
Animal Symbolism Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"A lion is called king of beasts obviously for a reason."
"Ancient Egyptians believed that cats were magical creatures capable of bringing great luck."
"Your animal spirit guides want you to be bold and go after it. You deserve it."
"He's more than a bird, more than a falcon, it's like he's part of me."
"All animals are part of the angelic realm and if you look at things like snakes and tarantulas, I think this person called up bugs but it's familiarity, being familiar with those animals helps you regain some level of comfort and stops the fear."
"Your animal spirit guide is the bear. Waking from spiritual slumber, beginning anew after a long winter."
"Your omen, that animal that you're going to see, it's going to beautifully let you know."
"This whale is a huge help in the resistance. Honestly, this is a rebel whale. We love this whale. His name is Jonah."
"Birds are definitely messages from your spiritual team." - Chloe Taylor
"No matter how you look at it, Gorilla has just maintained dominance."
"The only hope for true peace is the disarmament of the Dragons, but because of the dragon's animalistic nature, the Targaryens have this persisting belief that they are meant to control them as weapons."
"That's where this knife got its name: Kivar, kill a bear."
"The strawberry leopard ought to be your true spirit animal."
"So what do you remember? The wolf will lie with the lamb or the wolf will dwell with the lamb?"
"The Polar Bears suffered more than 210 casualties... and won several victories for the Allies."
"Animals represent empathy and compassion... every human in the world wants to have a connection with someone that represents empathy and compassion."
"Few animals have as many superstitions built around them as cats, who seem to skirt the boundary between our waking world and unseen realities."
"I think I have a runner up for when it's dirty: manatees are my spirit animal."
"Dolphin is a reminder to enjoy the journey as much as you can."
"Animals can be spirit guides, talking about following certain signs and synchronistic things happening."
"An elephant has a long and tough journey and removes any obstacles from its path."
"I love how many cows are being sent around the map as peace offerings. That's really cool."
"We're weak but we also have all of these vicious animals that we use to fight for us."
"Represents intelligence, playfulness, curiosity... dogs often represent unconditional love and loyalty."
"Your inspiration is it's a bear, but it also has three hand grenades taped to its hands."
"Night Stalker is an unnerving nickname for his favorite animal, the panther."
"The lion is the king of the jungle because of one word: attitude."
"The animal king lion L enhances the user's five senses greatly."
"Animal allies, Aries, pay attention to the animals that are crossing your path at this time, they're definitely bringing you messages and medicine."
"I'm not a wolf yet. I'd howl with them in the night and taste blood in my wolf dreams."
"Leopard print exudes a fierce and striking feminine power, just like leopards themselves."
"It's scroll-like tale and role as a messenger is also where its name Squirrel comes from."
"You call me a pigeon, it's kind of a compliment because they helped win World War I."
"The super pack of wolves led by Nymeria, Arya's direwolf, is basically Chekhov's super pack of wolves."
"They are the most beautiful animals; if I had a Patronus, I think it would be a stag."
"The bear represents strength, agility, and moving forward."
"The birds in the sky and the beasts in the sea, they will come to you, little lion."
"The great spirit welcomes the rabbit spirit where he'll pop among the stars."
"Deer is so soft and gentle and we can be soft and gentle and still be very strongly masculine."
"Goats will always smile on brave women."
"Chin Tian suggests the name Desert Eagle."
"Each of the Shichibukai has an animal assigned to them."
"The lion is confident and powerful."
"Seagulls are seen as bringing good luck and forecasting positive changes forthcoming in one's life."
"You have the bear which is strength and resourcefulness."