
Competitive Fairness Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Buff don't nerf. Balance is exactly what we didn't have for a lot of Year 5."
"Puberty blockers if applied at an appropriate time would negate essentially every advantage there is to speak."
"I've played a lot of games that are competitive and Brawl Stars is balanced, they do a great job."
"We will ban men from participating in women's sports."
"I mean if you want me to compete in a marketplace and you're doing it based on a rule book we're gonna enforce the rule book right."
"That's a big nerf and I think appropriately so because this is the best super in the game."
"The House of Representatives passed legislation today to protect women's sports leagues by Banning male athletes who identify as female from competing."
"It's unfair to girls and women to allow biological males to compete with these females."
"It's like I have no problem with controller players you can be a controller player on PC I don't care but like console is just a bad input to have prize pool."
"Literally modding in certain Pokemon would add checks and balances to the global server to prevent you from like bringing like a level 100 Pichu with absolute blasted stats to wipe the entire competitive floor with."
"I think the increased penalties are critical to the success of the game going forward."
"Promote your champion, don't demote your champions."
"And by the way, we should not allow men to play in women's sports."
"The idea that someone is such a loser is so pathetic a worm of the entity that they need to cheat at Magic the Gathering is, you know, in a game that's for like a tick one ticks or whatever."
"Hopeless matches should never take place in my opinion. A match where one team stood zero chance of winning, that's a match that should never have happened to begin with."
"People aren’t against Becky’s return or her winning the title. It’s the dismissive way Belair was beaten that’s so damaging."
"For the time being, we are confident these changes will allow us to create fairer matches without losing sight of our goals."
"You can't control those things, but you can't control who the parents are of the people you're competing against, in other words, you can't control their genetics and their DNA."
"How many texts you got cause I see a safety pin?"
"Men biological men should not be competing against biological women in sports."
"Who would actually disagree with the idea of banning predatory game modes, microtransactions, and simply making competitive online gameplay about skill alone?"
"You better believe that I'm gonna be like, 'Oh, the first thing we gotta like get the cheaters out of there.'"
"A fair fight is something you have to earn in the Overwatch League."
"It's a really good team. They're not there unlocked. This is all merit."
"UEFA expands the tournament to 36 teams so that it's harder for the big clubs to miss out."
"You need rules and regulations for any kind of competitive open market."
"It just lowers the skill Gap like I think that's all it really does is just kind of tighten up that skill Gap a little bit especially now."
"The cheating is so rampant... There's no integrity in the game."
"Just goes to show sometimes numbers don't mean anything and you can overcome cheaters if they get banned."
"If you're gonna shoot better than the other guy you win if you dodge better than the other guy you win where is the sexism here right there is it is the ultimate arena where men and women can compete on a level playing field."
"I really like that because you know there's that story that Christian was owed a title shot."
"It's a kick in the balls to imply that these guys aren't legit."
"Trans women should be competing against women."
"Penalties for the grid need to be applied from the start of qualifying... so the true 10 best cars get into the top 10." - Gary Anderson
"Pick a lane pick the lane you were born with if you don't if you want to play pretend stay out of the sports."
"Increasing the requirements to play in ranked mode could deter hackers."
"Sasha deserves a shot at Ronda because she hasn't been given a shot at Ronda."
"There's no such thing in CS:GO as meritocracy."
"Trans women retain muscular architecture and strength that would favor competitive advantage, according to scientific evidence."
"Five losses is criminal, he deserves way more for what he's done, what he's achieved."
"Make no mistake, this is the most balanced Tekken has ever been."
"I just can't believe if you're a Valieva who I understand that she's caught in the crossfires here but to watch that performance was really upsetting."
"In a fight, you should just have to win the round. It shouldn't matter who you are."
"I just don't think that there'll be real women's sports anymore."
"I don't like what ninja kiwi did with powers it shouldn't be like if your opponent has better powers you automatically lose I don't like that."
"If you win a game you're teaching, you've already lost."
"I think the skill gap should be ever-present."
"You don't want to see that. Absolutely disgusting. There should be red cards for these, I think, because that's cheating. It is, yeah. He's literally cheating."
"In Smash, when you have these random elements enabled, it gives players who aren't necessarily the best or the more skilled player still a chance to win or at least a fighting chance."
"A hundred percent magic immunity was really disgusting for the game because it left no counter play options outside of red buff."
"The existence of a ban list does not mean a game or meta is imbalanced."
"Console players just want a chance to play in a tournament against other console players."
"Every black person needs to have a basic income in order to reach the economic floor so that they can compete in the economy."
"It undermines the very fabric when you say a biological man can just play in a woman's sport if they choose to."
"That helps keep the competitors' costs down and helps sort of make sure that nobody can gain an advantage just by having a fatter wallet."