
Extraterrestrial Intelligence Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Any alien civilization capable of space travel is going to be so advanced compared to us that their technology will not be recognizable and will look like magic."
"If a being is smart enough to travel intergalactically, they're gonna be way smarter than E.T. was."
"Either we're completely alone... or extraterrestrial intelligence and any kind of intelligence is pretty common, and we should be finding a lot of it here on planet Earth in the historical record."
"It's too soon to draw a conclusion, but the fact is, we've been looking for 50 years. If this carries on for another 50 years and we haven't found any signals, then we might start to think that intelligent life that transmits radio waves might be rare."
"The Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, has very surprisingly proposed a groundbreaking piece of legislation demanding that the Pentagon divulge any information they've amassed regarding encounters with non-human intelligence."
"The probability of intelligent life existing elsewhere in the universe is high."
"The part that people forget is that the human mind and an extraterrestrial mind can discover the same laws of the universe because the laws of the universe are universal."
"Could it be an attempt of an intelligent alien civilization reaching out to us?"
"Hobbies are things that you do that you enjoy, and if you enjoy asking the question are there non-human intelligences here, then that's interesting."
"It would be important if we were to discover any evidence of alien intelligence."
"We can pretend that we are the smartest kid on the block by closing off the shutters on our windows and not looking out. And that, of course, is a self-fulfilling prophecy because if we are not searching, we will never find anything."
"The continued secrecy of this ET arms race is harmful because it prevents the global population from being ready for an unforeseen scenario involving non-human intelligence contact."
"There may be intelligences in collaboration with the entire universe's consciousness, and their whole job is to go from system to system either trying to teach, like the avatars, or trying to judge whether something has to be put into extinction."
"The search for life in the universe is also the search for extraterrestrial intelligence."
"People deserve to know the truth that UFOs are not ours; they are coming from outer space, and some of them even act hostile."
"The Encounters of astronauts with unidentified objects have also played a role in the broader context of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence."
"I think it's quite likely that what we will encounter is their artificial intelligence."
"No one would have believed in the early years of the 21st century that our world was being watched by intelligences greater than our own."
"If we understood the whole big picture... maybe we would feel excited about moving forward into a future where all of the powers that be would be also enthusiastic to introduce what they know about other intelligences." - Linda Moulton Howe
"Is there a consensus that this is non-human intelligence... among congressmen there is, I feel."
"Your criterion for whether a planet has intelligent life and if we are the measure of intelligence then there could be plenty of planets out there with roman empires and whatever else."
"If UFOs are a real thing and this really is some kind of foreign intelligence, I think it's been here for a very long time."
"If there are super intelligent aliens out there, they're probably already observing us. That would seem quite likely."
"It made this video go from oh maybe that's a UFO to oh that is definitely a spacecraft being piloted by an intelligent being."
"I'm totally convinced that we're experiencing a non-human higher intelligence by the way there's non-human intelligence all around in the ocean especially when you look at marine mammals like whales and and all that."
"Breakthrough Listen project: Searching for extraterrestrial intelligence."
"We have gone from the Kitty Hawk to the moon in some 70 years, but it's possible that a million-year-old civilization may know something that we don't."
"We need data for UFOs and nonhuman intelligence, it's pretty strong."
"This is very probably the single most serious issue of our civilization: the existence of some other intelligence that is interacting with humanity right now."
"When we are talking about non-human contacts, somehow us being able to make contact with a non-human intelligence through psychological, spiritual, or whatever means possible, really what we're seeing there is an entirely different playing field."
"Think about what their telescopes look like, they know we're here and hopefully soon we'll find them too."
"The modern concept of that kind of God may have to evolve into a broader entity to take account of the insights of any intelligent alien culture." - Dr. Christopher Corbally, British vice director of the Vatican Observatory.
"AI is the alien intelligence that we're interacting with that it uh expands One Planet at a time it sends out probes helps primitive civilizations advance to the point where they develop their own Ai and then it it swoops on in."
"There are intelligent beings that are coming from outer space and have been observing us for years perhaps for centuries."
"Aliens... they're gonna be way smarter than every single person in this room."
"Potential confirmation of non-human intelligence here on planet Earth."
"I'm on board with the idea that there's intelligent life out there."
"Earth humans deserve the truth about other intelligences that are not only in our solar system but that are in many other solar systems."
"Isn't it amazing that we're on the verge of what might be a time when you could say to your kids I lived on the planet when we thought humans were the only intelligence here."
"Is it really extraterrestrial intelligence we're dealing with or is it a future us that's coming back to try to move us forward?"
"The existence of extraterrestrial intelligence would not compromise our faith or undermine it, destroy it."
"All I do know is that the constructs that people have been witnessing going back 140 years appear to be intelligent."
"These other intelligences... are far beyond us in terms of technology."
"The more stupid life you find, microbial life, simple life, the more we find, the more there is a chance that we will find intelligent life and in abundance."
"Thus began the subject of SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence."
"Even today, there's still no clear understanding if, first of all, life is common across the universe, and if second of all, intelligent life is common."
"If we found evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence it would be the most profound discovery in the history of humanity."
"Intelligence, even on Earth, takes many forms, and so who is to say what alien intelligence might look like?"
"Are we really prepared for the reality of intelligent extraterrestrial life?"
"We must pursue the search for other intelligent critters out there like ourselves."
"The quest for other intelligent beings really takes us out of the solar system and into the Milky Way galaxy with its 200 billion stars."