
Health Advice Quotes

There are 4012 quotes

"Consistently getting about the same amount of sleep is better than just getting more sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The number of times I've seen alcohol like having been a good idea for coping with something approaches zero."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We should probably all chew our food better and eat more slowly, be more mindful of what we're eating, et cetera."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you are not sweating enough, you are limiting your output capacity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Try on most days and most nights to wake up at more or less the same time and try to go to sleep at more or less the same time."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Delay your first caffeine intake to 90 to 120 minutes after waking up."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If most people focus more on hydration and movement, they would find they have two to four times more energy than if they focused on caloric energy and what to eat."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise becomes not a way to burn energy but, as you said, to create energy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The best way to ensure a healthy gut microbiome that I am aware of is not necessarily to take supplemental prebiotics or probiotics... But rather, to ingest two to four servings of fermented foods that are low in sugar each day."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think many people who are listeners of this podcast are interested in the things that they can do in order to inoculate themselves or at least reduce the likelihood of experiencing headache, especially for people who are experiencing chronic, recurring headaches such as migraine."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's not one thing that I'll tell patients is more important than exercising."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Wear a hat, but get out in the sun and get your D3 levels up."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is the best longevity drug there is. If you don't exercise, you're missing that essential dose."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Naps are fine, but don't sleep so long during the day or too late in the day that it disrupts your ability to fall and stay asleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Keeping relatively consistent sleep and wake times is really going to enhance the quality and depth of your sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Optimizing your sleep is fundamental to balancing your hormones."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The best advice I can give you is to quit smoking. And yes, that includes cannabis as well."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"For a woman who becomes pregnant, the total number of drinks that you should allow yourself per week while pregnant and breastfeeding is indeed zero."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Drinking caffeine before a workout is going to be about the worst thing that you could possibly do because it's going to increase core body temperature and it's going to constrict your blood vessels."
"An excellent night's sleep begins in the morning."
"When you want to be alert, get bright light in your eyes, ideally from sunlight. When you want to be sleepy or asleep, avoid bright light in your eyes."
"In order to fall asleep, your body has to undergo a drop in temperature of one to three degrees."
"You don't want to go to bed either too hungry or too full because that can inhibit your sleep."
"Sleep may well be one of the most important things we can do for our immune system health."
"Get some natural light in your eyes. Look at the horizon."
"Don't you think we should at least start with diet, exercise, and learning how to not believe every stupid thing you think?"
"Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's helpful."
"If you use it, you get to keep it. If you don't use it, you'll lose it."
"Don't smoke. Smoking can increase your risk of developing severe disease if you become infected with COVID-19."
"Your transition into sleep will be so much easier. Your sleep is so much deeper."
"During the day you want sunlight, sunlight, sunlight...and then in the evening just dim it down, red lights, and you'll feel so much better."
"If you think about the things I just said, regular sleep, sunlight, exercise, quality nutrition, social connection...none of which by the way require that you purchase anything."
"There's no such thing as a perfect diet... we should make smart choices."
"It's not just running, right? It's what you love doing. And it can be a sport. It could be wind surfing, it could be sailing; but just move, that's the main thing."
"If you can't continue to do it for a year, two years, or five years, then you can't. Diets don't work, it's nutrition."
"Mom was right when she said fish is brain food."
"The dietary pattern is more important than picking out a particular food and trying to demonize that food individually."
"Regularity is king. Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time, no matter whether it's the weekday or the weekend."
"You need to exercise a ton more, you need to stop smoking, you need to go on a diet, but you can't write that prescription as a doctor."
"We're totally six to 11 servings of bread, rice, cereal, pasta a day by the government. The food pyramid, it should be called the food tombstone."
"That's what you're going to do for your body."
"Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food."
"I would urge all of you to stay away from drugs. This is not the way to get the body of your dreams but a way to end your dream."
"Reduce your risk of viral illnesses like the flu and coronavirus: wash your hands frequently with soap and water."
"If you want to have a smaller brain, never go in the sun, never test your vitamin D level, and never take a supplement."
"Next time you're at the restaurant, if they serve you bread, try to not eat it first. Keep it and have it after your main meal... that's going to keep your glucose level steady and help you feel so much better."
"If you care about mental health, if you care about your overall health as far as inflammation is concerned, if you care about your weight and your energy levels, you have to care about the microbiome."
"If someone's got a stomach ache, just let them stay home."
"Staying home when you are sick is a good general practice. But in this special situation, it is more critical."
"However, the process of grief can't be distilled down to one molecule, one circuit, such that we can say, 'Oh, you know, take this supplement or eat this diet and/or exercise in the following way, and you'll recover from grief more quickly.' It's simply not the case."
"Don't overdo it. This can be a slip disc or a pulled muscle. So easy does it."
"Assuming that you go to bed somewhere between 10:00 PM and 1:00 AM that allows this tapering off."
