
Behavior Quotes

There are 16167 quotes

"Willpower sometimes also referred to as tenacity, grit, or persistence is a distinctly different phenomenon than habit execution."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Testosterone doesn't cause aggression. It lowers the threshold for the sort of things that would normally provoke you into being aggressive so that it happens more easily."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What testosterone does is make you more of whatever you already are."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The Challenge Hypothesis of Testosterone in Action: Testosterone is what you secrete when your status is being challenged."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Competitive environments themselves can increase testosterone."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Motivation is nothing about your behavior; it has everything to do with the mind."
"We can change how we feel about ourselves by changing our behavior and being more aligned with the person we want to be with our values."
"Motivation and addiction are on a spectrum... something that used to be good for us, if we overdo it or we're doing it and somehow it's starting to actually not have the same effect, that can become destructive."
"Motivation is sort of like a fire inside you, and you need to add fuel to it through the way you think, through the way you act."
"You can act your way into right thinking, but you can't think your way into right action."
"Don't believe every stupid thing you think. Know what you want, and ask yourself every day, does my behavior fit what I want?"
"What we believe in our mind changes the way we behave, and the way we behave in the world changes the world."
"Core motivations are...reward, ideology, coercion, and ego. Reward is anything that you want... Ideology is the things that you believe in... Coercion is all the negative things... Ego is everything that has to do with how the person views themselves."
"Money affects how we act, how we feel, and how we spend 80,000 hours of our working lives."
"The most controversial thing I teach... I just encourage you to behave [with kindness, love, peace, happiness, confidence, courage] even if you don't feel it."
"Smiling can literally change your life. Smile at the bartender, you're going to get a drink faster. Smile at your co-worker, they're more likely going to take that shift trade request."
"People who are happier tend to be more successful not because they are happier but because they engage in behaviors that lead to success."
"Your behavior is ultimately all that matters."
"Thought patterns become emotional patterns become behavioral patterns."
"Each one of us can actually change the world a tiny little bit in the next 24 hours by doing exactly that... model the behavior that we want to see."
"You are not responsible for somebody else's behavior."
"If you want to be a different person, you can be a different person today, but you have to start having the different person behavior to produce the reality."
"The behavior of an entity is not only a direct result of the input but it also depends on its preceding state."
"A good man is not a good man when he's only good when he's good."
"Being mean is like watching a TV show; it's for entertainment but at the same time, you're just wasting time."
"Find out what's going on when there's unacceptable behavior and really get to the heart of what the truth is."
"Economics is about human action... purposeful behavior."
"Belief determines behavior, and behavior is all that matters."
"Personal finance is 80% behavior, 20% head knowledge."
"The good are getting better, the bad are getting worse, and the crazy are getting crazier."
"If you ever find yourself blaming your teammates, being mean to people for no reason, you're just fucking up completely."
"For me, the most important kind of explanation is explanation of behavior in terms of value. That behavior is explicable in terms of seeking to realize a value."
"You can't interrupt your brother while he's gaming. Unplugging people's stuff is rude."
"If you say, 'Hey, don't put anything wet on the computer,' and the next day they're spraying it with the hose, they know what they're doing."
"Never criticize, condemn, or complain. Carnegie says any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do."
"Authenticity is far more attractive than any set of nonverbal behavior."
"You're going to notice less tests, less pullbacks, and ultimately just better behavior out of the people that you're dating."
"We're on our worst behavior, unlocking my better self."
"The way you think determines the way you feel and the way you feel determines the way you act."
"Conventional wisdom is wrong. Challenging kids do not lack the will to behave well; they lack the skills to behave well."
"You go to the root of it and you pull out the root, and all of the subsequent behaviors will come crumbling down."
"Old habits die hard. It's crazy, like just be doing this [stuff] for no reason. Like why?"
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome."
"Not to be reckless, not to be offensive. Be mindful of how you direct your energy."
"You don't have to die to be famous. You don't have to get hurt or get hurt because that's what a lot of people are doing now, too."
