
Sleep Patterns Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Consistently getting about the same amount of sleep is better than just getting more sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I've been trying to get more sleep in 2024. I'm trying to get myself a better sleeping pattern."
"Assuming that you go to bed somewhere between 10:00 PM and 1:00 AM that allows this tapering off."
"Dolphins can sleep with one eye closed and the other one open."
"You can't just say 'OK time to sleep on my side because Ulysses McGill said so.' People unconsciously change their sleeping position multiple times throughout the night."
"Segmented sleep is not only more in sync with our body clocks but a lot of people have called it a golden time for creativity."
"Biphasic sleep can correspond healthily with our natural sleep patterns."
"Quarantine sleep schedule: gaming till 4 a.m., waking up at 9."
"Why is being a night owl or sleeping in late seen as morally bad or inherently lazy?"
"Teenagers require a different type of sleep and maybe more prime in the evening time."
"People have their most profound lucid dreams in the morning."
"Technically, he can’t be awake before anybody because he never really sleeps to begin with."
"Batman might use something like a polyphasic sleep schedule such as the famous uberman schedule"
"There's no way I'm gonna normally wake up at six or seven every morning. I can't rewire that, but maybe I get up at 8:00 AM every morning."
"Every time we stay up for two hours extra or if you're waking up two hours before your habitual wake-up time...for three days, our clock is trying to catch up."
"I'm gonna be like wow he's up nice and early today or it's like okay he hasn't gone to bed yet and I won't see him for three days."
"You're a natural short sleeper. That's every overachiever's dream."
"Isn't it kind of crazy that just changing your sleep pattern by one hour is enough to kill some people?"
"You are going to be on a normal sleep schedule versus being on a complete non-normal sleep schedule."
"Dec2 gene mutation: for natural short sleepers."
"People mostly need 7 minutes to fall asleep; this time gets shorter if you just had a large tasty meal."
"Vince hates sleep, he only sleeps like four hours a night."
"After 50, we are almost like in a manual drive mode; we have to pay attention to all these things because a body is not keeping track of when we should be sleeping, how long we should be sleeping."
"By extending or delaying school start time, we're essentially making our kids sleep as their grandparents were sleeping in 1950s."
"Morning exposure to sunlight can help to restore the circadian rhythm and set natural sleep patterns so that you wake up feeling refreshed every single morning and go to bed at a more regular time every night."
"The DEC2 gene mutation allows people to have just a few hours of sleep at night and still feel great. They don't get tired and never sleep in."
"On average people sleep less with a full moon. So if you ever thought about the term or what the term means, lunatic."
"Is there any notable species that do not require sleep?"
"Your subconscious is the most malleable or influenced right before you go to sleep or right when you wake up in the morning."
"Sleeping's this weird little Sharpshooter window where if you get enough and you're just right it's great but if you don't get enough you really really want sleep and if you get too much you really really want sleep and you just you just always want more."
"A lifetime with a lifestyle which recommends sleep right after the night prayer and getting up early at the dawn is a healthful and potentially extremely important support to our mental as well as our physical well-being."
"Humans are evidently biphasic creatures, programmed to function not with one but with two doses of sleep every 24-hour cycle."
"He felt normal after the whole ordeal and was then able to fall back into a typical sleep pattern as if nothing had happened at all."
"Older adults have what we call Advanced sleep phase, which means they get sleepy earlier in the evening."
"Trees mimic sleep at night; they relax their branches after dusk and perk them up before sunrise."
"You know horses sleep standing up? Yeah, I understand it now."
"Penguin parents sleep for just a few seconds at a time to guard newborns."
"If you consistently wake up at the same time, you'll start getting sleepy late at night around the same consistent time too."
"I sleep like a normal person or I sleep the way we should be sleeping."
"Social jet lag is where sleep and wake times differ between weekdays and weekends."
"I used to sleep for eight hours... now I'm sleeping for four and a half hours, five hours, and I'm starting my sadhana in the morning and I'm energetic."
"I'm trying to learn how to do that. I don't know about you guys, but the minute I wake up, if I'm awake and I get up to go pee, it's all over. I'm awake for the day."
"We human beings are a complete anomaly when it comes to our relative amounts of REM sleep."
"Cats spend 2/3 of their life asleep. It's a fact."
"Sleep in synchrony with your chronotype rather than against it, and you are being regular weekdays and weekends."
"It is somewhat normal to wake up once throughout the night. More than that, something is probably happening."
"The EYES of a goldfish NEVER CLOSE!"
"One bad night's sleep is not a relapse, one bad night's sleep is not even insomnia."
"The light wasn't always bright, only when she was sleeping."
"If we can start to look at sleep and be able to decipher if this is a cultural thing or is this a biological thing, we can get a much clearer picture of what we should expect from our children."
"Circadian rhythms happen once every 24 hours, like the sleep-wake cycle."
"Believe it or not, they sleep for around 20 hours a day."
"If you have any questions about polyphasic sleep, feel free to post them."
"These animals don't actually really sleep; they sleep half of their brain and work the other."
"Cows, moose, rhinos, and horses can sleep standing up but cannot dream unless they lie down."
"No matter how tired I am, my body always wakes up at 6am and I can't go back to sleep."
"Koalas usually sleep between 18 to 22 hours a day."
"If you start waking up about five or ten minutes before your alarm, you've found your ideal sleep need."
"Sleeping like a baby would actually be more like waking up every hour."
"The best time to sleep is 10 to 4, and the highest charging of the mind is between 10 to 2."
"Dolphins only sleep with half of their brain and one eye closed at a time."
"Six hours of uninterrupted sleep, maybe another hour of sleep, and then a nap during the day will make a world of difference."
"Ducks sleep with half of their brains awake."
"You can't really catch up on lost sleep... trying to stay regular with the sleep patterns is also crucial."
"If you're ever feeling in a rut or in a weird headspace, look at your sleeping habits."
"I'm not wired to get up in the morning. I experience lower cognitive and physical performance in the morning."
"Sleep is a rhythm, and when you're out of rhythm, everything becomes harder."
"The big news of the four-month update is that this little guy has been sleeping through the night."
"Your internal clock doesn't let you go to sleep earlier, and your best sleep occurs in the morning."
"...the brain waves get slower and bigger as you go deeper and deeper into sleep."
"Elephants don't sleep that much; it's funny though, sometimes you see them almost nodding off."
"Always amazes me how a cat can go from deep sleep to awake and alert in the space of one second."