
Cognitive Function Quotes

There are 272 quotes

"Ingesting glucose can improve your ability to engage tenacity and willpower, provided that you believe that glucose is the limiting resource for engaging tenacity and willpower."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"While we're awake, working memory is really our superpower because it allows us to translate our knowledge into action by holding this information in mind as we're thinking about what we want to do."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Creatine is actually fairly effective for... bone mineral density... let alone the benefit in things like cognitive function, decision making, memory... and it's very effective in terms of muscle recovery or muscle hypertrophy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nicotine is a substance that can both promote cognitive function, and under some conditions, if taken to inappropriate, or I should say to extreme dosages, can also impair cognitive function."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Caffeine both works on the reaction time systems of the brain and body but also stimulates certain neurotransmitters and so-called neuromodulators within the brain and body that give the neural circuits in the brain that are associated with learning and memory a lower threshold to activation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Many of us don't even really know what our normal basal level of cognitive and physical functioning is because we're ingesting caffeine on such a regular basis."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Foods that are good for your brain in terms of focus, in terms of brain health generally, and the longevity of your brain, your ability to maintain cognition and clear thinking over time."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Eating foods that are rich in omega-3s, and/or supplementing with omega-3s, to get above that 1.5 grams, and ideally, up to two, or even three grams, per day of EPA can be very beneficial for cognitive function in the short and long-term."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The gut microbiome is important for various aspects of cognitive function, immune function, metabolic function."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Alpha GPC...has been shown to improve cognitive function, especially in older population."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine amplifies our ability to think into the future to make additional plans that are unrelated to what you just did."
"The best way to sustain and develop your cognitive function is through physical exercise."
"Lutein and zeaxanthin play an important role in preventing age-related macular degeneration and have been shown to improve cognitive function."
"The claustrum may play a role similar to that of a conductor in a symphony orchestra, integrating different cortical functions into one cohesive experience of consciousness."
"Every single time you move your body...you're making your brain sharper."
"Every day you're making your brain a bit better or a bit worse. You're not stuck with the brain you have; you can make it better."
"What's turned out to be really exciting is that our ability to come up with novel solutions to complex problems is hugely enhanced by a night of sleep."
"When sleep is abundant, minds flourish; when it's not, they don't."
"Now when you're experiencing lots of rewards, your world is bigger. You actually perceive many more layers of data; you perceive more width of data; you perceive more information because you've got more prefrontal function and more insight capacity."
"Physical exercise is very much an unsung hero in terms of improving both your emotional state and cognitive function."
"Your brain is replete with emotion and cognition. Our goal is to have those two systems work well together."
"20 to 30 minute naps have been shown to increase productivity, cognitive function, memory, creativity, and make people feel less tired."
"I really do think there's a correlation between your environment and your ability to think."
"Malfunctioning thyroid function, which is often caused by insufficient iodine, results in poor cognition, difficulty learning, problems with recall, depression, and anxiety."
"Our brain has a surprisingly good auto-complete function."
"Rhodiola Rosea is widely used as a remedy for fatigue, poor concentration, and decreased memory. It's also believed to make workers more productive."
"Physical activity, mental activity, and social interaction may help maintain cognitive function during aging."
"Healthy functioning of the mesocortical pathway, however, allows us to toggle or switch back and forth between different types of pursuits."
"Sleep helps us recover from distractions faster, make better decisions, improve memory, make fewer mistakes, allow creativity to flow smoother, and lower the risks of burnout."
"You need to sleep to maintain alertness and optimal cognitive functioning, to optimize your immune defenses, to maintain hormonal regulation and weight, to prevent beta amyloid buildup and Alzheimer's, to permit sleep-dependent learning and memory consolidation, and, just to be happy."
"Ventilation not only helps in terms of infectious disease, this virus and others, but also it has many benefits, and one is better cognitive function performance."
"When you age, your brain is gradually reducing in size. By age 75, it's much smaller than at 30, but it doesn't affect your mental strength in any way."
"Learning to take things less personally so that we can keep our prefrontal cortex online and thinking."
"The first thing that you can do is literally sleep more...strengthen our frontal lobes and do so in a non-pharmacologic means if you can."
"I started to function better in my sleep... my mind was like reviewing information and I would wake up the next day and I would like know stuff."
