
Human Flaws Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Superheroes for me are people that are flawed, but they've discovered and they could develop these superpowers, whatever they happen to be, but they also represent like hope."
"No amount of collective intelligence would make up for human ignorance and indifference to life."
"Science, as great as it is as a tool for investigation, is led by people—flawed human beings that are just as prone to group think and biases as you and I."
"Religion is always going to be flawed because it's made by man."
"If flawed people were incapable of creativity, we wouldn't have any creativity."
"We are all flawed. We all have things that are dislikable. What you're looking for are the core ingredients."
"Smart people do unbelievably stupid things because there's a potent psychological alchemy of power, lust, and arrogance."
"How can we hold it against them when they don't know?"
"If anything I've just learned that you shouldn't idolize anyone no one's perfect everyone's going to disappoint you literally everyone human beings are disappointing."
"You know we're all a little toxic we all have a lot to learn none of us are perfect."
"Sometimes in life we are invited to step out of our integrity... and we do stuff wrong. It's just part of being human."
"Despite his flaws you can still be a hero Sam Raimi did a good job showing how human Peter Parker really is when he's not the inspired man."
"No matter how smart you are, everyone has human weaknesses."
"Perfectionism is my ego not being able to come to terms with the many flaws of the human condition."
"Sometimes the heroes we admire on the screen can be all too human in reality."
"I think humans are inherently flawed and I like showing that people can change."
"Atlantis had everything they'd ever need. But because they were human, and therefore flawed, They were consumed by vice and hubris and lost everything."
"We are all flawed and in the cold light of day, a lot of us just suck."
"We need to stop holding people to these standards where we expect them to be perfect."
"All of us have flaws and more importantly every one of us knows how it feels to make a mistake that has terrible lasting consequences."
"Sometimes the arrogance of men is what gets us into so much trouble."
"Ultimate agenda of fallen man is pride... ego says, 'I want what I want when I want it.'"
"There's a relatability to Bob, a sense that if we gave into our vices for just a little too long, we'd find ourselves in the same position."
"We need to resist the deification and remind ourselves that we are still human."
"The cross is this glaring acknowledgement that we're all screw-ups."
"Celeste expresses how she’s bad at being human and her husband comforts her."
"Indecision and the weakness of men would cost Middle-earth everything."
"Nobody is [expletive] perfect. Everybody has something."
"Everybody has toxic traits though because nobody's perfect."
"It's likely very similar to a lot of people. Flawed? Yes. Necessary? Yes."
"Don't idolize people because once you do it makes it impossible to ever really tear them down and see them as people who should be scrutinized and remembered for who they were not, what we wanted them to have been."
"Dr. King was a human being a man with flaws but also a great man whose contribution to the world will last forever"
"Icons - once you make someone an icon, you forget about all their flaws."
"People appreciate honesty they appreciate authenticity they appreciate that we all have flaws like none of us are perfect."
"Sora's inability to regulate his emotion makes him a prime target to be manipulated."
"He just like anyone has flaws, he makes mistakes, and he's not always able to fully keep his composure."
"Greed is a fat demon with a small mouth, and whatever you feed it, it's never enough."
"They weren't perfect men and women, and neither are we, but they did it better than anyone else."
"SCP-3288 is a monument to human narcissism and stupidity."
"Now everyone understands that it is not easy for God to make perfect a group of people, right?"
"I want you to love human beings unconditionally and realize that as flawed as other human beings are, you're also going to have a lot of flaws."
"You gotta remember we're all flawed people, but God uses flawed people."
"Men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers..."
"People focus so much on the super part of his name that they forget that he is just a man. He's trying to do the right thing but he's not perfect."
"Arrogance is the downfall of every human under the sun."
"Jesus walked around with guys who made mistakes. He dealt with issues at the right moment, in the right way."
"Nobody's perfect and I don't expect perfection from anyone. That's unreasonable."
"The incarnation is an indication that God's primary instrument of usage is broken, inconsistent, self-centered, self-focused, narcissistic, ostentatious people."
"The perfect character as in someone who has flaws, who has phobias, who has weaknesses, and who is relatable to a lot of different people."
"Griffith's greatest weakness was brought upon by his petty human nature."
"Twice was definitely a deeply flawed character, but he was also deeply human."
"We're all a bunch of c**** really, just make a mistake and carry on with life."
"The things that actually make you get along with people the best is not the very best things about them. It's the things that actually make you human."
"In order to develop intimacy, you have to be able to see people but the way they really are which is good and not so good."
"Sometimes you're just a jerk. It happens to all of us."
"The problems that made Nazis are eternal flaws in human thinking."
"Neither side is completely 100 right or wrong like everyone in this show has made mistakes everyone and i feel like it's very telling and i feel like this show is kind of like about people overcoming those mistakes to better themselves."
