
Sleep Health Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"Sleep deprivation isn't just deprivation of energy. It's deprivation of self-induced therapy every time we go to sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Circadian rhythm and aligning it to our internal clock to our habit is very important."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you missed your daytime light ration, get your nighttime dark ration. They are independent and additive."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you're looking at bright light at night, you're going to disrupt your circadian cycle."
"It's such a bad idea because it disrupts that rhythm that you're having."
"Good sleep and the adequate amount of sleep is critical to good health."
"Sleep with your phone outside of your bedroom to save your sleep and improve your life."
"You need at least six hours of sleep a night. Period, end of story. That's non-negotiable."
"A sustained healthy way to get restful sleep comes with understanding sleep first and then targeting what your specific problem with sleep is."
"Healthy sleep can range from six hours maybe slightly less than that, out to 10 or 11 hours."
"Sleep optimization is not just about the quantity of sleep but also about the quality of sleep we get."
"The most important cue for our circadian rhythm is light exposure."
"Our bodies aren't built for sleeping in eight-hour blocks."
"If your eight hours straight is working for you and you sleep well, that's awesome."
"I'm doing this whole thing where I don't look at my phone at night so that I can sleep better."
"Drinking a lot of caffeine, especially close to bedtime, will probably affect your sleep health."
"If you lie down to take a nap and fall asleep very easily, chances are you may have a sleep debt."
"Sleep at least seven hours per night, ideally eight."
"Even one bad night of sleep can cause demonstrable insulin resistance the next day."
"If sleeping in the same bed is resulting in one or both parts not getting enough sleep, which means you have less empathy, less sense of humor, less tolerance to a whole host of different things."
"Your sleep life has a huge impact on your sex life and vice versa."
"Insomnia is the inability to get the amount of sleep you need to wake up feeling rested and refreshed."
"Having a regular wake-up time seems to correlate pretty highly with the ability to fall asleep consistently."
"The Galaxy S8 has a blue light filter setting to help you get to sleep at night."
"Science has shown that lowering your body temperature while you sleep is one of the most important factors in the quality of your sleep."
"Poor sleepers are 55 percent more likely to become obese."
"Get a better night's sleep with Boll & Branch."
"You should have a go-to-bed alarm and not a wake-up alarm. If you have the right go-to-bed alarm, you will wake up naturally at the time that you should wake up."
"A lack of sleep is strongly linked to weight gain."
"I hope that this really helped you relax and sleep."
"One good interrupted night of sleep may be as close to a cure-all or a panacea we have in mental health."
"Consistent sleep disruption is actually really bad for your health; it can exacerbate existing health problems you have."
"Sleep better. And it's much harder than you think. Work at it. It's worth the investment."
"Treating sleep with respect is one of the most important things we can do."
"A great night of sleep allows you to be healthier, be more rested, and have more energy throughout the day."
"Sleep as cold as 55 degrees Fahrenheit or as hot as 110 degrees Fahrenheit. That's the secret of thermoregulation. Better sleep, better energy."
"Melatonin associated with statistically significant decrease in tinnitus and improved sleep quality."
"Helix made a quiz that takes just two minutes to complete and matches your body type and sleep preferences to the perfect mattress for you."
"Create a sleep routine and make your bedroom a sanctuary."
"Make sure you're getting a good night's sleep, and also to reduce your stress levels."
"Your mattress choice is so important... you spend half of your life on it."
"If you can wake feeling refreshed, that's probably a good indication that you got the quantity and quality of sleep you need."
"Treat your sleep as something like fitness, something that you can optimize."
"The 8-hour sleep myth is incorrect. Individual DNA determines how much sleep you need."
"Initiating sleep troubles or feeling tired even after sleep? Check with a physician."
"Sleep paralysis is not a normal part of sleep. Something is going on. It's global, it's universal."
"Avoid screens before bedtime, it's enough to suppress melatonin secretion."
"Take a nap later or sleep early tonight, but don't miss out on the benefits of waking up early."
"I never could get seven hours of sleep even."
"It's fully adjustable for personalized fretfit ultra soft breathable made from durable materials and most importantly of all because you all know this if you've already used masks for sleep it has zero high pressure on your eyelids and eyelashes."
"Figure out how to get that eight hours of sleep."
