
Personal Knowledge Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"At the end of the day, the person who knows yourself best is you."
"No one can tell you you're in love, you just know it."
"We necessarily experience ourselves as being in direct and immediate epistemic contact with ourselves."
"Listen to your own inner voice. Your knowledge is within you."
"I'm here to help... those five stocks and I only knew two of them to tell you the truth."
"Exploring yourself is the way to go. There's no knowledge like your own authentic knowledge."
"Years spent dealing with these crocodilians means Mark has experienced firsthand the wild nature of these highly powerful animals."
"Know who you're marrying, know their true self."
"I don't think that there'll ever be an answer to that question. The only person that knows is not talking to us."
"You really shouldn't judge people before you get to know him."
"Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves."
"I truly and honestly only know him as a really good man."
"Do you know Him? Are you sure that you know Him?"
"Your subconscious mind knows everything you genuinely want."
"Only they can know what went on in this situation."
"I might not know him like you know him, but I know him."
"Follow your instincts, you know what's going to work for you."
"I know Daniel. I know him pretty well. I'll take you to him."
"It's nice when you're doing contour and stuff like that to know your face."
"Speak your truth. Express yourself the way that feels natural for you. You have knowledge and it needs to be heard."
"Your reality is just a hallucination of all the knowledge you've accumulated in your life."
"Now you've written all about it and you'll know."
"And Paul himself is a treasure trove of knowledge."
"Once you've seen someone naked, you already know 70% of them."
"I know it, I don't say it, I know it, I lived it."
"So many people make the mistake of... choosing something that they're not even familiar with."
"You know if you're supposed to be with this person or not because you've seen it."
"Know who you are, whose you are, and who you're fighting against."
"Make it all work together if it's all you know."
"I know everything about you from the second you moved up here."
"Dave's father doesn't drink alcohol. You're quite certain of that fact."
"Something that each other would only know about each other because of your intimacy."
"Know your hair, know your curl pattern, know the thickness of your strands."
"You don't even fucking vape... you clearly don't understand."
"Sometimes you're funny, Kate Bishop. Do you keep saying my whole name just to point out that you know it? Yes, I know a lot about you."
"The whole thing didn't make sense to anybody who knew her."
"Knowing that person, knowing as much about them as possible."
"I know a lot more than what you're giving me credit for."
"We didn't build on the rock, we didn't even really get to know each other."
"I know what you're doing, I know the playbook that you're running because I actually wrote it, so don't try to run it on me." - Michael Cohen
"I'm not a serious researcher. I'm well informed because I've been at it a long time and because I care." - Sasha Stone
"It's impossible...to be an expert about everything. But I have figured out this."
"Let's get to know people for who they are before we judge them."
"You have to understand Jason and you know this because you were there."
"He limits and defines his knowledge to his own Yogic experience and achievements."
"Trust your knowingness, trust what you know."
"It is useful to listen to people and to get ideas, but when you make investments, they only with what you yourself know a lot about."
"I think I'm British because I know geography, I know presidents. I don't know superheroes, and I got horrible teeth."
"Some of you literally don't know a single Jewish person."
"Trust your own intuition because you know your circumstances."
"It's important that I get to know you better."
"Truth is not just some list of ideas that the Church has pounded on people, it's knowing a person."
"Follow your heart, you already know the answer."
"You hold a lot more knowledge than you give yourself credit for."
"Listen to your intuition because you already know."
"Get married once you really know who that person is."
"Follow your own advice because you know what's best for you."
"You know what to do, you know what the right approach is."
"Believe yourself, listen to your body. Nobody knows your body better than you."
"I've known my dad all my life, and I know when he's lying."
"I've that looks like danora no one in the chat knows who Dan Aura is he's a singer yeah and I know that and I was saying it to you."
"To everyone else he's this mastermind... but I know the truth."
"I love when people can buy you presents because they know you better than you know yourself."
"If your man does not know your pet's names then that's not your man."
"This person knows exactly who you are - they know exactly where your wounds are."
"It's not enough to want or suppress your want. Act like it's not there. It doesn't matter. Once you know, you know."
"You're gonna have a harvest... you know what to do."
"Zhang demanded 'Who You Are' asserting that he already knew everything about Lee Joon kyung."
"I've known all along where he is but the world doesn't know and I'll leave it at that John's in that world."
"Self-awareness, knowing yourself, knowing your capabilities."
"Reconsider... you actually know them already."
"Already know the answers you seek, trust what you know."
"You have an anointing from the Holy One, and you all know. You all know everything you need to know to walk in the truth."
"You can't really spend your life with someone that you don't really know."
"Nobody knows how to love us better than we know how to love ourselves."
"The academic qualifications are way overblown; what you want to know is what does this person know and how do they put it across?"
"Thanks for telling me that. I kinda already knew that."
"Trust your intuition, your knowledge, what you already know."
