
Wildlife Interaction Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Giraffe Manor... offers a truly unforgettable experience where guests can intimately interact with majestic giraffes."
"Be very very careful… Whoa! Yes, get right in there… I'm really scared."
"Australia: where a fast food restaurant literally made a mirror reflective seagull proof packet for their fries."
"Shark attacks almost always are mistakes on human beings, okay? Because we're not in their food pool."
"I was gonna eat you! No, I was like I was in my head like right away I was like I wonder how I could catch that thing oh like I just want to catch it I don't know what I do with it but I want to catch it yeah..."
"Is there still animals in winter? Yes, there absolutely is and they carve tracks in the snow just as they cast, yeah."
"No chabby squirrel is going to stop our boy from getting these apples."
"This baby anteater, as soon as I met her, she came right up to me, she was like living in a village like under the floorboards, like next to the dogs and the chickens and stuff, she had no mother."
"This is so awesome. I would love to see that happen. If it thinks that we're a predator, like we're coming up to it, and we could experience seeing that, that would be amazing."
"The mole snake tries to escape, but the honey badger has other plans. Once the snake's jaws are immobilized, the badger digs in."
"If you see a falcon in the wild, it's more afraid of you than you are of him."
"None of the interaction between tourist and gorilla would be possible if the gorillas were not habituated to the presence of humans."
"Just avoid feeding them directly and try to move your food out of the way."
"I can see it, guys. I can't believe it, but we actually jumped in the water with sharks."
"For anybody who was afraid of Alligator Gars, this proves right here, Max is inches away from those teeth."
"And if it ate me I'd be like I understand wow I'd be like I get it you're hungry Queen pop off wow and then I would die there with my tiger."
"I cherish every interaction I have with those animals."
"Welcome to Australia, where a fast food restaurant literally made a mirrored reflective seagull-proof packet for their fries."
"Next up we're going to get wet and jump in the water and swim with whale shark while in Cancun."
"Just pick up whatever the hell we can. We don't want to get into a fight with these animals either because they will be very dangerous."
"Hogan says Hall and Nash are the future, the new blood taking over."
"People think that what happened was the second the cheetah looked into her eyes, he suddenly understood she was more than food. She was a living creature, beautiful in a way."
"Touched by a wild mountain gorilla: a rare and beautiful moment of connection."
"Elephant seal captured giving big hug to photographer: unexpected cuddles in South Georgia."
"Exploring hot springs and tempting grizzly bears."
"Anacondas: capable of devouring a chicken as a light snack or twisting a large Cayman into a pretzel."
"Common snapping turtle: characterized by incredible jaws and teeth, capable of devouring snakes and humans."
"No matter the risk, nothing says 'a fun in the sun' like annoying one of nature's most feared predators without an escape plan."
"Crocosaurus Cove is perhaps one of the few places in the world where you can swim with one of the most capable and fearsome predators on earth."
"She just sat there waiting for us to bugger off. I think we've ruined her lunch."
"Mama duck: ...a mother duck would be escorting her flock across the road... repeatedly and aggressively rushed that crow..."
"I'm Coyote Peterson and I'm about to enter the sting zone."
"Oh my god, are there no random encounters? Can we just see Pokemon out in the world again?"
"Look at this. As you walk, all the fish stay right here, following you."
"Best girl has rabies, that's what that means!" - If you ever see anything in the wild and they're not scared of human interactions, that's one of the signs of rabies.
"A week later, something remarkable happened that showed the undeniable gratitude of the wild: just an incredible bond formed."
"Here a video shot in Queensland Australia shows a huge saltwater crocodile munching on a baby bull shark it's not particularly known for the crocodile to Feast on a shark."
"There's a time to go in and a time not to go in, there's a time to go in and a time to leave."
"Florida man illegally mounts a manate on September 16th of 2016."
"At least, you know, we leave it out there. At least we could've got another animal. You know what I'm saying? Them vultures be out there. They do be out there."
"The more dead animals you carry around with you, the better chance a predator is gonna come knocking."
"In Alberta, Canada, two completely unarmed men were sure they were about to be eaten alive when they were horrifyingly chased down by a very curious black bear."
"People from all over the world can swim with these gentle jellyfish."
"I learned how easy it is to imitate various species of owls and have them come to you. All owls are territorial and if you can imitate their calls the owls will seek you out thinking you are another owl invading your territory."
"Oh my God, he's going to eat that marmot. He is going to eat that marmot."
"It slammed into the side of the boat with its front legs gripping the side and the back legs dangling below."
