
Brain Function Quotes

There are 1393 quotes

"But to know that the form is in a sense the function, that the architecture of the connectivity is how the computation happens in the brain at some level, gives me great joy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The idea that if you could just keep levels of brain glucose elevated across your day... you would have more willpower and tenacity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you want to increase your tenacity and willpower you absolutely can, by triggering activation of this incredible hub within the brain, the anterior mid singulate cortex."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The cerebellum...is responsible for an enormous number of basic functions that we use in everyday life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The brain does not do well with constant context switching. It can do it, but it diminishes our capacity to do meaningful work of any other kind."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Whether or not you are under a particular social challenge or whether or not you're particularly happy will in fact adjust the chemistry of your gut and the chemistry of your gut in turn will change the way that your brain works."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The gut microbiome are the trillions of little bacteria that live all the way along your digestive tract and that strongly impact the way that your entire body works at the level of metabolism, immune system, and brain function."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The wonderful thing is that when you repeat a practice and a particular neural circuit is engaged over and over again deliberately, that neural circuit becomes easier to engage."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our brain, and indeed much of our entire nervous system, is wired for social bonds."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Role play... is very powerful for teaching the brain how to function."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It has been shown again and again and again, to have positive effects on brain function."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neuralink is uniquely poised to accomplish tremendous goals because they are approaching these challenges by combining both existing knowledge of brain function from the fields of Neuroscience and neurosurgery with robotics, machine learning, computer science, and the development of Novel devices."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Plasticity is not the goal. Plasticity is simply a state, or a capacity, for our nervous system to change."
"The food you eat has a huge way bigger impact on how we feel and how our brain works than what we think."
"Stress is not necessarily the bad guy because you have to have it to turn on actually antioxidant systems and to turn on brain activity and physiological systems."
"Most of the stuff in our brain is happening non-consciously."
"Neuroplasticity means that the brain's structure and function can be changed by our activity and by mental experience."
"Our brain makes us unmotivated. Your lack of motivation is not a problem; it's how your brain is wired."
"The human brain doesn't learn through consumption; it learns through creation and creativity."
"Psychedelics perturb the world-building machinery of the brain, causing it to construct a different model."
"It's sort of a small masterpiece that your brain mobilizes all those different processes to make that happen."
"If we can get your brain right, we can get your life right."
"If you do things that are intense enough to force your brain to change, you will actually improve the highest functions of the brain."
"It's been shown that after about 10 to 30 minutes of NSDR, your dopamine levels rise in the brain to a point where you're ready for action again."
"The point of neuroscience is to study what the brain is for."
"We're talking about intelligence; you have to understand what the human brain, the brain, does, and then we can decide which parts of we want to recreate in some system."
"Contrary to what everyone knows is so, it may not be the brain that produces consciousness, but rather consciousness that creates the appearance of the brain."
"If you're not healthy, the brain's not going to perform particularly well for you."
"We see not with our eyes but with our brains."
"Our brains naturally work better, you know, and we can really start to totally get in sync with life and get into the flow of things."
"Everything about the brain is designed for our survival, it's all designed for the positive side."
"Your brain is for having ideas, not for storing them."
"Whatever it is that we pay attention to recalibrates the entirety of the way the brain operates. That's pretty powerful."
"The way the brain works alters based on how we put our attention."
"We can think of attention as the leader of the brain. Wherever attention goes, the rest of the brain follows."
"Wherever attention goes, the rest of the brain follows."
"Consciousness is not a product of brain function."
"Conscious experience is not something that brains do; brains are something that consciousness makes up."
"I think the person, the self, the soul uses the brain, and if the brain is operating properly, it still has freedom. That's what the brain exists for."
"When your brain works right, you work right. And when your brain is troubled for whatever reason, you're sadder, sicker, poorer, less successful."
"Your brain is this incredible supercomputer, but when you read, you feed this supercomputer one word at a time."
"Engagement is a brain that's making new connections; has lots of dopamine; is experiencing flow."
"Aphasia is a condition where they may not be able to understand words, they may not be able to remember the word that they're trying to say. They know what they're trying to say, but they can't remember the precise word."
"We use some parts of the brain very similarly for bilingualism, but what it's doing with the signals can be very, very different."
"Your brain is being bombarded with signals from all of those sources and when it's making meaning out of any signal, it's doing it in an ensemble of other signals."
"Our brains are built that way and that's part of survival too, right?"
"If you damage the brain, consciousness gets messed up, which suggests it's heavily involved in consciousness."
"The brain, where that worrying is happening, is sending alarm messages... it only listens for and sends out two messages: one is everything's okay, and the other one is watch out, danger."
