
Corruption Quotes

There are 2878 quotes

"Suppression of truth to please lobbyists for billion-dollar corporations is a device used by dictators, not by virtuous American leaders."
"So when it says anti-corruption, that's the corruption we're looking at, election interference."
"Corruption in the mind produces corruption in the activities."
"Imagine a world without corruption, where each citizen is held accountable for their actions."
"Power corrupts, and absolute power absolutely corrupts."
"This is not a story of partisanship... this is a story of good old-fashioned corruption."
"Transparency in asset declaration is the simplest way to tackle corruption."
"Corruption, if you don't tackle it in the civil service, no government can succeed."
"What happened to Julian Assange is one of the most corrupt and overt displays of evil that we have seen."
"Every born child is born upon this initial goodness...and then as you mentioned, that is corrupted."
"When was the last time you had to pay a bribe in America? That is so common in the world in so many countries."
"Corruption is not some byproduct of monetarism; it is the very foundation."
"If and when you become a congressman, what are you going to do when that big suitcase full of money is staring at you right in the face?"
"We need to challenge and change the culture of corruption in Washington, D.C."
"Corruption is the obstacle in the way of domestic resource mobilization, but there is a vaccine for corruption: it's transparency."
"The real problem is corruption and corporatism."
"When money is involved, then corruption within healthcare abounds and to a greater degree, when money is involved it corrupts all aspects of life."
"The Arcadia Empire is a kingdom known for its famously corrupt rulers and extreme lines of defense."
"Power itself corrupts absolutely; we have to use a system to contain it."
"It is the cruelest and most abominable regime imaginable, a breathtaking conglomeration of corruption, vice, bigotry, hatred, superstition, and fanaticism."
"The hallmark of pure corruption: if they don't get you on the substance, they're going to get you on the procedure."
"Orcs...are actually corrupted elves and men...evil cannot create; it can only corrupt or destroy."
"To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day."
"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."
"If you think that you can control the ring of power and then use that ring of power for your own side, it is only a matter of time before it falls into the hands of the other side and is used against you."
"Somebody might be corrupt...that doesn't necessarily mean that they're not extremely capable and very clever."
"Corruption allegations are often made...mainly as a mechanism of political and even bureaucratic struggle."
"I'm much more compelled by a character who is corrupt but is just trying to do the right thing."
"Anarchy's right, you know. I've planted three bombs where Gotham's corruption is at its strongest."
"This book tackles power and corruption and it's fast-paced and exciting."
"Anyone who said occupation corrupts was absolutely right."
"Occupation definitely corrupts because you have to treat the people that you're occupying as subhumans."
"Power corrupts; no one should have power for too long."
"This is a 13-year scheme of corruption and fraud...to commit tax fraud and falsify business records."
"Just like the Mafia has penetrated the state, accountancy firms have also penetrated the state."
"Secrecy and complexity in finance and government help to obscure corruption in public office."
"The survival of uncontacted tribes is under extreme threat by greed and corruption."
"There's no greater darkness than when that which is inwardly corrupt takes on the covering of religion."
"The stupidity of a nuclear arms race, the development of weapons, trying to solve your problems politically by electing this political party or that political party, that all politics is immersed in corruption."
"Eros, like all the natural loves, does not have within himself resources to secure his own permanence or to keep himself from internal corruptions."
"This kind of corruption and preferential treatment in police departments drives another wedge into an already divided society and makes it nearly impossible for citizens to trust the officers that are supposed to be serving their communities."
"I really hope you know it brings up the corruption of Newton and other towns that have similar issues."
"Despite the corruption and extreme costs, Vault-Tec was able to make several technological breakthroughs."
"Do not use the ring for it can corrupt the most innocent heart."
"You don't have to accept the corruption in your government; say something."
"This man has made it his mission to document in extreme detail and call out corruption in his government."
"The system is as corrupt as we fear, and people are even more wonderful than we hope."
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely. That's exactly what's going on with Cyclops right now."
"The first step [to fix corruption] is actually people being honest."
"Darkness is a parasite. It burrows its way into your soul and feeds on your most selfish desires."
"The dreaming mind, its code has been corrupted by Taken magic."
"We have to stop the corruption. We have to actually identify what the corruption is."
"There's a big difference between actual corruption and the appearance of corruption."
"We must rid our nation of Putin's dirty money."
"Our corporate coup d'état and failed democracy has freed the oligarchic elite from all legal and moral constraints."
"It's such a corrupt system, it's so corrupt that honestly, I want nothing to do with it."
