
Depression Quotes

There are 1938 quotes

"One of the hallmark features of major depression is a lack of positive anticipation about the future... leads to a much lower tendency to engage in the specific types of behavior that would allow one to arrive at a particular new, different, and positive future."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think it's, you can envision depression as activities sort of going around in a circuit."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"But, what are you looking for that the patient might not be aware of? In other words, can you see depression in somebody's eyes?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Patients with depression often are stuck. They can't look into the future world of possibilities as effectively. Everything seems hopeless."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What these agents may do that increase the flow through circuitry, if you will, the percolation of activity through circuitry may end up doing for depression is increasing the escape of some tendrils of process of forward progression through the world."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Depression is the most disabling condition worldwide."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Moderate depression's about as disabling as having a heart attack, acutely having a heart attack. Severe depression is disabling, is having cancer without treatment."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's a huge role for inflammation, the cause of inflammation in depression."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"One of the biggest illusions in depression is that in some way we are really alone and it's our fault, there's shame that comes with it and isolation."
"You are not your depression, your depression doesn't have to define you."
"When there is loss and we don't feel it and grieve it, it converts into depression."
"I've dealt with depression my whole life, pretty much since I was like 14, and I'm 30 now."
"Say it with me: The way out of depression is hope."
"Depression is skyrocketing... brain conditions are metabolic dysfunctions."
"Depression is like a flag of system-wide there's something going wrong."
"We always compare ourselves to others, so for those of us who think that pleasure and happiness is important, when our lives are not pleasurable or happy, we actually end up feeling more depressed."
"The trickiest thing about depression as a clinician dealing with it is that one problem leads to another problem."
"Depressed people are better at actually judging the accuracy of the world... this cognitive distortion that the world is a better place than it actually is, is required for the maintenance of a healthy mind."
"Depression is a risk factor for Alzheimer's."
"Depression is not contagious...but having a depressed loved one has the potential for being a significant stressor."
"The disease isn't necessarily depression; it's shame."
"In my experience, this is the most haunting kind of depression: knowing that you're meant for more than where you are right now but you can't quite act on it."
"You're playing an MMORPG but offline and by yourself; that's what being depressed feels like."
"Depression to me is a disconnect from the truth that you are infinitely enough, valuable, and connected to everything."
"Depression's eternal, baby. I'm not my feelings."
"There's been times in my life that I've dealt with serious bouts of depression, but because of better help, I was able to get connected with a therapist in under 48 hours."
"Depression can take on many different forms for many people it's more that they don't feel anything at all."
"Depression... could be a whole host of symptoms but from feeling sad, blue, changes in appetite, loss of pleasure... Anxiety is like that feeling of dread."
"Depression can come and go in waves, but it is a disease of perception. In the pit of it, there's no clarity or peace about who you are and why you're alive."
"Depression is manageable. I'm not sure if it's curable."
"Three decades ago, a person's first experience with depression would normally happen in their late 40s to early 50s... but today, the average age of major depression onset is mid-20s."
"But I'm gonna get therapy, treat my depression and my panic disorders."
"This is like when my anxiety collaborates with my depression; nothing good can come out of it."
"Depression is more than sadness; it can manifest in unexpected ways, including irritability, anger, and memory loss."
"Dietary intervention, using a Whole Foods diet Mediterranean style, was found to result in a three-fold increase in remission from major depression compared to controls treated with the standard of care."
"Loads of people are depressed, anxious... they're not out there abusing and murdering children."
"Depression research is pretty clear that you cannot will your way out of it."
"Depression is the worst thing that ever happened to me in my entire life. Things can get better, sometimes with the help of medication, sometimes with the help of a professional, and often because of acts of will on your part."
"It's when you're alone and a little depressed that you'll spark something imaginative."
"A person with depression is still very much capable of making autonomous decisions about their life and improving their circumstances."
"Depression lies to you about your self-worth... Confidence, however, is knowing that you'll do your best."
"I am type 2. Very depressed right now, I'm hurt. I'm going through it. But this is just the beginning. I know I'm gonna be okay."
"Depression has never been higher in America amongst teenagers and young adults."
"Grieving is not depression, and depression is not necessarily grieving. They can coexist, but they are separable as well, and indeed, reflect separate brain circuitries entirely."
"The real recovery from the American depression was brought about by massive state spending."
"Lost connections journalist and author Johann Hari argues that depression is largely a social problem, not just a chemical one. He believes that loneliness is a major cause of depression."
"I was clinically depressed for like twenty years... and when you spend so much of your life, and everything is gray."
"As society becomes less traditional, as family ties break down, as marriage becomes less and less common, more and more people are not able to find committed relationships, then that is correlated, that is directly correlated with depression."