"Lion's mane mushroom has gained attention for its potential health benefits, particularly in supporting brain health and cognitive function."
"You're operating on fear; fight or flight chemicals flood your brain, and your critical thinking skills shut down."
"If you're awake for 19 hours, your attention and ability to think is the same as if you were legally drunk."
"Music is 100% necessary for healthy cognitive function."
"Your brain's not really functioning at that point in time so it's probably not best to trust the decisions that are made when that adrenaline hangover is there."
"The Stroop test: an exercise in executive function."
"Your brain is constantly trying to find patterns in the world to help you make quicker, better decisions."
"Our minds are just like any other muscle in our body and they should serve us as one rather than control us."
"Your brain's ability to do the higher functioning because the blood goes somewhere else."
"Your brain automatically puts the letters back in the correct order."
"Your brain is a computer. If you don't use it, you lose it."
"Attention matters because if we can't pay attention, we..."
"The Dutch door is a metaphor for the way the dorsal thalamus opens and closes at different kinds of days."
"At this level of complexity, not only does the organism gather information and use it to influence the future, but it can take notice of itself doing this. What a concept!"
"Human memory isn't a linear contrapositive function. Just because you remember one thing does not mean you remember something else; it quite literally doesn't work that way."
"Decreasing brain size without any evidence of a declining cognitive ability does suggest that there is perhaps some pressure towards efficiency for our brains."
"People who had recovered from COVID-19 show underperformance in cognitive abilities."
"Being interrupted ruins your ability to think."
"On each theta wave, you live partially in your immediate past and future."
"Your brain starts working in a certain way the moment you say 'I do not know'."
"Memory is a flawed system, it's not built for accuracy, it's built for survival."
"Challenging your mind is one of the most important ways to keep your brain healthy in the long term."
"By counting backwards, you are interrupting habit loops and starting up the prefrontal cortex."
"Increase your focus and attention... enough sleep is crucial for your brain to function properly."
"Technology can artificially ramp up a hypoactive mind."
"Alpha GPC may be useful for improving cognitive function."
"Enhanced cholinergic neurotransmission has been shown to improve cognitive function, memory, and learning."
"Naps sustain learning capacity, emotional regulation, and overall cognitive function."
"Methylene blue can prevent or slow the decline of mitochondrial function."
"Your brain works better when it's unitasking."
"Find the nourishment that speaks to the way that your brain works."
"If you don't eat well, you can't think well."
"We live inside stories, we dream in stories."
"Memory is not something you have, it's something you do... it's a verb."
"Your brain is going to work better if your body is in shape."
"Your brain is the control center for your entire body."
"Understanding the brain's own drivers is an extremely important objective."
"Working memory is essentially your brain's RAM, where you store information in order to manipulate it."
"Your working memory is partly responsible for your entire richness of experience."
"Our brains explore the mental landscape through dreams."
"Wonderful so you're able to retain that information a long-term short-term memory."
"Your brain is powerful. Whatever you're doing with it when you're doing something else is what you remember."
"Ketones provide more brain energy and ultimately provide what is called more network stability for the regions of our brain to communicate with each other."
"What you put in your brain is what you're going to get out of it."
"Of course there's going to be those people, but the vast majority of Americans still have functional prefrontal cortexes."
"The brain doesn't really differentiate between work and non-work."
"Sleep deprivation: profoundly affects cognitive function, mood, physical health, and even accelerates aging in extreme cases."
"You only use 10 of your brain unless you're watching my videos, then you use 11 of it."
"It’s pretty obvious that if you don’t eat, your brain actually works better."
"The brain's visual Machinery is not subject to the logic of the rest of the brain."
"Attention is way more than focusing for cognitive functioning."
"Omega-3 supplementation improves cognitive ability, especially in individuals with mild cognitive impairment."
"Every single neuron is firing at a hundred percent capacity."
"There's nothing negative about being able to remember."
"If you want to spend time in the state where your brain works the way you want it to work, you better pay attention to how things are fueled."
"Sleep was overwhelmingly the number one response... sharper concentration, increased energy, better decision making, improved memory..."
"Feedback may be more essential than the number of neurons."
"All of my mind chatter stopped... my mind expanded... like my mind just up creating like a computer."
