
Behavioral Science Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"One of the hallmark features of major depression is a lack of positive anticipation about the future... leads to a much lower tendency to engage in the specific types of behavior that would allow one to arrive at a particular new, different, and positive future."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Most people experience dips and peaks in their motivation even if they really want something."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I study all sorts of issues related to poverty, how poverty itself affects people's behavior."
"The key to your health is your circadian rhythm, which are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that happen in a 24-hour cycle."
"Binding behaviors or behaviors in which people bind their behavior around a particular substance use or around a particular behavioral addiction."
"Chase Hughes, I'm a behavioral expert with 20 years in the U.S. military. Now I teach intelligence agencies and the general public in persuasion, interrogation, and behavioral profiling."
"Every year, millions of people try to build new habits."
"Behavioral variation comes from a bunch of things. They don't always have exactly equal experience, but mostly it comes from the pseudo-random stochastic nature of development."
"All the characteristics of ADHD, which I'm going to be describing here, are things everybody has trouble with sometimes. It's just people with ADD have a lot more trouble with it."
"Pavlov’s true enduring legacy lies in the use of a rigorous scientific method to prove the existence of conditioned and non-conditioned reflexes, which provided a foundation for the study of acquired human behavior and the use of positive reinforcement in learning."
"Addiction is a disease defined by compulsive use of a substance or pattern of behavior that one cannot stop, even as it has a severe negative consequence on a person's quality of life."
"Pavlok uses a type of science called aversive conditioning."
"We are seeing that having real-time feedback for driving habits is resulting in Tesla owners driving the cars in a safer way."
"Decline starts many many years before the behavioral measures happen because the brain is compensating for the decline."
"Our Stone Age brain still thinks that sugar and fat are a good idea because our Stone Age brain was adapted to think, 'When you can get it, eat it.' But in a world full of Tim Hortons, not a good idea."
"Our own nature as Homo sapiens... we're loud, we're violent... when pressed into a corner, we will fight."
"It's a very considerable psychological behavioral change that we're asking the public to do, but I've absolutely no doubt that we can do it together."
"Educating the public, knowing the behaviors that lead to increased transmission, can do a lot."
"Scientifically, it takes 66 days to form a new habit."
"Your thoughts create your emotions, your emotions drive your actions, and your actions will ultimately determine your results."
"It's contradictory to human behavior to say that everybody's the same."
"The rats went always back to the sugar, and if you're not catching on, we're the rats."
"Men and women just operate differently and that's a fact."
"Masculinity actually manifests itself in a strategic logical approach to life."
"Our software is designed to pick up those trends and recognize changes in behavioral patterns."
"I think this human nature stuff, the psychology of this, I think that stuff is incredibly important."
"Behavioral change is critical...to manage COVID-19 on an ongoing basis."
"Damage to specific nuclei leads to obesity, failure to thrive, anorexia, or savage behaviors."
"There are as many definitions of introversion and extraversion as there are personality psychologists."
"The uncertainties are around behavioral change."
"Do something every day that is small and manageable, that you can safety clip or paperclip to other behaviors."
"One thing it's worth stressing about Behavioral Science... take the insight and then they need to apply a dash of creativity."
"The addiction aspect of it is so crazy to me because it really does fire off like those receptors in your brain that make you want to engage constantly."
"Healthy food reduces violent crime and oppositional behavior."
"The average person does not understand addiction. There is physiological, psychological, and emotional addiction."
"If you put a frog in a boiling pot of water, it'll jump right out. If you put a frog in a cold pot of water and slowly heat it up, it'll boil itself to death."
"It's possible to change bad habits for good."
"There is no denying it, both the way we avert eye contact and are drawn to it intuitively tells us of its sheer power."
"Compliance is the science; one of the biggest impediments is the friction around doing the thing."
"Dopamine is the fuel for goal-directed behavior."
"The more that you know, the more that you can control your behavior."
"Nothing in consumer behavior could ever make sense without an understanding of our evolutionary heritage."
"Most people make decisions based on emotions not logic decisions are largely emotional and not logical."
"Understand how motivation works or the first thing understand the nature of motivation and understand that it is our ignorance of motivation that leads us in the wrong direction."
"Psychology is the science of why I do certain things, why I feel certain ways."
"Gender is the behavioral manifestations, the personality manifestations..."
"Breed is not a very reliable predictor for an individual dog's behavior."
"What is unique about us though is a very subtle elaboration on the golden rule in tit-for-tat." - Robert Sapolsky
"Our will is a rider on an elephant of genetic information; we can't stop being who we are without a lot of training."
"Small interventions can lead to significant behavior change."
"Positive reinforcement works wonders with children."
"When people's blood sugar was abnormal and too low, they tended to be more aggressive towards their partner."
"Charisma is almost just a set of behaviors that you can Implement in order for people to perceive you in a more positive light for people to like you more."
"In relationships, ADHD brains are fascinated by things with deadlines or unpredictability."
"Joffrey matches the three components of psychopathy linked to nature and nurture really well."
"You can always control what you think and how you behave."
"15 percent is explaining a lot of variance in the behavioral sciences and this is just in the last couple years."
"One of the key principles of behavioral science is that we're all irrational. We make decisions in ways that are not useful for us."
"It does seem to be at this moment in time the golden era for behavioral science."
"I always viewed this video conferencing conundrum as kind of the Fermat's Last Theorem of behavioral science."
"Understanding that effectively human behavior is totally nonlinear."
"Once you find something subtle by following the science, the impact will be anything but subtle."
"Behavioral science, yes it's about individuals, but that can be scaled up so one can think about changing cities as well as individuals."
"Understanding behavior requires a level of explanation beyond prediction."
"We're actually drawing upon real behavioral science here to save more by doing less."
"Behavioral science tells us that you'd especially like it if we accompanied that victory with a lot of flashing lights and celebratory music."
"The power of social cues and environmental cues to get yourself in a certain mindset is so underestimated."
"Once the connections between the frontal cortex and the limbic system are gone, the limbic system is free to fire its messages of emotion, uninhibited by the frontal cortex, and behavior becomes erratic and unpredictable."
"It uses insights from behavioral science to develop great habits that will enable you to live the life that you want."
"James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, says it takes about 66 days or roughly two months to develop a new habit."
"There are four functions of behavior but the caveat to that is that behavior can sometimes be a bit complex."
"Evidence that urban environments are creating behavioral sinks in our species."
"Nature versus nurture debates whether our traits are caused by genes or upbringing."
"If you can design interventions that focus specifically on the environmental circumstances that produce behavior and maintain it, those interventions will and should have a larger likelihood of being successful."
"Animals communicate a lot with tone of voice."
"It's the exploration of why humans do what they do."
"If you take a biological view of human behavior and human thinking, that then means that we can do something about that biology."
"The relatively new science of human behavior might also define ethics for us."
"The effects of chronic lead exposure in children include a lower intellectual capacity or lower IQ and behavioral problems, hyperactivity, and poor organizational skills."
"Our behavioral origins go a lot farther back than we originally thought."
"It's somehow trying to optimize behavior for rewards."
"Fabulous is a digital coach that uses insights from behavioral science to develop these great habits."
"Each and every habit has four components to it: the cue, the routine, the reward, the craving."
"There's a real lack of behavioral science content on YouTube."
"I'll be moving to London to join Ogilvy's behavioral science practice, co-founded by Rory Sutherland."