"Ending your sleep after a 90-minute cycle, say at the end of six hours, in many cases is better for you than sleeping an additional hour."
"With a few tips and new habits, you can learn to sleep better naturally."
"The real key and most important factor of sleeping is the sleep hormone called melatonin."
"About eighty-five percent of your growth hormone is released during your sleep cycle."
"Set up bedtime feature in the Clock app for a healthier sleep routine."
"Don't blame stress or blue light for your sleeping issues, it's probably your mattress."
"The epidemic of sleep disorders is the consequence of humans not living the way humans are supposed to live."
"Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and your sleep is not going to change overnight either."
"Let’s talk about how to improve sleep efficiency today."
"Venue 3's new sleep coach feature provides personalized sleep recommendations."
"You've got to wind down, if you're having problems sleeping."
"It's important to get better sleep, you know, so be mindful about what you're connecting to just before bedtime because when we're in the waking falling asleep vibration when we're just in the in-between World we're actually absorbing energy."
"I think sleep paralysis is like a real known thing."
"One of the most important functions of sleep is cleaning up debris through the glymphatic system."
"You need melatonin to also maintain your sleep."
"Go to helixsleep.com, take their two-minute sleep quiz, and they'll match you to a customized mattress that will give you the best sleep of your life."
"We want to make people's sleep dreams come true."
"Focus on all of those four macros of sleep: quantity, quality, regularity, and timing."
"An improvement in deep sleep or REM sleep to me just seems like that's got to be good for something."
"There is an intimate relationship between our sleep health and our mental health our emotional health."
"You ready? Have better sleep, put some focus on your sleep, have a sleep routine, sleep in a room that is effective for sleep."
"Aging on its own does not cause sleep problems."
"I hope I could sleep tonight, I need to get my sleep schedule back on track."
"Boredom doesn't make you sleepy; it unmasks the fact that you are in sleep deficit."
"It can happen because someone is experiencing extra stress or isn't getting enough rest."
"The blue light from our electronics tricks the brain into thinking it's daytime, decreasing the production of melatonin."
"Healthy sleep hygiene is not just what we do before we go to bed, it's a 24-hour sleep wake cycle."
"I'm sleeping so comfortably on my Helix mattress."
"Sleep deprivation and sleep disorders are not just a public health problem. They are a matter of social justice."
"The earlier you can go to bed, the better it's going to be for your hormones."
"Reduce time in bed, keep a regular sleep schedule, especially a regular wake up time."
"Get healthier sleep by going to bed and waking up at the same time."
"Sleep deprivation also has impacts on leptin and ghrelin, two hormones essential for energy homeostasis."
"Sleep paralysis can happen to anyone."
"Take care of your sleep schedule; that's the most important thing."
"The goal is not to get sleep deprived."
"Sleep that occurs before midnight is more restorative than sleep after midnight."
"I haven't had any night terrors since the experience, so it has been way awesome."
"Hello and welcome to Sleep Cave, a place to get a great night's sleep."
"Treat sleep as if it's an Olympic game; you need to warm up for sleep and prepare for it the moment that you wake up."
"I'm trying to change more in a positive direction as far as my sleeping schedule."
"Understand key opportunities and challenges in implementing CBTI in sleep programs and health systems."
"The amount of sleep I need at 40 is 1/10 of what I needed at 30 because now I know scientifically you actually get restful REM sleep."
"Sleep apnea can be managed effectively and addressing it can significantly improve your quality of life."
"Circadian rhythm is essential to good sleep."
"Try to establish a consistent sleep schedule and avoid using electronics before bedtime."
"Vitamin B6 aids in the production of the hormone serotonin and melatonin, both of which are very important to sound restful sleep as well as mood."
"This is Dr. Michael Bruce, the sleep doctor, wishing you sweet dreams."
"In order to get the good sleep that we all need, in order to get proper rest, we call that REM sleep."
"It's really important to go to bed and wake up at a consistent time. Sleep consistency is paramount."
"The easiest way to improve overall sleep quality is through physical activity."
"Keeping the circadian rhythm happy by a consistent sleep-wake cycle."
"Having sleep problems as you age is not something that should be expected."
"Exercise during the day is going to help you fall asleep at night."
"Stop tracking your sleep so obsessively that it sabotages your sleep."