"Just writing down things that you're grateful for is a really good way to fight depression and anxiety."
"Depression can be caused and can cause chemical imbalances in your brain."
"Jim Carrey has always been very open about his struggle with dyslexia and depression."
"The more you think about things, the more depressed you will get. But that doesn't mean you should give up all hope."
"Change is so much more possible than you know... Depression is not just a hole; it is a quagmire."
"Depression affects millions of people around the world and, like many conditions, it's really complicated."
"The good news is that even though we don't entirely understand how depression works, we still have ways to treat it that help lots of people."
"Depression is messy. There's a lot of nuance in everything from how it happens to how it's treated."
"There's nothing clever or funny to say about depression. If you've ever known someone who is depressed or experienced it yourself, you know how hard and all-consuming it can be."
"Depression is a complicated, difficult illness, but there are therapies and treatments that can help."
"Depression can be seen as the collapse of that resistance of the hierarchy to the propagation of errors upward."
"It was really quite a shock in the 90s when assays got better, and we began to realize that if you measured inflammatory markers, they were actually elevated in depressed people."
"There is an idea that depression might be something of a more modern phenomenon arising from the evolutionary mismatch between the way we live now that's so pro-inflammatory, and how we evolved to live."
"People do get depressed. They get depressed for a lot of the same reasons. Depression was powerfully correlated with increased inflammation."
"Depression was the leading cause of disability worldwide, with one person taking their life every 40 seconds."
"Anxiety and depression... twist it inside out, screw up your perspective so that nothing that you see is actually the way that it is."
"Perfection is terrible; if there's perfect, there's no longer growth, and if there's no growth, there's depression."
"My life in solitary is one long period of unbroken depression."
"Avoiding ridicule...hiding who you truly are can brew up this incredible storm inside of a person that's a little bit of shame, maybe some anxiety, but it's more like an acid and over time it just eats away at happiness and your self-esteem, your ability to just be present. And depression is just almost a guarantee at this point."
"That illusion of self-control is the very jail cell in which depression exists."
"Depression is when we smile but want to cry, it's when we talk but want to be quiet, it's when we pretend like we're happy but we're not."
"Depression is one of the great diseases in our modern world. It causes a great deal of suffering, and many of us will meet depression either personally or in one of our loved ones in the course of our life."
"Depression is fairly strong in the family. There's been so much of it, I find that you think about it more."
"Depression is also just a chemical imbalance in your brain and it doesn't matter if your life is perfect or if your life sucks, you're still gonna be depressed."
"The reason that you have depression is because of a chemical imbalance in your brain."
"Cry of Fear at its core is a story about depression and how it can affect you."
"You could have all this color around you and all this love and light and help, but if you're suffering, it just desaturates everything."
"Depression and anxiety are things I've dealt with for a long time and have kept hidden from my friends and family."
"It's really hard to be depressed when you're in service to someone else, when you're helping others."
"Anything that reduces depression should be regarded as an antidepressant."
"Exercise has been shown to be as effective as antidepressants at treating mild to moderate depression."
"The greatest scholar of depression today, Johann Hari, has found that conditions of powerlessness kind of cause our spirits to die."
"Depression and isolation are some of the worst conditions a social creature can endure."
"It's when our self-reflection capacity gets overblown and turned on stuck in the on position that we wind up with depression."
"Depression, which is being stuck in the past, and I think being highly self-referential... depression is, I think as someone who has experienced it a lot in life, very self-obsessive."
"1408 is a representation of the tipping point of depression."
"During the funeral, it was seen that Princess De An's condition worsened due to depression, and she always missed Li Zheng."
"Depression is regret about the past; anxiety is worry about the future."
"Depression actually means to push something down. What do people push down when they're depressed? Their emotions."
"Depression happens because you keep looking back. Anxiety happens because you're looking too far forward."
"The brain sends signals to the gut microbes, changes their behavior, their function, and then these metabolites... probably go back to the brain and reinforce it and create this vicious cycle of brain-gut microbial interactions that underlies chronic depression."
"Curcumin can help with treating the symptoms of depression."
"The loss of capacity to cry is a better indicator of severe depression."
"Emotions are not facts. I think this is easy to get caught up in when you are depressed. You think everything that you think is true, but what you need to learn to do is say: I feel; fact: I feel like a failure. This does not mean it is true."
"This assessment uses standardized questions to give you a sense of your risk of anxiety and depression."
"So the interesting thing that happens with people with depression is that a lot of them will learn to adapt, cope, and survive because they're resilient, because they're strong, because they're adaptable, because they're intelligent."
"Depression feels like a war, right? Like where you're going into battle with it every day."
