
Playful Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Oh no, they caught me. You caught me, Ellie."
"Blizzards are fun, right? Hiding the chocolate chips are fun."
"This person's an interesting mix of like stern and serious I'm getting and plus just really playful and yeah like like kind of a trickster."
"It's time for a few silly goose moments, baby."
"Jumpity-jump and jump over and jumpity-jump some more. Boom!"
"You could have been my make out girl, I could have been your make out boy. We could live in a make out world and play with all sorts of make out toys." - Anthony
"Before you know that the movie 2020 know Jurassic yeah my moves would name it dinosaur Forrest."
"Five little rainbow fish swimming in the water."
"One, two, three, one, two, three, rocking guitars!"
"This thing is bloody good boy. Good boy, we're gonna tear your ass apart."
"Have you ever looked at the lyrics for 'Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo'? Salaga doodah becky chiggabooler?"
"Guys, check it out, I'm about to snag one of them with my webs. Let me just do that. I just sent them flying!"
"Hickory Dickory Dock, the mouse fell off the clock."
"I want a female white cat and put a pink bow on her and name her Murphy."
"Hey bro, I'm running, dude, I ain't trying to play around with no robots."
"She's sending you all her love because she is a love puppy, yes you are!"
"With the power of the bubbles, he's unstoppable."
"Yamper here represents that perfectly; it is literally known as the puppy Pokemon."
"Let's play okey-dokey, uh, we're missing wallpaper."
"I just want to be yanking him behind me, had fun with you before."
"Guys, something about it being a little pink girly mode makes it so much fun."
"Always big enough phonic alright here's our first victim."
"It's a little crazy, but you know what, it's a good crazy."
"Who's the greyhound? He's a frisky one, isn't he?"
"The scales of Ollie are like that: Ollie in, Ollie out, Ollie shake it all about."
"Family, best friends, brothers. Hey CJ, should we like, um, get the sock monkey and like summon that up and like do some video ritual in a sock monkey?"
"Do it, do it! Oh yo, yo, my name is we pilla, don't bring your girl around cuz I just might steal, uh yeah."
"This game, it's quite different from the first. It's both friendlier and more challenging, but above all, it's a lot more playful."
"Can I have flowers please? Talk work, Nintendo!"
"I have a little shadow following me, this is Tinkerbell..."
"And here they go into the closet for some fun."
"I thought you were a sexy banana, come back here!"
"I love the plan. Prototype armor outfit, let's go baby boy."
"Guess who's back and guess who's Jack? The answer to both of those questions is me."
"If I do it, you really have to give me a smooch."
"I see your giant sword I will be saying yes."
"Listen, okay? If you want to get strung up from the ceiling and Diddly done dids six ways from Sunday, I hope you were getting it."
"I'm the king of this duck town! I'm biting the wood, bite my wood!"
"The Honda CRF300L is just friendly and fun and playful."
"Perfect, or should I say since we are cat Sonic, purrfect?"
"One, two, three, pop! That's why they're called a confetti pop."
"Hey, let's go ahead and get a frosty dickery."
"I wanted to teach you a lesson." - Justifying actions with a hint of playful retribution.
"Little square face, we were meant to be. I mean, little square face, you're just, you're cool."
"It's actually kind of cute, like a fun bouncy castle kind of house."
"The correct answer is Eeny, meeny, miny, mo. Catch a piggy by its toe."
"You just got Body by singing [ __ ] [ __ ] smoke with me smoke with me smoke with me smoke with me."
"It's super agile, it's really poppy, really playful."
"He like grabs you and then like eats you, you guys see that bro?"
"Okay, you guys see this? This is a Nerf dart."
"Are you a parking ticket? 'Cause you've got 'fine' written all over you."
"I love your outfit, I would definitely smash."
"It's giving dangerous, and I like that, so I'll smash."
"The update being delayed wasn't uh a bad thing it was it was it was to make it spookier it was a spooky delay it was a trick and the update is the treat."
"The fact the QR code has the little Google dinosaur...so cute."
"You're doing a really good job, everybody delicious."
"Thomas needs to play in dynamite factories to be any sort of fun."
"Oh sips you silly sausage oh you get you want okay oh he's getting better at that as well now he is getting germy and hungry."
"They call it the classic, but we call it the Banana Slama."
"You love my buns, don't you? You know you do!"
"Guys, for today's quarantine activities, I'm gonna have Natalie throw a marshmallow over our house and into my mouth."
"If you arrange the candles on the cake to 21, you'll be 21."
"It's rainbow Z, wait, rainbow Z is like chained up bro, next to D and E, just like the outfit Lord when F changed up Deanie, okay dude, no way I'm a oo-psy, there's no way that's already."
"Weird smells can bring good things. Friendly fun fetch. Thanks, weird smell."
"Let's fly! 1, 2, 3! Whoa, you landed on me. All right."
"One big wave in the sea, two big waves, three big waves. Who lives there, let's see: fish, dolphin, stingray, little whale, hammerhead, little crab."