"The secret to good health is actually not so secret: simply following general lifestyle principles that have been well established for decades."
"Getting adequate sleep is going to be really good for your health."
"If you are sneezing, if you are coughing, if you are still experiencing the symptoms of a cold, stay home, stay away from other people as much as possible."
"If you smoke, please try to quit so that you can get 14 years pretty easily."
"So to sum up, there are six things that you can do right now to slow the rate of your aging."
"Do not smoke. If you smoke, please try to give up because it's not pretty."
"Start by not smoking, start by not getting burnt by the sun."
"The best bang for the longevity buck is to do both well: eat less often and eat the right things."
"The number one rule would be to eat real food, and people don't even know what that is anymore."
"Eat real food, don't eat crap. Eat lots of vegetables, eat lots of good fats, get good quality protein. It's not that hard."
"If your goal is to minimize the risk of catching COVID this fall or winter, either to protect yourself or the people around you, and minimize your risk of long COVID, the new booster vax is the right choice."
"Hydration first thing in the morning can be super helpful."
"All of us must practice physical distancing. I know that it's really hard."
"Light exposure is key to regulating your sleep patterns."
"There is no health benefit to be drinking alcohol."
"Meditate for 20 minutes twice a day, exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, avoid processed food, spend more time in nature, and come back in three weeks."
"The most important single thing that every Melburnian can do: if you've got any reason to be concerned, any symptoms, get tested."
"Meal timing really, really does matter. If you stop eating three hours prior to when you sleep, markers of sleep and recovery are exponentially better."
"I think the benefit-to-risk ratio is high. Dr. Fauci himself is supplementing with vitamin D."
"I implore everyone, as a high-risk category, that when we get a safe, effective vaccine, they should take the vaccine."
"The most important thing that you can do in your life is to sweat and get physically active. Like there's nothing that is going to be better for you. No aging drug, nothing."
"Please, do not fall asleep with your contact lenses."
"People should delay their caffeine intake 90 minutes if, and only if, they're experiencing an afternoon crash."
"Washing your hands with soap and water is highly effective in preventing transmission."
"We, as a society, eat way too much food, and that probably three meals a day is one meal a day too many."
"Stay hydrated, breathe deeply, see you next time."
"I can tell you both as a doctor and my own patient, I now consider butyrate to be one of, if not the most important health boosters in the human body."
"Getting a good night's sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your health."
"The first best option for all types of incontinence is pelvic floor muscle exercises."
"Without sunscreen, a lot of vitamin D is produced... with sunscreen, vitamin D synthesis is basically blocked."
"You need at least six hours of sleep a night. Period, end of story. That's non-negotiable."
"Stay home, stay healthy, stay safe, reach out to people who might be vulnerable and need a little bit of extra support."
"Cut out all sugars...sugar is a poison for the body."
"The key was there is no snacking either. So what happened is that you eat within usually a 10-hour window... you had breakfast at 8:00, you had dinner at 6:00, and everything outside of that, there's no snacks."
"If you're going to use rice, there are things you can do to reduce the concentration of arsenic, one is cook it like you would pasta, which is five parts water to one part rice."
"Eating foods that are really drugs masquerading as foods, that have no life in them, is not the way to go."
"High quality sleep for sure. I think a lot of people are burning the candle at both ends and are not really dialing in their sleep."
"A lot of people are very deficient in vitamin D. I definitely think that's worth checking."
"If you're sick, go home. It's not doing anyone any favors, especially if you can't get better."
"Diets are 90% of your physical overall. Implementing small things can make a huge difference."
"Make a lifestyle change, not just a quick fix to lose weight, because you'll probably end up back at square one."
"Everyone in our Western world cuts on the sleep... sleep more, it's just makes everything better."
"If you are a fast food fan, try to go a week without it. Fast food is not good for you because it's mainly processed food, often with bad meats, dairy, and refined sugars."
"You're better off taking that day off than plowing through it."
"Avoid screens before bedtime; just two hours of device usage before bed can suppress melatonin secretion."
"Alcohol helps you fall asleep faster, but it disrupts your REM sleep and sleep cycles."
"Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds frequently."
"A lot of people are like, 'Oh well, I don't need sunscreen because I never really go outdoors,' and I'm like, 'You still need sunscreen if you're anywhere near natural light.'"
"The least amount of processed foods and processed sugars you eat is just going to be better for your overall health, but definitely for your skin."
"DIY skincare that uses baking soda is absolutely not an option in my opinion."
"Expose your skin to sunlight first thing in the morning; it will do more to help you sleep that night than anything."
"If you enjoyed this video, smash that like button for me, and share this video with any friends or family that you know might be having these sort of symptoms."
"Reduce your intake of modern food-like products, ultra-processed foods."