"Depression is real, and it's often worse in winter."
"Vitamin D deficiency is associated with depression, fatigue, mood changes, feelings of hopelessness and sadness."
"Depressed as a disease, I do not subscribe to the idea. I believe that if you feel depressed, something is depressing you, and you should try your best to fix it."
"Depression isn't a tragically beautiful affliction that can fit into aesthetic gif sets on a pale grunge blog. It's unbrushed teeth, unwashed bodies, isolation, and fear."
"Anyone who has ever dealt with depression knows it's not something you snap out of...but the better days were becoming more frequent."
"Falling into depression is not the solution."
"Depression is about serotonin levels and chemical imbalance... Sadness is about circumstance. Sadness just means you don't like things as they are."
"Depression is a real illness and can be incredibly debilitating."
"There's nothing beautiful or artistic about depression, self-harm, or suicide."
"Depression and anxiety are diseases, not just feelings. People are fighting for their life every day."
"Social media has been proven to result in greater levels of depression. The levels of depression in young men, and especially young women, are correlated with social media use."
"Understanding what the relationship between depression and logic is, and also why it is that logic sort of doesn't work, is crucial."
"The assumptions that I start with are flawed... and this is the core of the problem in people who are depressed and why logic doesn't work."
"Human connection is very important in preventing and treating depression."
"There's been this idea...that if you're depressed you have lower levels of serotonin in your brain, but this paper that came out found that there's no evidence that depressed people have lower levels of serotonin."
"What this review looked at...is that from the available data, there are not lower levels of serotonin in the brain of people who are depressed compared to people who are not clinically depressed."
"The manifestation of clinical depression is a symptom of physiological abnormality and severe neurochemical imbalance."
"Clinical depression is much different than just sadness."
"Only one person can get you out of depression: you. For your own feelings and for your own life."
"Depression is a chemical imbalance in your head; you can't just fix it."
"Hey, if you guys are sad and suspect yourself to be clinically depressed, don't hesitate to see a professional. They can help you."
"Everyone has been there, and it's not weak for you to be depressed."
"There's a difference between being unhappy and being depressed."
"Depression a lot of times, for some people, is sometimes related to a lack of purpose in life."
"Every study shows that exercise daily is more effective than any antidepressant."
"Depression in psychiatry is a serious disease, a state of mind where patients have low levels of serotonin, leading to profound impacts on their ability to enjoy life."
"It's about progression cause I was stuck in a deep depression, I made mistakes, had to hear the lessons."
"Most people if they could just turn off their depression or their anxiety, they would do it."
"A recession is if your neighbor loses a job; a depression is if you lose your job."
"Depression and anxiety is a ghost that just comes to haunt you in different faces in your life."
"They don't preordain or determine you to be depressed. They raise a susceptibility."
"Depression is a totally wretched disease... often with the anxiety that goes with it."
"The fact is that if we have no data and when the economy gets restarted, if the idea is we're just gonna stay in lockdown until there's a vaccine, which could take 12 to 18 months, that's not a recession, that's a depression."
"People always say that they love how open I am about it, and I've got nothing to hide. I think it's really important to talk about depression, anxiety, and mental health in general."
"It's exhausting. Like, I think that's one thing people maybe don't understand about depression and anxiety is just like the physical and mental fatigue that you get from it."
"Depression is real. When you're depressed, your whole world is so black."
"Most of the people that get to the top end up depressed and lonely, and it ain't the ride they thought it was gonna be."
"Depression is often sadness that hasn't understood itself. Anxiety or irritability is worry that doesn't know its own cause."
"Medication can be incredibly useful for depression, as it actually expands your capacity to make freely willed choices."
"Depression entails bouts of extreme inexplicable sadness, fatigue, anxiety, social withdrawal, and suicidal thoughts."
"Ray Dalio on the other hand is outright predicting that we are already in the early stages of a depression."
"Depression is like a crisis of meaning. The worst thing about depression is not about being miserable; it's having a life that seems utterly meaningless."
"What stays with me more than anything in this case is that image of him in those last days before his death, sat on the periphery at school, too exhausted and helpless and broken to engage with any of his peers."
"The reason people say that there's more millionaires made in a depression is because there's so much disruption."
"Depressed people have a veil... but coping tools or probing skills do for you, they open and open and open until you can see."
"Depression is not something you should be battling alone."
"Being depressed or suicidal will never ever make you a bad person."
"I'm very depressed that in this country you can be told 'that's offensive' as if those two words constitute an argument or comment. Not to me they don’t, and I'm not running for anything. So, I didn't have to pretend to like people when I don’t."
