
Confucianism Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Confucius was the creator of a political and moral philosophy that was designed to bring harmony to the chaos of his times."
"His teachings have been the foundation of Chinese education for nearly 2,000 years."
"Confucianism emphasizes cooperation, collaboration, education, discipline, study—all of those things are important for success in the modern world."
"The predominant Chinese moral philosophy, historically speaking, is Confucianism."
"Confucianism calls for paternalism all the way down the social ladder and deference all the way back up."
"Committed to meritocracy, a fundamental value of course of Chinese government since Confucius."
"Confucius once said, 'Life is simple, but we insist on making it complicated.'"
"Life is simple, but we insist on making it complicated."
"As long as the Chinese empire enjoyed military, political, and cultural dominance in East Asia, Confucianism was held in high regard."
"In terms of Confucianism, one of the elements of Xi Jinping has been not just the nationalism in a foreign policy front, but a cultural nationalism, and the Communist Party as being the bearer of Chinese cultural traditions."
"The cult of Confucius transformed him into a mythical being."
"The interaction between Islam and Confucianism in China is a fascinating aspect of intellectual history."
"In the 1100s here in the south, great thinkers like Zhu Xi shaped the Confucian ethos of China until today."
"Confucianism has an emphasis more on the social aspects, working within a society in a successful way, playing your role."
"The Joseon Dynasty was strongly founded on the Confucius ideals."
"Confucianism, the single most humanistic philosophy you can find, emphasizes the human at the center of everything."
"One of the deepest legacies of Confucianism is a belief on the part of ruling elites that they have an obligation to something that is higher than just themselves and their families—enriching themselves and their families."
"Confucianism emphasizes filial piety, virtue, and respect for elders."
"The five Confucian classics, which taught people how to live, love and lead, more or less became the official scripture of the Han Empire."
"There's probably true, there's a lot of very serious scholarship that has been done in Confucian thought and Confucian philosophy in 20th century Korea."
"The basic Confucian approach to learning is predicated on a holistic vision about being human."
"The Chinese tendency to synthesize and harmonize has succeeded in merging Buddhism with Confucianism and Daoism."
"Confucianism 'he's a revival in the legal sphere, and Chinese officials from the highest echelon of the Chinese leadership have emphasized the importance of traditional Chinese legal culture in modern China's rule of law development and reform program."
"Confucianism can contribute to the world in many aspects."
"Confucians discuss the right balance between meritocracy and democracy."
"Confucians believe that if you lack material resources, it's hard to be a moral person."
"The implication of Confucianism for China today depends on whether it's considered just a political tool or an important moral resource."
"The ease of multiple religious participation and religious identity has already acquired its answered, both conceptual and practical in a dialogical Confucian tradition with a plural vision."
"Both Robert Neville and John Bersome, who are sincere Christian Methodist ministers and professors of Christianity have claimed that they are also Confucians since they also espouse the core values of Confucianism."
"To give them up, is to give up the most noble part of our humanity according to Confucius."
"Confucianism is not something exclusively Chinese. It has been introduced to developed and [inaudible] in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, and other regions of East Asia."
"The Confucian monarch going one step further than Kublai had officially re-established the imperial examination."
"Our goal is social harmony, our goal is social order, and how do you do that? ... ritual and etiquette and being kind to one another, virtue, ethics. That's what's going to make for a stable and harmonious society."
"Confucianism tells you how to act on a day-to-day basis. It tells you to work hard, it tells you to be thrifty, right? It tells you to have those virtues that work in the workplace and in the political space and in the public realm."
"The doctrine of the mean in Confucianism advocates for balance and moderation, reflecting minimalist principles."
"We are slaves to our emotions, however, Confucius believes we could refine our responses through propriety."
"Confucian women... they're definitely fully human."
"Confucianism is a good answer to the question: How do you create and maintain order in somewhere as vast as China?"
"Piety, respect, loyalty, humanity, and generosity... a pretty heavy focus on traditional values."
"Aren't filial piety and brotherly love the roots of benevolence?"
"The concept of filial piety or the respect for elders is a virtue that is built into the DNA of Chinese society."
"They are very much Confucian in their emphases of education, the family, family life, and community cohesiveness."
"Confucianism teaches wisdom, Buddhism focuses on Nana, and Daoists talk about the method of training or the path."
"Confucius was a great reformer and moralist."
"The founding and early Song emperors turned to Confucius, especially the original teachings of Confucius, from the ancient times."
"The influence of the literature that the Confucius scholars studied is basically this unbroken channel of knowledge of government and order and ethics."
"By cultivating such arts, the noble person could realize the universal harmony which Confucian wisdom sought for."
"In Korean society, an average day-to-day life is glorified as part of Confucian culture."
"Confucianism relies upon education as the requirement to get into positions of power."
"Confucianism concerns itself with ethical principles."
"The main principle of Confucianism, Ren, means humanness or benevolence."
"Sacred scripture of Confucianism is called the Analects."
"The Confucian imperative insists that in encountering the ancients, we ourselves must be changed, for we discover in the ancients not mere means, but the embodiment of values."
"When asked by one of his disciples about the ingredients of a good government, Confucius answers: Sufficient food, sufficient weapons, and confidence in the common people."
"A man has four beginnings: benevolence, honesty, courtesy, and wisdom. Add sincerity and it becomes the five Confucian virtues."