
Nutrition Quotes

There are 19757 quotes

"Ingesting glucose can improve your ability to engage tenacity and willpower, provided that you believe that glucose is the limiting resource for engaging tenacity and willpower."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We probably all would be better off with less of the carbs that we're typically served, but most of us, and probably the vast majority of us would be better off by consuming a lot more carbs that were complex, that were microbiota-accessible."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think the vast majority of people, particularly given the statistics of what we know people eat in the United States and in industrialized countries, most people would reap tremendous health benefits from eating more whole, plant-based dietary fiber."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nobody knows what truly healthy eating is. We only know the measurements we can take: liver enzymes, blood lipid profiles, body weight, athletic performance, mental performance, whether or not you're cranky all day, whether or not you're feeling relaxed."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What you believe about the nutritional content of your food changes the way that food impacts your brain and body to a remarkable degree."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Foods that are good for your brain in terms of focus, in terms of brain health generally, and the longevity of your brain, your ability to maintain cognition and clear thinking over time."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Eating foods that are rich in omega-3s, and/or supplementing with omega-3s, to get above that 1.5 grams, and ideally, up to two, or even three grams, per day of EPA can be very beneficial for cognitive function in the short and long-term."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There is really solid evidence from the Gardner Lab at Stanford and from other labs showing that, when you look at different diets, you look at low fat diets, high fat diets, keto diets, intermittent fasting, provided people stick to their particular diet, it doesn't really matter which diet you follow. You can still get a caloric deficit and get weight loss."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We've made unhealthy foods cheap, that's a problem. We've made healthy foods expensive, that's a problem. We put health, from a dietary perspective, out of reach for millions of Americans. That is a fundamental problem."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Omega-3 fatty acids... have been shown to have significant effects in reducing the intensity or frequency of tension type headaches, migraine type headaches."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Fish are fantastic sources of healthy fats and omega-3 fatty acids, which are very crucial in the reproductive process."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"To maintain healthy energy and focus throughout the day, you want to keep your blood glucose levels steady and avoid peaks and crashes."
"Many people out there, believe it or not, need to ingest more sodium and more potassium, and magnesium in the proper ratios to sodium and potassium."
"Sleep and nutrition are prerequisites for all mental health, physical health, and performance."
"People are eating way too much salt and way too much sugar these days."
"Grapes... let's uncork this discussion with resveratrol, the compound in grapes that's been stealing the health limelight. Resveratrol is a flavonoid that helps to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow."
"Every time you eat a fruit, you're not just eating a snack; you're sipping Nature's finest beverage, giving your circulatory system a VIP pass to the express lane."
"Did you know that the food you eat can play a major role in preventing and even fighting cancer?"
"Certain foods are packed with powerful nutrients and compounds that can help reduce the risk of cancer or even kill cancer cells."
"Watermelon isn't just about spitting seeds and Instagrammable moments; it's packed with citrulline, a magical amino acid that gets converted into arginine, which then becomes nitric oxide. Let's just call it the VIP guest at the blood flow party."
"Anthocyanins are the powerful antioxidants that give berries their vibrant colors, and these bad boys are serious about improving your blood flow."
"Pomegranates are like the Swiss guards of cardiovascular health, defending your body against invaders that can mess up your circulatory flow."
"Green tea can help reduce fat storage in the liver and improve liver function."
"Nature has provided us with a bounty of foods that are not only delicious but are also powerful cleansers for our bodies."
"Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that helps protect the body against harmful free radicals."
"Remember, every bite you take is an opportunity to nourish and cleanse your body."
"It's great to have variety and whole foods as your main go-to."
"We want minimally processed, less ingredients, more whole food based analogs for sure."
"It's a shame that people say that about plant-based diets because the way I see it based on the research is that the plant-based diet is abundant in nutrients."
"Almonds are one of the best natural sources of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that plays a crucial role in protecting collagen."
"Berries are rich in vitamin C, a critical nutrient for collagen synthesis."
"Bell peppers are one of the richest plant-based sources of vitamin C, making them a natural and delicious way to support collagen production."
"Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, which acts as a co-factor in facilitating the enzymatic reactions required for the formation of collagen fibers."
