
Batman Quotes

There are 1925 quotes

"Batman believes all people deep down have the potential for good, and Joker believes that everyone will become evil if pushed hard enough."
"Batman has always been a genius tactician...and he is infamous for having contingencies for every eventuality no matter how unlikely or absurd."
"Batman being someone of integrity is the final fundamental pillar of his character, it is a defining trait that makes him the man he is."
"Resolve, Intellect, Integrity, and Physical Prowess...every good Batman story attacks and tests these four cornerstones of his character, and when they do so, his character is at his most entertaining."
"We love Batman because he can contend with evil...yet simultaneously, he is a man who can hold the hand of a dying child."
"We follow him because we hope that when we are at our lowest, we might have Batman to be our example and to be the guiding light that leads us out from the dark."
"I miss the days of peak gaming when Mass Effect was firing on all cylinders and when Rocksteady could do no wrong when it came to Batman."
"Batman: Arkham Asylum really made me feel like Batman."
"Batman Arkham Asylum is timeless in the sense that it should never be forgotten."
"Batman recognizes the strength of Superman not in so far as to make him punch really hard and fly fast, but is the strength of Superman's character."
"The plot in Arkham City is great all around, one of my favorite things about it is how Batman is in the midst of absolute chaos."
"Michael Keaton's going to be playing Batman in The Flash movie, which is awesome."
"Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now."
"You've seen The Dark Knight, right? Remember when Batman is punching the Joker, and the Joker is laughing? To the Joker, somebody like Batman is absolutely powerless. That's what I feel like."
"Batman: The Movie is not a satire or parody of Batman. It is a totally legitimate, even great version of these characters."
"Batman and Robin are beloved members of the community and everyone waves to them as they fly overhead in the bat copter."
"Batman really likes going in vents in this game."
"I'm Batman, I gotta be anti-social and stuff."
"Other people were like, 'Hey, he's got a butler, who cares if his parents died.'"
"Look, sometimes you gotta go for the Joker teeth first. You can't focus on the people, come on."
"Christopher Nolan's Batman films changed the game forever. There's no going back."
"In terms of showcasing the true opposite end of the same coin in reference to Batman, he truly does it the best."
"The Batman signals come out. NOA, come on now, you got to give the man credit."
"San Francisco doesn't need Harvey Dent; it needs Batman."
"Batman is without a doubt one of the most beloved and revered superheroes of all time."
"The Batman in the process arrives as the first real defining blockbuster of the 2020s."
"The late great Kevin Conroy excels in one of his final turns as The Dark Knight."
"Batman being a bit of a fascist has been a prominent recurring theme, usually as an interrogation of policing, vigilante justice, the inherent morality of superheroes."
"Batman: The Animated Series was both a distillation of everything that made The Caped Crusader popular for decades as well as an inspiration for countless TV shows, comics, movies, and of course fans, in the years that followed."
"Every interpretation is ultimately compared to this version, and in its balance of all ages thrills with a mature storytelling style, the animated series encapsulated everything that makes this character special."
"When Batman discovers Freeze's origin story and the truth behind his quest for vengeance, it's a very compelling, sympathetic, and heartbreaking scene."
"Kings of fear is to me one of if not the best scarecrow story ever made."
"The Scarecrow isn't just someone no plot device of a villain but rather a complex character."
"He perfectly encapsulates the entire reason why I love Batman."
"Dark days are here, Batman. The prophecy has come true."
"I became Vengeance. I became the Knight. I became Batman."
"The insane clown prince of crime has been around since the beginning of Batman and is still his arch nemesis."
"He's a Batman villain whose sole problem is control... or the lack of control... stunts Mr Freeze and leaves him in limbo."
"A good Batman story or a good DC comic story - that's what I really love more than anything."
"Kevin Conroy does an amazing final performance as Batman in the Arkham series."
"The greatest trick that Batman ever pulled off was making people think that he always had a plan."
"Batman forever was the first live-action Batman film to even attempt to give Bruce Wayne an arc."
"Batman doesn't kill his enemies. He tries to rehabilitate them."
"Robert Pattinson's Batman, it's gonna be pretty cool."
"The single greatest Batman story told in the modern era."
"The voicemail scene became one of my favorite scenes in the entire film."
"Batman at this point is a symbol of fear based on urban legends within Gotham."
"Batman has this uncanny ability to always manage to defeat foes who, objectively speaking, could straight up murder him five times over."
"Number 10: Batman: Arkham City. Having already proved that they can handle the exploits of the world's greatest detective in Arkham Asylum, developer Rocksteady Studios undertook efforts to expand and enhance their world with the sequel."
"This is the Batman movie I've waited for my whole life."
"Batman's dope bro, it's basically like [__]. Yeah, and his storyline is pretty dope. I am Batman, it's basically like Iron Man."
"The Batmobile should be a car that every kid wants."
"There's something fascinating about a Batman who lost his parents and has a chance to have a parent and rejects it."
"For me, it was a fascinating story and a fascinating connection between Bruce's early childhood trauma and the persona that he then..."
"This Batman is able to preserve all the psychological and moral complexity while still being... honest-to-goodness fun."
"I loved the arc of Batman going from what he was in BvS to what he is in the end of this movie."
