
Therapy Quotes

There are 9604 quotes

"Sleep deprivation isn't just deprivation of energy. It's deprivation of self-induced therapy every time we go to sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The present trial showed that psilocybin...produced large, rapid, and sustained antidepressant effects."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Prolonged exposure therapy, cognitive processing, or CPT, and cognitive behavioral therapy have been shown to have very strong positive impact, meaning reduce fears and traumas."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Therapy is extremely valuable... it's one of the key components for meshing together all aspects of one's life and being able to really direct one's focus and attention toward what really matters."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I consider doing regular weekly therapy as just as important as doing regular physical exercise in order to improve one's health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's really that idea that you're laying in that information to the exact right spot. And the signal is a simple signal, but it's a profound one, which is turn on, stay on, remember to stay on."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's an active learning process and if we can enhance that learning process, we can make exposure therapy and emotional learning work better."
"Don't give up just because they have not worked; everyone gives up on therapy until they find the therapist that works for them."
"Fueled by an explosion of groundbreaking psychedelic research that is revolutionizing therapeutic approaches to depression, PTSD, substance abuse, anxiety, and end-of-life care."
"Therapy is extremely valuable. In fact, I consider doing regular therapy just as important as getting regular exercise."
"Being vulnerable and having these conversations with a third party is really a breath of fresh air."
"Therapy is like getting a really good second opinion on your life from someone who isn't already in your life."
"Insight is the booby prize of therapy. You can have all the insight in the world but if you don't make changes out in the world, the insight is useless."
"There's no hierarchy of pain... Therapy is you would take care of your emotional health the same way you would take care of your physical health."
"Therapy isn't about what another person is going to tell you about yourself; it's about what you can learn about yourself, from yourself."
"Low self-esteem seems to be incredibly common... I don't think I've had a patient come to me that believed they were enough."
"My goal as a therapist is to get a person to achieve at their fullest potential, to be the best version of themselves."
"Therapy was the gold that was putting me back together, making me whole again."
"Humor is an essential salve and balm in my relationship."
"Spirituality is not a replacement for therapy."
"It's therapeutic for a lot of us convicts that have gotten jammed up to just be able to have community and talk about this stuff."
"A great therapist... shouldn't keep you sick constantly."
"Working with a therapist can help you get closer to the best version of you."
"I have a rule: I don't take advice about relationships from single people. I also don't talk to people that aren't licensed therapists about my problems."
"I remember once I said to my therapist, 'You know, I'm always like, I'm an idiot and I'm stupid,' and she's like, 'Why do you talk about yourself that way?'"
"I genuinely believe that anyone can benefit from therapy, whether or not you quote unquote need it."
"Therapy for me is sometimes about unwinding parts about myself and once you're aware of something, that's when you can really take a hard look at it and start to change."
"For the love of God, if you are a therapist out there, believe your patients."
"Laughter is the best therapy. Have some fun together and remember love is the greatest healer."
"Borderline personality disorder can respond to all of those different strategies (CBT, DBT, ACT)...DBT has been touted as the main gold standard."
"Mindfulness combined with CBT has been shown to work as well as medication at treating depression and anxiety, but without the side effects - and it's more effective in the long-term."
"It's gotten huge traction as the go-to treatment for PTSD, and therapists are using it to address various other issues now."
"If it helps somebody, then why would I deny them that? There's this belief among the community, both therapists and clients alike, that EMDR is a treatment that works for others when other techniques have failed."
"Most of the suicidal men that I work with, their mind isn't malfunctioning; they genuinely have a life that is no longer worth living."
"I understand that you have a life that you think is not worth living. I would like to help you deal with these objective problems."
"This is the foundation of therapy: the better I understand someone else's experience, the more I will be able to help them."
"Playfulness: Laughter is the best therapy. Have some fun together and remember love is the greatest healer."
"We need to confront the thing, but we don't want to go into the repetition compulsion."
"I think that good therapists are not pigeonholed by a certain modality."
"There's been times in my life that I've dealt with serious bouts of depression, but because of better help, I was able to get connected with a therapist in under 48 hours."
"It's therapy and medication and help and just like... discovering who I am as a person. It's now coming back out of me."
"Talking with a professional can be really helpful."
"I hope this is going to be a beautiful hour of therapy and help in its own way."
"All therapy is conversion therapy in the sense that it's about transformation towards a more ideal state of being."
"This project means so much to me, I wrote and recorded this for more than a year as a form of therapy for myself."
"Therapists do it instead of teaching it as a basic skill that everyone learns in school, which is really where I think it should be taught."
"I just love that therapy. It's great for looking at the patterns and the cycles that people tend to feel stuck in."