"None of us are perfect... but we can strive to be better."
"I hate the word hypocrite because all of us all human beings are hypocrites."
"Never underestimate the power of greed and group think."
"We're all flawed. We all have our own battles that we're dealing with."
"Damaged does not mean ruined. Cracks and scratches can highlight God's grace."
"You're gonna see really quick, it's just a person like us, with flaws and all."
"I think it's important for all of us to be able to seek forgiveness for the mistakes that all of us make."
"He's also done a lot of bad and he shouldn't be looked at as some godly figure."
"People understand that you're a flawed person... but it's okay."
"Triumph and tragedy, addiction and genius, ecstasy and despair."
"We like family, we f*ck up too, and we're always gonna make up."
"Heroes are just people, and people are flawed."
"Tom Brady is not perfect, he makes mistakes just like any other quarterback."
"Their human weaknesses led to their inevitable defeat."
"We have all had those moments that we have not been our best selves."
"Moses's disobedience by the rock reminds us of the human flaws that bedevil us all."
"Even the most beautiful angels aren't immune to sin."
"Don't give up on us, when we go stupid. Don't give up on us, when we want to quit."
"Human ambition and greed took over, turning what was once a haven into a battleground."
"Why do people feel betrayed when their idols don't act like a perfect human?"
"They think that man is too flawed to decide for himself, but just perfect enough to decide for everyone else. How is that possible?"
"Heroes have flaws and their flaws make them heroic."
"Betrayal is like the worst possible thing you could do as a human being because of some crazy part of what makes you a human being either it's because of your greed or your envy or something some sort of wrathful emotion takes core in your boner."
"We all have something. Maybe we don't have the same sin, but we are not without sin."
"They are susceptible to being flawed, to being mentally unwell, to being just maybe an [ __ ] and not a good person."
"Don't make nobody your god or your savior as if they can't make mistakes."
"Our forefathers did a lot of good and we just need to acknowledge they were men of their time with the flaws and faults of their time."
"It establishes a notion that despite how good you are you can still have deep character flaws and that makes Chuck feel so human."
"Humans make mistakes, humans abuse their own power."
"Despite all of the issues and the flaws that we have as human beings, Jesus is able to look beyond the dirt on your earthen vessel and see the hidden treasure in you."
"The true measure of love is if you can love a leper because technically you can love anyone as long as you choose to love them and choose to love their flaws."
"Let's not erase the good that he did. Yes, he had a failure, but let's not completely just throw him to the curb and say, 'Okay, great, you did all these great things, but you did this failure and now you're completely not enough.'"
"We got flaws in all of us, but that's what makes us glorious."
"We learn to respect each other, to value the other person, to see them as a flawed human being but accept the flaws and all."
"The real impurities of life are the ones that sit here in the hearts of men: greed, rage, jealousy."
"We all fail daily... Will Smith is a human being who fails daily and who has done nothing more in his life than be a light being for all of us."
"No matter how much we try to always act on certain principles, we all mess up on occasions and we are all susceptible to becoming blind to certain flaws."
"We all have bad behavior; no one is perfect. We all are flawed; we all were raised by flawed people."
"You made mistakes, you did some stuff, and you can be a bit creepy, but at the end of the day, you're just a father."
"The great wizard wasn't as perfect as he seemed, and he, like everyone else, has made many mistakes."
"The machines trained by humans will inherit the same flaws, biases, and imperfections as humans."
"Maradona was a flawed genius, but his flaws just made him all the more human."
"It's a very simple thing, and it's like a classic story of people's pride and greed."
"Themes of human flaws and vices, pride and greed are extremely common among Greek tragedy, and one of the hallmarks of the genre."
"You notice people's flaws and you notice people's upsides, and you accept them."
"Find someone you like being with and understand that they're human, they're flawed, you're flawed."
"We lift these celebrities up... we forget that they make mistakes too, that they are human."
"Every human being whom God uses is flawed, and here's the glory of God that in spite of the flaw, some truth comes out anyway."
"It's okay to like and feel connected to a character and still acknowledge that they were pretty messed up and flawed."
"We all have fallen short in some area."
"The world was given to man to turn into a paradise, but he's always screwed it up because he's fundamentally flawed."
"I am no saint, I am very flawed in many ways."
"We're all messed up, but we can choose what we do with our messed-upness."
"These characters feel like they're completely real, like they're flawed, they say stupid things sometimes, they make mistakes."
"Anakin is like a good portrait of a flawed man."
"Every single person on the face of this planet has a sin or has sins that they stay shy for anybody to know."
"God chose to love us once you start understanding, man, God chose to love me even though I'm filled with flaws."