
Anticipation Quotes

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"One of the hallmark features of major depression is a lack of positive anticipation about the future... leads to a much lower tendency to engage in the specific types of behavior that would allow one to arrive at a particular new, different, and positive future."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine, as I've said, is involved in anticipation of wanting, not of having; it's involved in motivation toward the thing that you want."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Understanding that dopamine is released in response to anticipation of a reward is the fuel for work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We're not reacting, we're anticipating and predicting."
"I've been waiting for this moment my entire life."
"Dopamine is released when something good happens but it's also released in anticipation of things. It makes us excited when we reach a milestone en route to a goal."
"Everything that we eat up here was cooked or packaged years ago, so I'm really looking forward to something that just comes right out of the kitchen."
"It's going to be a wonderful year, I know it."
"Just hit the Subscribe button and get ready to hear one of the craziest stories ever told."
"The Bitcoin halving is going to be the biggest event that we've seen in crypto all year long."
"Something you've wished for is going to start unfolding this week."
"It's a reality that it could be approved as soon as today. That's what today is about."
"Anticipation is power. Leaders anticipate; losers react."
"Every season has different challenges, and if you can anticipate the challenge, you can make that season a lot more enjoyable."
"I think it's super awesome and I can't wait for each flight."
"This one was going to have a worldwide release, I was like oh my god, I've been waiting for this for so long."
"Give thanks for the blessings of love soon to come your way. Know that you deserve to be and have all that your heart truly desires."
"You are not lacking in any gift, awaiting eagerly the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will also confirm you to the end, blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord."
"Touchdown confirmed. We're going to wait for the images."
"Everything is about to go exponential. I don't even think society can deal with this."
"Sometimes, you just know you're gonna be sad to see a journey end, even when you haven't started it yet."
"Joy, opportunity, and abundance are on the way to you."
"What a week I'm going to have as an Arsenal fan."
"This is definitely one of the bigger moments where I really start to see this game getting closer to its final boss form."
"We are gearing up for touchdown on the Red Planet this week."
"Dragon's Dogma 2 is set to give us an experience that players have been asking for for years now."
"This is what AI is going to do with everything. Whatever it is you think you're doing, it already knows you're doing it."
"This is a place that generations of Mars explorers have waited to get to."
"I thought at some point between when OpenAI started and when we created AGI, there was gonna be something crazy and explosive that happened."
"The last few weeks have been incredible in a way that I didn't anticipate."
"What more do you want? This is delightful. This is what we were waiting all day for."
"The Phantom's are here, Angie, with a new XP."
"Do not miss Final Shape; it's going to be a wonderful send-off before Destiny changes forever as we know it."
"I'm hoping for five today. I think it might be the best Worlds ever."
"Don't blink; it's going to be a marvelous night."
"If everything goes well, however, we'll see you very soon."
"It's a bit like the night before Christmas, isn't it?"
"I'm so excited for what God is about to do today."
"I have no idea what episode number it is, but I know it's an episode and that you're going to like it. All four big strong men are here."
"I think it's going to get fun. It's going to get fun."
"Speaking of tomorrow, it's tomorrow, and it's time to whip out my stellar bartering skills."
"Be fully prepared, but it's a Sunday special."
"For a brief beautiful few days, you and I are going to be within a few dozen miles of each other."
"It's almost time to go live. Been a long time since I've seen you, been a long time since I did some tarot."
"Let's see what happens during that fight... it's really, really epic."
"Me waking up: 'I can't wait to go to sleep tonight.'"
"I can't wait to just get back out there and start traveling and exploring parts of the world."
"I'm really excited for the next one... because it'll be completely new and can go anywhere."
"You're not going to believe it, but we got an amazing, all-time of an episode here coming up at you."
"Tomorrow at 8:00 at the west gate, I'll be waiting for you."
"After hearing this, B is extremely excited to see which Divine object he can use."
"I'm so excited. I could get literally anything."
"Your little Cinematic Universe is about to change forever."
"It's always darkest before dawn, and that's what I'm looking forward to."
"True love is what is coming and what is on its way to you."
"GPT 5.5 is only a few months away from deployment. We're not slowing down, are we?"
"It's going to be a communal experience... it's going to be so good."
"Something is coming, something even they are afraid of."
"This was highly super [__] fun, and I hope we can do something again in the future too."
"To generalize, humanity is waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel."
"This is a very romantic relationship, exciting, a lot of passion is coming for you guys."
"I do see a very spiritual relationship coming into your guys' lives."
"New World Views will come; nobody knows at the present time when we will learn how our universe really was created."
"You get that feeling it's near, like something amazing is about to happen."
"It's the start of a new beginning, it's meant to be slightly daunting."
"What are we going to do here, Sunny? I don't know, maybe we'll wait for Sunrise and enjoy it on the beachfront."
"I fear that I'm going to abandon my friends, family, and girlfriend when this game releases."
"There's celebrations coming into your life really soon, something to celebrate."
"I've surprised a lot of people, the biggest surprise is yet to come."
"I hope you're ready for a double watch along tonight."