"Remember, you are what you eat, so eat your way to better skin with these top 10 collagen-boosting foods."
"Your grocery list is about to get a whole lot healthier, and your kidneys a whole lot happier."
"When we consume two eggs daily, we're essentially giving our brains a choline boost, which in turn enhances our cognitive abilities and overall brain function."
"The simple act of eating two eggs a day can deliver a powerful combination of lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins A and E, and omega-3 fatty acids, each of these components works in harmony to protect the eye from damage, reduce the risk of eye diseases, and maintain overall eye health."
"The simple act of eating two eggs a day can significantly contribute to your vitamin D intake, aiding in the maintenance of robust, healthy bones and teeth."
"By providing the body with a good source of high-quality protein, eggs help ensure your body has the necessary raw materials to construct the hormones it needs."
"Consuming two eggs a day can truly provide a panoply of health benefits that go far beyond what you might have thought possible."
"My aim, Inshallah, is to combine the wisdom of prophetic nutrition and modern nutrition to bring you the best of both worlds."
"The Prophet (SAW) eating fresh dates with cucumbers illustrates the importance of balancing the temperament of foods."
"Healthy eating is very simple but has to be personalized, depending on many factors including your basic predisposition, genetics, diseases you may have, and the food that's available around you."
"Pomegranates truly are the crown jewels of the fruit world."
"By the end of this video, you'll be able to turn your everyday meals into powerful potions of health and well-being, defending your nerves against damage and aiding their recovery."
"Blueberries: Often called the tiny dynamos of the fruit world, packed with antioxidants, especially vitamin C and vitamin E."
"In the kingdom of eye health, the mango truly is king."
"You're moving into a land of both empathy and ethics, of nutritional knowledge and empowerment."
"Good brain diet: Avocados, blueberries, broccoli, olive oil, green leafy vegetables, wild salmon, and turmeric are neuroprotective."
"You literally are what you eat; your cells are made up of the things that you intake."
"Eat real, whole food. Start there. For some people, that's enough."
"Eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet plays a critical role in supporting optimal blood circulation."
"When it comes to Dairy and your gut, you're about to find what's up."
"This sugar molecule, lactose, actually turns out to be what we describe as a conditional Prebiotic."
"I think you'll be hard-pressed to find an unhealthy fruit."
"Blueberries are believed to have one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants of any fruit."
"Kiwi fruit is almost always one of the best in every possible way that you could measure fruits."
"The brain needs stimulation, the brain needs glucose, the brain needs oxygen; that's what it has to have to thrive."
"Oranges' hesperidin lowers blood pressure and has anti-inflammatory effects."
"Pomegranates have a variety of antioxidants that lower blood pressure and fight plaque buildup in arteries."
"Pumpkin is extremely high in carotenoids antioxidants, most known for Eye Health and preservation."
"Watermelon's lycopene benefits skin and heart health and acts as an anti-inflammatory."
"If you want to set yourself up for a really good immune system, include foods like wild Alaskan salmon, dark leafy greens, blueberries, and avocado in your diet."
"Our quality of life is in direct proportion to the quality of the food that we put in our mouth."
"No matter what nutrition you follow, make it organic."
"Prevention is really about education and access to good quality food."
"It's not just what you eat; it's when you eat that's important."
"First, eat a healthy and nutritious diet, which helps your immune system to function properly."
"Once people understand how their dietary habits are impacting them, and once they make a change, their whole universe upgrades."
"Here's how to pick a good protein bar: if for how many calories it has, it has a lot of protein, you're winning."
"Nutrition is the most important decision that we can make."
"There's no such thing as a perfect diet... we should make smart choices."
"I think being physically active throughout life, eating foods as close to the way nature produces them as possible, and managing stress are key to good health."
"The single most important medical science of all, whether for professionals or not, is nutrition. It has an enormous capacity to reverse disease, certainly to prevent it, and at the very least to stymie its progression."
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. You've heard that many times. I think we're rediscovering, in fact, what the ancient Greeks really knew."
"Nutrition is not taught in medical schools... There's a serious problem."
