
Neuroplasticity Quotes

There are 725 quotes

"Neuroplasticity is the defining feature of the nervous system, which is its ability to change itself in response to experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everything that we know, everything we can do, and our true potential is set by the limits of neuroplasticity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We all have this particular brain area and quite excitingly, this brain area is highly subject to plasticity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neuroplasticity...is how connections in the brain change in response to experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Gratitude and the circuits associated with it appear to be especially plastic."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Learning is neuroplasticity... Neuroplasticity is simply the process by which our nervous system changes in response to experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neuroplasticity is greatest in childhood and tapers off after about age 25, but neuroplasticity from age three until age 12 or 13 is exceedingly high."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neuroplasticity, or the brain and nervous system's ability to change in response to experience, is an incredibly important feature."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Truth-telling is the stimulus, and the emotion that accompanies that truth-telling is what allows for neuroplasticity to occur."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neuroplasticity underlies all forms of learning, whether or not it's language learning or learning music or math or a physical skill, all forms of learning involve the reorganization of connections in the nervous system."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The incredible thing about neuroplasticity is that when you generate an unusually high or just an unusual pattern of activity...the NMDA receptor...can then recruit specific things to the cell...basically giving the cell the ability to then recreate the same patterns of activity without having to do it in such a metabolically demanding way."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Ketamine blocks the NMDA receptor and yet, almost paradoxically, it increases neuroplasticity in brain circuits involved in mood and reward."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Ketamine induces neuroplasticity specifically in the brain circuits that control mood, leading to improvements in mood."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We can direct our own brain changes, highlighting the remarkable feature of our brain and nervous system."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"His laboratory is famous for having discovered some of the key components allowing neuroplasticity, that is, the nervous system's ability to change in response to experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Learning how to play an instrument and singing are a gateway to neuroplasticity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Listening to novel forms of music and paying attention to that music has been demonstrated to expand the brain's capacity for neuroplasticity, its ability to modify itself and make it better at learning other sorts of things."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We humans stay even more plastic in our brain functions compared to other animals. We're more immature. We're still juvenile like compared to other animals."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Play is the substrate by which our nervous system changes us from this hyper-connected batch of neurons, where everything is connected to everything, more or less, to a brain and nervous system whereby certain circuits work with immense proficiency and others are less accessible to us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We can change our nervous system by taking some very specific and deliberate actions."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The way to create plasticity is to send signals to the brain that something is wrong, something is different, and something isn't being achieved."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"How badly we need or want the plasticity determines how fast that plasticity will arrive."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you are uncomfortable making errors and you get frustrated easily, if you leverage that frustration toward drilling deeper into the endeavor, you are setting yourself up for a terrific set of plasticity mechanisms to engage."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The best way to enhance the size of neurons, the number of connections between neurons, and maybe even the number of neurons, is to enrich its environment and get it moving."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our nervous system, which governs everything about who we are, how we feel and what we do, does have the capability to change itself in response to experience, and even in ways that we consciously and deliberately decide to change it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neuroplasticity offers us a number of different principles that we can leverage to ensure that if we are ever injured, we are able to understand the difference between injury and pain because there is a difference."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neuroplasticity is arguably one of the most important aspects of our biology. It holds the promise for each and all of us to think differently, to learn new things, to forget painful experiences, and to essentially adapt to anything that life brings us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can get incredible plasticity of positive experiences of things that you want by engaging this high focus regime and then rest, non sleep deep rest, and sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Plasticity is your natural right early in life. But after about age 25 you have to do some work in order to access it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neuroplasticity is this incredible feature of our nervous system that allows it to change itself, even in ways that we consciously decide."
"Plasticity is not the goal. Plasticity is simply a state, or a capacity, for our nervous system to change."
"Knowing what we now know about the second phase of sleep and REM sleep being more predominant in the second wave of sleep, and the fact that you're working through a lot of emotional and logistical contingencies, you're reshaping your brain in sleep. That's when neuroplasticity occurs during sleep."
"Neuroplasticity is the brain's plasticity and this that I'm referring to is the ability to change at any age, better or worse."
Dr. Alan Mandell, D.C.
"The pursuit of constantly challenging our minds to expand might not shorten our life. Engaging in activities that stimulate neuroplasticity could potentially extend it."
"You're not doomed by your genetics, you're not doomed by your brain. There's a ton of stuff that you can do."
"What if we were able to treat injuries and impairments in an entirely new way, by hacking into your brain's ability to rewire itself."
Don Vaughn
"Neuroplasticity...it's not just random, it is intelligently plastic."
Don Vaughn
"Retrain your brain for maximum happiness... Neuroplasticity, the concept that we can retrain our brain physiologically, seems like nonsense, but it's exactly what happens inside our brains."