"You gotta watch out for the ones the deers have been near though, they like spray all over."
"There are two reports of Sasquatches covering or attempting to cover a deer carcass."
"The passing visitors weren't just limited to human beings, many times I even saw the animals."
"The elephant chose to chase the buffalo for no good reason."
"This is sweet, like it's so weird seeing a fish that you caught just swimming in the fish tank."
"In order to get the attention of an axolotl in the wild, you'll probably want to have a tropical fish on you."
"There's only one place in the world that you can go and get a Quokka selfie."
"What if that animal is poisonous to us at some level? What if they're saving our life? What if they've tested that animal or entire herd earlier and now they're coming back to take out the ones that are bad? You got to think outside the box."
"Surely there has to be a caller to bring certain animals in."
"Would you dare to feed a giant monster Gator?"
"There's nothing like seeing a redfish and getting them to eat."
"Live animals that need to be treated as such and they need to be respected because they will hurt you."
"I have complete faith that a coyote would definitely be deterred once they touch that fence and they would hightail it for the hill."
"I think it provides a really intimate experience for the people who want to swim with the humpback whales."
"We're excited because the elephants are going to come in just a few minutes and we get to feed them."
"It's nice to be treated like a wolf by a wolf."
"This is a yellow-billed oxpecker busy hitching a ride on a zebra."
"Humans are so egocentric; we go into bear territory and we make it all about us."
"I would at least wait until night time because that makes more sense when these wasps are less aggressive."
"Is there anything more metal than treating an animal with up to 300 sharp serrated teeth like a play thing?"
"It's always just an honor when these animals begin to trust you."
"It's funny watching the politics between the birds and the squirrels that use the bird feeder."
"Enjoy the warm water of the Indian Ocean in Durban, interact with wildlife on a private game reserve."
"Wow, guys, this guy landed right on my finger, this is so cool."
"Interact with wildlife on a private game reserve."
"Hope you enjoyed today's video and all the swimming with Matilda stuff. Have an absolutely wonderful day, Reptile Army. Remember, be kind to someone."
"The adorable yet fearless deer swarm tourists in the hopes of getting a free meal."
"Falconry is such an amazing and unique opportunity to be able to work with apex predators in their natural environment completely free."
"If you watch the video, go to our Instagram channel; there's a video of me tickling a trout belly and catching it with my bare hands. Must-see TV."
"Do not feed or catch the monkeys; they bite."
"Isn't it crazy this guy can take down a full-grown red fox or a feral cat, even other types of owls they'll hunt down?"
"I don't remember ever being this popular in my life, it's the amount of birds and monkeys right now around us eating breakfast."
"It's amazing... you could just hear these elephants like pushing the water."
"As long as you drive carefully and respectfully, you can get very close to them."
"We're always very careful, especially when we're on foot because we don't want to put the animal in a situation where it's frightened."
"Remember the animals don't want to hurt you out here, so we are safe, we are fine, there's no problem, but you've got to be respectful of them."
"They come right up to you too, they're super friendly."
"Isn't this splendid? Oh, down one goes, one of the little cubs is down, going to greet."
"If they're around you, it's because they choose to be."
"This is what a normal interaction with normal wildlife that has not had negative interactions with humans looks like."
"These kind of sightings don't come around that often where you can seriously be spoiled by being able to follow these two and see them interact the way that they just did."
"Black bear walks into a gas station bar, takes a pack of gummy bears, and leaves."
"I actually love moments like this in the wild when you come across two separate species interaction."
"Look at that, she is now charging the hyena."
"You can actually swim, snorkel, and scuba dive and kayak with the manatee."
"Feeding birds is probably the most common way in which people interact with wild animals today."
"If you stay calm and quiet, elephants do relax."
"Come on puppies, wake up for us properly and come out so we can say hello."
"...I was mobbed by crowned lapwings before they you don't play around with those birds they were so angry that we were riding through there and they started bopping us on our heads..."
"I think that is the most special thing about an elephant, that they forget that we are here."
"It's going to be a nice interaction whenever we get to see these lions coming in."
"It's very important not to run away because if you run away, it becomes a game to the elephant and then they want to chase you."
"They're such amazing creatures and the more time you spend with them the more settled they become."
"Trouble, it is so cute, and it's really what I've been waiting for, to start seeing other individuals at the den."
"There's nothing like when an elephant interacts with you."
"What a privilege to be trusted enough by these Ellie's to be allowed such an intimate window into their day today."