
Glucose Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"The idea that if you could just keep levels of brain glucose elevated across your day... you would have more willpower and tenacity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Cancer cells live on glucose that fuels their growth more than anything else."
"Glucose can be a poor measurement, poor indicator of what's actually happening."
"The brain has an enormous energy need that isn't supplied by glucose alone."
"Maybe there is a little bit better balance between glucose and ketones."
"Carbohydrates are the preferred fuel of the nervous specifically glucose and when you have a high degree of glucose available you can train harder."
"Carbohydrates are going to have the biggest effect on glucose because they are glucose."
"This rise in glucose is actually a major risk factor for things like dementia."
"If we want to detect metabolic decay at its earliest stages, then we have to forget the glucose and include insulin in our paradigm."
"Your fasting blood glucose is probably one of the best indicators of your metabolic Health than any other metabolite."
"Anti-spike also has been clinically proven to lower fasting glucose levels over time."
"The anti-spike formula: cuts the glucose spike by 40%."
"Your mitochondria become overwhelmed, and they kind of shut down—they just can't."
"...by the time you have any noticeable signs of memory problems, your brain glucose processing capacity can already be down by 25%."
"Ideally, you want to keep your glucose level under 110 milligrams per deciliter at all times."
"Ketogenic diets stimulate autophagy by depriving you of glucose and keeping glucose levels low."
"Healthy metabolic flexibility is based on our body's ability to use glucose for energy at certain times and using fat for energy at other times."
"The human body functions better when glucose is in a healthy and more stable range... when there is less glycemic variability."
"Your body was designed to run on glucose, just like your car runs on gasoline. Your body has a fuel, and that fuel is glucose."
"Motzi improves glucose homeostasis in mice and it does so what we'd like to think of as an exercise mimetic."
"The best alcohols for your glucose are going to be wine or hard spirits mixed with soda water and lemon."
"If your breakfast creates a big glucose spike, you're going to be hungrier faster, have more cravings, and your energy won't be as steady."
"The fiber in the vegetables coats your upper small intestine and prevents your body from absorbing too much glucose coming down afterwards."
"Less glucose correlates to neurodegeneration in that part of the brain."
"Every time you take carbohydrate, you spike your glucose, and the whole metabolism is built around keeping your glucose flat."
"Restricting glucose availability... stimulating mitochondrial biogenesis."
"I think big oscillations in your glucose spiking and dropping every day is going to be related to your risk of type two diabetes."
"Insulin should not be given such a high amount that rapidly all glucose goes to the peripheral tissue."
"Insulin is like a key that opens the door to the cell so glucose can go inside."
"This is the place that basically can suck up that glucose."
"If you want to understand insulin resistance, if you want to understand hyperinsulinemia type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, you have to understand the movement of glucose and fat."
"What these techniques that Jerry and his collaborators have developed over many years are basically allowing you to watch videos. You can see the flux, you can see the movement of glucose."
"No animal makes glucose. Only plants make glucose."
"So if we can build lean mass and we just talked about how a ketogenic diet can build lean mass we now have more glucose you know operating tissue which improves insulin sensitivity and decreases right that insulin being up all the time."
"You deprive cancer cells of glucose, they self-destruct."
"Understanding how the food I eat impacts my glucose levels and energy throughout the day."
"So if you have a really high postprandial glucose response, you're eating a high glycemic index food, something that's definitely like a refined carbohydrate for example, that'll really smash you."
"Acetyl-CoA cannot turn into glucose but it can turn into something else."
"Corn on the cob has an average glucose spike of 46 milligrams per deciliter."
"Blood glucose patterns, also called glycemic responses, are really important biomarkers for health."
"Glucose can be absorbed anywhere in the body. Excess obviously will be stored as body fat."
"There are two types of bonds that form between glucose molecules: alpha 1-4 bonds and alpha 1 6 bonds."
"You need carbs. Your brain runs on glucose for basic to function."
"Glucose is a primary energy source for most cells."
"Gluconeogenesis is the body's ability to make its own glucose."
"Glucose is like gasoline for your car; it powers your cells."
"The human brain can use two types of fuel: it can use glucose or ketones."