"If you can't continue to do it for a year, two years, or five years, then you can't. Diets don't work, it's nutrition."
"Most people agree that eating more plants and fruits and vegetables is a good thing."
"Eat something sweet, eat sweet potatoes or cherries. Whole food sources of sweetness really are the best."
"If just half of Americans ate one more serving of fruits and vegetables, we would prevent 20,000 cancer deaths every year."
"Alpha GPC, which is essentially a choline donor, acts in the pathways related to the neuromodulator acetylcholine and can enhance focus."
"The energy from this breakthrough formula comes without the crash you get from caffeine, sugar, or empty carbs."
"Nutrition obviously has a massive impact on recovery in any type of physical training, but especially something like this."
"Eating enough protein and dividing it up throughout the day... people who do this on a regular basis have less visceral fat than people who don't."
"People who consume more soluble fiber... have a lower chance of belly fat."
"Studies have shown that probiotic supplementation actually can reduce belly fat."
"My favorite anti-inflammatory meal... involves eating the rainbow because each color represents a different phytochemical which is going to help fight inflammation."
"I'm a pharmacist, but I'm much more than a pharmacist. I'm a nutritionist and a cosmetic chemist, and I'm also a voracious researcher."
"Nutritional supplements show results quickly, but the real, significant changes come a year down the road. You feel much stronger, more vital, healthier."
"Moringa is one of those plants that you can use and it's sustainable without anything else. You don't need to use any other food or plants, all you need is moringa. It has all the benefits that you need in that one plant."
"We're highlighting that the papaya as well reduces heart disease."
"Meat contains B vitamins, iron, zinc, selenium, and other vitamins and minerals in forms that are highly bioavailable."
"The majority of premature death and disability is preventable with a plant-based diet and other healthy lifestyle behavior."
"It was fascinating because you really unearthed the origin story of why we came to believe that fat was bad."
"Healthy nutritional lifestyle change is way more important than a simple pill."
"The question shouldn't be why some of us are fat. The question should be why aren't all of us fat?"
"It's not about calories. It's about the effect of the food on the hormones that regulate fat accumulation, insulin."
"Folks who ate two or more servings of green leafy vegetables each day had brains that were about 11 years younger."
"Food is medicine. It's not just like a medicine; it works faster, better, and cheaper than almost any drug."
"Humans... have millions of years of evolution in relationship with eating foods that have supported our development."
"Food is extremely important because it's directly linked to obesity and obesity itself causes low-grade inflammation."
"It really matters what you eat, because those new cells are being made from what you're eating."
"Omega-3 has the pharmacological profile of a drug, but the risk profile of a nutrient."
"People with the highest Omega-3 index have the largest brains and the largest areas of memory, the hippocampus."
"Mom was right when she said fish is brain food."
"Every 10% of processed food you eat, your risk of death goes up by 14%."
"Good brain food because you are what you eat; what you eat matters, especially to your gray matter."
"Adherence to your workout program and adherence to your nutrition program is always the number one predictor of long-term successful weight loss."
"When you trigger mTOR at that first meal, we know that it's still stimulated five hours later. So, why do you need leucine for mTOR at lunch if it's still stimulated? You don't."
"Distributing [protein] across all the meals, if it's for weight loss and appetite, that's great, but it's not an mTOR effect."
"If you look at a wheat cereal... and you mix it with soy milk... it takes almost a quart of milk to balance that cereal."
"If you're a mother feeding this to your child and thinking, 'Well, I'm doing a plant-based thing,' and you're feeding them a totally deficient diet."
"If processed food companies are paying billions of dollars for nutrition research, they expect something in return, and they are getting it."
"Sugary drinks are 10% of all food stamps spending, yes, the number one item."
"We literally are just going to cease to exist from a budgetary standpoint as a country if we don't shift to root cause frameworks of food as medicine and getting back to basics."
"Exercise equipment or broccoli in a dietary intervention versus Statin for preventing heart disease. Food and exercise interventions are much better."
"Lead by example. You need to be eating a proper human diet and fixing yourself."