"I think it's very easy for those of us without money to talk about how money corrupts you. And then when money gets given to you, you're like, 'Oh, yeah, this being corruption is fun.'"
"Corruption is the main reason why countries could not reach their potential."
"Capitalism isn't the problem, communism doesn't exist... The real problem is corruption and corporatism."
"Corruption, greed, and power have taken a term that should have meant freedom to programmers and turned it into something that's one of the most hated terms on the internet."
"The Republic dies when politicians realize they can simply offer people money to vote for them."
"The way envy corrupts your mind... it's the reason it's a deadly sin."
"As the founders die and as you get the third fourth generation of these institutions, they drift away from their original purpose or they become corrupted."
"Money, energy, food, health care, education, governance—all are being corrupted by men who think they can predict and control the emergent order."
"We don't really have a democracy when we have this disgusting level of corruption where our lawmakers are much more interested in looking after... making sure that he's happy, making sure that him and his family are wealthy for generations to come while all of us suffer."
"With every meticulously dissected detail, Turley's words cut through the fog of deception, exposing the dark underbelly of power and privilege."
"The public wants transparency; they believe that corruption is something that should be investigated, including influence peddling."
"It's a pathological, democracy-destroying corruption."
"Money and power, tremendous aphrodisiacs to people and they're highly corruptive."
"Terrence informed me that Paul Dale had been involved in a corrupt relationship with Carl Williams and his crew."
"This is a story about power and influence and what can go wrong when private gain triumphs over public interest."
"This is a colossal waste of time but even worse, it is, to me, the epitome of what corruption is all about."
"Let us cultivate the great power within us that we may confront systemic corruption which we'll find everywhere."
"Mixing religion with politics is a recipe for corruption that our founders, for all their flaws, knew well."
"This is the story of how a former vice principal systematically broke down the system and got my ultimate revenge, giving the finger to this corrupted system and dismantling the entire process along the way."
"The same countries that cheat in the Olympics are the cause of chaos and conflicts."
"This isn't even a condemnation of individuals...but this is an issue that affects hundreds of thousands, well, in the case of this, billions of lives, and it was totally corruptible and totally corrupted."
"One way we can do better is by having a national anti-corruption commission to restore faith in politics."
"There will always be an analogy for the One Ring because there is always something that will corrupt even the best of us."
"Corruption is also really difficult to solve, particularly if it's highly entrenched."
"Odd procurement decisions don't always have to be the result of corruption, incompetence, or anything nefarious."
"At least one corrupt case got exposed that involved a corrupt judge and a corrupt prosecutor."
"John McCain in 2000 made corruption a central part of his campaign. The state rallied to John McCain in 2000 because people here get it, and they have gotten it for 20 years. They understand that if we don't find a way to fix this democracy, all of the issues people are talking about, all the dreams, these ideals, these hopes, are just hopes."
"If caring about corruption is right-wing, then I'm right-wing."
"And unfortunately, what's happened with crypto is that instead of becoming this revolution in equity and building a more egalitarian financial system, it's become the very apotheosis of the corruption it aimed to replace."
"We must resist... the corruption of money is the most dangerous problem we face today in the world."
"Unfortunately, the world really does need Daredevil... the legal system is not perfectly infallible; it can be corrupted."
"I feared him truly, I feared that the temple of whatever lurked beyond the archway corrupted his mind, turning him into nothing but a zealot."
"Comedy to further corruption and make you comfortable with it."
"There is no fortress which can defend against the jackass loaded with gold."
"The most divisive, deceitful, dishonest, power-hungry, corrupt politician in Canadian politics."
"The real corrupter of judgment, of kindness, of tolerance, is power."
"Assange and Snowden were right. The most corrupt actions and the most corrupt actors will disguise what they're doing as national security."
"Drug laws have created this situation where a vast amount of money is available, fueling corruption and violence."
"This groundbreaking discovery has the potential to unravel a web of corruption and expose high-profile individuals involved in unimaginable crimes."
"Saruman had long taken an interest in the Shire. He liked to extend his power, especially into Gandalf’s province, and he found that the money he could provide for the purchase of ‘leaf’ was giving him power, and was corrupting some of the Hobbits, especially the Bracegirdles, who owned many plantations, and so also the Sackville-Bagginses."
"I didn't know politics was this dirty. I knew it was dirty, I didn't know it was this dirty."
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely; absolute compliments corrupt even worse."
"This is the most annoying time to be a corrupt government official because social media is the ultimate great equalizer."
"It disgusts me that they are cheating people out of their goddamn money here and joking about it."