"There's a set of knowledge and skills that are taught to people in therapy, but they're not therapy skills; they're life skills."
"But I'm gonna get therapy, treat my depression and my panic disorders."
"With enough personal development work, introspection, and therapy... you can get yourself back into a high level of self-esteem."
"Every single day I'm taking active measures such as therapy, education, and assessing the character of not only myself but everyone I'm surrounding myself with, in order to grow and become a better person."
"We've been working on many therapies for Alzheimer's disease, and I wish I could tell you we have a cure, but we don't."
"When you want to be a better problem solver, therapy can get you there."
"Everybody needs a therapist, I don't care who you are."
"Dream sleep provides a form of almost overnight therapy; it is emotional first aid."
"Hypnosis can be used beyond entertainment but can be used to help people to change their life."
"I recommend therapy a lot. A lot of people look into it like, 'Oh, I don't need therapy,' but it's like, no, I feel like we all have traumas."
"I ended up getting matched with a great therapist on the first try."
"I particularly enjoyed the online journaling feature because sometimes all I needed to do was stream of Consciousness write it all out."
"It's like getting your oil change in your car; it's like going to the gym for your mind. Therapy is a must for anyone and everyone."
"Communicating how you feel is very therapeutic."
"Sleep provides a form of overnight therapy, taking the sharp edges off our emotional experiences."
"I love writing so much. For me, it's just like always been my therapy. I just love it."
"Better Help Therapy can be a place to work through the challenges you face in all your relationships."
"If you're scared of something, give yourself a minimum dose of it."
"Depression is a complicated, difficult illness, but there are therapies and treatments that can help."
"Shoutout, Dr. [BLEEP]. Seriously, the best investment I've made in the last 12-plus months has been weekly seeing a therapist."
"Therapy can give you tools to approach your life in a very different way."
"If you feel like you need help, definitely seek help. I absolutely talk to a therapist and that has helped me so much."
"Spontaneous purchases and retail therapy don't do it; just get real therapy."
"Before, definitely, I had issues with communication... I took some time to hold myself accountable and go seek therapy."
"Getting out your feelings, talking about what's going on, always helps."
"What unites Howard's patients, or his target demographic, is a desire to shortcut the hard work of integrating negative experiences into their lives so they can go back to living in a way that doesn't require change."
"I find a tremendous therapy by going into the Wilderness. It's a really healthy thing for me to do."
"I was very traumatized, not in my body, I hadn't started any therapy work yet, and I had really just left my family of origin under some really crazy and sad circumstances."
"There's a serious problem in the field of therapy, and that problem is that sometimes self-love and self-compassion not only doesn't work but can actually be harmful."
"Therapy that you can have in the comfort of your own home."
"The use of LED therapy can improve clinical status and reduce the need for ICU beds and oxygen intake."
"My job as a therapist is almost to be an editor where I help people to revise the faulty narrative that they came in with."
"Please do talk to someone if you're ever feeling down... therapy is so great and so useful."
"I personally don't really believe in it, but I think it's a fun form of therapy."
"Your therapist can help you set and achieve your goals."
"Doing therapy, the absolute best thing you can do is find a close friend to help you work on or reinforce the things you learn in therapy."
"I thank God for music, bro. I swear to God, like music is my life for real. Like, at times it was the only therapy for me."
"Therapy is an investment that will help you, better understand yourself and therefore better help the rest of your relationships."
"A good therapist would be a place where somebody could say you're being gaslighted."
"The prognosis is pretty good...if the borderline keeps turning up for the therapy."
"Virginia Satir is a theorist in emerging family therapy who developed a model called experiential therapy or the human validation process model."
"It's terrifying because I've seen exactly what it does to people. Most of the people I know in this industry are currently in therapy, have been in therapy at some point, or need to be."
"Therapy is your space, your story, your experience."
"Learning to be open and speak to people or find someone to speak to, whether it's a therapist or whatever, that's been a huge help."
"If you are hurting, therapy can help. Therapy can also help you learn positive coping skills, how to set boundaries, and how to live an all-around happier life."
"Some couples just need to work through their problems, and therapy can help."
"Therapy can also help you learn positive coping skills, how to set boundaries, and how to live an all-around happier life."
"Therapy is all about deepening your self-awareness and understanding because sometimes we don't know what we want or why we act the way we do until we talk through things."
"Creating an immersive environment in which somebody with OCD or phobias can face their fears and their limitations in a safe place is really helpful."
"Therapy taught me the three-legged table: the Mind, Body, Soul. If one of the legs breaks, it can't fulfill its purpose."
"Thanks to therapy, I now have tools that can help me calm my anxiety."