"Just because we are walking around today without acute deficiencies, like acute symptoms of deficiencies like scurvy or beriberi, doesn't mean that there aren't some long-term consequences to not getting enough vitamins and minerals."
"Nutrition can certainly help you meet all of those goals, meaning going faster, going harder, and going longer."
"Nutrition is the bedrock, the foundation of all human health and all human chronic disease and all human optimization."
"Without the foundation to build your health on, you're going to fail every time."
"Increasing your diversity in your fruits and vegetables inherently increases the diversity of your microbes. So, this is a very simple thing we can do."
"The consumption of non-starchy green leafy vegetables led to a direct increase in the production of our body's major satiety hormones like GLP-1, leptin."
"We have a body that's already resistant to disease and we feed it right."
"Our food has been weaponized. It's become cheaper, it's become more shelf-stable, but it's all correlated to the obesity... a symptom of metabolic dysfunction."
"The information in food is so powerful that if you put in the right information, the body knows what to do."
"Food is medicine, and quality matters. When you eat the right foods, and you're eating quality foods, you can activate all these healing mechanisms in your body."
"Milk in general is a very interesting topic from the perspective that we humans are the only creature that drinks milk beyond the age of weaning."
"When there is disease in the body, resolving the problems with nutrition can resolve the disease at its core and potentially even eliminate it completely."
"Superfoods are nutrient-dense foods, which contain an extremely large amount of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients."
"We are what we eat. If we are eating healthy and living food, then we will in turn reflect that same vibrance in life."
"Each of us is responsible for what we put into our bodies and we're responsible for the way that we feel as a result."
"We found that adherence to a healthy diet seems to reduce the risk of depression by about 30%."
"The vertical diet focuses on getting highly bioavailable diverse nutrients from a broad array of easily digestible foods."
"Our bodies are complex, beautiful machines, and we need to fuel them right to keep them running smoothly."
"Bone broth is quite literally liquid collagen."
"Getting sufficient amounts of omega-3 has been shown to be important for mood."
"The most important decision we make is what we put in our mouths."
"A heart-healthy diet is a brain-healthy diet is a liver-healthy diet is a kidney-healthy diet."
"We're not just overfed and undernourished, but a lot of foods that we're told are healthy are in fact loaded with anti-nutrients that strip our bodies of vital minerals."
"The dietary pattern is more important than picking out a particular food and trying to demonize that food individually."
"Nutrition if we think logically is actually using food to maintain health and prevent disease."
"Nutrition should be recognized as a holistic effect of countless nutrients, involving countless diseases, working through countless mechanisms."
"Dairy is a troublesome food, not just because of what we found with respect to its ability to increase cancer."
"Cancer, Alzheimer's, heart disease, obesity, autoimmune conditions... are all going up, and they are all foodborne illnesses."
"Calories in, calories out, dietary cholesterol will raise your cholesterol levels, eating fat will make you fat... these so-called diet truths are anything but true."
"We are becoming sicker, fatter, more depressed, more infertile based on our food."
"If you do it from a place of self-care and self-love, exercise becomes self-care, and diet becomes nourishment."
"Your pancreas secretes 20 emotionally laden peptides that tell you when you're full or hungry."
"What do fats do? What is their purpose? Okay, in nature, they hold essentially two purposes. Well, three, I'll give you three. One, a reservoir of energy. You get fat so you have resistance against starvation."
"Fat is a long-term storage mechanism. In the finance world, fat is like stocks and bonds."
"Doctors aren't nutritionists. 90% of doctors graduate without one nutrition class."
"The solution to the diabetes epidemic in my clinic is exceedingly clear: Stop using medicine to treat food."
"If you quit eating carbs, sugars, and starches, your body is forced to use an alternative fuel source: fat."
"When we eat food that has life, it will give us life."
"I believe that food choices matter... food choices can directly impact our health for better or for worse."
"Nutrition is essential for medical doctors to include in the practice in the treatment of patients because with nutrition we are able to influence chronic diseases in a very positive way."
"The humble oatmeal, packed with more benefits than you could ever imagine."
"Are you ready to uncover the mysteries of oatmeal and its extraordinary health benefits?"