"Our brains are meaning-making machines, and there's nothing that scares humans more than having no clue what's going on."
"Just one night of sleep deprivation led to the prefrontal cortex going cold."
"The essence of an active mind is making decisions on the fly."
"A population that's not firing on all neurons is far easier to control."
"The brain has evolved to filter out that which is not relevant to your survival."
"Your brain is a bit asleep, a little bit lazy... 30 to 40 percent less activity than in the normal brain."
"At the end of the day the brain is what makes the body move right and move left so you much you must nurture that."
"Light impacts neurocognitive function, circadian rhythms, and hormones throughout your body."
"It's sort of like the upper functions of my brain kind of switched off very quickly and I just had sort of the reptilian part of the brain."
"The fuel of memory is really your powerful creative imagination."
"Stress reduces frontal lobe activity, affecting creativity, planning, motivation, and more."
"Your mind is literally designed to pay attention to the things that you notice."
"Physical exercise is not only vital for maintaining physical health but also has profound effects on cognitive functions."
"When you snooze for only 30 minutes, it has zero impact on participants' fatigue and actually improved cognitive function."
"Regular consumption of blueberries will improve cognitive function in adults."
"Chewing gum boosts a range of brain functions like memory and decision-making."
"When your mind is calm, your entire cerebellum, the thinking and deciding brain, functions at the highest level."
"If you breathe right at night, you think right the next day."
"If you go to sleep at night, it's much better for the brain, and you allow the brain to have more abstract thoughts."
"Good night's sleep is so critical for your learning and for your memory."
"So, if you've noticed some symptoms of memory loss or thinking problems or you've gotten worried about your brain function I would definitely recommend making an effort to minimize use of anticholinergics."
"As you make these healthy changes in your diet and start eating better you're going to notice that your brain is going to work better as well and you're going to be able to think more clearly and feel sharper."
"Our brain health and our cognitive function, our emotional wellness really depends on so many things."
"A better lifetime management of blood glucose levels may contribute to improved cerebral and cognitive health in later life."
"Journaling creates a better working memory."
"We can generate new blood vessels, generate new neurons, improve their cognitive function not slowing the decline but improving the cognitive function."
"If taking a nap is going to let you cognitively optimize, then take the nap."
"If you're looking to build muscle there is an amino acid derivative that you might want to know about it's called creatine... helpful for muscle growth and also for cognitive function."
"Eating healthier foods makes you happier. Your brain works better."
"Stress basically makes everything worse. In addition, stress puts your prefrontal cortex to sleep."
"Sometimes treating the depression or treating the emotional side of things actually helps to bolster executive function skills on its own."
"I feel smarter on this eating this way. And I feel like, the only way to describe it is you feel great."
"Your left pre-filter cortex is going to try to put all that in order and overcome those tendencies."
"It's so crazy how our brain turns off at the time we need it most."
"Your brain on green tea is more focused, less anxious, and way less likely to develop diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and dementia."
"Dream sleep provides a benefit. You wake up the next day with a revised mind wide web of associations, and you are capable of dividing solutions to previously impenetrable problems."
"The 10 brain friendly foods that have been identified as better for cognitive outcomes are listed here above."
"Increasing levels of diamine oxidase can improve cognitive function, depression, and anxiety."
"Consuming caffeine can improve alertness, mood, focus, memory consolidation, and reaction time."
"You feel like your brain is actually working, and it's a good confidence booster during a test."
"Drive an increase in functional capacity in some domain of cognitive function."
"Your brain becomes accustomed to going fast."
"Your brain doesn't function the same way it does when you're sat at home on your sofa or in your bed."
"...strength training in particular is one of the only forms of exercise... that shows improvements in cognitive function."
"...some studies even show it stops the progression of the beta amalo plaques... related to Alzheimer's and Dementia."
"Closing the eyes can improve your memory."
"Most people recover within a few weeks to at least some level of their previous mental capacity."
"Freestyling relaxes the brain instead of tensing it up."
"My brain suddenly came back online."
"So part of what we're seeing actually in some of our of our work is that when we increase the capacity of working memory and attention we can actually improve emotion regulation."
"Quite excitingly, this also protected against some of the memory or cognitive impairments in these animal models."
"Enhance your memory with extra naps; it's doing good stuff!"
