
Sleep Quality Quotes

There are 657 quotes

"Consistently getting about the same amount of sleep is better than just getting more sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you're not sleeping well and if you're not managing your stress levels well, it's going to be much harder for you to engage tenacity and willpower."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A key thing we all need in order to get excellent sleep is to have an ideal sleep environment."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting sufficient amounts of quality sleep each night...literally restores your dopamine reserves."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every hour of sleep before midnight was of more value or potency than the hours after midnight."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The more time you spend outdoors, the better is your mood, the better is your sleep, the better is the rhythmicity of your sleep-wake cycles."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Winter swimmers have a really good sleep, and in general, they also say, 'We sleep very well. I sleep very well.'"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting enough quality sleep on a consistent basis is the foundation of mental health, physical health, and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"How we breathe, including how often we breathe, the depth of our breathing, and the ratio of inhales to exhales actually predicts how focused we are, how easily we get into sleep, and how easily we can exit from sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The sleep I get the next night is pretty amazing. I must say, it's the sleep of gods."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Basically everything in life gets better when we're sleeping well."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Keeping relatively consistent sleep and wake times is really going to enhance the quality and depth of your sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everybody should be getting approximately six to eight hours of sleep every night. That should be quality sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can stress and focus as much as you want as long as you can still fall asleep at night and sleep well."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"An excellent night's sleep begins in the morning."
"One of the best things I ever did for my sleep was to keep my phone out of the room."
"Sleep and the electrical quality of that sleep, when you get it, actually provides essentially an anxiolytic. It de-escalates anxiety."
"Improving the quality of our sleep is arguably the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brains and recharge our bodies."
"Investing in good quality sleep is probably very important for aging, not just dementia and Alzheimer's, but also other sources of aging."
"Your transition into sleep will be so much easier. Your sleep is so much deeper."
"Sleep consistency is more important than total sleep time."
"We are a dark-deprived society in this modern era and we need darkness at night to trigger the release of a hormone called melatonin."
"Anything that really improves the quality of your sleep is a really important self-care habit, in my opinion."
"One of the key things to getting a great night's sleep is to make sure that the temperature of your sleeping environment is correct."
"It's, reflects a properly regulated autonomic nervous system. It means being alert during the day. And your ability to sleep at night is tightly correlated to this viewing of sunlight in the morning."
"I've never had this good of sleep in my life."
"When I have really deep beautiful prayer, even if it's brief, I sleep better at night because there's a perspective that I get that I'm protected and safe."
"I give myself the gift of deep and restful sleep every night."
"Exercise increases total sleep time, especially non-REM, and increases the overall quality of sleep."
"Having a cool environment helps promote sleep and darkness plays a major role in not stimulating your brain."
"Daytime activities impact nighttime endocrine function, impact quality of sleep, impact daytime activities."
"Physical activity during the day does seem to have an improvement effect on your sleep at night, particularly in terms of the quality of your sleep."
"Meal timing really, really does matter. If you stop eating three hours prior to when you sleep, markers of sleep and recovery are exponentially better."
"You never sleep well, you know, you're like, you're thinking about things. So she's got a little sore throat and she doesn't sleep."
"Sleep, whether you're getting high-quality sleep or are sleep-deprived, could be the biggest influence on your telomere length, literally aging you faster when you're sleep-deprived."
"Many people sleep eight to nine hours and wake up feeling like straight-up hot garbage. It's because the quality of sleep is more important than our diet and exercise combined in what it does for our health and our physical appearance."
"A good workout can help you sleep better, but it's about timing and intensity."
"Ripping the band-aid off and giving yourself that screen curfew can have the biggest impact on your sleep quality immediately."
"There's one thing on Earth no one can touch: It's the sleep of a satisfied man."
"What allows us peace is being able to sleep well at night."
"As you lay down to sleep, do not be afraid; tonight, let your sleep be sweet in peace."
"I love that dream has high quality sleep ingredients that leave me with zero grogginess the next day."
"Everybody slept better, everybody felt better, everybody had less pain."
"If you've ever slept in a totally dark room with blackout shades, you sleep like a baby."
"Getting the proper amount of sleep is much more important than waking up at a certain time."
"Avoid alcohol. Alcohol tanks sleep quality and rest."
"Remembering your dreams is not a sign of a good night's sleep."
"Sleep optimization is not just about the quantity of sleep but also about the quality of sleep we get."