"How hard is it for people to just do the right thing? Seriously, just do the right thing."
"Love isn't toxic; it's how we behave in love and how we behave when vulnerable that creates toxicity."
"When you're always looking for attention and trying to rage bait people, you become kind of like the boy who cried wolf."
"Addiction...how frequently we will do that, so that's addiction."
"Think like royalty. Act like royalty. Walk like royalty. Eat like royalty. Dress like royalty. And eventually, you'll begin to be treated like royalty."
"Say it with me, it's not dark humor. You're just an asshole."
"The thing with Mouse Utopia is you're seeing instinctive subconscious shifts among the mice which humans would then rationalize."
"The soul is capable of thought, speech, and action. That's called behavior."
"Behavior should drive focus and attention until the truth is found."
"A mistake repeated more than once is a decision."
"I swear, would an innocent man do these funky dance moves?"
"We must affirm that this type of behavior is not now, will not be tomorrow, and will never be tolerated in the United States Congress."
"The right hand is actually associated with righteousness; the left hand is associated with shady behavior, criminal behavior."
"Notice when you're being invasive and avoidant."
"Notice when you're being arrogant, obnoxious, and disrespectful."
"Make the private public... when you start to identify with the person you want to be, you behave like that person."
"We got to keep the same energy that we give to anybody with this type of [expletive] behavior."
"People in public life should treat others with consideration and respect."
"We have a basic psychological need to correct mistakes, and it's so difficult to fight this urge."
"Personal finance is 80% behavior. It's only 20% head knowledge."
"Comfort tends to make us do things that make it harder for us to quickly escape."
"Just because you can flex, doesn't mean you should."
"People who love themselves treat other people well."
"People will start to show you who they are very quickly, and pay attention to it."
"I do right by them not because of them, but because of Allah. I owe that to Allah, and I keep that in mind."
"Every time you do nothing, all you communicate to them is they can get away with anything and everything."
"To be a strong link, you've got to work on yourself and basically just not be a dick."
"People can change or even learn from their mistakes so much to a point where they can put a stop to repeating bad behavior."
"One thing I realized about excuses is once you start making them, it's really easy to keep doing it. It's very contagious."
"Patience isn't just about if you wait; patience is about how you wait."
"Say less and do more; that's what you've been doing lately."
"Kindness and good behavior are the foundation of success."
"Obviously, your behavior was sufficiently reprehensible to be plaguing your conscience, but at least you have a conscience. That's something."
"A habit is a behavior that has been repeated enough times to be performed more or less automatically."
"Insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result."
"Emotional intelligence is the ability to monitor one's own and other people's emotions, to label these emotions appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide our own thinking and ultimately our behavior."
"It's not right for people to talk about it's not right."
"Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners."
"Your brain is involved in everything you do, how you think, how you feel, how you act, how you get along with other people."
"People generally wear clothes when they leave their house."
"Three-year-olds should be testing boundaries; they should be throwing tantrums. That's part of them figuring out life."
"There's no point in being horrible. I think it takes more energy to be unpleasant and it doesn't aid anybody."
"If you want to be an anomaly, you need to act like one."
"If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn. If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight."
"The reason any human being does anything is to avoid pain."
"I'm not in any pain because the behaviors that I'm performing feel justified. They feel like I've earned them."
"As soon as you remove fear from your life, you will behave in full authenticity."
"Yandere characters are generally kind, nurturing, and lovable women, ones that eventually turn violent and possessive over a love interest."
"The active dog is a dog that understands that their behavior has an effect on their environment."
"Never get old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never fall down, never fail, never show fear, never get out of line."
"Climate change is a behavioral problem. Dealing with North Korea is a behavioral problem."
"All the problems we face, when you boil it down, are behavioral problems."
"The cerebellum is there to predict the immediate future. It's trying to determine what's going to happen in the next second or two to best guide behavior."
"People will generally pick the path of least resistance."
"There's no reason to send anybody hate at all."
"It's so easy to like not be a scumbag human."
