
Villainy Quotes

There are 1477 quotes

"Truly great villains aren't interchangeable."
"Garvey is a psychopathic, cold-blooded killer; he stopped being human long, long ago."
"Being evil does come with a lot of responsibility."
"Ursula is about as iconic a villain as you can get. She owns every moment of evil and every moment of hilarity."
"Sometimes bad people aren't punished for doing bad things. What if the villain of the story lied, died, and schemed and murdered all the way to get this incredible power and succeeded?"
"I like when all of the stories are kind of subverted and told from the villain's point of view, and when there's something more to them than just being plain bad guys."
"There's no better villain that embodies that darker antagonistic half of the tale than the fourth Espada. Cold, calculating, clinical, and statuesque, Ulquiorra is in my mind the ultimate Hollow villain in the series."
"Fellow evil villains, I'm auditioning for world domination to get rid of every single prime capital."
"Krampus has sent me to recruit the new evil villain group."
"Yo, what do you want? I'm melting. The Grinch is using a lighter on me and it's melting me."
"Evil organizations, lone wolves teaming up, betrayals, turncoats, evil worldbuilding."
"If run the subject of villains, every Metal Gear game has a squad of villains for the heroes to take on, and MGS3 follows this trend with the Cobra unit."
"Thanos did truly love his adopted daughter Gamora in his own terrible way."
"Either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"The Witch is an incredibly effective movie that manages to make twin children and a billy goat some of the most terrifying villains of the movie."
"A good villain will have their own justifications for what they're doing, otherwise it's just cartoon evil and that's not interesting."
"There's something really special going on under the hood of Homelander's character that gives him a major edge over characters like Joker and Darth Vader."
"Villains tend to always be more interesting than the heroes because they speak to a darker version of ourselves that we resist."
"Villains don't think what they're doing is wrong; from their perspective, they're right."
"She just looks so evil; like she's the mastermind."
"I am a super villain. I'm doing a good job of doing bad things."
"You're gonna make a heck of a villain someday."
"You think you can become a super villain? Well, you turned to the right channel."
"Why would anyone do that for anyone, even if it was the Joker and, you know, if I was a supervillain? But I guess you got to do what you got to do when you're trying to be evil."
"Crocodile is the gold standard not just for One Piece villains, but villains in media in general."
"One can smile and smile and smile and still be a villain."
"Dio is just so unrealistically evil at points that he's always entertaining to watch."
"Instead of saving the world from a villain, the villain has basically already won."
"Joker shows the audience that some of them aren't the hero, some of them are everyday villains who wallow in hypocrisy and moral superiority."
"It's okay to be the villain. It's okay to embrace it. Being your true, authentic, and organic self is exactly why that article was written the way it was."
"Cruella is easily the most entertaining part of the movie, and I love her delicious malice."
"Villains don't need to operate on the same morals as your everyday person. In fact, most of the time, villains that go against the moral standards often stand out more in our minds because they break from the norm."
"Pixar's ability to craft compelling villains remains unparalleled."
"Syndrome’s plan was to become a Super himself."
"We're evil! Villainy is like blowing up land, there's nothing like it."
"Character building for a villain is pretty rare, but here it's done wonderfully."
"Wisdom is understanding that Frankenstein was the monster."
"Both Frankenstein and the monster are the villains of this story."
"Vlad's victims didn't always know they were about to meet their deaths."
"These people are so cartoonishly evil, like comic book villains at this point. Not trying to hide it at all."
"Making evil seem okay or making us root for the bad guy."
"The villains are a generic evil empire centered around the most destructive of the four elements."
"I get really excited about creative bad guys. It's interesting."
"If the Batman who laughs wins, there's no turning back. You can't unring that bell."
"He chose to be the villain because he was a villain."
"To create a truly memorable villain, you have to connect them with the audience in a meaningful way."
"Zuko is a memorable villain because he is one of the most human villains ever written."
"The Joker terrifies us not because he kills people, but because he makes us enjoy watching him kill people."
"So be careful who you call the bad guy because one day you might just end up feeling sympathy for the villain."
"What's a super villain without a complicated backstory?"
"Meta every meta needs a villain, people want to play bad is it dex cool let's go"
"The best villains are the ones who have compelling motivations that make sense."
"We may be witnessing the birth of the first real-life super villain."
"People who go villainous because of like one defining moment that only affects them individually but in this book we kind of see that it's actually just ideas and worldviews that makes people go villainous and they grow over time."
"Finally, the gold medal of evil goes to Sideshow Bob."
"Lady Dimitrescu is legitimately scary, and that's a really, really good thing for a villain."
"I hope I explained it well enough there because I'm not gonna lie, it's one of my favorite villain powers that I've ever come up with."
"It's so much harder to be an Avatar when your villains make sense."
"I love it! I love being evil in this game. Come on, let's go conquer the galaxy! Who's with me?"
"The only thing more important than a villain’s evilness is the power that they can wield."
"When you give villains a reason to be evil, you begin to understand why evil exists."
"Sometimes the greatest tool to showcase a villain's intimidation is their absence."
"Philosophically, there's actually a lot in common here with Thanos - another MCU villain with a religious zeal to cull all of life by half."
"When super villains start doing weird things you don't understand, you can usually just assume it's bad, and you're not usually wrong in doing that."
"The most heinous super villain of all is boredom."
"If dragons are the coolest and most powerful and most famous group of monsters that an adventurer can fight, then the queen of all evil dragons would have to be the final archetypal villain of D&D."
"He's really the quintessential Marvel Comics villain."
"No villain ever thinks of themselves as evil."
"Newt Gingrich is a villain in that he instituted changes in Congress that greatly ramped up political polarization."
"Sinister is the highest profile X-Men villain who has not made it to the big screen. He would be a great starter villain before the X-Men move on to fighting and then befriending Magneto."
"A good villain is the one that thinks they're the hero of their own story."
"Goku Black is maybe the best villain in Dragon Ball history."
"You must become the villain again; the world isn't ready to handle me at my worst."
"Cersei has no heart. She's Game of Thrones true human villain."
"That's some intelligent supervillain mad scientist type stuff, bro."
"Why do something simple like change your own face and blend into obscurity when you can complicate matters with bizarre grandiose designs for the purposes of world domination? I believe that's called the James Bond way."
"People like villains. They like to talk about you, but they love to look at you."
"Wesker, easy triple S one of the best villains in all of gaming there's a reason he has not changed since his initial inception because he's just a great character."
"Terry Silver is the best straight-up villain of the entire show."
"Getting rid of half of all life in the universe in one fell swoop is a career highlight if you're a supervillain."
"The Joker is one of the most compelling villains of all time precisely because we CANNOT."
"What makes you a villain? I mean, she killed a bunch of people. That's pretty villain-like."
"This is such a good villain design. The digital mask with an 'E' is genius."
"Adolf Hitler is rightly known as the world's greatest villain, a sick twisted dictator that almost turned our planet into his kingdom. And he did it because he lived without fear."
"Unlikable characters can work... villains are a great example of this."
"Omega Red's a bad weather one day I will tear out your tongue."
"Every individual God gets their own section of what happened you know what is this God like if they're the villain of the campaign."
"In the early days of queer theory this was like hmm why are all of villains queer-coded?"
"Arguably the best villain that The Wheel of Time ever had."
"Because what's scary about Hoka isn't the raw strength of his powers, it's the skill and cunning with which he uses them."
"Such a creative villain and start to the battle."
"The ultimate big bad over multiple adventures."
"The penal mercenary conscript arrangement is so comically evil and effective, I don't know, orc-like, that it's just crimped."
"The villain is merely the hero of their own story."
"The only real bad guys of Omen of the Stars are the cats who live in the dark forest."
"You and your followers, and once you are dead, all timelines will be mine."
"You either die here or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"It's showing that bad people don't always go around announcing how evil they are."
"Evil Con Carne takes super villainy and quests for world domination and makes them hilarious."
"As kids we love the heroes and as adults we understand the villains."
"That was it, Cipher PK! Still you're still in here still kick in because we just made super villains."
"The most terrifying villains are the ones who think they're the good guys."
"Sometimes a special kind of villain comes along and kind of wins over our hearts, presenting us with a message or a mindset that deep down at its core holds some root of truth that we then attach ourselves to while watching."
"Sephiroth stands as one of the most iconic villains ever created."
"I want to have that clear bad guy where I'm like okay, [expletive] them, we need them out of our way."
"There's a little bit of hero in all of us, there's a little bit of villain in all."
"A villain is a character archetype. It's a character that has active malicious intent that goes against what the protagonist is trying to achieve or prevent."
"The 616 MCU universe contain the most evil version of Wanda Maximoff."
"If we ever started to act like our enemies, we'd be better villains than they ever were."
"What I loved about it you know no good villain should feel like they are evil you know sometimes when you watch the villain you're like okay how's that guy not know he's a dick."
"I think there's always the tragic element to the best villains."
"He's the bad guy, and that's an awful thing to say about another human being but that he is the villain of his own story."
"Every villain sees themselves as the hero of their own story."
"Video games are uniquely placed to make the most out of their villains."
"Ultimately, you could have been heroes. It's not the type, by the way, the irony of the [ __ ] game of the villains at all, yeah."
"This is truly the story of the villain with a complex soul."
"He exploits everything from Kem's to the decapitated head of a fallenness ultron to carry out his will."
"An evil scientist who has invented a deadly laser weapon."
"Villains serve a major role... they themselves can be looked at as the great threat that the hero must overcome."
"Some villains are just timeless. From the Norse pantheon to the Marvel comic book and cinematic universes, Loki has been one of those standout villains that everyone loves."
"A villain serves as the primary motivator for the events of every story ever written."
"An evil character freely exhibits those normally hidden desires and acts in a way the readers cannot, providing an outlet for those ugly feelings that we all share."
"Hawk Moth's mask is a reference to the supervillain Fatih mosque."
"I wear being viewed as a villain as a badge of honor."
"You die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. I'm a villain."
"Alex Delarge of A Clockwork Orange, famous for being one of the most unapologetically evil people in fiction."
"Do we want villains to be evil or do we want villains to be complicated, sympathetic, and tragic?"
"I mean, I was not rooting for the villain because obviously I don't root for the evil people, but it brought such a fresh take on a villain."
"Dukat managed to cover his evil in twists and turns for almost five years."
"Embrace your villain role, embrace the bad guy persona that you are."
"A human villain who puts the psychology in psychological horror."
"We gotta train our kids to be super strong super villains."
"Here's what this movie needed: a third villain."
"That's the point. Have you ever seen Dr. Eggman? He could kill Sonic at any time. It's about sending the message."
"A clear villain, right? The Jailer, he's our main man."
"Did he really do it? Behind the cardboard cutout villain, there's a much more complex and fascinating character."
"This is an anime where the overarching villain of the series really is the abyss as a whole."
"Victor is the good guy and Lucian is the evil lycan who is trying to take over again."
"But after we learn Victor bred that enslaved him and killed his girlfriend and unborn child, he seems pretty justified in what he did."
"Barbie movie villains, especially the ones from the first era, are just so unapologetically evil."
"The villain never thinks they're the villain, that's the beauty of it."
"Real-world villains are actually clever, not like the movies."
"You either leave a hero or live long enough to become the villain." - Very good, Saki, very profound.
"The Joker is almost the perfect personification of evil."
"The Joker has killed literally millions across his various incarnations."
"Either you die a hero or you live long enough and you become a villain."
"A villain that has found a home in the hearts of Fallout fans for years and one that will continue to live on in legend into the future."
"Monsters are often made into monsters by outside forces."
"Kaido cuts off Kiku's arm. Oda reminds us how much of a monster Kaido really is."
"Disgusting, delicious humans, great energy for doing some more killing here I go, killing again."
"Vlad's the main villain of the show and the driving force behind almost every subplot throughout Vlad's actions are entirely made for his own personal gain without remorse or empathy for anyone that gets caught in the crossfire."
"Palpatine: the ultimate villain of the entire Star Wars saga."
"Master villain guw who plans every detail of his heists leave three complete strangers unsecured to run a muck in his house yeah he's new with this whole child rearing thing but come the hell on that is cool."