"If you have an illuminated clock, put some tape over the front of it. The only thing that matters, I guess, is the alarm, not how long you've got before the alarm goes off."
"The best way to get quality sleep is get sunlight in your eyes early in the day."
"Try and get enough quality sleep 80% of the nights of your life."
"Now, alcohol disrupts the quality of your sleep. You can fall asleep, but the sleep you get is not restorative."
"Regularity is king and it will anchor your sleep and improve the quantity and the quality of that sleep."
"I love my bed. Like, when we go away to Sydney and we stay at hotels, I don't sleep as well as I do in my bed."
"Alcohol is probably the most misunderstood sleep aid... It's desperately damaging to your sleep."
"It's pretty cool to have a piece of tech that actually helps us sleep better."
"Understanding that the quality of our sleep defines the quality of our wake."
"Separate beds mark the beginning of a new wonderful phase in your relationship because you both get decent sleep."
"Everyone deserves to sleep in ultimate comfort."
"Most people experience better sleep quality with the protein fat meal before bedtime."
"Insomnia is the inability to get the amount of sleep you need to wake up feeling rested and refreshed."
"There's so much to be said about just getting nice sleep."
"Inadequate and poor quality sleep will increase the chances of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes."
"Temperatures are soaring across the country but do not lose sleep over the record-breaking heat. Say goodbye to hot restless nights with soft, breathable, temperature-regulating bedding from Cozy Earth."
"The Manta Sleep Mask ensures I'm undisturbed in my sleep and keeps it night until I've woken up."
"I've honestly been sleeping beautifully, no matter who is in my bed."
"If you're a slumbester, one of your primary investment objectives should be able to get a good night's sleep every night."
"I just feel better and I have a better like night's sleep when I'm reading."
"The person who knows how to forgive sleeps comfortably at night."
"Focus on quality of sleep... detoxification when it comes to your sleep rituals."
"Best sleep I've ever gotten, I actually got a full night's sleep last night."
"I'm a sid sleeper, so after taking the quiz I got the Helix Moonlight Lux and it changed my life."
"It's a game changer and even on those nights when I don't get as much sleep as I want I know the quality of my sleep will be great."
"Science has shown that lowering your body temperature while you sleep is one of the most important factors in the quality of your sleep."
"Poor sleepers are 55 percent more likely to become obese."
"Feeling pretty good, had a really nice sleep last night."
"Getting a great night's sleep starts with having a great mattress."
"I think we can all agree that we could use more sleep. Getting a great night's sleep is easier, more affordable than you think."
"It's so comfortable that I've noticed my quality of sleep has actually improved."
"Is this Thai really worth that? I don't know, maybe it is. Maybe it's not, but if it sets you back like a day or two because you didn't sleep that well, yeah, to me it's not really worth the Thai food."
"If you can have an orgasm before bed, sleeping naked helps. Doing that too, and it does improve your quality of sleep."
"You'd be shocked as to how much better you'll sleep in a clean room versus a chaotic, dank, used-underwear-laden goblin hole."
"Regular exercise can help regulate blood pressure and improve sleep quality."
"The sleep pod helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer."
"Would you rather have 300,000 cash right now or the ability to get a full night's sleep with only 3 hours?" - "Would you rather have 300,000 cash right now or the ability to get a full night's sleep with only 3 hours?"
"Sleeping is all about the freedom; if a place isn't about freedom, you cannot enjoy their freedom."
"Getting quality sleep lowered my cortisol, addressing my chronic stress and prioritizing seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night."
"Everybody deserves to sleep in ultimate comfort."
"But wait, look, dudes, we are sleeping so good right now. This is the best feeling when you have really good sleep."
"I just want to sleep in silence. Is that too much to ask?"
"If you wake up naturally at the end of a sleep cycle rather than arbitrarily in the middle of one... it is very good for me."
"A great night of sleep allows you to be healthier, be more rested, and have more energy throughout the day."
"She later told me that that was the first night in weeks she had been able to get a full night's rest and that it was the first time she truly felt safe."
"I sleep deeper and wake up feeling more refreshed and energized."
"Morning sunlight primes us for better sleep at night."
"Am I going to be losing any sleep tonight or this week? Probably not."
"What makes for a great camping trip? A great night's sleep."
"Your mattress choice is so important... you spend half of your life on it."
"Ugh, it is low-key depressing that my sleep was better then despite having to be woken up at 1 a.m. to pump every night."
"It's like lipstick on a pig, if you're sleeping on a terrible mattress, your sleep will be terrible."