"I know what works and what doesn't work for me because I'm me."
"God cares about you. He knows who you are, he knows your name, he knows where you live, he knows what you've been through."
"If you don't know a man and you're not with him, you can't speak for that man."
"I knew something about this Jesus in the Bible, but who he was personally, I didn't know him."
"Know your people, literally know your people."
"Do you know her? Does she know you?"
"That'd be a very surreal experience, two complete strangers knowing so much about you."
"...she knows a great deal about life."
"You are the expert in your own life."
"I know very frighteningly little about the music industry despite how often I listen to music."
"This is a suicide mission. Plus, I know him; he'd want to lone wolf this whole thing."
"Father Christmas knows me well, he knows me well."
"Trust your game because no one knows your game more than you do."
"She's moving forward in her life, I know who she is."
"The knowledge 'I am' is infinite consciousness shining in each of our finite minds."
"You know more about me than anyone on this planet."
"Don't go with what they say; go with what you feel and what you actually know about yourself."
"You know each person individually and you love them."
"I knew George better than himself."
"No one knows your family's story the way you do."
"If you want to have a deeper connection with the person that you love, you must know something about each other that you don't currently know."
"What you feel matters, and you know your body better than anyone."
"You want to make sure you know the person that you're working with, that they know you, they know your business model, they know your goals."
"What I know about you is a reminder of what you know to be true about this person's set of behavior overall, even their character."
"No one else knows yourself as much as you do."
"Travel is something that Kat is a bit of an expert on."
"The key, of course, is to know yourself."
"You need to know for yourself because you will get used."
"I'm just me, and I don't know anything."
"Don't sell yourself short, don't think you don't know because you know more than you think."
"Who is the expert in your life? You."
"Everything in my inbox is stuff that I want to read or review for my Obsidian idea generation pipeline."
"Fans call me new-fashioned, but I think that I like to know more than someone's name to marry them."
"It's not that if someone's famous I absolutely won't know who they are, there's just a large chunk of people that astound everyone that I don't know."
"It's all about knowing your people, knowing their personalities, their learning styles, their listening skills, their abilities, and allowing them to be themselves."
"You have to have a knowledge of yourself."
"You don't really know a person until you see them in their comfort zone."
"It's up to you and your personal knowledge to identify what to eat and what your body needs in order to make fact-based choices."
"Remember, I know you better than anyone. I know what you're capable of."
"When you're taking these notes, you can actually use them as the building blocks and as a kind of personal knowledge base or second brain for anything that you want to access in your life."
"At the end of the day, we're the only ones that really know, right?"
"The purity or impurity of one's virtue is something one knows for oneself."
"If you really want to know who somebody is, live with them or tour with them."
"The focal point of our prayer should be to apprehend God, to know Him for ourselves."
"My success is about experience, memories, knowledge. That's what's important."
"You don't know a person until you fall out with them, until you divorce them, or until you have a baby with them."
"Peter was a fisherman and knew the strong and stable qualities of a rock."
"Follow your heart, you know what is best for you."
"Maybe there's something comforting about experts telling you stuff you already knew or felt, that makes you feel smart and like an expert yourself."
"The world knows you for your talent, but I know the real you."
"Everybody can have their opinion... but y'all don't know her like I know Angel Reese. The person I see every day is a strong, caring, loving person."
"Kids are smart; they are people. They know about themselves to a deeper extent than you will ever know about them."
"The heart you possess, you got to know it."
"Trust yourself and... you know your situation better than anyone else."
"Your knowledge that your mother loves you is not based on a mathematical proof or a scientific proof, it's based on you have gotten to know your mother's character."
"These guys did not take steroids, I know this for a fact."
"Each of them is unique. I know each of them, their habits, and preferences."
"Trust yourself, believe in yourself, know that you know better what's best for you."
"You're working with their kid every single day and you actually really know that kiddo."
"What a thoughtful gift, though, that took a lot of... you knew that, Jacob."
"Precisely why we look at data rather than make arguments around our personal accumulation of information."
"I might have blown the lightning round, but I do know one thing: you love ballet."
"You're my wife, that's why I know, and I love you."
"Everything I know about Christianity is not from Islam, it's from my Christian friends."
"When you know a person's character, you kind of know, like no, that ain't him."
"You know yourself better than anybody because you've been with you since the day you were born."
"Everyone says you are so harsh and selfish. But only I know."
"You don't know anything about a person until you meet them in person."
"Advocate for yourself, because nobody knows how you're feeling but you."
"You don't know your wife. She's a very good person, I'm telling you the truth."
"Here's the thing, Matt, you know your body."
"What the biggest underrated thing is to success, it's knowing thyself."
"It's super helpful to know about with any niche that you're considering, so what I'd recommend is getting a list together of some potential hobbies or unique aspects of your life or even just products that you're knowledgeable of that you own that you could discuss."