"For people who are right-handed, 99% of the time, the language part of the brain is on the left side."
"In people who are left-handed, it still turns out that the vast majority of people have language on the left side, but it's not 99%, it's more like 70%."
"Whether or not you believe that blood glucose is the limiting resource for willpower, what we know for sure is that there's a single set of brain circuits indeed there's a single brain area that seems to be able to largely if not entirely explain this phenomenon that we call tenacity and willpower."
"Metabolic issues are causing your brain to misfire."
"It's a story about the nature of the human mind, about the organization of the human brain."
"Self observing profoundly changes the way our brain works, activating self-regulating cortical regions, giving us an incredible amount of control over our feelings."
"Self-observing profoundly changes the way our brain works."
"Emotions matter for five big reasons: The first is attention, memory, and learning. The second is decision-making. The third is relationship quality. The fourth is physical and mental health. The fifth is on creativity."
"Your brain has a damn good reason for its actions, and it makes perfect sense."
"You've got to tell your brain where you want to go and how you want to get there."
"Your brain is involved in everything you do, how you think, how you feel, how you act, how you get along with other people."
"When a toddler throws a tantrum, it's not just a random outburst; it's their brain's threat detection system working overtime."
"Fear is automatic. The human brain is designed for survival, not for success."
"As your weight goes up, the actual physical size and function of your brain goes down. That should scare the fat off anyone."
"An amygdala hijack occurs when we get an excessive amount of emotion, and the amygdala takes over, taking our executive function offline."
"The brain hemisphere is capable of creativity, of genius-like solutions, of transcending time and space."
"Mitochondria play a direct and clear role in the production and regulation of neurotransmitters."
"Neurons in those areas project to areas of the brain like the hypothalamus which sits right above the roof of your mouth and is responsible for a lot of basic functions."
"The person is starting to create more order so when you see those psychic unions of two hemispheres coming together, you know the person is starting to feel incredibly whole."
"If I rehearse how I'm going to be mentally, I'm going to install the hardware in my brain; if I keep doing it, it's going to become a software program and start acting that way."
"Brains [have a] fantastic capacity for learning and remembering information."
"When the same subjects are asleep, information doesn't seem to transmit around large areas of the brain."
"Grieving is not depression, and depression is not necessarily grieving. They can coexist, but they are separable as well, and indeed, reflect separate brain circuitries entirely."
"If you wanted to design a learning environment that was directly opposed to what the brain was really good at doing, you would design something like a modern classroom."
"The act of mentally rehearsing something when you're truly present, your brain does not know the difference between what's going on out there and what's going on in here."
"Face your delusions; once you get off the addictions, your brain will wake up, you will become smarter."
"Frontal cortex is what makes us most definedly human."
"Once the heart begins to become orderly and coherent, it drives energy to the brain."
"We basically have a brain to control our body."
"There is a very powerful link between memory and emotion; our brains prioritize emotional memories for encoding and recall."
"The moment that occurs, the thought that you're thinking literally is the experience in your mind, and the brain upscales itself to reflect the thought as the experience."
"Some people think dreams are just the brain's way of processing different images, sounds, interactions, encounters, emotions, and experiences from the day."
"When things are not changing, our brain just stops responding."
"Anybody can draw; it's just about understanding how our brains make sense of the lines, shapes, forms, and values that we see."
"In the act of affirming, we're literally lighting up a new neural pathway in our brain."
"Your brain is a filter, constantly looking for evidence, and it's programmed by you."
"Our brains are able to both adapt to circumstances and resist them, to work with change and to create it."
"The function of the brain is to take the picture in the mind and turn it into complementary chemistry."
"ADHD is a chronic neurobiological disorder which affects the brain's structural and chemical capabilities."
"Your brain is operating based on what it feels, not what it thinks."
"Drinking water and eating healthy keep your brain and your body functioning at their prime."
"Everything that historically people have pointed to the soul as, this is what the soul is, is either an identifiable function of a brain or it doesn't exist as anything identifiable."
"My brain is then for having ideas, not for storing them."
"Increasing your blood ketones can improve the function of your brain and the function of your body because ketones are a preferred source of fuel for the brain and body."
"The brain’s solution to the problem of waste clearance, it was really unexpected, it was ingenious."
"What the brain is doing is basically reinstating bits and pieces of past experience."
"The brain is a continuous category constructor."
"What is going on in our brains which is making us conscious is going beyond current physics."
"The regions of the brain that generate tenacity... get strong input from the so-called autonomic nervous system."
"Consciousness might be an emergent property of the brain."
"Learning is making new connections in the brain, but remembering is maintaining and sustaining those connections."