"The brain's primary fuel source is glucose."
"Insulin lowers blood glucose by promoting use of glucose in body cells."
"Oxygen, which is a waste gas, and simple sugars like glucose are created."
"The brain is an obligate glucose user; the brain has to have glucose."
"Glucose will ultimately be used to create ATP, which is the energy currency of the body."
"Diabetic ketoacidosis is likely if our patient is experiencing a serum glucose of greater than 300 and they have ketones in their urine."
"The baby's pancreatic beta cells will be like, okay, well this is way too much glucose, right? So they start making a ton of insulin."
"The balance formula really will help with slowing down the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream."
"Glucose is the body's preferred fuel source."
"The primary product here is sugar."
"Understanding glucose dynamics teaches you a lot retroactively about your life."
"You know that the glucose is working when you get an increase in mental status."
"The phloem transports glucose from the leaves to storage sites."
"Glucose is the main blood sugar and is oxidized in order to make ATP."
"Let me balance my glucose levels and learn how to do this in an easy way."
"The presence of glucose with the fructose actually potentiates fructose intake and increases metabolism."
"Acidic and gas is going to be positive for the metabolism of glucose."
"Glucose is the most important source of energy for all organisms."
"Three turns of the Calvin cycle are needed to make one G3P; six turns are needed to make one glucose."
"Berries reduces people's postprandial insulin and glucose."
"The dawn effect is essentially a rise in blood sugar in the first part of waking up."
"Glucose is the most important energy carbohydrate molecule; it's the molecule that's exchanged between plants and animals."
"Glycolysis harvests chemical energy by oxidizing glucose to pyruvate."
"Nearly all living organisms use glycolysis as the first step in the breakdown of glucose to extract energy for cellular metabolism."
"Insulin makes sure the glucose gets into the cells that need it."
"It only takes 90 minutes for every molecule of glucose in your blood and extracellular fluid to turn over."
"Cellular respiration is the process by which glucose is broken down into carbon dioxide and water, and you get ATP out of it."
"Get some glucose in between sections."
"Glucose is the sugar found in all foods."
"Through the magic of photosynthesis, plants take carbon dioxide and water and turn that into glucose plus oxygen."
"During photosynthesis, we are going from light energy to chemical energy in the bonds of glucose."
"The light-independent stage is where carbon dioxide gets used to make glucose."
"Insulin's job is to capture glucose in the blood and transport it into cells where it can be used for energy."
"The overall purpose of the light independent stage is to produce carbohydrates that can be incorporated into glucose or other organic molecules."
"Some of the triose phosphates are used to form hexose sugars, primarily glucose."
"D-glucose is the most common storage sugar, why it's sugar in your blood, because it's the most stable hexose that's out there."
"I'm eating to put the glucose into my blood."
"The brain requires glucose for normal functioning."
"When you look at a plant, they're kind of built out of glucose, which is an amazing thing to think about."
"Sugar is the fuel of the brain. When the brain runs out of fuel, bad things happen -- we get low brain function."
"Glucose is really an archetype of all the sugars; if you can master glucose, you can master all the other sugars in your thinking."
"The overall purpose of this stage is to produce carbohydrates that can be incorporated into glucose or other organic molecules."
"Some of these triose phosphates are used to form hexose sugars, the most famous of which is glucose."
"Glycogenolysis - the breaking apart of glycogen into glucose."
"Glucose is metabolized by virtually every organism on the face of the Earth."
"This act protein not only helps the insulin-sensitive cells to take up more glucose, even it helps that glucose to convert into glucose 6-phosphate."
"Glucose is much more energy for a cell than ATP."
"We use glucose... as an energy storage device because here's a relatively stable molecule that can sit around for a long time."
"Every cell in your human body runs on glucose."
"Your body prefers glucose; that's its favorite source of energy."
"Blood sugar, also known as blood glucose, is the universal go-to fuel for cells throughout our bodies."
"Starch is simply a way of plants storing a bunch of glucose molecules together."
"Glucose is the most common sugar on the face of the earth."
"Glucopyranose is there in the boat or in the chair; alpha-beta D&L diastereomer hail!"