"Yes, guys, to say we are nervous is an absolute understatement. We are terrified."
"I'm so excited for all the things to come, and I hope you guys are excited too."
"I'm so excited for everything that's to come."
"It's very special that a nice couple of years from now, I'm be like one of the OGs."
"Get your popcorn, buckle up buttercup because we are in for a not even a bumpy road, just like we're in for Everest."
"Next year is going to be a game changer for this channel."
"You will achieve your desirable companion, what you've been waiting for."
"I vividly remember the excitement surrounding this one."
"I think this might have been the best day on a train ever, and we still have two and a half more days left."
"The feeling is like none other, the significance of it is that you're taking about 12 months worth of work... and that's what I'm looking forward to being a part of that again."
"Haven't had this feeling in almost four years."
"I wouldn't be surprised if this is the next big thing."
"2021 is gonna be lit, we're gonna have a wedding coming out soon, me and Nicky gonna get the channel back popping."
"This is all building up, this multi-layered story, which is all putting itself in place, and man, something big is going to happen out of all of this."
"It's 2012 and the massively anticipated sequel to Diablo II is looking like it's releasing this year."
"The year is 2004, and Blizzard is getting ready to release its biggest game yet."
"We've got a lot of things to cover, and we have some huge big news to share with you as well."
"I think it will be the favorite part of our journey."
"It's like you feel like this epic adventure is about to happen."
"I hope you enjoy whatever I choose to do next. I'm still working on it, so please be patient."
"I actually haven't named him yet. I was going to ask you guys for name suggestions."
"Christmas is almost here, and I know you guys are extremely excited for all the presents."
"I've got to say, I think the Air Jordan 1 Dark Marina Blues will probably be one of the most popular sneaker releases of the entire year."
"We are the ones that we have been waiting for."
"This is unofficially Sonic Adventure 3. Can I make that claim just yet? At least Sonic Adventure 2.5, right?"
"This valley is absolutely beautiful, and I can't wait to call it home."
"This is what it all comes down to, right here, right now."
"It's going to be so awesome. It's all going to be worth it."
"A huge shocking surprise is coming. It's beautiful."
"Don't plan your funeral before your body dies."
"The new Mario Brothers movie is going to be off the chart."
"I think things are going to get quite spicy within the connection."
"I'm looking forward to Zoroark H, it's going to be one of the best."
"This will be a phenomenal Pokemon, and you cannot wait to see what he does."
"It's a good time for gamers; tons of great games are launching in the next two months."
"Your energy is exciting, it feels like exciting things are about to happen."
"Who doesn't want to see Earth's biggest warriors clash in a cage?"
"After years of build-up, the fans got what they wanted."
"Excitement is actually tied very closely to anticipation, like something's on the verge of happening and it excites you."
"The anticipation which is impossible to retain in this life is made permanent by Allah in the next life."
"In Jannah, the anticipation which is impossible to retain in this life is made permanent by Allah."
"I cannot believe it's day 72 already. Oh my goodness, that means only 28 days left."
"All right, butter up your popcorn and strap in, folks."
"Conor McGregor's greatest gift is his anticipation."
"So addicted to this series, I check for a new episode every day, and when I do see one, I get excited."
"The moment G2 saw Shopify's heaven smoke, they knew exactly what Shopify was planning and prepared a beautiful Crossfire to shut down the play."
"That's why everything in me wants there to be a judgment day."
"You have so much to look forward to, a lot of good things are coming."
"Overall, I think there's a lot of value to waiting. It allows you to feel excitement about what's to come, which sometimes can be almost as enjoyable as the thing you're waiting for."
"The wait allows it to feel like an actual reward, making it stand out more and giving you a sense of fulfillment."
"Cherish that excitement if you can, don’t hold the wait against the people making it, and hope that some version of you will find joy in it whenever it comes out."
"If we're seeing these weird things, something is probably going to come and try to attack the house."
"One of the most anticipated releases of the holiday season is the Warner Brothers released prequel film, Wonka, directed by Paul King of Paddington fame and starring Dreamboat Superstar Timothy Chalamet."
"Our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Be patient and get excited now like you already have the thing that you want."
"It's an honor to share this platform and to kind of merge our families, our communities together, and I look forward to so much more of that, inshallah."
"Whatever is coming next, it's going to be really good. It's going to be a lucky break."
"So punishment, avoidance, and the sense of control that if you think ahead to something awful, that you're imagining is going to happen, well, maybe that will let you avoid it, right?"
"This system looks miles better. I hope it's not boring."
"I predict this for classic: on the first day, it's going to be the biggest thing possibly forever."
"Tomorrow night we've got some cracking games for you."
"It's discomforting to see things that you've anticipated happen, especially when they turn out to be the very things that you've dreaded most."
"Development is going to start to ramp up soon and that they'll review their progress by the end of the year."
"I am massively excited about it, and all I can say as a hint is that it's because of you."
"Really, really grateful to you as always, and can't wait to share it with you."
"Stay very still, these women are about to release years of pent-up resentment."
"Another encounter with a mysterious legendary Pokémon that we are unsure of yet."