"Every decision that you make reshapes your brain. The more powerful you are in making decision after decision, the more powerful your brain becomes."
"Neuroplasticity is the ability to change our own structure of our brain in our head by being aware."
"Failure is in fact one of the key ingredients for releasing those chemicals to create neuroplasticity and therefore learn faster."
Justin Sandercoe
"The brain is like a muscle, and whatever part you work out more, the stronger those parts are going to get."
Dr. Sten Ekberg
"Neuroplasticity, that's the brain's ability to change to manage all of this... you can change habits."
Dr. Sten Ekberg
"Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to adapt to changing circumstances."
"Exercise is really about movement... Using your body in different ways stimulates neurogenesis, neuroplasticity, and brain-derived neurotropic factors."
"Once you understand that you can literally change your brain at any stage, any age, any mindset, it's life-changing, isn't it?"
"If you really understand neuroplasticity, then you can make the worst times in your life the start of the best time in your life."
"I'm on a journey of continual reinvention, and neuroplasticity underlies that."
"I've learned several languages... It's literally life-changing."
"I've changed my brain, and that's actually what I wanted."
"I'm not doing it anytime soon, but going back to the fact that I do think you can kind of rewire your brain."
"Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change in response to experience."
"Neuroplasticity is the nervous system's ability to change in response to experience."
"Your mind is not your brain, and your mind changes your brain."
"The discovery that the brain is not fixed, it's not like a hardwired machine but the way it works is by changing its wiring."
"Neuroplasticity means that the brain's structure and function can be changed by our activity and by mental experience."
"Neuroplasticity...means that the brain changes in response to experience and training."
"The day-to-day and across the year, it accumulates, and then there's a third benefit, which is neuroplasticity."
"So until recently we thought, 'You can't change the brain. You can't change the anatomy. You can't change the functioning or the linking of circuitry.' Well, in fact, we're finding more and more that you can."
"The idea in general is just the fact that our brains can make physical changes at any point in our lives, and therefore we should be able to actively work on treating mental illness."
"The way to heal yourself is to rewrite your brain like you did with your body in a gym."
"Neuroplasticity is a concentrated effort to detoxify the PTSD from your brain."
"By the time that most adults are 40, they have lost the neurological capacity for childlike abandon."
"It's possible to change; it's just a rewiring of patterning."
"What's missing in sex education is education about neuroplasticity."
"Our thoughts literally change the physical shape of our brain."
"Your mind is more powerful than your brain and your body; you can rewire your brain and change your body."
"Neuroplasticity says the brain has the ability to be reprogrammed the way that you want your brain to be reprogrammed."
"You can rewire your brain at any age... it definitely gets harder as we get older, but it does not ever get impossible."
"You can literally change the way that you think. You can re-wire your brain and develop a mindset that can lead you to achieving whatever it is that you set your mind to."
"Mindfulness will literally change the brain through neuroplasticity."
"Psilocybin's main effect is to mimic serotonin. But it does it in a very specific way because it activates a subset of serotonin receptors in a very strong fashion leading to neuroplasticity."
"Attention changes the brain. It changes it in seconds, not just in months or weeks or days or hours."
"The relief of any neuropsychiatric condition ultimately is from neuroplasticity in some form or another."
"Neuroplasticity: someone who trains to be a musician will create stronger neural connections that link the two hemispheres of the brain in order to be musically creative."
"Neuroplasticity... shows that virtually any sort of talent or skill can be created through training."
"The brain has a science of its own all the time and had the capacity for radical change even in adulthood."
"By the time we're 35 years old... we've hardwired certain patterns in our brain that becomes our identity... but we now know that you can change."
"Indeed, moving through grief requires a specific form of neuroplasticity, a reordering of brain connections, and also the connections between the brain and body."
"Instead of thinking of addiction as this chronic, permanent, irreversible state, we can actually go into these brain areas... and we can actually switch the brain from a non-addicted state to an addicted state and back and forth."
"Neuroplasticity is the brain and nervous system's ability to change in response to experience."
"Our behavior actually changes our brain. The connections between neurons that are stimulated by our actions increase with more use and decrease with less use."
"We have to stimulate ourselves so that neuroplasticity, the ability to constantly learn and grow, is constantly active."
"From your first breath to your last breath, everything you're doing is dynamically changing the brain."
"Neuroplasticity means that you can create neural pathways in your brain that allow you to get from point A to point B faster... It's a physical thing that makes your brain able to go from point A to point B easier."
"It is very possible to rebuild new neural pathways and shut them down. It's ultimately the most impactful way of healing from this religious indoctrination."
"Psilocybin induces neuroplasticity through the addition of novel connections in those pyramidal neurons of the frontal cortex."
"The principles of neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections."