"Sometimes depression is just born out of circumstances that should make you depressed. You lose your job, you don't have a mental illness, you're depressed because your circumstances are depressing."
"The biggest cause of depression and anxiety is disconnection and isolation."
"True clinical depression, for those who are living it, is not just being sad... It's a persistent nagging depression of mood where there is a veil of darkness and misery covering everything."
"Depression hijacks your thinking and takes the things that you know and spins them in a particular way that actually makes you suffer."
"War doesn't have to be the way that we profit out of a depression."
"So if we have GDP below zero percent again, GDP adjusted for the rate of inflation for a sustained period of time, that would be the definition of an economic depression."
"Depression robbed you of your rationality, your personality, and your energy..."
"You don't have depression because you have a lithium deficiency, sure, sure you have depression because you're depressing pushing down on feelings you don't want to feel."
"I'm sick of that [ __ ] everybody's depressed because they're trying to fit into a puzzle, they're trying to be a [ __ ] circle in the square."
"Depression can make you feel hopeless, but remember, recovery is possible with treatment and support."
"Depression isn't who you are, it's what you experience."
"Bergamot, very powerful oil, amazing for anxiety and depression."
"A pioneering classic of sci-fi and horror, Frankenstein remains one of the most influential books ever written."
"I guess I have no choice this time. The thing is, I've had really bad depression my whole life."
"Shout out to people fighting depression. You're not lazy, you're unwell."
"I find this whole topic incredibly depressing, like family channels in general."
"Louis slipped deeper into his depression while his wife became more motivated to action."
"Depression does make you pretty good at pushing through heaviness and materializing things out of nothing."
"I love here's my thing. I don't give a [ __ ]. I mean, depression slapped the guy, alright?"
"Do any of you suffer from depression or anxiety?"
"Depression affects 1 in 10 Americans at one point or another."
"Depression is a disabling condition that adversely affects a person's family, work, or school life."
"You're not allowed to smile and have a good day if you're depressed."
"Depression is something that is at all-time high... suicide is the second leading cause of death between the ages of 10 and 24."
"Why am I still depressed? That's the whole name of the game."
"My little tiny life is not the only thing that exists. Anytime you feel depression or fear, it's because your parameters are too narrow."
"Depression... because you lose control of your mind."
"I was miserable inside, I was really depressed."
"Depression doesn't look the same on everyone."
"You're a legend. Of course, I've felt depressed. I think everybody has felt depressed and down at some point in their life."
"When I look back, I think there was a lot of depression that he may have had."
"I've never really met a person that's actually functional that struggled with depression that did it by themselves."
"Depression is a real illness, and it can be incredibly debilitating."
"Depression is nothing more than dissatisfaction with life."
"Depression is an illness. It doesn't always have a clear trigger and it certainly doesn't usually have a singular cause. It's nobody's fault to have depression and it is an illness that is in need of treatment."
"It's a win-win so let's dive in with one of the most depressing books I've ever read."
"If we reverse the tax cuts that you put, it's going to be another great depression."
"And you're going to have a depression the likes of which our country has never seen before."
"A depression may be coming, and that's something the market is not ready for."
"We might not be creating a frugal decade; we might be creating a 1929-style depressionary decade."
"You've heard a lot of economists come out and say we're not heading to recession, we're heading to a depression. And I'm one of them."
"The whole premise of the storyline is just this beautiful metaphor for the inner demons of depression and how they very much do exist despite the fact that they appear invisible or non-existent to the naked eye."
"This is a global crisis we're heading to a global depression here."
"Living with depression is a blessing in disguise, never second-guessing intuition, getting wise."
"Another thing that this might seem far-fetched, and unrelated to anxiety and depression, but a simple thing."
"You think I wouldn't know what a depressed person looks like?"
"The larger factor in depression can be society's treatment rather than one's identity."
"I think we are going into a terrible recession... I wouldn't be surprised if this was even worse than the Great Depression."
"Wages were kept artificially high early in the depression and the result was a big increase in unemployment."
"Depression is not sadness. Depression is not grieving. People get this confused."
"Bro, do it. Like just do it, because if you're not about to do it, 'cause I know you're not, now look, I do not condone telling people if you know that your partner is depressed..."
"Therapist: 'So how depressed would you say you've been feeling lately?' Me: 'I don't care anymore if my foot hangs over the bed where a monster can get it.'"
"As long as you have something to do, you won't be depressed."
"Not knowing what to say about your depression is totally understandable. If this is a struggle for you, you are most certainly not the only one."
"Mental illness like depression is not a failure of character or willpower; it is a disease that has to be managed with treatment."
"The hedonistic depression that is so prevalent."
"Depression... is a hell for one." - David Foster Wallace