"It's one hell of an achievement. Now it's just time to play the waiting game for whatever the hell they're calling Remake part three."
"I cried during the manga while reading this short story, and that was without animation, voice acting, music. This is going to hit, and I am very, very prepared."
"Always have something to look forward to. The power of anticipation is so real."
"What a way to start the series, what a way for both teams to start the series."
"Once you see these sorts of things in tech demos, it won't be long before we see them in reality."
"After months of waiting, people here are relieved to finally be getting a vaccine."
"Get ready to buckle up because it's going to get absolutely wild once again."
"We're a strong nation, we're strong people. The months ahead, we're going to find out just how strong we are."
"I know there's a lot of people following this very closely, wondering when they're gonna have money in their pockets."
"I'm so freaking excited for him to see where we're going."
"There's a huge amount of stuff coming out, and I'm very excited to show it all off."
"There's always one fighter on these cards that catches my eye, and I think, 'I got to watch this guy fight again.'"
"The scale of this is absolutely enormous and not something I think that I would have anticipated."
"One of the things that makes remake so highly anticipated is that Final Fantasy 7 is one of the most beloved games in all of Final Fantasy."
"This is going to be the most insane video you have ever seen on this channel."
"They're being intentionally experimental. I can't wait to see what future things or projects or features they get green-lit based on what they learn here."
"Your Easter box, you guys make sure you guys get yours. I'm nervous because we got really excited and we got a bunch of boxes, but I'm like, alright, they're gonna sell. Let's see."
"Am I the only one excited for 76? I've been waiting for a multiplayer Fallout experience since New Vegas."
"I think at some point, as they're shuttering the windows and the doors, they're going to be like, oh, we should've seen them coming."
"Fear is creating a known result from a situation we haven't experienced yet."
"The prophecy say Fimbulwinter leads to Ragnarok. War is coming."
"We stood before the door in silence, entranced by the entrance, caught up by our own epilogue."
"They saved Foxy for the real trailer, and I love that."
"For a lot of us, myself included, waiting for the identity reveal and the angst or jubilation that comes with it is one of, if not the main reason we're so invested in the first place."
"Welcome to Kappa Capitao. I've been waiting for you all summer long."
"I wanted to be awake when Jesus was resurrected."
"Sometimes life gets really heavy, and it's nice to just have some optimism of what good things are coming."
"We've got something really special for you here."
"Experts say we're alarmingly close to the biggest event in human history."
"So in conclusion, the Tower is great, the levels are creative, and I'm excited to see what we'll get next."
"I'm excited. Check this out, we got a surprise for you."
"Tomorrow we're going to Hawaii. It's an early birthday present."
"Say thank you in advance for what's already yours."
"Are you ready for the most epic birthday trip ever?"
"He is so excited to get back into his room, but he has no idea we're making it all over right now."
"I am honestly so excited to play this without any further ado, let's begin."
"Hold on tight, some great things are about to happen in your life."
"This game has been as soon as it was announced, people went crazy; the Kickstarter went crazy."
"I want to watch the next one. I got a lot out of that."
"It can feel just like festivities and boozing if you've never been in it, but to talk to the people on the ground, many people actually look forward to it, rely on it, need it."
"This is going to be the best Call of Duty that we have seen all year."
"Hopefully the counter Titan doesn't do too much damage."
"It feels like walking into a treasure trove; you just don't know what you're going to find, and it's so exciting."
"Dopamine is released in anticipation of what we want."
"I'm so happy, excited for standard rotation, excited for the new cards, excited for Thousand-Year Storm."
"It's beautiful. Now wait till you see the inside."
"Most of us are really excited for the next fun, exciting adventure, something that we can look forward to."
"I will. I'm most looking forward to just sort of getting out there and very exploring really, but I'm gonna store a winter coat on my horse. Can I do that?"
"That's the thing I'm most looking forward to, actually."
"Hey guys, from Charleston. Andy, how happy are you to finally be able to play Red Dead Redemption 2? You're entire weekend, but yeah, it hasn't really sunk in yet, it still doesn't seem real."
"Are you kind of excited for our first kiss tonight?"
"I'm thinking about this game almost every minute of every day now, and I'm very excited to play online with all of you."
"This game's going to be great. I'm very excited."
"The following discoveries are the reason I decided to make this video, so hold on to your seats."
"I tell you, the closer we get to Rosh Hashanah this year, the more glory I'm feeling."
"You're about to get something that you've been hoping for that's going to bring a lot of Happiness, a lot of joy."
"You have to believe that this moment is preparing you for something amazing that hasn't happened yet."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 had a lot to live up to, and in my estimation, it was the most highly anticipated game of 2018."
"Once I make it to Friday, I'm going to turn it up and let it eat."
"Oh my gosh, bro, I can't wait to see how much damage we're doing once this thing is like leveled up like crazy."
"Can I get my shot over here, thank you. I've been waiting since Wednesday to do this."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 was getting Award nominations before it was even released."
"This is saying, you need to maintain your sense of attachment, but you need to start making predictions and understanding about how you're going to engage with that attachment, how you're going to feel those things, without the expectation that things that once happened before are going to happen again."