"Creating a calorie deficit doesn't have to be difficult... just simplify everything and block out all the noise."
"All you need is three things: you need to eat less, move more, and be consistent."
"Instead of just kicking it off with a bunch of studies that link improved testosterone levels in men with everything from increasing muscle mass, improving their mood and motivation, and even in some studies earning more money, none of this will actually help you if we don't also discuss how you might personally be able to increase your testosterone levels and actually see these positive changes for yourself."
"Make sure you drink a lot of water and don't run when the sun is strong."
"Please don't use fasting or the ketogenic diet as a reliable form of contraception."
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to outbreaks."
"If you fart louder than two jet engines, I suggest getting a second opinion."
"No food intake for two and ideally three hours prior to your bedtime."
"The most important thing for all of us is to remember the basics: First, wash your hands regularly and for 20 seconds."
"Face coverings do make it harder for the virus to spread, so please wear one to protect others."
"Do your own research, go and talk to a medical practitioner someone that your family knows and that you trust, and have a conversation about it for as long as you need to."
"I think three things are especially important: Number one, that I am objective about the risks involved and communicate those risks clearly and accurately. Number two, that I am empathetic about the challenges involved in taking steps to change your body weight. And number three, that I offer as much practical advice as possible to help everyone take their health into their own hands so that they can move freely and live pain-free."
"Make sure you're drinking water... I personally don't drink soda anymore... just because of my skin."
"Brush your teeth, floss, and then mouthwash because... the mouthwash will go in them [gums] and stuff."
"The advantages of walking barefoot definitely outweigh all of the bad things."
"Follow medical advice from doctors, not people on Twitch chat."
"I'm going to tell you exactly how to find out what it is that's missing, so you could thrive in a way that you probably never thought possible."
"What do you take to lower the blood pressure? You don't, you just correct the stress."
"All women who are frustrated or feeling stuck should practice a 20-hour fast, you should practice it squeaky clean, and you should practice it until you are healed."
"Did you know that incorporating apple cider vinegar into your bedtime routine could potentially help balance your blood sugar levels?"
"Eat real food, eat it in a more natural form, don't overcook it, don't kill it, and eat it while it's fresh."
"Find something you enjoy, something you want to do. If you hate HIIT cardio, it's not good for you. If you like walking, walk. If you like biking, bike."
"The idea here is that your neurons and your nerve cells are going to repair between about 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., and you need to have been asleep for approximately three to four hours when those times of the night roll around."
"Stay hydrated. Simple, quick, and easy. Do it."
"We can't afford for people to get intimidated and then run away from this whole thing because they think there are a million videos...that I've got to be implementing in every single meal every day or what have you. Just focus on calorie density."
"Do not ever have another pseudo vaccine... and get your natural immunity up."
"We do need nutrition. I don't think we're getting enough of the right nutrition, and the supplements that are sold out there sometimes might not give you the right type of vitamins that you need because the source of them are synthetic."
"Washing hands helps ya not catch a cold! Thanks, Ignatz!"
"Regularity is probably the most important thing I can tell you: go to bed at the same time, wake up at the same time, no matter whether it's the weekend or weekday. Regularity is key."
"The shorter you sleep, the shorter your life... You can sleep when you're dead is mortally unwise advice."
"Wash your hands. You'll have a better chance of not contracting it."
"No one should lose their job because they listened to the best advice of medical professionals."
"An apple a day keeps a tomato away, that's what my doctor always told me."
"Drink more water, especially if you're a coffee drinker."
"Intermittent fasting, you eat whatever you want, but to get the best result and to turn that body into a fat-burning machine, you want to make sure that you're taking full advantage of the sacrifices that you made during that fasting cycle."
"Getting good light exposure in the morning, avoiding light exposure in the evening, getting enough sleep, eating less processed food, and restricting the number of hours in the day that we eat are becoming huge for our health."
"An hour of sleep before midnight is worth two hours after midnight."
"I don't think people should be getting advice from personalities and TV doctors; you should be going to your doctor."
"If you will consume three tablespoons a day of either whole chia, ground chia, or ground flaxseed...I guarantee in six weeks, you'll have a better cholesterol profile."
"One of the best ways to counter stress is through physical work."
"Every meal you want protein, healthy fat, and fiber."
"It's not just about getting enough calories; you do have to make sure you get enough protein."
"If you want to burn fat, then you gotta tell it to stop storing fat. It's a hormonal signal, not a caloric signal."
"Fat loss simplified: If I was going to break it down into something really easy to understand, I'd say, mate, you need to move a bit more, you need to eat a bit less."
"Eat at least one dark leafy green salad or steamed veggie a day."
"We're going to talk about the most effective ways of burning fat based on physiology as well as the data."
"It's generally good to wake up at the same time each day, but you don't really need to be overly pedantic about it."