"The overwhelming majority of Americans know that money is ruining our politics."
"The CIA, the NSA, the FBI are not these patriotic institutions that merit reverence; to the contrary, they're actually deeply corrupt, threats to democracy."
"These people need options. The governments need to stop having monopolies because as the famous folk goes, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."
"You wonder why people go bankrupt when they get sick in America and it doesn't happen anywhere else in the Western world? Because our leaders are completely corrupted liars."
"More secrets, more corruption will be revealed in 2020 as part of the process of the deconstruction of the old order."
"This checks and balance system can be corrupted, creating a venue for leaks, blackmail, and fake whistleblowers."
"I don't think youtubers are corrupt. I think the system is corrupt, and I think some youtubers within that are going to be like they're gonna take their audiences for a ride, and some of them are gonna do the right thing."
"The system should destroy anything that attempts to corrupt it."
"You need a system that modifies corruption toward benefiting the system."
"It's so disgusting when we see politicians using criminal behavior for political gain."
"Match fixing is much as it sounds: it's the illicit and intentional attempt to influence the outcome of a sports event."
"We have for the first time in our entire political life for 270 years a president who is for sale, a presidential candidate who is for sale."
"There's always something going on beneath the surface; typically, the scandal that comes out is just the tip of the iceberg."
"We're only beginning to uncover the iceberg that's beneath the surface of the corruption."
"We don't want to bother with you how crooked and corrupt it was but it'd be like that."
"It's so good having the instant corruption. Amazing."
"The problem with the drugs trade with law enforcement is the corruption is endemic."
"This is how corrupt this whole thing is because there's so much money at stake."
"The institution is just broken and it's corrupt."
"This has been a massive attack on the integrity of the voting system and the greatest democracy on earth."
"If the United States caves to corruption, no election will be secure from here on out."
"The corruption that is going on in this nation is unbelievable, but it can be fixed, and it can be fixed at the ballot box, folks."
"Keep our politicians accountable, especially when you realize they're being paid a lot of money to represent special interests."
"Overall, we are happy with how corruption is playing out."
"Regardless of whether the allegations against Klaus Schwab are true or not, our society needs to prioritize exposing corruption and unethical behavior."
"The government is sleeping in bed with the devil."
"The horrific tragedy and the investigation that followed would show the world how corruption can spread like poison."
"Negligence, greed, cost cutting, and deeply systemic corruption led to one of the deadliest structural failures in history."
"She tried to make progress in a corrupt environment and was fired by a group of corrupt executives who would stop at nothing to keep their bloated wasteful salaries."
"So we discover upon more careful examination that these codices that they’re relying on, while they’re excellent Greek scholars, are corrupted texts."
"He will be found to have committed corruption and he will be arrested on charges of corruption and he will spend the rest of his life rotting in a Russian jail you can mark my words on that one unless of course he finds a balcony to fall off."
"The darkness isn't the corruption in them, they're the corruption in it."
"Your integrity is fantastic. In Australia, our corruption is largely center-right."
"Pornography is wrong because it is a corrupting of the heart."
"It's actually the underlying machine that was the source of the corruption itself."
"We're witnessing one of the biggest grifts and transfers of dark money into the hands of war profiteers in recent history."
"The FDA has been aware of these connections for years and has covered it up on purpose to protect Big Pharma."
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - Lord Acton
"His constant attacks on the FBI the free press inspectors general federal judges they all have one purpose to remove any check on his abuse of power put simply he treats our country like it's his family business."
"They don't just stop at well, you know, we need to facilitate some wrongdoings... We need to go after the people who are trying to expose us."
"They've exposed some real inequities and corruption that exists as part of the infrastructure of what is considered the heart of our free market system."
"It's honestly heartbreaking to see beliefs meant to promote purity and goodness distorted into something just so profoundly evil and abusive."
"Hillary already owes favors to plenty of shady people before she's even had a chance to announce her run."
"It isn't about Hunter Biden. This is about pay-to-play for the Biden family."
"Democracy dies in darkness, you need the light of truth. Dyes and dark money."
"I think the fundamental problem is FIFA. I think the way that these things are organized, the way that they make money from them is fundamentally corrupt."
"It's the prostitution of our government at the expense of the many for the benefit of the few."
"The problem with these evil scumbags, these CEOs that run these banks to just [ __ ] pillage the whole world."
"Violence is interesting and horrible corruption and scandals... Those are all interesting."
"Oh God we're losing so corrupted if that were it I'd be kind of okay with it the fact that the real underlying motivation is oh god there goes our money yes is where they lose me."
