
Divine Empowerment Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"All power is given unto me to bring heaven upon earth."
"The Christian life is all about synergy, where what we do is enabled and realized through the power of God working in us."
"God empowers me to do it, and I give him the glory."
"God wants to empower you to fulfill his purpose for your life."
"He gives us power to get wealth that He might establish His covenant in the earth!"
"The anointing is the supernatural ability, empowerment of God to enable us to do something that we cannot do in the natural."
"I bestow upon thee the gift of divine power."
"Abraham and Sarah show us watch me that God is able to empower you to give birth to a thing in a season where other people think you miss your window."
"You can't do it in your own power, but by the power of Jesus Christ you can."
"Trusting in God's guidance means being attuned to the Holy Spirit who empowers and directs us according to God's will."
"Use your innate gifts and talents in service of the greater good knowing that you are empowered by your divine nature."
"He would never require of you something He would not enable you to do."
"Our weapons are not physical, however, they are very potent because the mighty hands of God empower them."
"He empowers us to declare justice and might."
"You were born to win and you are equipped with all the powers of God within you to make you master of your fate and captain of your destiny."
"Joseph Smith at his greatest, as a prophet, was not merely Joseph Smith. He was a prophet, made so by the power of God."
"Fasting is something that God has ordained as a practice to create a supernatural force for you."
"It's time to let the Spirit of God take you up into a higher realm."
"My own virtue is with you and my guarantee unto you that in my name you can cast out devils and you can heal and make holy."
"Know that you're more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. You're an overcomer. You've overcome. Jesus overcame the world."
"Divine empowerment often awaits human initiative."
"God wants to empower you, not just enable you."
"God will Empower you but if there's anything in your life that is not of God, that's a stronghold for these Gods, you know, whatever it is sexuality or materialism."
"We're gonna pray that God would fill you with the Holy Spirit afresh, stir up within you what gift of the Holy Spirit you have as a believer."
"The Lord lifts up the glory of his countenance upon you, his servant, and anoints you and appoints you and strengthens you and empowers you for such a time as this."
"You have the power, and God has given you authority."
"When the Holy Spirit comes in and upon a Believer, even in his power, your life becomes a sign and a Wonder."
"It's those that wait upon the Lord that will renew their strength."
"I've been resurrected with all power and all glory made accessible to me through Jesus."
"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, the power of his might."
"Fear is not from God, that's from the evil one. God has not given us a spirit of fear but Power, love, and sound mind."
"Christianity is the life force of God working and flowing through human ordinary vessels, empowering them to do extraordinary things."
"Christianity is the life force of God working through ordinary vessels, empowering them to do extraordinary things."
"Your gifts, talents, and abilities plus the supernatural enablement of God produce capacity for convergence."
"When Jesus asks you to do something, man, you get filled with a feeling of power that you never felt before."
"God wants to empower you to live supernaturally in a way you could never do on your own."
"God says, 'I'm not going to do this for you, I'm authorizing you to do this.'"
"God will give you the power to accomplish the Great Commission because it's his purpose for your life."
"He that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also... greater works than these shall he do because I go to my father."
"Realize God has given me everything I need for the season that I'm in."
"God will never ask you to do something without giving you the power to obey."
"The Lord Jesus never sent anyone without power."
"Demons are not listening to you because of what you did, they're listening to you because of what Jesus did."
"Your spirit is 100% alive, righteous, and filled with the power of God."
"A person who has engaged in the spiritual life and is committed to a deep life of prayer becomes empowered by God."
"No people does that when someone comes in your house and they want to harm you they want to kill you you going to turn other chickens and just die."
"I prophesy life, health, victory, divine strength to your body."
"We are empowered by the Spirit of Almighty God."
"It's only two people and they're going to be carrying Supernatural power of God."
"Jesus said, 'The works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do.'"
"Perfection is my portion by the power of the Holy Spirit."
"When we are united, you're gonna have power to mount up... into heaven."
"Jesus said you are the salt of the earth how does it happen by the power of the holy spirit."
"The anointing is the empowerment to perform at a supernatural level to attain extraordinary results."
"You have it in you because He put it on you."
"God will give you a supernatural power to live a holy life."
"If God is with you, even you can be sharp, okay? And that's something, isn't it?"
"So please fill us Lord with all your fullness we pray and may our lives and the lives of all your people around the world as we draw upon this Limitless resource of power and love reflect your glory and be used by your spirit to bring many many others to know and love you too."
"When it’s a supernatural infilling, it will be a supernatural outflow."
"Something phenomenal happens when natural gift is empowered by Holy Spirit to become spiritual gift."
"The posture of God is God said don't ask me for my power I already want to give it."
"God says pick up your sword put on your crown I have crowned you with the crown of my son his blood was shed so that you could live you know not of the power that I have given you because you have refused to open your eyes to what you've the Unseen to be seen."
"He wants you dangerous against hell."
"The more you honor God's word, the more he empowers your prayer."
"God gives us the power to get wealth."
"Grace is God's empowerment that gives us the ability to go beyond our natural ability."
"If God said you can do it, you can do it."
"Jesus said the works that I do shall you do also and greater works."
"The Holy Spirit takes hold of us in our human frailty to empower us in our weakness."
"God has enabled us with his power and promises, so we can build our faith and lives completely on him."
"The anointing will raise you up so much higher than what's going on in the world right now."
"Whatever He calls us to do, He will empower us to do it."
"We are saved by grace through faith and are empowered by the Holy Spirit to do good works."
"The church is the only eternal fellowship, the only fellowship that is empowered by God."
"God wants you to get out there and figure out how to take this power to get wealth and start using it and be productive."
"We can do all things through him who strengthens us."
"The holy spirit is there to empower you in the moment that you have need."
"The Spirit of the Lord mightily came upon Samson, and the cords that were upon his arms became as flax that was burnt with fire, and his bands were loosed."
"We serve a good God who covers us with grace, and His grace is empowering us to change."
"There's nothing that God allows you and I to go through that He has not already empowered us to handle."
"You gave us power and the keys to do the same."
"He gives us the power to get wealth."
"To them gave He power to become the sons of God."
"The blessing is the empowerment of God for your life to elevate."
"I labor and I strive according to the power that works within me."
"God has made it possible for me to have a 100% victorious mind."
"God's power is at work in you, enabling Him to accomplish far beyond what you can ask or even imagine."
"God will prove that He can empower a whole generation of faithful saints."
"God is going to empower your hands to prosper."
"It was clearly evident that the Lord gave us power in proportion to the work to be done."
"For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and self-discipline."