"An addiction is manifested in any behavior that a person craves and finds temporary pleasure or relief in, but suffers negative consequences in the long term and is unable to give it up."
"Anyone with a functioning frontal lobe should be able to recognize that this kind of childish aggressive outburst over nothing directed at the employees is completely uncalled for."
"Positive reinforcement is way more effective than punishment."
"If you replace intrinsic motivation with extrinsic rewards and you extinguish the extrinsic reward then the underlying behavior is also extinguished."
"We are dealing with a deadly virus and this behaviour is unacceptable."
"I just wish people would stop being rude to others."
"There's the difference between personal belief and just being an asshole."
"Addiction is defined as a chronic relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and use despite harmful consequences."
"Just like the Joker said, 'When the chips are down, these... civilized people, they'll eat each other.'"
"If we can control the sources that control us, we are more likely to control our own behavior."
"The same thoughts always lead to the same choices, the same choices always lead to the same behaviors, the same behaviors create the same experiences."
"Ninety-five percent of who we are by midlife is a set of memorized behaviors, unconscious habits, hardwired thoughts, and conditioned emotions."
"I think if there's a message to all of these big foam suits, it's probably that humans ought to try to be a little more like the dinosaurs at their best, and less like the dinosaurs at their worst."
"Holding stereotypes has less to do with behavior than emotional attitudes do."
"You can't control how you feel... but you can always control what you think and how you behave."
"One operates on motivation, one operates on self-discipline."
"Most people that do bad things don't think that they are doing bad things."
"If you have this cocktail of five behaviors, you are going to be absolutely irresistible."
"Belonging and behavior are not a product of belief but that belonging and behavior, for most people, actually precede belief."
"Christianity is not just a matter of belief; it's a matter of behavior as well as belonging."
"Arguments for God and other Christian beliefs...serve to reinforce pre-existing belief and for most Christians interact fairly little with behavior and belonging."
"There's a difference between being ignorant and not knowing when to shut the [__] up."
"We are all creatures of habit because habits run themselves, their subconscious programs just run themselves."
"People will tell you one thing, but their behavior can tell you something completely different."
"The theory of predictive coding and active inference is the essence of sentient behavior and existence."
"If you are always demanding 'give me this, give me that,' what do you think your daughters will do when they grow up?"
"Act like a king to be treated like one. Carry yourself with an air of royalty."
"Emotions are thought of as helpful; they warn us of danger, they reward us for positive behaviors, but in reality, there are pros and cons to having emotions."
"Confession through projection is going on at a great, great level."
"Pay attention to your reactions... your reactions and how you process that individual moment is going to form how you behave tomorrow."
"Catch each other being good instead of catching each other at doing the things that annoy you."
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do; when in the night, do as the night does."
"Children do not listen to what you say, they do what you do."
"Social expectations for how people should behave have changed, and for the most part, this seems to lead to good."
"You cannot think your way into right acting, you have to act your way into right thinking."
"Act so that you can tell the truth about how you act."
"You cannot keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result. That's not insanity, that is stupidity."
"Our behavior actually changes our brain. The connections between neurons that are stimulated by our actions increase with more use and decrease with less use."
"Lack of self-awareness can lead people to behave contrary to their own advice."
"Everyone acts differently when nobody's looking. The fact that no one will know makes us comfortable and allows us to entertain all sorts of absurd thoughts and activities."
"We all have our absolutes; we only bring them out when it serves our own purposes."
"Trust is earned and built, and it's not broken by doing nothing."
"Rather than always being right, I'm called to always be loving."
"95 percent of who we are is a set of memorized behaviors, automatic emotional responses, unconscious habits, hardwired attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions that are automatic like a computer program."
"We will always behave in a way that is consistent with what we truly believe."
"If you want to be treated like a man, you must act like a man."
"Everybody is trying to do the best that they can. Everybody has strengths and everybody can be a jerk."
"Nature showcases a remarkable array of behaviors and strategies from the mesmerizing dances of peafowls to the intense battles of hammerheaded bats."