"The bidens are just such sleazeballs... Joe Biden has been a politician his entire life, his family business is corruption."
"America has now become one of those countries, corrupt at a level not seen before."
"Recent congressional testimony, along with interviews with officials who worked closely with the president, raised questions about how much Trump cared about corruption broadly in Ukraine."
"It's kind of like most things like it starts out really pure and innocent and then people come along and realize that they can profit and then it turns into something else."
"If you want to take a stand against the corruption of the world, then you should start by fighting against the corruption in your own heart."
"The brisk market for pardons reflects the access peddling that has defined Mr. Trump's presidency."
"Over 60 percent had been asked to provide sexual services to high-profile individuals, usually either businessmen or politicians."
"Corruption in the government ran rampant and influential leaders were getting wealthy from the economic boom."
"This movement is an organic rebellion against a corrupt system... and it is a coup in one."
"We're estimating that only 30 percent of the supplies in military aid is actually getting to the where it needs are supposed to go"
"Maybe we should stop sending countless buckets of money to the most corrupt nation in Europe"
"So the combination of ignorance, corruption, and sheer selfishness and greed is a deadly combination for our democracy."
"DeSantis's handling of the pandemic... was in truth awful, including literally being caught selling vaccines to Rich donors instead of giving them to the elderly."
"If we're just another Republic that's falling to corruption, we can help the World by exposing why this keeps happening."
"Once the rule of law is cut back, the rule of greed emerges."
"Corruption is corruption no matter who is performing it."
"When I get back in office, I will appoint a real special prosecutor to investigate every detail of the Biden crime family of corruption."
"I believe Americans care about corruption and do not want to see their president involved in corruption."
"There's no doubt that corruption exists and that hierarchies can degenerate into power structures and become tyrannical and counterproductive but that's what happens when they degenerate."
"Former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych once estimated that corruption was costing the Ukrainian economy almost 10 billion dollars per year."
"Money corrupts the worker, but it only elevates the corporation."
"The people are supposed to be complaining about it are being paid by the people who they're supposed to be complaining about."
"When there are large amounts of money and fame involved for the victors, corruption is sure to follow."
"There's a lot of corruption in the music business because there's a lot of money in the music business."
"George Santos has quickly revealed himself to be one of the most corrupted, compromised, and concerning political actors I have ever seen in my life."
"Power corrupts and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely."
"We will end corruption and have a Bahamas where everyone can operate without paying off anybody."
"Human morality is based upon having sound money, sound interactions with one another, and money is the thing that we all need. And the minute you start to make money something is political and not sound, um, that leads to corruption and problems."
"The Watergate scandal: one of the largest scandals and leaks in history."
"The prohibition poisoning: government agencies poisoning industrial alcohol with lethal chemicals."
"Starting off this list in our number 10 spot, we have the Teapot Dome scandal."
"Money doesn't corrupt the process, it's necessary for the process."
"Yeah, it's so crazy how like so many of these postmasters are stealing from the post office so blatantly," says one commentator.
"The very fact that our rhetoric is so polluted... corrupted... what about the Constitution?"
"Meals are meant to nourish, but they can also be defiled and lead to demise."
"The spread of those ideas is God's plan. The violence and the cruelty and the corruption that come with it, that's us." - Andrew Klavan
"You have absolute power, absolute power corrupts absolutely."
"The corruption is absolutely real... they did lie to us every step of the way."
"Billions of dollars have been grafted into the pockets of corrupt Ukrainian government officials."
"Power is a poison well known for thousands of years."
"Don't you think replacing the police with civil guard is kind of like Animal Farm? No chain of command. You replace those in power that are corrupt and then you eventually become the corrupt authority."
"Donald Trump was corrupting the process by corrupting its members."
"When you can't talk about the facts, things become corrupt. If you shut the door on ideas, if you say you're not allowed to test it, you're not allowed to have that idea, you've left the realm of science."
"The shadowhunters can be seen as symbolic for corruption within the police force."
"It's a giant money laundering scheme... they never have any money for our own citizens."
"Certainly a weapon that has been used for a long time to justify a lot of corrupt religious leadership."
"This is the biggest wealth theft of all time that's going on right now."
"There are people willing to tolerate the total perversion of our political system for their own political interests, for their own partisan interest, and that's I think the real issue we're facing right now."
"Maybe we stop saying women slept their way to the top. Maybe we say corrupt men withhold promotions until they receive sexual favors. How about that?"
"As lord acton once said, power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely."