
Plastic Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"There is no such thing as disposable plastic. It doesn't just go away."
"If you have a more convenient pebble that is made of plastic and it's able to do the same job, then no, the land birds do not feed bits of plastic to their chicks."
"I hate plastic; however, I am part of a recycle program."
"Plastic changed the course of manufacturing forever, but a lot of that came at a cost."
"Yeah and sometimes the plastic ones do look amazing don't get me wrong and then sometimes they're very clearly the plastic ones."
"I've seen some of you guys commenting on the plastic water bottles I get these phobic six pack a 1.5 liter."
"Don't you just love plastic and how it'll take two million years to break down?"
"...plastic models have been getting better and better better and better."
"The plastic that they have is really awesome."
"right so a couple of things first of all the mesh bags are completely made of plastic so there's no metal at all that can rust or anything like that"
"Ultimately, PLA is biodegradable, but it is not recyclable."
"This must be the medieval banquet. Yes, it looks really tasty. It's all made of plastic."
"The plastic they used was very solid, almost as hard as metal."
"I thought it's very obvious that it's plastic at the moment in my opinion."
"Every day we eat a credit card's worth of plastics."
"The objective is always to use less plastic."
"Make sure to leave about half an inch at the tip, then find a sheet of sand paper, so you can carefully begin sanding the plastic stub down, until it follows the contour of the glass."
"Plastic, which was such a negative thing on Earth... is just a naturally occurring thing on Titan."
"This is the new record holder for longest blade and I think it's one of the longest plastic elements that Lego has ever made."
"There's tremendous toughness to the plastic that's used here."
"The structural integrity of plastic hoods can be significantly improved with the right tools."
"If you are somebody who enjoys a little ASMR then you will love unboxing this and peeling off all the plastic."
"Avoid plastic furniture... it's just ugly and uncomfortable to sit in."
"The first thing that we'll do is try and peel off this protective coating that's on all of these plastic pieces."
"Apparently, it's an environmentally friendly plastic stopper that will, according to the Daily Mail, as you rightly say, Paul, it will just hiss."
"Supermarkets banned plastic bags but increased the use of these heavy-duty plastic clam shells that are far less useful and far more wasteful green washing."
"It is a very, very strong plastic of some sort."
"France is always exceedingly extra and top of the class in combating plastic."
"Single-use plastic, things like straws and cups at festivals and stuff. It's kind of [__], so you're using just frozen."
"Public awareness campaigns about the need to reduce single-use plastics can be successful."
"Soldering irons shouldn't really be melting plastic."
"Plastics have been a sort of great Savior and have become the symbol in many ways of a modern personal world now was going to be consigned to the rubbish dump."
"Plastic is going to leech dihexalite and antimony into the water."
"The less plastic we send into the environment, the better."
"We are looking so plastic and I'm here for it."
"Canada just officially banned single-use plastic so they're switching up the cups which I'm super excited about."
"Now, the last part, which happens to be the only plastic part, freaking snaps in three pieces. Feels bad, man."
"Live in a world in which you produce less plastic"
"Plastic isn't everything, but there is no doubt that there is utility in plastic"
"Tea bags in a single tea bag can be releasing hundreds of thousands of microplastics because that mesh is actually made out of plastic."
"No plastic bins, no plastic anything."
"Plastic-wise feels nice, it's not creaky at all, feels very solid I have to say, more solid than the real deal."
"It is completely unnecessary to add plastics to products like face washes and body scrub, where harmless alternatives can be used."
"Very important note, there is a little piece of plastic in the brake caliper here that you have to pull out."
"It's not gonna stop water from getting into the soil. It's not gonna further compact the soil, which plastic does. It dries it out and compacts it or just robs nutrients. It's ugly stuff."
"...plastic is just the worst when chucked into landfill; those bags can hang around for centuries."
"That's a hell of a lot of plastic you can see just by the size of the box for the money."
"The plastic they use, the packaging is generally pretty good. Their instructions leave a little bit to be desired."
"That round thing in your face, you get trapped under plastic."
"No plastic cladding either, everything is this beautiful white metallic body color."
"Airlines embraced the convenience of plastic, making sure the skies were clutter-free and the service was speedy."
"Plastic... a marvelous thing everyone knows, it's Slinky."
"Pinnacle plastic honestly is one of my favorite plastics on the market."
"We can reduce the amount of plastics that we use or we can reuse plastics that we've finished using."
"The main reason for this part is the measured shrink of different plastics."
"There's something about these thick lines of plastic that just look like candy to me."
"Plastic is derived from fossil fuels and is not biodegradable, taking a heavy toll on the environment."
"I'm always trying to reduce the amount of plastic that comes in and out of my life."
"By 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish."
"A plastic bottle can actually only be recycled 10 times at best."
"Plastic pollution is a battle we can win."
"Eventually, something is going to have to change because we are seeing the environmental impact of all of our plastic use."
"The plastic can be very dangerous to sea creatures who might eat it by mistake."
"The average American is now consuming has about a credit card size of plastic in their body."
"We're not here to look at boxes, we're here to look at this ridiculous piece of glorious plastic."
"Plastic does not dissolve in acid."
"We invented plastic, surely we are clever enough to think of a way of disposing of it."
"There's too much plastic in our oceans, and this is my simple, easy way of just not using loads of plastic bottles."
"We buy as humans one million of those bottles per minute globally."
"...Brands like Rolls-Royce and Harrods of London started making plastic stuff and marketing it to people as like the next new amazing futuristic type material."
"All of which is made possible with the help of a material we call plastic."
"Plastic is almost impossible to degrade."
"Recycling is not the answer; the answer is to use less plastic."
"If oil is made from dinosaur fossils and plastic is made from oil, plastic dinosaurs are made from real dinosaurs."
"But to say we maybe got carried away in our love of plastics is an understatement."
"Plastic is one of the most significant inventions of the 20th century."
"It's truly shocking that all the plastic ever produced still exists somewhere today."
"Over 300 million tons of plastic are produced globally each year."
"I'm trying to save plastic bags today so I want to give you the plastic bag back. I'm trying to save the environment."
"So much plastic, always so much plastic."
"There are more plastic flamingos than real ones."
"So many pack and plays exist in the world, and they are made of plastic, and I'd rather not contribute to the demand of more plastic."
"The plastic straws are not biodegradable."
"I understand there is a lot of plastic here, but tell me how I can buy this product without the plastic."
"Many plastic bottles contain bisphenol A, a potentially toxic compound."
"It's not the weight; it's the fact that plastic just doesn't break down."
"There's life in plastic, it's fantastic."
"We're happy to be fighting the war on plastic."
"The very properties which make plastic such useful materials—their durability, their heat resistance, and their strength—means that they persist."
"Bakelite is the world's first plastic."
"Plastic material is melted with the application of heat and extruded through the die into the desired shape."
"This is the prime most example of what plastic looks like."
"I'm a big fan of reducing plastic wherever we can."
"It's so crazy to me how plastic ruins this earth but it also creates this."
"Obviously this entire assembly is plastic, you do not want to over tighten anything."
"It completely eliminates the use for single-use plastic and it helps with the trash so much because people aren't just throwing that on the ground."
"There's just no need obviously for plastic water bottles; they are horrible."
"Even though most of the items here are made out of plastic, I would definitely recommend them due to the amount of detail that's been added to these items."