"You said you've been stealing Hearts, yeah, well this is your chance to prove it."
"Vinnie you wearing murderer a cute bear a murderer suspicious maybe oh my god don't hide from me guys."
"You Aquarius are the one that makes their heart go boom Diddy boom Diddy boom boom boom."
"I love the fins, come on, let me pick you up."
"The crowd is into it. Look at you, Bailey. Bailey's instigating, go paper, Anakin."
"You're adorable, thank you. You are [__], you're getting me good."
"I love seeing Nami in a kimono but I'd rather see her without a kimono but dananananana."
"Can I play something else, Officer Jake? Officer J, I like that, it's a lot easier."
"That's crazy oh it was in the Slime oh yeah oh yup there's six eggs oh they actually fed them to him that's nuts man he was hungry they do that bro."
"It'd be outrageous for you to connect this outrage, it'd be so cool buddy, come on!"
"Real funny ones on your little Putin belly. You'd laugh so much you'd shake like a bowl of Putin jelly."
"He wasn't afraid to get goofy alongside kids."
"Feels like I'm touching a Muppet and I love it."
"It smells so good, first of all it matches so well with the room and I also squish the top."
"For anyone who's genuinely wondering, I don't have one. Or do I? No, I don't. I don't have one."
"Hey man, wanna fertilize this oxygen with me?"
"She's got a bauble. She's got a bauble, dog."
"One, two, buckle my shoe, three, four, knock at the door, five, six, pick up sticks, seven, eight, lay them straight, nine, ten, a big fat hen."
"Hickory Dickory Dock, the mouse went up the clock, the clock struck one, the mouse went down, hickory dickory dock."
"Well, it's Nintendo Jr. Brothers, you know what I mean?"
"Sirius playfully assures Chrome that should the need arise, he'll be the reliable wingman ready to back him up."
"Wanna see what’s in my sack? It’s red and fuzzy."
"I think you're totally the neighbor, look at you, you're like a young neighbor."
"It's just the gloves. I just really like that we were pretending it was flat. It looked good."
"She was double cheeked up on a Thursday, yes she was."
"I've made my decision. I will be the non-canon expert and I will get my friends back into the cannon."
"Dancing monkeys are so silly. Ok Tala, let's see what surprise you left for us."
"I owe you one, I hope I get some gratitude crystals for this."
"Five little ducks had so much fun bouncing around."
"Rain rain go away, come again another day, we all just want to play."
"Comment down below Mikey if you do, the real question is can you guys spot Woody's bum."
"We're gonna call this the the um against the anti-thanos league."
"Sonic did a good job with that one, good job Mr. Sonic man, good job dude."
"I want to be famous for having a big tummy, Peppa."
"Time to set you on fire ow ow ow ow ow this hurt ow ow oh there's arrows friend you're not supposed to go that way Pooky poo."
"He loves balls, guys, he loves to play with balls."
"You know what? Walnuts in your cheeks is v funny."
"It is fun to mount on animals, your pets, your dogs when you can."
"It's like a surprise Kinder Surprise, you know those candies?"
"I knew she liked me when she gave me two chocolate milks."
"Thanks for the watch grandma, I love it. Now I can track how many steps I chase Billy for. Come here Billy."
"Who's gonna be the winner? Winner winner chicken dinner!"
"Spider web, spider web does whatever a spider web does."
"Whimsical photography creates playful, quirky, and imaginative images."
"I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you, you better hide because I'm going to get you."
"...he is playful and Goofy and is extremely loyal..."
"Heaven is playful, heaven is joyful, heaven is fun."
"It's wacky, it's nutty, it's cuckoo, it's Pee-wee's Playhouse."
"Oh yeah, I'm kidnapping you guys."
"Count your blessings and guard your [__]." (with a playful tone)
"Psych, baby. You know I love you so much."
"Dancing on the rooftops, we give each other mop sweep sweep."
"You remind him of his past, like his childlike self. Because I feel like you're very playful, my pile twos. You bring a lot of playfulness into this person's life."
"You make everything feel more colorful, more bright, more playful, more joyful."
"I'm going to hide in the teddy bear."
"Can you believe your dad was in the pool the whole time?"
"She in my ear like she trying to go up, nice but inside she a freak nasty."
"And I too am just a love machine."
"It's President's Day, and Donkey Kong is our president."
"Now in 2024 we're really going to start to see the shift back to some of the more playful elements of makeup."
"You're crazy, we're only gonna paint your playhouse today."
"Choose love. Don't let anything drown the noise of your playful heart."
"These clothes came from the daycare next door, probably left behind by the kiddos."
"I'm gonna hide in the waterslide."
"The world may be seen as playful, poetic, and musical."
"Deng dong dingus! 12 plus eight is 20 and it hits!"
"I may have set up a challenge for today. A naughty versus nice challenge."
"You're just such a blast, very playful, youthful energy."
"If you were a pumpkin, you'd owe me a treat."
"...more playful, very youthful fragrance."
"Now that we have the kids, I kind of want to do something more fun and playful."