"It's exciting to see them all working under Giovanni. Like, I love how all these separate guys, like, had these major plans and like, 'Yeah, let's form under the crime boss. That seems like the best idea.'"
"You go from any but int king to a really competent evil general to a crazy evil guy who uses dark magic."
"Kira is the most meticulous villain in all of anime."
"Playing as a villain is way more fun than playing as a hero."
"Heroes can be just like the villains if it suits their agenda."
"People do want the bad guy like in films and stuff."
"Arno Stark, Tony's evil brother from 616, definitely has some questionable approaches when it comes to being Iron Man."
"Not only is Krieg a delightfully hate-worthy villain with a ton of tricks and weapons up his sleeves, but the fight also acts as a microcosm of what makes Luffy such a great protagonist."
"Typical villain thing: telling the protagonist his plans rather than just letting it happen."
"Shredder: deadly leader of the evil Foot Clan. Cold, cunning, and cruel, Shredder is the turtles' hateful arch enemy, willing to go to any length to destroy them and the rat sensei Splinter."
"Baxter Stockman: evil-minded mad scientist. Laughable repairman turned ruthless mad scientist, Dr. Stockman's one-bodied evil that's best to avoid."
"We love those relatable villains... what would happen if someone took that immense amount of influence and fanbase and turned it to malicious intent?"
"But there is a villain in Norse Mythology, born of a monster who did have evil intentions."
"The pigs of Angry Birds are not actually evil."
"Marquis is not only a character that works really well as just like a villain but he's also just a character that you end up liking beforehand."
"I understand where she's coming from, which makes for the best villains."
"King Candy nearly destroys the game and seeks ultimate power."
"The dramatic question of fixing the villains made it interesting."
"In the case of Deathstroke, this is a character who also fulfills the qualities of being a well-written villain."
"The best villains are the ones that don't think they're villains. They actually think they're doing good."
"So it's great though isn't it? They're not established super villains then they're like a secret cabal of super villains."
"Definitely one of my favorite villains in this show."
"I want the Sith to win, I want the acolyte to come and take over, I want red lightsabers and every other color gone!"
"You either live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"Lord Boros: ultimate villain, one of the strongest characters, pushed Saitama to his limit."
"The Pink Psycho Ranger might be the most famous out of all of them."
"Misuse of power... that's what makes him evil."
"All the suffering the world has endured, all the challenges you've overcome, all the horrors this vile man has inflicted upon the realm you held so dear, it ends today."
"There's always Francis the atrociously evil witch."
"He's truly the only one that's completely irredeemable after all jack, tia, and ace were all victims to his method of recruitment."
"Fusion go to so many map fives because they can consistently win push."
"Our evil organization has come so far, and I'm so proud of this enterprise."
"Every villain thinks they're the hero of their own story."
"Not since Grand Moff Tarkin obliterated Alderaan has there been an empire quite as mustache-twirlingly evil as GameStop Incorporated."
"Namor is at times presented as a flat-out villain and other times as a prickly antihero."
"It's not really a surprise to find that Batman has one of the best rogues' galleries out of any DC hero."
"Oswald Cobblepot, also known as the Penguin, is obviously dangerous since he's one of the top crime lords in all of Gotham."
"Deathstroke is one of the best outright assassins in all of DC comics."
"Joker is the most dangerous Batman villain because of what he brings out in Batman."
"The point was, it's a movie about a [ __ ] villain and about the descent into madness."
"Both iterations of Jack and the hotel are terrifying to watch and read and are more than worthy of being labeled some of the greatest horror villains in the history of the genre."
"Dr. Doom started out as a villain and has become more nuanced and difficult to peg down in the years."
"No, I will make the ultimate sacrifice here. I will become the villain, I will become all this. I will take away my freedom, I will be the devil of all earth."
"The best villains don't think they're villains."
"This first introduction to Seph's character is a master class in how to make a villain seem imposing, frightening, and dangerous right from the very start."
"Everybody's a villain and every in somebody else's story."
"She's a very terrifying villain, which is partially because she manages to do a good job of playing the fool."