"If you really want to overcome them, you have to understand why these things exist in our brains."
"What science did redefine was intelligence, as research began to reveal that human brains functioned in many ways similar to our primate cousins, as well as other animals farther and farther from us on the evolutionary tree."
"When you go into dream sleep, your brain paralyzes your body so the mind can dream safely."
"Visualization focuses your brain by programming its reticular activating system (RAS) to notice available resources that were always there but were previously unnoticed."
"This method is not memorization, far from it. This is rewiring your brain to accept this concept as an absolute truth."
"My mission is to help you improve yourself by learning how your brain works."
"The mind is more responsible for your motivation, your internal thought patterns, etc., while the brain is more of this physiological, biological spark of neurotransmitters."
"It guides your emotional, motivational, and reward processes, and basically makes you feel all the feels, from pleasure to fear to anger."
"There are latent systems in the brain and body that have to be activated in order for us to have a lucid or mystical moment."
"Our brains don't just show us the image that exactly replicates what our eyes are perceiving but it uses contextual analysis and previously gained knowledge to make adjustments too."
"The brain is always trying to predict the future, and that my failure to truly engage with my own demise is a feature, it is a side effect of the fact that the brain is always trying to predict the future."
"The problem with ADHD...is not so much a behavior problem but far more a problem with the brain's management system—its executive functions."
"Culture completely changes the way our brains process information."
"Damage to certain brain areas can lead to a loss of dreams but preservation of REM sleep, highlighting a distinction between the physiological and experiential aspects of dreaming."
"We spend a huge chunk of our time sleeping, but it is not wasted time. Our brains need that rest as much as our bodies."
"The overall communication of neurons within your brain was spectacularly enhanced."
"My flow is like synapses in my brain; I make connections."
"The human brain is hardwired to detect patterns."
"The continual activation theory proposes that dreams function to consolidate working memories into long-term memories."
"If you look in a mirror in a dream... it's not really gonna look like you... your brain is gonna have a hard time processing that."
"When you dream, you basically enter a different world... your brain has created by itself."
"We have a possible connection between our will and the part of our brain which is dealing internally."
"What your brain does in dreaming is actually start to work through and piece together things that are happening during the day."
"The computations going on in our brains and the computations going on in these simple cellular automata are essentially equivalent."
"Your ears work even when you're asleep, but your brain ignores the incoming information."
"Your brain makes sure you don't drink too little or too much water."
"The human brain does not create consciousness; the human brain downloads a stream of consciousness."
"Wakefulness is low-level brain damage, and sleep is your sanitary salvation."
"Neurons talk to each other inside the brain, a fascinating conversation that underpins our very existence."
"Your brain is a pattern recognition machine, so if you simply provide it with enough opportunity, it will naturally get better and better at parsing the sounds of your target language."
"The brain is plastic, meaning that you can really influence your brain and change the way your brain responds to things."
"Multitasking is a myth... What's actually happening in the brain is sequential tasking."
"Your brain is not for holding commitments. It doesn't function very well that way."
"Sleep is not a passive process; it is an incredibly active process... your brain is rinsed with a watery fluid that carries away metabolic waste."
"Coffee's effect on our brain: It acts as a block so that the normal tiredness cycle is altered."
"Studying code cognition can give us clues to how the brain repurposes its circuitry to process weird, novel things that it's never seen before."
"Dream sleep, it's REM sleep, that takes all of those individual memories and it starts to intelligently collide them and interconnect them. It's informational alchemy."
"Without sleep, the memory circuits of the brain effectively become waterlogged, as it were, and you can't absorb new information."
"Brain cells actually reduce in size while sleeping, allowing for cerebrospinal fluid to better flow between neurons, eliminating more waste."
"The brain automatically tries to fill in missing information and can give you a widely different view of what's happening in the world than reality."
"Our brains like order and precision...this is crucial to our understanding of the world."
"Hypnosis has actually been medically known to help change the way the brain works in a positive way when motives are correct and especially when the technique is done correctly."
"In that deep sleep, your brain actually secretes a fluid over the ridges of your brain and it clears out neurotoxin."
"There are many people out there who just cannot help themselves because of the way their brains are wired."
"The human brain is not designed for success; it's designed for survival."
"By changing our internal states by thought alone, we're literally making our brain work in new ways."
"Nitric oxide response of course is gonna deliver blood flow to the brain which is great but it's also going to help promote what's called ATP coupling."
"Visualization simply makes the brain achieve more."
"Your brain is a GPS system, but it needs a destination...stated in words and then visualized in pictures."