"Your brain is made to adapt to change and to grow, to rewire itself over and over; this is called neuroplasticity."
"Our brains are always changing, and we can change our brain."
"The brain is plastic, meaning that you can really influence your brain and change the way your brain responds to things."
"You can change that, you can rewire the brain, you can change your life, and that's the beauty of self."
"Neuroplasticity...means that your brain is always changing. It's plastic. It's rewiring itself."
"Neuroplasticity means your brain physically changes from every new thing you learn, every new thought you have, any choice you make, every new experience you embrace, every new behavior you demonstrate, every new feeling that you emotionally cultivate."
"What really gave me hope was learning about the brain and brain plasticity."
"The more you learn, the more you keep trying new things, the more you produce those neurotransmitters and the more plastic your brain remains."
"Neuroplasticity or the brain's ability to reroute or reassign areas of the brain to perform functions it didn't previously have."
"Overwriting it which means repeating a new thought or behavior so many times with such emotional intensity that it becomes a more energy efficient pathway for your brain than the one that you've had until now."
"If your brain doesn't use a particular functionality it starts to wither."
"The brain is incredibly plastic. Even at the age of 40, 50, you can change your career, you can learn new skills."
"The brain is soft, it is not rigid... it is amenable to change right throughout your lifetime."
"At any age, from whatever age you can change your brain!"
"All of mental training and visualization relies on what I consider really the Holy Grail of our brain and nervous system and that's neuroplasticity."
"Neuroplasticity is our nervous system which of course includes the brain the spinal cord and all the connections between the brain and spinal cord and the organs and tissues of the body."
"Plasticity of plasticity: mental training improves engagement with neuroplasticity over time."
"Understanding neuroplasticity for better learning."
"This allowed for the brain to undergo a somewhat adaptive repair process known as neuroplasticity."
"The brain can and does change throughout our lives; it is adaptable like plastic."
"With repeated and directed attention towards your desired change, you can rewire your brain."
"Your brain's not stupid right, it's not just gonna not adapt to stimuli that you continue to give it."
"Your brain's history is not your destiny; you can change your brain and change your life."
"Neuroplasticity means that you can alter your brain circuitry."
"Neuroplasticity is a real thing... we can change the way we think and we do not have to always be a slave to our anxiety."
"Brains are amazing things and are a lot more plastic than we give them credit for."
"Your brain can grow, you can rebuild brain tissue... literally grow your memory center."
"Your brain never stops evolving. Your brain is plastic."
"The human brain is always changing, making new connections, severing old ones, and it's incredibly resilient."
"The beauty of the human nervous system, not just the brain, but the entire nervous system, is that it can rewire itself, so-called neuroplasticity."
"We can physically change our brain by using our mind."
"Neuroplasticity changes everything; the brain is not a machine."
"Amphetamines cause plasticity generally, and you can never stop addiction without increasing plasticity."
"After about age 25... the only person that can change their brain for the better is the actual person."
"There's always plasticity of the brain."
"Plasticity from cradle to grave... you can reinvent yourself."
"Neuroplasticity in psychology shows us you can reprogram your subconscious and rewire your brain..." - Jake
"Rewiring your brain through neuroplasticity conditions mind and body to work together."
"The law of repetition... causes those nerve cells to literally become hardwired."
"We can now develop methods and experiences that utilize the brain's own natural neuroplasticity to help survivors feel Fully Alive in the present."
"Practice mental exercises to sharpen cognitive skills and promote neuroplasticity."
"You can change your brain. We don't have to be victims of our biology."
"We can actually modify what we thought were fixed brain disorders like depression and autism."
"Your brain has neuroplasticity which means it has the ability to learn new things for your entire lifetime."
"Kids' brains are enormously plastic and resilient."
"We know a lot about neuroplasticity; we know that nerve growth hormone does have a powerful effect on nerve cell growth."
"The human brain is capable of rewiring itself."
"Neuroplasticity... the brain remains flexible throughout our lives."
"Neuroplasticity exists and so anything whether you're 60, 70 years old... you can change."
"We're not stuck with our old patterns; the brain and by extension the mind, they're trainable."
"Neuroplasticity is basically the ability for the brain to change how it functions."
"If you're generating a movement pattern from the brain that is natural and you keep repeating it, it will fire up those muscles."
"Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to adapt and the spinal cord's ability to adapt to damage."
"New neurological wiring, circuitry is being formed as you do things."
"If you can button your shirt, if you can speak a language, if you can ride a bicycle, your brain has stably changed itself based on experience."
"...this brain that I'm lugging around, I have the power to change that."
"...neuroplasticity is really the most powerful way that food and lifestyle medicine can work for us."
"Psilocybin is known to increase neuroplasticity, which is the creation of new neurons in your brain."
