
Health Recovery Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"I completely reversed my Type 2 diabetes in just 3 months."
"He got it open a few more millimeters and I was able to eat this week and chew with like no clicking and popping and no major pain."
"Quadruple bypass was a success, and Bert is back. So happy you recovered. Everybody's missed you."
"It's so crazy to go from 'I'm [__] forever and nothing will help me' to 'I'm healthy in maybe what, six weeks.'"
"You should never lose hope, and it's normal to be scared, but you can still win this battle. I've seen people doing it, surviving kidney disease, some of them even reversed it."
"I mean, just as his work bad did she ever, was except the prostate gland trouble, never came back on, never had any more pains with it."
"So, as you pointed out, some of these patients, people recovered... that's not a condition that just clears up, that will be a chronic condition that you're living with the rest of your life."
"You guys are the best and thank you for all your well wishes for me recovering from COVID, your girl's almost there to full recovery."
"Within three days of changing her diet... she was off insulin."
"Making a concerted effort to gain muscle was a large part of how I was able to recover."
"I'm excited to be able to announce that I am cancer-free."
"I didn't feel so good... But two days ago, I felt great."
"So, to recap, this man went on an all-meat diet - that is, high saturated fat, no carbs, no vegetable diet. This strange diet mysteriously healed his diabetes, ulcerative colitis and high blood pressure."
"He allowed me to have the resources I needed to help myself and to address my health issues that I developed over the past couple of years and get out of that dark hole."
"I fortunately finished treatment in March and I have now been cancer free for a little over three years now."
"I just had to go on a very strong drug...I'm off all meds."
"I got off my medication after eight months of being on it and I've been in remission for the last six years."
"Recovery is possible, and then you can die from undescribed causes that nobody can really figure out."
"There absolutely is hope, you can reclaim your right to a healthy and happy life."
"Goddess Grace: instantly get back up at full health. Wow."
"Your body starts recovering within days of quitting smoking."
"Friendship wide range goes right into the S tier for defense, it gives your team their health back."
"Andre Hall, cancer survivor. I think it's in remission now. So good for him, man."
"There are efforts to reverse Hashimoto's successfully with a functional medicine approach."
"Recovery is possible, stretching and strength building is important."
"If a person who's 30 gets Covid and then recovers from it, something good just happened."
"Praise God she was brought through it and diagnosed as being cancer free."
"Love is always hopeful, infinite, and divine."
"With strong social connections, you recover from disease faster."
"I've got myself as fit as I've ever been in my life after the big 'C'."
"None of it works until he goes and gets rid of the root canal and then he's back healthy again which is exactly what happened to me."
"For people like me who had toxic mold poisoning or Lyme disease... ozone therapy brought me back from serious brain fog."
"Stroke recovery can last a lifetime, you can recover from stroke."
"I'm gonna get all my health back, Doctor Boxing, I like your cut, Gene."
"There's an enemy right there that drops some hearts."
"Oregano oil kicks the cold fast and cuts sick recovery time in half."
"Returning to good health, this is about hope and having faith again."
"We've seen them get so much of their life back without having to have surgery, rely on pain medications, or have to get injections every so often to feel better."
"Sleep is so important... rebuilding, rejuvenating, or restoring."
"Focus on sleep, nutrition, and hydration for recovery."
"It didn't take long for Hardy's health to be restored."
"For those of you who are having any cancerous problems or health issues, there is going to be recovery."
"I am just encouraged watching Chris continue to get better."
"I can't believe my vision is back. I can see you guys' beautiful faces."
"Where's Brew: It not only removes 100 radiation damage but also heals us for 100 hit points..."
"It was known that she had had a heroin issue when she became pregnant but once she knew she was and got a doctor involved followed his instructions and ended up indeed giving birth to a healthy baby."
"The route to recovery always starts with health."
"Once you start helping your body battle Epstein-Barr and start cleaning it up, that condition starts to go back to normal."
"I've seen it eradicate depression I've seen it reverse PCOS I've seen people walk straight into fertility after Decades of infertility issues from PCOS or just Decades of PCOS."
"The only thing you need to do is stop eating plants and sugar, and these things just go away."
"We got a lot to talk about this week thankfully my cold is cleared up I'm no longer congested and I'm more capable of doing longer videos like this this week."
"Closed the window once to shut out the noise and Bran seemed to weaken. When they opened it again, his heart beat stronger."
"Bitcoin never drops below its production cost."
"A new heart just gets you in the game; after that, you have to let me be your coach."
"Within three days, my daughter's warts decreased markedly... within four weeks, she was free of warts."
"You can reverse fatty liver completely within three weeks to three months by watching my YouTube videos and implementing the strategies."
"I'm happy to say I'm in remission. I can properly start my recovery from cancer after next week, and I will be playing golf as much as I can."
"I'm feeling way better today. It feels so great to be liberated from illness."
"So I got my period back within just a few months of eating carnivore."
"You actually still get benefit if it's obviously I think it's best if you just avoid these sorts of things altogether but if but it's not a bad thing if you go in and then go out um your body does heal a lot after a long time you'll have leaky gut."