"Every time you learn something new you make a new synaptic connection in your brain. That's what learning is."
"The phenomenon that I observe is the human brain is very good at pattern recognition."
"Scientists identified over 3,000 different types of cells inside our brains, all of them responsible for different types of functions and most of them unique to specific areas of the brain."
"Drugs like psychedelics...allow all of the other parts of the brain to come...and start having a discussion."
"What we eat not only affects our gut, but also our brains."
"Your brain magnifies risk... to pull you away from something that it perceives to be a problem."
"It's really hard to let go of it, and if you haven't done it in business, we all have a relationship in our past we stayed way too long. That was a trick your brain played on you."
"Your brain's job is to protect you, so it will do whatever it can to magnify the problem."
"Every time you shift your attention from one thing to another, the brain has to engage a neurochemical switch that uses up nutrients in the brain to accomplish that."
"Our brain evolved to take what is meaningless to make it meaningful."
"The frontal lobe or the prefrontal cortex is totally offline."
"When you learn a new fact, you make links, connections, synapses."
"The belief effect isn't just changing what one subjectively experiences; it actually is changing the way that the brain responds to the belief."
"This is going to be how your brain regenerates and how you take care of yourself."
"The human brain is like any complex machine; sometimes it breaks down and needs a little servicing to get it running again."
"When the brain is using fat for fuel, it's not aging."
"This diet stabilizes brain chemistry, calms the brain, heals the brain."
"Neuroplasticity or the brain's ability to reroute or reassign areas of the brain to perform functions it didn't previously have."
"Resistance training significantly improves brain function and structure."
"We already knew that the right hemisphere could be conscious."
"Once the heart begins to become orderly and coherent, it acts as an amplifier and it drives an energy to the brain."
"Your thoughts can have an effect on your brain, your body, and your life."
"Experience then enriches the philosophical circuits in your brain."
"Our brains are the fastest data processors on earth, far more efficient than any computer you have ever used."
"Your brain cannot tell the difference between a real or an imagined experience... the more of that visualized experience that you put into your brain, the more you think it's real."
"Unconsciousness is the brain's self-defense mechanism, so if you get caught with a big punch and you get knocked out, it's the first time you've been knocked out, your brain's going, 'Oh my goodness, quick shutdown, sleep.'"
"Can I rely upon myself report my ability to feel what I'm experiencing reported? Is that an accurate representation of what is going on in my brain?"
"Men fall in love more quickly, more definitively than women—but in each of us, our brains decide for us long before we do."
"Our brain decides which information is new and important."
"The mind exists and it drives the brain much more than the brain drives it."
"Our brains love dopamine. It turns out that solving problems is one of the biggest, if not the biggest source of dopamine for the brain."
"Your brain is designed to remember, not forget. It's incredibly powerful, a warehouse of information."
"Every single action that you take comes from your brain sending electrical signals through your nervous system."
"Brains are grossly overrated... it's not what it's doing is working in some quite different way."
"A relaxed brain makes good decisions. A stressed brain makes worse decisions."
"Before you do anything, before you say anything, you just ask yourself: Is this good for my brain or bad for it?"
"But the fact that we can see three months of experience change the structure of your brain, it's kind of remarkable in they way that we can measure and scientifically scrutinize."
"L-theanine boosts alpha brainwaves, promoting alert relaxation."
"Other times something is going to happen, the signal will go up to your brain, you'll think about it and then you'll decide to move."
"The amygdala becomes hyper reactive when we are in low serotonin States."
"If your brain doesn't use a particular functionality it starts to wither."
"Waste removal within the brain is most active during sleep."
"We learn far better by retrieving stuff from our brains... the very act of retrieving stuff from your brain actually strengthens the connections."
"If you change the frontal lobe, you change who you are."
"Educate your brain as much as you can under stress because you can't access the other brain when you're under that kind of duress."
"The human brain isn't built to deal with the rapid rise of the internet."
"The right hemisphere of our brain is responsible for our intuition, imagination, and all our creative functions."
"Meditation has demonstrable effects on the brain and may represent one of the few ways in which purely mental training has been demonstrated to have robust impact on brain function."
"Your brain is designed to help you check things off a list."
"Consciousness takes a lot of brain power. It burns up a lot of energy. Your brain uses eighty percent of the available blood sugar in your bloodstream anytime you're consciously engaged or cognitively engaged."
"When someone's passing away, what the brain does is like, 'All right, it's go time. This is final exit.' The brain just fills the body and the brain with some dopamine so you feel this sensation of like clarity and everything's all good."
"When I learned how to re-regulate my brain whenever I needed to then I could start to rehabilitate every part of my life that had been damaged."