"If you can wake feeling refreshed, that's probably a good indication that you got the quantity and quality of sleep you need."
"Purple mattress has saved my back, saved my life, and saved my sleep."
"Helix was the overall number one best mattress pick of 2021."
"I wonder if your perception of how well you sleep actually influences how, you know, what your mood is like on a day-to-day basis."
"It's great not having the dogs on the bed. I can rest and feel clean when I'm sleeping."
"I look forward to going to sleep tonight as much as I did the first night that I got my Helix mattress."
"Purple mattresses have the grid, its unique ventilated design allows air to flow through to help you sleep cool even when it feels like a thousand degrees out."
"It's not only about getting enough sleep, it's about when you sleep, it's about the quality of sleep."
"Invest in your sleep. I'd rather sleep with this than my bed."
"I'm sleeping more comfortably, I'm no longer waking up with my back killing me, it's like sleeping on a cloud..."
"Sleep is so, so, so important. I really can't afford to wake up feeling groggy and achy."
"Magnesium supplement has helped with leg cramps upon waking... it totally helps with sleep."
"Having a pet cat is pretty ordinary, but how many people do you know with pet pumas?"
"Best sleep after a good ass cry, some of the best sleep."
"Sleep comes easier tonight. If for the first time in a long time, I dream of clear skies."
"For $150 off Lisa mattress plus a free pillow go to Lisa that calms last belly the promo code belly and have a good night."
"Carbs literally give you a ton of energy to train, lots of ability to recover, they actually even promote deep sleep."
"The difference between a good and bad sleep now it's going to make you feel the next day either waking up feeling great ready to do everything you want feeling energized."
"You can really optimize your sleep and therefore optimize your lifestyle using the sleep tracking."
"The worse I sleep, the more junk I eat, the less productive and less patient I am."
"Ending your sleep after a 90-minute cycle, say at the end of six hours, in many cases is better for you than sleeping an additional hour."
"As I woke up this morning, I saw rays of sunshine falling through my window. Took me a moment to realize I had not slept soundly for the first time in weeks."
"Meditation brings us back to the present and may be the most powerful tool for promoting high-quality sleep."
"Insomnia: marked by persistent difficulties in falling asleep, staying asleep, or achieving restorative sleep, impacting daytime functioning."
"Cash flow is financial freedom, so you and your family can sleep at night."
"I think the most important thing to a good night's sleep is a nice mattress."
"Sleep tracking in iOS 14: major improvements for better health."
"If your heart is thankful, you get a better night's rest."
"Focus on quality and quantity of sleeping, listen to those feelings that you're having."
"It's quite literally as close to sleeping in a cloud as you can get."
"Most test subjects exposed to this anomalous effect of SCP-452 report that they slept well."
"Caffeine consumption is something that is incredibly important that a lot of people don't pay too much attention to in relation to their sleep and sleeping habits."
"Quality, it's the quality of your sleep, and you'll be able to get the full energy bar refreshed."
"Most of us will sleep much better if we actually just simply put an effort to it."
"Give the gift of comfort and great sleep with purple."
"My energy levels are much better, my skin, it's gone. I don't sleep as much as I used to because I don't need to."
"If someone thinks caffeine does not affect them and they're struggling with their sleep, I challenge them for seven days to just have it in the morning and just see what happens."
"Proper sleep hygiene and addressing sleep quality are essential for overall wellness."
"Sleeping more than 10 hours may increase mortality, so aim for quality over quantity."
"He was about it as original a man as I'd seen on the screen. Perhaps to be likened to Humphrey Bogart as far as a true original and fell into no category."
"Getting overheated can really disrupt your sleep."
"Helix mattress: sleep soft, cool, and comfortable every night."
"Last night, I slept amazingly. That bed is my everything."
"When you have good Chi circulation you'll be able to sleep deeply and soundly."
"Do the right thing. At the very least, you'll get a good sleep tonight."
"I was able to fall asleep faster, and longer and deeper compared to any other pillow that we've tried so far."
"When I tell you, I had the best sleep I have had in months that night, which makes no sense, like, I got rid of all that stuff, took it out of my closet, took it out of my home, put it in the garbage can, put it outside."
"I sleep like a baby because my business is helping people and it's morally focused to do the right thing." - Gary Collins
"Helix is the gift that keeps on giving every night."
"How can I sleep better at night? How can I feel a little less stressed? How can I have better relationships with those around me?"