"Everybody has flaws, absolutely, but this is not a pass for you to be so rigid."
"Ethicists aren't necessarily more ethical. So apparently they steal books from libraries, and they don't call their mothers on Mother's Day."
"By complaining and being negative you are not helping the situation in any way whatsoever."
"Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, slander, and all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you."
"Insofar as people are hurting people, it's often because they were hurt."
"Recognize that insofar as people are hurting people, it's often because they were hurt."
"An addiction is any behavior that one craves, finds some pleasure or relief in temporarily but has negative long-term consequences."
"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!"
"The reality is, we're navigating in this space, and morality and ethics are the terms we use for how we think about our behavior affecting one another's experience."
"Respect is not something that you ever demand in your life. Please don't ever do such a vulgarity that you demand respect. You can only earn it."
"This idea that making contraception more available causes more people to engage in behavior... it's just not in the numbers. It does not demonstrate it anywhere."
"All the data points to the fact that if the conditions were set in a particular way, you and I and everybody else most certainly would [respond to an authoritarian figure]."
"Queen Victoria really had me questioning and examining what royal, regal, crownly behavior really is."
"In real life, with real people, when we talk, act, behave in any way, we are accountable not just for our intentions, but for what we do."
"In the aggregate, behavior is very predictable, which is what businesses know."
"Your actions are a reflection of your belief system."
"To treat [flight attendants] like [expletive] or to treat any waiter or server like it just makes me so pissed off. That tells somebody like your true character."
"Why don't kids like to sleep, eat, or bathe? It doesn't make any sense to me."
"Our adjustments on a day-to-day basis can influence others in a positive way."
"You do see psychopaths who will lead a normal life because their upbringing, all they see is normal behavior. They see loving behavior, and all that, so they try to blend in."
"Wounded and damaged people wound and damage other people because they're in pain."
"Children aren't going to be that way unless the adults around them are teaching them to be that way."
"That right there, ladies and gentlemen, is reverse psychology."
"The mind is plastic to a remarkable degree, and our persistence in having the same mediocre experience we had yesterday is a kind of habit."
"Your self-image determines your actions and, in turn, the results in your life."
"Each of us are part of a larger culture that influences the way we act, think, and collaborate with one another."
"To understand crowds, we should look not at the individual people but at their connections."
"I think you tend to mirror, emulate, and be like those you're around."
"You can still blame people for being dicks, though."
"It's not about how you look; it's about how you act."
"Procrastination arises in a very interesting way."
"True salvation changes the way you act when nobody's watching."
"If you catch somebody lying, no matter how small or how big, you have learned now that they have the predisposition to lie."
"Behavioral inertia is the tendency to keep doing what you're already doing. Status quo bias. It can be a frustrating bias if you desire change, but its origin isn't a flaw."
"Two wrongs never make a right; they make more wrongs."
"Inflicting hard rules and penalties doesn't prevent a misdeed, but rather forces a person into hiding and repression."
"He was fascinated with the relative influence of nature and nurture on behavior."
"I remember that you can't force a cat to do something."
"The important bit is their behavior when they act on those impulses."
"Environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behavior."
"Secure people don't lash out at other people."
"Your actions can determine your emotions, and your emotions can also determine your actions."
"Scratching allows cats to mark their territory... they are leaving a visual cue by the scratch marks but also a scent cue because they have scent glands on their paws."
"Focus on the keystone habit... it creates a cascade of good behavior."
"The best predictor of future behavior is current behavior."
"If you have a cat or have ever spent much time on the Internet, you know that cats like to sit in boxes."
"I spend time unpacking their story, and often, almost always, you find that there's some way they're behaving that, when it's pointed out to them, they go, 'Oh my God, I never realized that.'"
"All they had to do was not be crazy, and they couldn't do it."
"People respect what you do, not what you say."
"Social media algorithms are designed to keep showing you what you engage with, and you become what you consume."
"I don't think you should excuse bad, unprincipled behavior just because they're fighting for the movement."