
Public Performance Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"I do sometimes have a few too many, which causes me to do stuff like dance on the tables or karaoke."
"That has got to be the greatest catch in front of 18 [__] people I've ever seen in my life."
"I made it through the storm in the rain. Blesses people, so, when I'm on stage, I always say, 'Lord, let somebody dance that ain't danced in a long time. Let somebody laugh, laugh in a long time.'"
"Williams, who riffed live on TV for 12 years and before that on radio, did not seem herself."
"I definitely feel like his impact will be a lasting one as he hit the stage."
"Nothing touches that, that was history right there."
"It's okay to fail, you know, in front of a stage, in front of people who don't know you, you're demanding your attention."
"I think there's a big focus about just wanting to entertain, making people happy."
"People want to see a spectacle whether it's them getting their ass kicked and embarrassing themselves or coming out there and [expletive] you know showing signs of their old glory days either way people want to see a spectacle like that."
"i quite liked the pressure and it really felt like you're doing something important you know it's on tv and if you screw up it's there for the world to see and that sort of thing."
"There's not too many people that's really able to transition from off of Instagram to being more than okay. You Instagram funny, okay. Got the real-life stage where [__] are sitting in an audience."
"Hey, they started booing me, where your jacket at? I said it's still on stage, they booed the jacket off me."
"Thanks for doing what you do. It truly makes people happy and can't wait till we can all laugh at you in person again. Take it easy."
"If I can learn how to do this and do it live in front of lots of people then you can too."
"Let's go shock the world and show them something they've never seen before."
"It's just me seeing my triumphs, and to do it for a whole audience, it was pretty cool."
"To overcome fears and perform for thousands was the most amazing experience of my life."
"Astaire dazzled in the musical movie Top Hat, blew people away with tap dancing in multiple mediums, and commanded his own TV special."
"Super strength: it's much easier to stand up for someone and stand up for justice when you know you can easily defeat the person you're facing without even breaking a sweat."
"Mom's video of her husband and a tutu at daughter's dance recital hits all the right notes."
"He's ready to come out, he said he doesn't care if there's 10 people here or 10,000 people watching."
"Finally getting it on a big stage and getting all these eyes on it, it got an enormous response."
"I as you saw yesterday that whole nonsense ended with the very poor performance by a man named Robert Muller and incompetent performance."
"That thing on SNL was one of the most for comedy one of the most courageous things I've ever seen oh yeah it's all yeah yeah."
"We're gonna do one more to finish off... it's kind of fun, yeah, it's like you're a celebrity, love it."
"If life gives you lemons, just start juicing them in front of a live studio audience."
"It was amazing i mean um my family is finally complete and uh to experience that in front of a crowd like that and feel that energy there's nothing like it there's really nothing like it."
"I really enjoyed the crowd, I enjoy entertaining people, I enjoy the fans and stuff like that and the atmosphere is crazy."
"My show contains jokes about terrible things... but they're just jokes." - Jimmy Carr
"Just because something is a tradition, that doesn't make it inherently a virtue."
"Time to step into the spotlight; it's time to show off."
"You're doing insane things, you could at least entertain us a little more by being theatrical."
"If I could dress like a clown to get an audience to make the world a better place, that's what I'm going to do."
"We're performers operating for an audience, and I think that actually is part of the corrosion of our country."
"For most of them, it's their first ever fight and it's going to be in front of a massive audience. Most people's first ever fight, it's in front of like a handful of people."
"I want to do a topless special... deal with it."
"A loss of spontaneity, surely, because ordinary people in these conditions are turned into a species of public performer who have lost a sense of their identity."
"If you can sing alone, you can sing in front of other people."
"We envied and admired Mercury's ability to embrace and relish the love and adoration from the crowd."
"Personal passion made manifest and enjoyed by an audience of hundreds of thousands."
"A lot of people at home run and they're going after him so he's going to need to perform well in this debate."
"Now is never more exhilarating time to be a comedian because there are stakes."
"Yeah, so it's just, it's just cool. You need, you're nervous on the first, first hole is not that easy."
"This is some serious discomfort. Being completely out of your zone, trying something you probably never thought you would have done in your entire life, in front of a lot of people."
"This is a proof of concept for me. I know it's in Canada, but it's one crowd. He's character and the way he can make jokes and they receive a babyface reaction."
"I'm desperately excited to fail in front of you."
"Abby turns to Gloria in the audience to tell her how beautiful their group dance was."
"In a world dominated by television media, we'd have all these young people clamoring to be on stage to be significant."
"I never wanted to perform just for family and friends." - "I wanted to prove myself to strangers."
"You're going to feel like you are that [expletive] on stage with the stars, being applauded for something."
"I'm happy to hear everyone cheering, even though I was nervous."
"I won't be a coward anymore. I grabbed Hera's hand, closed my eyes as she led me to the stage."
"I mean all he really did was just kneel in the middle of the street Kaori though she was amazed she saw as some incredible feat of strength"
"Social media has turned everybody into a performer and it's a stage. So people lean into dishonesty and they start saying things that'll sound good on Twitter or on social media that don't really reflect their true feelings."
"Politics is a public performance in which the costs of admitting that you've changed your mind are extreme."
"Amber's playing had that effect on people. Nerves swirled in her stomach. Would he hear her and decide she needed to be out in the world? Would he tell her she shouldn't be hiding a talent like that?"
"I'm not afraid to fail in front of strangers."
"I've been blessed and fortunate to be in a career where I get to go out and entertain millions of people every week."
"Would you rather do a fake marriage proposal in public and she says no, or do a standup comedy show in front of random people?"
"Honestly, it was really fun filming in public; I thought I would be really nervous and embarrassed, but I had a blast with it."
"It's one thing being behind a sofa and shouting out the answers, another thing completely being in the studio itself."
"The right to perform the copyrighted work publicly."
"It's Americans doing Shakespeare, and anybody who wants to come to Central Park in the summer and see a terrific show, and Shakespeare to boot, for free."
"You stood up there, you put your heart and soul on the line, and we all felt it."
"We want to surprise the public, that is why we have made our own mascot costumes."
"First I was an assassin, then I became an assistant chef, but this is the first time I've had to fight in front of so many people."
"This was an amazing feeling to run out here, to enter the arena and to get in amongst all these people, which is one of the memories that you'll never forget."
"What a great environment to find out what direction your arrow's pointed with, in front of 12,000 people in Carver Hawkeye Arena."
"I'm gonna get the victory. I'm gonna go ahead and show out in front of all my people in Vegas."