"In each of your brains, there are some 10 to the 15th synaptic connections."
"Genes that control synapse formation not only produce large developmental defects but also these more subtle effects that influence cognitive function."
"...it really helps your cognitive function giving you increased mental clarity and lowering your impulsiveness."
"Stay engaged, learn new things, and stay socially active to maintain cognitive function."
"Exercise may provide protection for brain structure and cognitive function."
"It's about waking up each day and fueling your brain... it's about feeling cognitively ready to go and ready to take on the day."
"Your brain is a treasure house, don't turn it into a dump."
"This neural inflammation is among other things in young people now showing up as brain fog."
"Brain fog forces you to substitute words like it's a vibrating bird."
"My brain just, you know, doesn't function at the speed that it used to function at pre kids."
"Your brain in just a few hours can get more blood flow, you think more clear."
"Sleep is directly correlated to making good decisions."
"By engaging in exercise, we're literally enhancing our brain's capacity to learn, process information, and retain memories."
"The more Force you can generate with your legs in general the better your cognitive function after taking into account all these other things that are important as well."
"Stress tolerance, mental alertness, and cortisol management all sound quite great."
"Plants can have a huge impact on our brain and a very beneficial one when it comes to brain fog."
"The brain of a professional musician is firing and wiring together very complicated sequences from reading music to the complex series of muscle movements and breath control they require."
"But if I get your brain functioning better very quickly, you're more capable of thinking well, of absorbing assimilating and integrating new information."
"Metaphorical structure in your brain determines how you function in the world."
"These carotenoids in the anado plant may positively impact mood and cognitive function."
"GG can positively affect cognitive function and memory."
"But is that just dumb visualization? I'm like, 'Yeah.' But how do you think your brain works? I mean, we are in some ways so simple as a human species."
"System one operates automatically, whereas system two is consciously controlled."
"Cognitive function can be enhanced and even restored by these periods of deep rest."
"Even if we are not headed towards a pathway of cognitive decline... all these things are addressed through the same protocol."
"Curcumin works by reducing inflammation in the brain which can impair cognitive function."
"My class that exercised actually got significantly faster, their reaction times got better in answering memory questions."
"It felt like I had access to my brain again and my mood lifted."
"Astrocytes... are critical for normal healthy higher cognitive function that we have as humans."
"Different areas of the brain start coming online; you're able to think more clearly because you're allowing your brain to function at peak efficiency."
"It's almost miraculous how the frontal lobe of the brain allows us to do these seven things and we do them in concert interactively in order to control our behavior."
"The omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds are crucial for brain health."
"Nitric oxide promotes learning, memory recall, recalling information in the memory, and also just you remembering facts and so on."
"We use working memory a bit like a mental workspace."
"Working memory is really our superpower because it allows us to translate our knowledge into action."
"That's the biggest thing, just making sure that your mind is thinking clearly."
"Your brain will automatically do strategic planning and thinking."
"Optimizing your brain can help your relationships so much."
"It's not that they didn't have it; it's that they couldn't retrieve it when they needed it."
"Adequate sleep improves memory and learning, increases attention and creativity, and aids in concentration and decision making."
"One of the reasons I'm funny is because my brain works pretty good."
"It's also known to improve cognitive function and a lot of people talk about this clarity that they get within a couple of days."
"The decline in their hearing actually relates and can worsen cognitive function."
"Both forms of exercise led to improvement in working memory."
"Sleep is widely believed to help with cognitive function, memory, and emotion regulation."
"Mental clarity has gone up which is great."
"It actually works like your mind works; it connects different ideas."
"Exercise is good for you, and then they found that if you overexpress GPLD1 in mice, your brain got good, that is cognition was good."
"Your ability to answer them really tells me how your brain is doing in a way that these monitors and machines can't."
"Those that had the highest just general daytime activity did have significantly better cognitive functioning."
"Regular intake of dates could assist in enhancing the speed and alertness of brain activity."
"Sleep does not just make you healthier and happier, it also finishes your workout, clears your negative thoughts, improves your memory, and helps you to problem-solve."
"We're going to talk about the things you can do, specific foods and nutrients you can eat, to make your brain work better and smarter."
"Our short-term memory only lasts for between seven and fourteen seconds."
"Being dehydrated even less than 2% will decrease mental acuity."