"If you want to protect kids, you want pedos to go to therapy. Simple as."
"Go to therapy... therapy is the gateway drug to it all."
"Talking to a therapist can be a great way to help with stress, anxiety, and depression."
"With better help, I was matched with therapists tailored to my specific needs and preferences."
"Breath is a really powerful tool, a really powerful spiritual tool, but also just for therapy and just for healing."
"Therapy doesn't work by going into a therapist's office and just talking about positive stuff; therapy is about talking through all your deepest, darkest secrets."
"Started therapy today and came on stream both in one day... it's mental health awareness month."
"Therapy... It's not only life-changing, it is life-affirming."
"Not quite; if clients do get fixed it's because they've worked on fixing themselves. The therapist's role is to facilitate that process of self-mending."
"Being in a therapy room doesn't mean therapy will take place. For that to happen, the client has to be open to change."
"I'm trying to learn in therapy how to be kinder to myself."
"Psychedelic therapy looks like... it's quite structured, it's quite sophisticated."
"Integration session: that's when they come and they talk to the therapist about where they went, what they saw, what insights they had."
"Psychedelics... it's therapeutic. Every time I've done it, I have been able to have some massive epiphany about something in my life."
"Nihilism can be therapeutic... you can kind of talk yourself down using nihilism."
"The conditions psychedelics seem to work best on are all forms of stuckness, all forms of a destructive narrative."
"Dream sleep provides a form of almost overnight therapy."
"Psychedelic therapy is a whole new paradigm. It may take a little while."
"The risk of sexual abuse in the therapeutic setting is real."
"The goal of therapy is not to give you answers but to get to the point of an awakening for you to make decisions and live with them comfortably."
"I've always been a big advocate for mental health and therapy and anxiety."
"After every single therapy session, I'm a little bit stronger, a little bit better, and a little bit more armed with knowledge to fight against my anxiety."
"The good therapist is one who doesn't want your money anymore, who wants you to get over it and move on, and actually possesses the wisdom, skill, intelligence, character, and insight to guide you in that direction."
"I'm not going to therapy to be validated; I'm going to get things fixed and to use those tools to better myself in a healthier way."
"You have to use the tools the therapists give you in order to make progress."
"Therapy doesn't heal everyone. There are people that go to therapy and they still have demons that haunt them every single night."
"Therapy gives you time-traveling superpowers."
"I don't think at all anyone should ever think you're weak for going to therapy."
"I've done therapy multiple times throughout my adult life, and I still do it to this day."
"If you're not going to face-to-face confrontation or talking about your feelings out loud, you're able to send a text and get a quick and thoughtful response from your therapist."
"Most men avoid therapy because most therapy approaches are not designed to help the male brain deal with pain or find solutions."
"Most people in therapy are there because the people in their life who actually needed therapy refused to get it."
"Go to therapy. It's not a one-stop shop, it's not going to save everything, but it's a start."
"Get help. There are so many different types of professionals out there: psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists. Find one that works for you."
"If only young people would just focus on their mental health and get help with a therapist rather than going down this self-harm route."
"Everybody should go to therapy. Everybody should have some sort of confidential source that you can vent to."
"Therapy's not just for boys in Los Angeles. Therapy can be for anybody."
"This might be a good thing to talk about in therapy."
"You're more likely to be open and honest with an AI than a human therapist because the AI is not going to judge you."
"I have made many mistakes in my life... I'm currently seeking therapy to work on myself and to be a better person."
"Therapy can really help with just about anything you're looking to improve with yourself."
"Pain reprocessing therapy is changing the narrative, thinking about yourself differently, understanding why it's there, and having hope that it's reversible."
"In short, we truly believe that therapy can change people's lives, yours truly included."
"Therapy has never been more widespread, socially acceptable, or accessible."
"Therapists and patients reauthor their lives to retrace where their self-perception comes from."
"Therapy can actually help you achieve whatever goal you'd like to, and therapy does this by creating SMART goals. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound."
"Art is a therapy...it doesn't have to be a formal art therapy to be healing."
"Love is not always enough...there are some situations, some traumas, that love just isn't enough to cover. You need counseling, you need therapy, you need help resources beyond just your love as a parent for this child."
"It's okay to try out therapy. It takes you a while sometimes to find the right one, but when you do, it's a good fit and it feels good."
"Medications typically aren't very helpful for someone with Borderline Personality Disorder. They really need an intensive, lifelong type of therapy."
"I'm so big on therapy and everything else; it's a great book I read called The Big Leap that talks about when people get to that certain point and end up self-sabotaging."
