list to eliminate that stress."
"Pay attention to stress and to any chronic pain or fatigue. You want to take care of that, get the rest that you need."
"Stress management is all about taking charge of our lifestyles, thoughts, emotions, and the way one deals with problems."
"Effective stress management helps you break the hold stress has on your life, so you can be happier, healthier, and more productive."
"If you really want to grow stronger, do it quietly and by yourself. Why do you want to stress other people out?"
"The ultimate solution [for lack of time] is you got to slow down... Look for ways to slow down."
"Stop blaming other people for your relationship problems... take responsibility for all your bad, stressful relationships. You are responsible."
"Prepare for the stress that you're going to experience through manhood, and one of the biggest causes of stress is going to be financial."
"I can't eliminate the stress in my life, but what I can do is control how I respond to it."
"If you can see that your thoughts are creating your stress and not your situation, that's great news because that means you can be free of anxiety and stress in your current situation."
"Sleep and stress management is so key. Research has revealed that aligned with my own experience, sleep disorders and insomnia are significantly more common in women with PCOS."
"Take a breath and relax because you do still have some juice in your numbers."
"In order for you to adapt from a stress, the stress has to be right, rest has to be right, and your nutrition has to be right."
"This is the relaxation class. It's all about leaving stress behind."
"Clear your mind. Writing things down making lists could help clear your mind too."
"The mere learning about what stress can enhance your performance mindset is, allowed students to do just that."
"Equanimity, which is calmness under duress, is a really under discussed topic in life."
"Decreasing stress, increasing happiness, and using sleep as just one of the tools to do that."
"If you're struggling in relationships or feeling unhappy and stressed, it's a sign that you might be lacking in one or more of the four pillars of emotional intelligence."
"The second you pull in and you feel the trigger, you're going to go 5-4-3-2-1 to interrupt your mind from going into the 'I don't like this,' and then you're going to drop in the anchor thought."
"Reading before bed may calm the mind and keep it from dwelling on stressful circumstances."
"Focus on one thing at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself."
"Let go of stress. Don't take on other people's stress, breathe it out."
"Boundaries Around Your Self Care if Overwhelmed - very important to know when it's time to step back."
"Everything is going a million miles a minute, and you feel like you have to get something done, but taking your time is so important."
"If you want to live a very long time, you look at those four things and make sure you don't have too much stress, and you don't feel afraid all the time."
"It means you stress less when you're more accepting of mistakes."
"Don't overwhelm ourselves with too much at once, take it day by day."
"The biggest hermetic stress you can create for your body is actually intermittent fasting."
"Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff."
"By facing what makes them uneasy, they learn to handle stress and uncertainty better."
"You're doing it to yourself. 90% of the time, you're doing it to yourself."
"Stress is good, we need our stress mechanisms and fight-or-flight, that's a very, very important part of being alive, but you don't want to be stressed chronically for too long then it starts to cause multiple organ system failure."
"If you're able to control your breath and connect with it during times of stress or anxiety, you'll be tapping into a super effective strategy for emotional regulation."
"Don't hate them, just maintain your focus and don't stress. #StayFocused"
"The more you can rely on your soul, the less stress there will be, guaranteed."
"It's good to check in a lot and understand that stress as you are, as tough as everything seems, life is pretty great."
"Is there anything we can do, any methods, any approaches that we can use or do, that can help us develop skills to be able to maintain a type of balance and equilibrium, even dealing with very with a lot of anxiety or stressful situations?"
"So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself."
"When life becomes too serious, find time for joy."
"The trials and tribulations of life that may have been accompanied by crippling stress can be passed through with greater confidence and security when life's essentials have been prepped in advance."
"It's equal parts relaxing and stressful but there's an undeniable sense of satisfaction to be found here."
"If I haven't done this task by next Thursday, will I be stressed? Yes or no?"
"To cope is to make a specific alteration either mentally, emotionally, or physically that allows you to manage or adapt to a situation that is causing you stress."
"You may logically think everything is fine, but logic has nothing to do with the survival functions of the nervous system."
"By implementing the philosophy of Stoicism, you're going to find yourself very quickly having a lot less stress."
"We should perform a kind of triage in which we distinguish between things we have no control over, things we have complete control over, and things we have some but not complete control over."
"The people who had more control and more autonomy stayed healthier, they were under less stress."
"You got to stop giving a [expletive]. You got to stop caring. You start going crazy a little bit."
"I'm sure I don't keep calm all the time, and that's okay."
"Achieving your goals starts by making them pressure-free and attainable."
"A positive mental attitude is a generally constructive response to the stresses that face the average person every single day."
"We don't allow anxiety and stress to overpower and incapacitate us; we stand up, collect our wits, tighten our belts, and march forward."
"Dealing with anxiety and stress, we learn from this era that one of the most powerful ways to deal with anxiety and stress is through the medium of worshiping."
"Most things worth pursuing charge their fee in the form of stress, uncertainty... That's the overhead cost of getting ahead."
"Stress ages us rapidly, so we need to find ways to manage our stress."
"Real peace and calm are your keys in challenging situations."
"Your direct experience of going after what you want will help you realize that not only can you handle the stress but that you have what it takes to overcome obstacles, inner or outward."
"If you have confidence, that eliminates pressure anyway."