"Enhances bone health: Oatmeal is a treasure trove of essential minerals like calcium and phosphorus, the building blocks our body needs to repair and fortify our bones."
"Promotes good sleep: Oatmeal is a sleep-promoting superstar, thanks to nutrients like melatonin and tryptophan."
"Food science is what happens to food between the ground and the mouth; nutrition is what happens to food between the mouth and the cell; metabolic health is what happens to food inside the cell."
"The less processed the food, the lower the insulin, the lower the insulin, the less mitochondrial dysfunction."
"The best way to keep insulin down is don't let it go up."
"Every family should be able to, just like any other Canadian, walk into a store and buy $3 milk and a $3 box of cereal, so your kid can eat in the morning."
"A good night's sleep, a diet, and some greens in your diet would give you energy."
"Food is not a pill; it's not a symptom killer; it's a way in which you can build a more resilient body and mind."
"We're both really passionate about the healing power of food and what it can do for a whole variety of different conditions."
"Food as the pharmaceutical, food as a person...that's generally what I believe and what I can see from research."
"Don't worry if you don't get all of the macros... if you're full, follow your body's lead and just go with it. That is perfectly okay."
"Eating a variety of different colors represents different nutrients and different vitamins and minerals."
"If you actually go one day eating a healthy meal and you count your calories, it's insane how hard it is to overeat on actual food versus how easy it is to overeat on dog [__] food."
"Consumption of green leafy vegetables seems to be very helpful, and it's like unanimous results that you see across different studies."
"Eating food is the biggest variable in our lives, the biggest. So why not eat the best? Why not eat nutrients instead of calories?"
"Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food."
"There's some interesting science happening right now in the microbiome, where they're discovering this nexus between the quality of your gut flora and the foods that you crave."
"Associating a lean body with a clean diet is no longer aspirational but a flux of good genes, being privileged to have access to good nutrition and resources."
"Losing weight in itself is literally calories in, calories out."
"If you want to know what's healthy, then you actually need to read the ingredients list, not the marketing information on the front of the package."
"This hack is called eating your food in the right order, and eating your food in the right order is the closest thing to a magic pill that I've ever found."
"Essentially, flattening your glucose levels and avoiding these glucose spikes is the number one place to start in order to get your health back."
"Reducing your glucose spikes is super key to health, and this very simple trick of during a meal, eating your veggies first, then your proteins and your fats, and then your carbs, can achieve this wonderful result."
"When you ingest caffeine, you actually excrete a lot of water, and with that water goes salt."
"Eating protein early in the day supports muscle tissue maintenance and or growth."
"Extended periods of time-restricted feeding seem to allow the system to shift toward burning more fat or rather using a higher percentage of fat when in a caloric deficit."
"It's really hard to replicate with purified fiber what you'd get, for instance, at a salad bar."
"Your main goal is to always be healthy. Exercise and eat well."
"I've looked into it to such a degree, I truly believe this is the optimal way for human beings to eat."
"Calories matter, energy matters, but... we didn't know about these circadian rhythms and microbiome... Now that we understand this new biology, we should acknowledge and recognize that these things are influencing our metabolic health."
"The human and the planet Earth get 90% of its calories from 10 of the 20,000 edible plants. Well, that's as it should be, or that's a problem? That's a problem."
"Nature is complex and the more we study foods that were grown in soils or foods that were eaten by animals that were grown in soils, the more we find out that there are things we didn't ever even know about that are part of this orchestration."
"Citrus fruits are particularly high in vitamin C, which is an essential vitamin to strengthening your immune system."
"Pineapples contain a group of powerful enzymes called bromelain, which can help to support digestion and your overall gut health."
"If you're battling inflammation, start adding in more turmeric to your diet."
"Food is good and food is nourishing. Food is your friend."
"A huge burden of that disease could be prevented or reversed with nutrition and lifestyle."
"Each body is different...we are so biochemically individual and what works for you and me might be very different in terms of what causes the blood glucose spike."
"Learning just simple ways to balance out that glucose roller coaster can be an amazing life hack."
"When you eat is as important as what you eat."
"Almost everybody is employing some form of intermittent fasting or time-restricted feeding."