"Gandalf is playful, embellishes stories, and enjoys playing word games."
"Have you ever ran a choo choo with a friend of yours so one was in the one whole moments in the other hole you acting like you like"
"They're just cute little fun bags to have fun with."
"Chris has got funny bones. And yeah, he's just very playful, the energy on set's very playful. So we've always had a good time doing it."
"You know this man would eat you alive in the best way in the best of the ways imagine this man looks at you and says beep beep Richie that's all I'm saying."
"I feel like looking at an eggplant up and down. Mmm, which posture do you like more?"
"This position will be fun, playful, and it won't feel like work."
"She knew it couldn't last so she knew it was almost like she was being allowed to play for a while before the Serious Business of Being a grownup Royal had to begin."
"Are we going to get serious, or are you just here to muck around?" she teased with a smirk.
"my friend raced from the kitchen into the hallway and virtually tackled me to the ground"
"Are you going to capture one?" Villainia asked playfully.
"You should be honest. Are you insinuating that their elevated heart rate was from your kiss, then? Not mine? You do seem the competitive type. Life is more fun with competition, is it not?"
"I have three words for you: Nerf or nothing."
"The Shags were known for being bad, but they were just having fun."
"Katie is a bandit, according to Jake and Ty."
"This is so much fun because it's like a little poof of green."
"Flirting is a playful interaction mostly used to get a romantic result."
"What’s more, her jinxes were of the "you owe me a blank" variety."
"This could be us but you playing."
"Boobies are out, out to play. I'd be disappointed if I didn't get a little bit of T."
"Look at him, he's a big old blueberry today, a big old blueberry he could just suck me up."
"It's playful enough to make you feel like you're part of the experience. It's an engaging, charming car, the Cupra Leon. I like driving it."
"Stick his tongue out like a child."
"Everything about it is what I love. It's just fun and it's playful and it feels like joy, and that's what I want to feel in the spring season."
"This one I love I know this is not for everyone but this made me feel so good this was the playful tile sticker book I think oh my gosh is that it's called ah I keep forgetting I love this."
"It's super playful and rugged in here, which is a combo I really dig."
"My Kitty's wide open, what if I were to tease you a little? What could you really do about it?"
"I'm the Toy Boy, sugar M and Toy Boy, okay?"
"Flirty, playful, flirtatious, playful, I don't know what your next move is going to be, I'm still trying to captivate your attention."
"But it's a really fun technique. I really enjoy doing this. Like I said, it feeds your playful and artistic side. It's just a lot of cutting and playing and color and placement, and anyone can do it. Don't be afraid to try it. It's really a fun thing to do."
"The intersection of paleontology and cultural mythology offers a playful yet interesting angle to scientific nomenclature."
"I curtsied playfully and then headed for the door leaving the rest of us to sort through the rubble of the bomb he just dropped."
"It felt very light-hearted, very playful."
"I could suck that D with these enamel lines."
"They are a proper little rev monkey."
"I can skip on the water! [__] I can skip on the [__] water!"
"I love it when people call each other goobers."
"These comics take the wacky and playful nature of the classic Mario games and just run with it."
"You guys are kind of kids at heart."
"What a plonker!" - It's like a playful way to call someone an idiot.
"They're just so playful and small, until the big one shows up."
"Tyler can be fun and annoying to play with."
"For some of you, you have a friendship with a person; this romantic Union will be grounded in Friendship, a very playful connection meant to teach you how to have a more Carefree attitude."
"I spy with my little eye some grapes."
"Alright, get ready to face the wrath of cuteness, fish breath!"
"I might have to go get a Dr. Doom outfit or something. I think that might be the next step here."
"Thank you very much, young man. I mean, young pixie."
"Oh [__], oh [__], push it in, no hands, no hands, look up."
"Apple core, apple core! Apple core!"
"Remember that this is completely nonserious and all in good fun. And feel free to play along at home. If you take this seriously in any way, I will break your femurs with a Whiffle bat. And if you want to sue me, please reconsider."
"It's super easy, it makes it a lot of fun, it makes it very playful."
"The biggest pro: It's so playful."
"Oh look at you, a little wobbly buddy."
"Alright so I hate you you're a [ __ ] scumbag you're piece of [ __ ] you should rot in hell and now obviously that's funny because I'm taking this exaggeration I'm playing with it right so being playful is where the humor comes in."
"What's your birthday, booty? Booty, booty, booty, booty, rockin' everywhere."
"Oh, are me hearty man, the M Mast L Hoy, work the planky scurvy dog!"
"I watch you when you sleep. You sly little..."
"I'm feeling fruity. I'm feeling fun."
"Oh absolutely, and also I think what she said wasn't even that bad. She just said 'You wish' with the wink."
"Luckily it comes out, just scratch on it, scratch and sniff."
"You better stop what you're doing right now before I come up there and lick it."
"This is actually a swing and you can put a single figure in there and there's just enough clearance for them to actually swing back and forth a little bit."
"Everything about him is so organic and fun."