"I'm very satisfied because I was super overwhelmed and after talking to you, I've realized it's not that bad. It's like a staircase."
"Coping mechanisms can help people adjust to, stressful events, while helping them maintain their emotional wellbeing."
"Don't stress out too hard on all those exams and assignments."
"Regularly doing things that you love helps to make you more resilient to stress."
"You need to minimize the micro stress doses and take active steps to increase your resilience."
"Stress often comes when our lives are too complicated and in order to detox from the complication, you gotta let some things go."
"Don't overwhelm yourself; take it one thing at a time."
"Every night when I go to bed, I sleep pretty well; I'm not too worried, I'm not too stressed."
"If you change your expectation, you will limit your frustration."
"Let's take a break; you don't have to take life so seriously all the time."
"The game we're playing here is, we all agree we want more adaptation; that means we need to bring more stress into the system, but we then have to ensure that our recovery outpaces the stress input or else no adaptation will occur."
"We can't afford not to make some time for stress relief."
"Shake off the stress, let's start with shaking it off."
"I don't get the same level of stress that I used to from work, and I think a big part of that was realizing that I don't have to work at all."
"Reset your negative beliefs, crush self-doubt, stop trashing yourself in your mind, get a hold of your stress, cure yourself of anxiety, and build a positive mental game."
"The secret is to withdraw and rest. When you rest, you're not stressed; when you rest, you're blessed."
"Having a great productivity system means that I'm less stressed, I'm less busy, I'm less rushed. Things are nice and calm."
"If you think about your stress levels as a jug and when it's full, it overflows, and that's when the problems happen."
"Managing all the different classes and that stress of trying to hold things together when everything's going wrong."
"I discipline myself not perfectly, but for the most part, I don't worry about shit till it happens."
"You gotta relax the night before a final, otherwise you're just going to be stressed all night."
"Make sure that you're picking truly relaxing activities... something nice and easy you can read a book... or chatting on the phones with friends and family in a way that doesn't arouse you."
"If you try to live a life without stress or anxiety, that will be a life forgotten."
"Passive income... makes you take stress out like I could screw everything up, I still got that coming in every month."
"He did things his own way and by God's own world. He never sweat the small stuff."
"What do you take to lower the blood pressure? You don't, you just correct the stress."
"To be secure means to feel all of your feelings and accept them as valid, even if you believe you shouldn't have those feelings or even if you understand why someone is doing what they're doing."
"Let's learn a lesson here: You got to kill the stress creators as quickly as possible."
"If you actually recognize how much is out of your control, the weight of your decisions dramatically decreases."
"The quickest, most effective way to take control of this stress is to take control of your breathing."
"Just for today, I will not worry. Constant worries only lead to stress and unhappiness."
"By converting from that sympathetic nervous system, in teaching the body that it's safe in the present moment and beginning to activate elevated emotions, if you just practice that for 10 minutes a day for two or three times a day, your immune system will strengthen by 50%."
"It's so important to record the Queen's philosophies of how she handles food, exercise, or how she deals with stress."
"Sleep is natural... unless you're in this fight-or-flight state."
"Good luck with all the learning and the projects, remember not to stress about it too much, have fun, and enjoy the progress."
"The more you have stress in your life, the more you're able to cope better if you know how to use these situations as a learning tool."
"Letting go of control. Really, yeah. Hardcore. Because if you try to control everything, it'll make you [__] crazy."
"One of the best ways to counter stress is through physical work."
"I can't stress enough it has extremely reduced my stress."
"There's nothing wrong with having a simple easy life because, you know, why be stressed out all the times."
"Creativity is the balance to productivity because a constant need to be productive leads to a constant state of stress."
"When you don't get the answer to something, it can make you really stressed out... What you want to do is just take a deep breath in."
"It's helping you illuminate some of the things in your life that are causing frustrations, stress, uncertainty."
"The GRE is already a very stressful exam, and if you can come to the table with this organization already in mind, you're gonna hit the ground running."
"A simple way to deal with chronically elevated cortisol levels is to take a little time for yourself every day, have a little routine that you find relaxing."
"You don't need to stress out about making sure you are on the right path... because you don't even know what that is."
"I'm creating generational wealth and I'm done stressing about finances month after month."
"Life is already hard as it is... so don't let being healthy become another stressor in your life."
"I truly wish that I had that voice that said, 'Hey man, take a breath. Relax.'"
"We have to teach... coping mechanisms, stress relief, the biggest one being how to ask for help."
"Sometimes when you're stressed and things ain't going right, it's better to just be quiet and believe in your team and follow the process."
"As you may be able to tell, we're at least keeping a level head in times of frustration."
"There's only one rule to remember: don't panic."
"If you're kind of stressing over some of the details of Christmas or the shopping of Christmas, just focus on what you really want to share with your family."
"I'm tired of it. I'm really tired of it. I literally have too much to do. I don't have time for the anxiety."
"Yes, you deserve to be happy. Yes, you are lovable. Yes, love is incoming."
"Leadership requires two things: a vision of the world that does not yet exist and the ability to communicate it."
"The reality is this: you can eat the ideal diet, you could exercise, you could sleep, you could meditate, but if you are not at peace with the stress in your life, it is going to have negative consequences on your gut."