"Our brains have something called neuroplasticity, so your brain is malleable; it changes, it develops."
"Now your brain is no longer a record of the past because typically it is. Now it's a map to the future."
"I do believe the brain can be reworked."
"Some parts of your brain can actually regrow."
"To live a life ever forward is continually evolving um my personality type is very much chameleon and that completely goes with the fact that neuroplasticity is my area of research."
"Neuroplasticity occurs throughout our lives. We are constantly learning new skills, information, and growing all of this can lead to neuroplasticity to occur."
"Every experience that your brain has... is constantly molding and shaping your brain."
"Through neuroplasticity, you can choose sustainable new behaviors that will overwrite those old neural pathways."
"You are not stuck with the brain you have."
"The good news is that through neuroplasticity, you can choose sustainable new behaviors that will overwrite those old neural pathways that you have in your brain."
"...neuroplasticity underlies manifestation."
"Your mind is going to listen, your experience, everything around you is going to build itself up on a neuroscientific level to what you want when you become it."
"Let's reframe our thinking, people. Let's form some new neural pathways."
"The brain has a brilliant capacity to grow and to change."
"If you can learn to turn it on and turn it on selectively when it's needed for a damaged brain, you might be able to lead to very improved outcomes for people."
"Neuroplasticity suggests that our brains can change in response to our thoughts, lifestyle, and environment."
"Neuroplasticity is triggered by states of high focus followed by periods of relaxation."
"You can change your brain from living in the past to living in the future."
"If learning is making new synaptic connections, then if you keep firing the same thoughts over and over again, you're going to wire them in your brain."
"Healing is possible. It's possible for you to heal the brain changes that happen to you."
"Challenge your brain to promote neuroplasticity and brain health."
"If I'm in the midst of that negative thinking and can be positive, change that to a positive thought, even like 180 from whatever it was, I was negatively thinking about. All of a sudden that pattern, that new synapses are firing to say 'Oh no, we can do this differently.'"
"Reactive mode which is the ordinary lot, characterized tries by suffering, ignorance and harm. Or the responsive mode; the natural state of the brain which can see through Paper Tiger Paranoia and can be gradually cultivated with self-directed neuroplasticity."
"Ultimately, we have the power to rewire our brains and choose how we respond to life's extremes."
"We can rewire those pathways in our brain to support our health and happiness."
"Studies show we can improve our brains by having enriching experiences."
"It's the neuroplasticity of the brain it is the power of the brain to create new pathways new neural connections and so this is science."
"Your brain loves positive programming. Rewrite those negative thoughts."
"As you change your mind or manage your mind, you will actually be changing your brain."
"If you practice trying to use 100 percent of your strength, then your brain will become better at doing so."
"The brain is constantly tweaking itself. Predictability leads to less rich memories."
"As little as one week of repetition can rewire parts of your brain."
"So the brain is not fixed, we can change it by what we do."
"Adult neuroplasticity is possible."
"Remember, whatever you're doing at any moment, you are physically modifying your brain to get better at it."
"Connections within the brain are changing."
"You have to be very mindful, especially I usually tell people, give yourself at least eight weeks for the brain to start rewiring."
"So that plasticity of having those brain cells available means that it can be rewired with much greater potential for good rewiring in a rehabilitative framework."
"There's a really special window of opportunity following a psychedelic experience for like up to 90 days where your neural pathways can be rewired."
"What has been done can be undone. Our brains are malleable, they're these incredible, incredible, um, even though my brain is farting right now, they are incredible."
"We really do have the ability through the gift of neuroplasticity to rewire our brains and to help create healthier problem-solving strategies, healthier relationships with our children."
"You're building this relationship with your brain."
"It's hard to train your brain that is adapted for eons to avoid danger."
"The physiology of sleep apnea may impair neuroplasticity, reducing synaptogenesis and angiogenesis."
"Learning can change a change. It can change the structure of the brain."
"Stimulating your brain just like exercise acts as a trigger for something called bdnf."
"So the point is, even at this stage, you are actively making new neuronal connections, and it's partly up to you to choose what kind of connections you want to make."
"The brain continues to grow beyond 50 and 60 and 70 through the ability to synthesize opposite points of view."
"Our brains aren't fixed like our shoe size that we could grow our memory our happiness we could change our thoughts we could change our routines our behaviors our habits because our brain is more plastic in a positive way because it's malleable."
"Our genes are as changeable as our brains."
"We can signal our genes to rewrite our future just as certain areas of the brain are hardwired, whereas other areas are more plastic, able to be changed by learning and experience."
"The effect is profound if we look at the effect on new neuron formation in the brain."
"Everything you do modifies your brain."
"Even at that stage when they instituted change, the brain actually started to grow again."