"The biggest lesson I learned in therapy was to fill my own cup before I filled others because without having a glass full, you can't empty it into other people."
"Therapy can give you the tools to find more balance in your life so you can keep supporting others without leaving yourself behind."
"Instead of only curing the symptom, a causal therapy should be developed to integrate the alien limb into the body image."
"The gift and the curse of body image is that if it's in your head, it's not going to get fixed at the gym; it's going to get fixed in therapy."
"'It's been therapeutic to write about it, and actively twist a narrative of pain into something with more hope and even humour.'"
"Cleaning is like therapy to me; it's my way of managing anxiety and depression."
"I've been in therapy for a bit but I'm still learning to feel my emotions instead of suppressing them."
"Therapy is a catalyst, but it's definitely not the solution...You have to change yourself."
"Dr. K's content is amazing... he kind of normalizes the idea of therapy to other people."
"Do things that make you happy, yes, but also seek help. Talk to a friend, go to a therapist, take your medication. It's going to be a combination of factors that will make you feel better."
"I am a textbook people-pleaser, a very anxious person, and I have abandonment issues. Now after therapy, I prioritize myself and my mental health."
"We use virtual reality and apps to gamify therapy. So basically, I make video games that save lives."
"Therapy can give you the tools to approach life in a completely different way."
"Destigmatizing mental health and like seeking therapy is a good thing overall, healthy."
"I've been very open about the fact that I've had therapy for years."
"This is therapy, guys. This all I needed right here in my life."
"By mitigating the inflammatory storm and its consequences, vitamin D could be considered as an adjunct to any form of therapy."
"Therapy is not going to make things worse... it's got me to a place where I finally feel like I'm whole again."
"Understanding why you feel a certain way is probably a worthy goal, maybe just not a good end because going to therapy just to figure out why you're traumatized by something probably isn't as valuable as also overcoming the trauma too."
"The goal isn't to go to therapy and say like, 'I am really scared of dogs,' the goal is probably to give you the tools to overcome your fear of dogs or to have a less negative reaction to them."
"This therapy session 'cause you're sharing with the world, your true self."
"This video helped me a lot; it's my therapy session, and you guys are my therapist."
"I think getting a therapist is good for everyone."
"Trauma therapy is not a one size fit all. There's different timelines, different interventions, and different ways to feel supported."
"I'm tired and sad, and things still suck, but I also have things to look forward to, and a very nice therapist who constantly reassures me that I'm okay and safe now."
"You're gonna be the best therapist a therapist will ever ask for."
"Be careful how much you invest...there's a fine line between using D&D as therapy and D&D as an outlet."
"Psilocybin spurs persistent growth of new neural connections, which makes a person with severe depression more responsive to therapy."
"Increased low frequency brain responses to music after psilocybin therapy for depression."
"I combined [therapy] with the mentorship of a shaman... to cure post-traumatic stress disorder, which was my biggest issue."
"Every single donation means one therapy session for a young kid who will not get that therapy session without it."
"Therapy is real, therapy helps. Stella Rosa black helps too."
"If you have a bad experience with therapy, try again...therapy has changed my life."
"Everyone who has done therapy, the hardest thing in life is to be able to change yourself, let alone change anybody else."
"Good lord, no wonder Dr. Flynn said Ana has made more progress with Grey than he ever had. He's the worst therapist ever."
"Therapy taught me that I was having normal reactions, to a very abnormal situation."
"Why did the sunglasses go to therapy? Because he was feeling shady."
"It's been very cathartic. Songwriting is my therapy, so it's been very therapeutic to finally let it into the world."
"Lucid dreaming has actually been used as therapy for some trauma patients, including patients with PTSD."
"Therapy is a valuable tool to help you understand yourself. It can teach you new ways to deal with your emotions. It can also help you build a life that you want."
"The whole purpose of attending therapy is to work through the buried stuff that you haven't wanted to talk about."
"In therapy, joining is bonding. It's forming that connection so that people open up so that they trust you."
"You deserve a therapist. Everyone does. So you really, really do, please get one."
"It's a very complicated thing if you're traumatized. You have to go to someone who really understands trauma."
"The biggest, most common thing that I hear from my patients who are reluctant to engage in mental health is 'I wish I had done this sooner.'"
"There's something so therapeutic about just showering and washing away your negative feelings."
"Every time I'm confronted with such a situation, I can't help but grasp the limitations of therapy as a profession."
"I had to get therapy for the emotional abuse I endured during our marriage."
"Therapy has helped me see a silver lining through some really challenging times."
"If you want 2024 to be a better year, we cannot recommend therapy enough."
"I started to work on myself. I discovered that I was a highly sensitive person. I got some therapy around that."