"Meditation is a function of rest, sleep is a function of how peaceful your mind is, how rested are you in the mind."
"Getting better sleep has given me newfound hope and happiness."
"I feel good like I told you on Instagram, I slept well, my Fitbit said I got 9 hours worth of sleep, so I feel good."
"This mattress on the other hand is amazing, it is... it's amazing."
"Your body sleeps and heals better in cooler temperatures."
"If I once in a while have a sweet or something which I have not done since January I will have a horrible night's sleep and have the numbness in the left hand again."
"One issue in older adults is poor quality sleep, which can lead to adverse health effects."
"I had a full night of sleep and I didn't wake up like hours before my alarm."
"I've been waking up on my back a lot lately and I'm like, 'Wow, thank God I haven't been getting sleep paralysis.'"
"Don't go away! Women are at a higher risk of poor sleep quality and sleep deprivation due to hormonal changes that disrupt the circadian rhythm, negatively impacting overall health."
"I wish I could bottle my kids like genetic potential for good sleep. They're such good sleepers. I wish I could give that to people."
"Just go to helixsleep.com... and they will match you to a customized mattress that will give you the best sleep of your life."
"That's the best camping sleep I have had ever."
"Ask yourself if you think that you get a good night's sleep every night."
"Dealing with sleep issues is one of the most frustrating things."
"I sleep good. The biggest sleep ever, man. Best naps."
"You don't realize how poor your sleep has been until you experience what it can be."
"I love that I wake up refreshed no grogginess all due to the high quality ingredients."
"It's the mattress that will change your life forever."
"This is the most comfortable bed ever, and also, not just the bed, but also the bedding."
"Master your sleep and stress levels for better results."
"It improved their sleep, they're less hungry at bedtime, and they're more energetic in the morning."
"Daytime bright light improves your nighttime melatonin and indirectly might improve your sleep."
"They are the best mattresses I have ever slept on."
"I sleep so much better, I feel like my sleeps are like deeper when I read."
"Within 10 to 15 minutes... I'm ready to go to bed and I'm falling asleep faster and sleeping longer."
"This pad relieves pressure points like no other; I sleep through the night on this pad consistently and feel great in the morning."
"Get as much rapid eye movement sleep as possible and don't do anything to inhibit it."
"The electrical quality of your deep non-REM sleep was very much predictive of your dissipation of anxiety overnight."
"Seriously, since receiving my mattress, my quality of sleep has gotten so much better, and I wake up each morning feeling totally well-rested, ready to take on the day."
"...if you sleep, in accordance with the natural biological edict that we've all been given, life tends to be both have a higher quality and a longer duration."
"Everyone loves it. That's the best sleep they've ever had."
"You guys are sleeping like babies or you're going to be sleeping better, resting better."
"My sleep score absolutely just increased."
"Just watch out on your sleeping patterns because you may even be getting seven hours sleep a day or more but is it quality sleep?"
"The Hess sleep system is a game changer for outdoor enthusiasts who value a good night's sleep."
"Helix Sleep mattress, I'm telling you, you just start fresh. It's like you're a brand new born baby and you've just popped out in terms of energy, in terms of enthusiasm, in terms of drive to get through the day."
"We're more productive, we're more focused, we sleep better."
"Invest in quality bedding for a good night's sleep."
"Everybody's different, and Helix knows that. They made the sleep quiz to match your unique body type and sleep preferences to make sure you have the perfect mattress for you."
"That was fantastic, I had the best night's sleep."
"When you have high levels of sympathetic arousal, this leads to poor sleep, it leads to waking up, and it leads to it's correlated with having a bad day the next day."
"You do not want to spend 33 percent of your existence inside of sheets that do not make you feel amazing."
"There's not a single bed I have ever slept on in my life that compares to this mattress."
"Just try turning half of the lights off in your flat or in your home. You'd be surprised at how soporific and sleepy you become when you're shrouded in darkness."
"If you're going to bed feeling tipsy, you've probably had too much alcohol in terms of sleep impairment."
"When you eat healthfully and live healthfully, you're going to sleep better."
"The older I get, the more I realize the importance of the quality of sleep. The older I get, the more I realize that the quality of sleep that I get is just as important as how much sleep I get."
"I've had my Helix mattress for about a month now and what I like most about it is how comfortable it is. Hubby and I sleep so well on this mattress."
"I think my aura ring will know and I will have a red bar tomorrow. We don't want red bars, we only want blue bars."