"My health was trash...now my biggest struggle every day is figuring out ways to use that energy."
"His body still has to catch up and every day he's working on signaling that gene."
"God healed him and 6 months later he was able to get insurance. He's in the ministry today."
"Every time I hit someone I basically kill them which means every time I hit someone I get six HP back."
"The vast majority of these people could get better."
"Suros Regime: bonus damage on bottom half of magazine, chance to return health on final blows."
"Your ability to recover is completely individual."
"I ended up with a flu and an autoimmune condition... I stopped working that much, started working 'quote unquote' smarter... and of course the autoimmune thing went away."
"If you have not recovered at least 70% of your previous function, it's time for VIP."
"Because of your stripes my son is healed. I break this fever in the name."
"Women start applying the principles of science-backed stuff that I share because they're able to get their period back within months."
"Sleeping is a barrier to a lot of problems especially recovery and healing."
"You gotta have balance, people. Where your brain's actually signaling for your body to recover has been super important for my recovery."
"Eclipse is focused on dueling, giving omnivamp."
"If you participated in the best way you could that prioritized the health and recovery of the individual, I don't have a lot of problems with what you've described."
"TRT helps with recovery, fixing my mental state improves everything."
"You've received an instant healing. Your body knows how to retain this healing."
"That clip will make its way around. Can't wait to see you jog out because that means you'd be healthy enough to play, which is what it's all about."
"He was able to reverse his diabetes in six weeks."
"My wife was getting over her bills from beating stage three cancer."
"The second you get rid of acidosis and toxemia... the cancer already stops."
"I will pop One Singular nuka-cola Quantum and it'll be enough to heal me."
"Willpower doesn't get you well; in order to recover you need to surrender and have Mick defeat."
"Recovery isn't fast and unlearning terrible eating habits doesn't happen in a day."
"I have had three people now who have had repeat mris after doing my six-week group who had reversal of their most recent lesion that was on their mri like why isn't this in the medical literature."
"We saw a woman with stage four non-Hodgkin's lymphoma healed."
"Now that everyone's feeling better, let's get swimming."
"The recovery I've seen so many other people make and the awareness I can bring to the fact that people can take horrible health problems and potentially fix themselves has made the entire experience worth it."
"Robust gives you an extra constitution up to a max of 20 and it makes it so when you use a hit die to regain hit points you roll twice and take the higher value."
"It takes about 30 days to heal ulcerative colitis, about 30 days to reverse diabetes type 2."
"To recover means to return to a normal state of mind, health, or strength."
"The cure is serve God. Even pneumonia people would recover from pneumonia if it weren't for the 'me'."
"He's destroyed his chronic pain syndrome... he's completely pain-free."
"The thing that I believe saved my life was the sun."
"You are what you eat, and in my opinion today, if you change your ways, you can reverse so much of this."
"Thank you for everything you guys do, my mom beat breast cancer this year."
"You took a bite out of vegetoid. You recovered 5 HP."
"Imagine feeling like you've been breathing through a straw your whole life... suddenly overnight, it's just like, 'Oh you're better, you're fine.'"
"Every time we get hit we absorb one of their hearts and get my health back."
"Once you recover, you're immune, so now you have a president who doesn't have to hide in a basement like his opponent."
"Ricocheted shots deal 200 percent more damage to shields, reveal enemies for one second, and heal Sati for 125 HP."
"Courageous individuals went against doctors' advice and achieved wellness."
"Watch the event every year but had to donate this year my daughter was diagnosed with leukemia in July of last year and it crushed my family but I'm glad to say she's healthy and in remission."
"Her PCOS is completely you know in remission."
"The regenerator's ring actually heals our HP over time."
"New year, new me, the end of last year kicked the crap out of us healthwise, and I am not going back."
"Praying for a speedy recovery for the little boy."
"Chapter 1000 can happen whenever, and it's important that he's feeling better."
"Five weeks after starting on laetrile the lump in her groin had disappeared."
"He's finally healthy and we're seeing what they can do when at full strength."
"My lungs are still struggling, and my cognitive abilities are about 75%."
"If any of you guys fell off the wagon over the holidays all you gotta do is fast between now bedtime and and fast as long as you can tomorrow."
"After all that yo-yo dieting over exercising all the things that I did wrong, my body after just one year of carnivore is healing and the healing hasn't stopped."
"So thank you for noticing that I'm stronger and I look better and I've gained some weight that's cuz I'm off of treatment."
"My period coming back is like the light at the end of the tunnel."
"Right off the bat, the knee is feeling good."
"Not only was he able to recover from MS himself, he also now helps his own patients on their path back to health."
"Testimonies of people completely going off their diabetic medications."
"82% of the people who've gone on a plant-based, no dairy, no meat of any kind have begun to heal themselves."
"Psoriasis, dermatitis, and restless legs are gone thanks to carnivore."
"For the first time in several years, Min Kyu doesn't require medication after human contacts."