"If you can't sleep, you should stay in bed and try to fall back asleep is not correct; it's probably better to get up."
"During daytime, it's very important to get a good dose of bright daylight."
"One of the best things that you can do is just take screens out of your bedroom and go to bed at the same time every single day."
"You can manage it to keep it non-disease driving. You can get your insulin, glucose down, and you can get the control system back again. We know this, and you can do it with diet, but not the diet they tell them to eat."
"What I am saying is that if you want to be healthy, you should exercise and eat well."
"Taking anti-stroke medication or anti-hypertensives before bedtime rather than first thing in the morning can actually halve your chances of having a stroke or a heart attack."
"You get the bad fat out of your diet, your risk of developing Alzheimer's goes way, way down."
"We don't need less sleep as we age, we need more."
"Drink more water than you're drinking... increasing your water intake is gonna be phenomenal."
"Avoid exercise that elevates your heart rate. This seems to be a trigger for many long-haul patients."
"Wear a mask, avoid large gatherings, wash your hands, and be careful."
"If you don't eat for a while every day, you're going to be better off."
"Drink plenty of water and I will see you within the next one."
"Most of us don't drink enough water. The way you calculate how much water you need is you take your body weight in pounds, divide it by two, and that is the number of ounces you need in a given day."
"One simple thing that in the United States people can do, if you have a garden, just spend at least one hour barefoot in the garden... your immune system will work very, very well."
"Eating less garbage food and moving around more will almost certainly make you healthier and perhaps incidentally it may also make you a little leaner."
"There is no benefit whatsoever from doing alcohol. Therefore, if there's no benefit and there's a little bit of risk, just don't do it at all."
"If you're following any preacher who's dumb enough to tell you that you don't have to wear no mask, if you wear a mask that means you don't believe God, hold your finger up and just leave them."
"Having a lower blood pressure is healthier than having a high blood pressure. That relationship starts at pretty low blood pressure levels."
"The best way we can show that support, of course, is actually by doing what it will take to reduce the rate of infection because even simple actions following this advice will save lives."
"I just want to encourage people to try different things, open their mind, and try to experiment with themselves and just not be afraid of fat, not be afraid of meat."
"Anything a person can do to maintain insulin sensitivity or improve insulin sensitivity is going to be an effective strategy."
"Get eight hours of sleep, learn, so come to Ted, exercise at least 8000 steps per day, diet—Mediterranean is the best, omega-3 is very important, stress—try to meditate, very, very beneficial. So remember, SLEDS."
"No one should get Alzheimer's if you do the right prevention and the right early reversal."
"Lane Norton said, 'Sodium is not a problem. It's a critical nutrient for every cell in the body.'"
"Your period should not interfere with your ability to live your day-to-day life, and that is a take home message."
"All I do as a sleep researcher of the past 20 or so years is put the science behind everything that your mother ever told you about sleep."
"The things that have evidence, the things that do work are not glamorous. They are common sense. Eat well, sleep well, exercise."
"A better use of your cash is on sun protection, at least protecting the skin barrier against ultraviolet light."
"Too much exfoliation really just desiccates your skin barrier and causes problems."
"If you are not obsessive about sun protection, you know, you're kind of spinning your wheels and wasting your time, period."
"I've dedicated the remainder of my career to trying to correct that mistake and trying to give the best nutrition advice I can because I find when I give good nutrition advice, very often they don't really need any other medical advice."
"I don't think that bouncing around a lot and switching on and off your active ingredients is a very good thing."
"Eat three meals a day, no snacking...eat all your meals within a certain window so that you allow yourself that long period of fasting in order to prevent the insulin resistance."
"Eat real food, and also minimize or eliminate low-quality carbohydrates."
"The most important thing I can tell somebody is to stop eating high-carb, sugar-filled, highly processed food, and hug the person you love, get good sleep, and go outside and play."
"Monitor your belly fat. Belly fat is the number one cause of cancer."
"Are you eating steak and lifting weights? 'Cause that's going to be the key to your longevity."
"Dehydration... is the number one reason for headaches."
"Vaccines are great. If you're on the fence about getting the vaccine, we would highly recommend it."
"If you have body odor, it could be because of a health condition, and I'm going to tell you to get your butt straight on to the doctor."
"Remember, the body needs to be cleaned. Some people like to hit the hot spots — under the arms, down in the genitals — and that's real cute until the other spots start to stink."
"Try and get enough quality sleep 80% of the nights of your life."
"Why would you do that? Why not breathe more closely in line with your metabolic needs?"
"You would never ever take any medicine as a result of anything that was said on this channel. You always go through your own doctor."
"Make sure to drink some water today, okay? Stay hydrated."
"It's not about eating a handful of berries every once in a while; it's about your dietary pattern as a whole."
"We're not defenseless against this virus. We have a powerful tool, a powerful weapon: social distancing."