"I'm so grateful for giving me my life back, your information saved me."
"The worst of it is already over the constant always-on nerve pain that made me feel like I was on fire 24/7."
"Not only am I not sick anymore, but it's the launch of a brand new set Fusion Strike!"
"Unfortunately you will be out of commission for the time being for right now you need to focus on taking it easy your wounds are healing but if you push yourself too hard too soon you can set your healing back and we need you back on your feet."
"I could hear my mother's high clear soprano as it was before the illness encouraging my voice to soar with hers."
"What do you do after a heart attack?"
"It's just a road to recovery. There's no more treatments or nothing to make you feel unwell."
"When people do embrace diet, it's like they are released from prison, their eyes are opened literally, and they receive their health and their life back."
"The fundamental reason I was able to run the transplant is... the plant-based nutrition that let me do it."
"That's what's causing the neuropathies, the local inflammation, and once you're eating healthy whole plant foods which are going to knock down the inflammation way down, that most people, regardless of the type of neuropathy, they should see some benefit."
"A retrieval from the grave quite honestly for people who would have that kind of a diagnosis."
"I did take a year and a half off which helped me tremendously, and I do not regret taking the time."
"I'm on the road to recovery now and I'm feeling so much better."
"Atherosclerosis is reversible; the arteries will heal. In fact, they're trying to heal right now."
"I had moderate sleep apnea... now that I've lifted weights, it's gone away."
"If you get a concussion and you allow it to fully recover, you actually end up back in a healthy state."
"I've done the treatment, 100% healthy, no cancer in my body whatsoever."
"Vaccination in long-COVID patients seems to double the rate of complete remission in long-haul symptoms."
"The Duchess of York is all clear after facing breast cancer and skin cancer diagnoses."
"If you're trying to make a safe comeback to exercise post-COVID or any illness, you my friend are in the right place."
"It's time to reclaim your health."
"When you think about recovery, three classic Rs come to place: repair, replenish, and rehydrate."
"I can breathe a sigh of relief, cancer came through surgery really well."
"Four months grass-fed beef, salt, water have ulcerative colitis, felt better after three weeks."
"You can reverse metabolic syndrome in three weeks of pure dietary change."
"You can reverse plaque with significant lifestyle changes and medications."
"I am feeling better, so I'm gonna get more uploads out for you guys."
"You're no longer a type 2 diabetic; you don't even have pre-diabetes anymore."
"I have faith in the treatment I received and its efficacy in providing me with a full recovery."
"At this point in time, my chronic pain had gone down dramatically, my skin issues were better, and my gut stuff was healing."
"...you have the ability to rebuild your life, you have the ability to get healthy and to move on and find love and find happiness and joy."
"I've seen macular degeneration reverse just by cleaning up their diet."
"You have slept in a bed. Your HP and CP have fully recovered."
"Even after several months of being on the planet, or even after a year, the anemia did not disappear completely."
"The plasma glucose came down to normal within seven days, one week, after stopping the drugs."
"I feel like treble Health literally gave me my life back."
"Blood sugar drops and drops and drops, and the patient doesn't need so much medication. Eventually, they get off all their medications, and if all goes well, their diabetes just flat-out reverses."
"Sustained improvement is considered to have been demonstrated when the preponderance of evidence portrays a lessening of service-connected symptoms."
"Off all his medications, he got well totally."
"When you've healed your metabolism enough... you return to this innate desire to go outside and play."
"It's completely reversible in most cases."
"I'm so glad that you're able to move past the health issues and start bouncing back to good health."
"He's not going to have to go into intensive care which is amazing."
"My bipolar disorder symptoms completely went away when I went on the ketogenic diet."
"Rudy Gobert looks like Peak Rudy Gobert, he's fully healthy again."
"Bad Health reversed, someone's trying to overcome some type of bad health."
"I am symptom free... I'm doing so much better, got all my energy back."
"Can you reverse a neuropathy if you correct your B12 deficiency? Yes, you absolutely can."
"Healing Center in Minnesota helps people overcome serious health challenges and return to Optimal Health and well-being."
"Your sleep is going to be critical to your recovery here."
"I ain't felt this good in over four years, and I would estimate my vision is about 15% better than it was when I was sick."
"Don't worry, Kimari has recovered beautifully; in just 28 days her cancer is gone, and she's doing wonderful."
"Most type 2 diabetics are off the insulin in a week or two completely."
"I already received my healing, my leg is here, pretty strong."
"It is so good to see Roy feeling so much better."
"The mechanism that really helped me turn the corner was exercise."
"I went from stage three kidney disease to having a healthy kidney."
"My life was saved because of juicing and massive dietary changes."
"Despite everything, I'm happy for him; health issues suck, and he was able to overcome for this event."
"When we're focusing on individuals that have come from absolute hell to get their health back, that is the best thing in the world."
"No chemo, no radiation, just the diet reversed the cancer."
"I was on 15 medications a day and had really bad chronic medical issues. Within from the seventh day to day 40, I came off all 15 medications."