"Do you think Batman white knight is worth reading absolutely it is an amazing story."
"The Dark Knight holds this near unreachable status."
"It's nice to just have a Batman movie where he's a detective again."
"Visually, it stands out compared to some of the previous Batman movies."
"Is it going to be Batfleck? Is it gonna be Battenson? Either way, you're wrong."
"There's a third guy. And I think a good the best Batman's play all three."
"Nolan's Batman is like a Frank Miller version, he's a Dark Knight Returns Batman."
"The chemistry is undeniable between Bruce and Selena, despite their differing respect for the rule of law."
"Even after everything, it's true he would still have saved him."
"He conquers the Joker, removing his influence from his mind permanently."
"This to me is the best origin tale told of Batman."
"Batman one, I do think this is one of the best superhero movies, it's one of the best action-adventure movies."
"With all of these advancements, costume designers could bring an even more realistic Batman to the screen."
"The Joker has been the Dark Knight's deadliest arch-nemesis."
"Batman's attitude toward killing the Joker actually has an internal logic and consistency."
"Being Batman on screen transcended concepts such as chemistry or simple acting ability."
"Central to the Batman mythology is the notion of choice."
"The symbolism of using the bat is he's conquered those fears."
"Since then, billionaire Bruce Wayne and his masked alter ego have been shown as everything from a mob-crushing crime fighter to a vigilante hero."
"Bruce Wayne doesn't have superpowers other than extraordinary wealth, making him relatable and human."
"Hey, I just want to remind you guys, in '89 everybody went Michael Keaton. Yeah, Beetlejuice Kilmer. Like every single Batman."
"The whole thing about Batman is, anyone can be Batman. It is greatness and greatness arising from tragedy that has been thrust upon you."
"And the second I saw Robert Pattinson without the cowl, I went, they may have done it, they may have finally cast young version like year one."
"The Batman soon simply shortened to Batman debuted in Detective Comics number 27 in March 1939."
"Batman is one of the most popular superheroes ever thought up."
"That's what I love about Batman... it's like there's somebody who's brave enough to go into a dark area and rescue somebody."
"Adam West Batman was always like totally serious about his job but he was in on the joke sometimes."
"I think the best tribute they probably could have... given him is the bat-signal in LA... I think that's really nice."
"Adam West thank you for being... the Bright Knight... the first Batman that I ever saw... in action that made me the happy back fan that I am today."
"The experience of putting Batman back on screen with an epic cast and a visionary director just had to be recorded for posterity."
"The Batman is an underrated, hopeful version of The Dark Knight."
"Even the animation is great, with Batman’s cape taking a frame or two to settle after moving."
"Batman: Mask of the Phantasm has earned its place as one of the best Batman films ever made."
"The Court of Owls story is one of the best in recent Batman history, and Batman vs. Robin does it total justice."
"Batman: The Long Halloween will entertain both new and longtime fans as they try to solve the mystery of the Holiday Killer."
"Jensen Ackles... plays Batman here to perfection and is clearly the right choice for the role."
"Watching Batman, Robin, and Batgirl team up alongside Raphael, Leonardo, Donatello, and Michelangelo is everything we could ever hope for."
"Batman vs. Two-Face is everything we could ever hope for from an Adam West Batman story."
"Batman: The Dark Knight Returns is probably the best Batman two-parter there ever was."
"The Batman felt like the animated series come to thrilling life."
"The Batman being the best Batman movie I have ever seen was everything I could have asked for."
"This is what our fourth, fifth iteration of a new Batman... it is my favorite Batman movie out of all of them."
"Batman is at the absolute apex of what a human being can be in terms of strength speed agility combat prowess."
"Batman just because he's a normal fella. I like Batman, Milad. It's a defo, he's got no superpowers but he gets [ __ ] done. That's how we roll."
"Batman always prepares for everything, I believe that's the most true-to-the-comics representation of Batman that exists in media today."
"There was a reason Kevin Conroy could relate to Batman like no one else."
"They wanted to introduce a villain that would test Batman both mentally as well as emotionally, somebody that would push him to his limits."
"Batman is an intelligent character who likes to stay in control, but he's constantly haunted by the fact that he's just as damaged and vulnerable as the bad guys he puts away."
"Batman was certainly prepared, having set up a state-of-the-art security system which allowed him to monitor all of Wayne Manor from the Batcave."
"Batman's detective skills are really put through the ringer."
"This wasn't your father's Batman...the suit reboot...was a powerful visual statement."
"Rocksteady's Arkham trilogy is one of the greatest trilogies that gaming has seen over the past two decades superhero or otherwise."
"Rocksteady dared to make a game about a broken Batman and they turned that game into a trilogy that is as much about Batman's own insanity as it is the line he straddles between ruthless criminal and bringer of justice."
"Batman has transformed from a shadow to be feared to a beacon of hope."
"If there's a good Batman story, I'll watch it."
"They nailed it with Arkham Asylum, the perfect Batman video game."
"We want characters that resonate, characters that have a good strong relationship with Batman and a strong relationship with the story."
"It was very apparent early on that Azrael's Batman was of a very different breed because he was much more ruthless."
"Bruce felt his methods were much too violent and irresponsible and personally removed him from the mantle."
"Bruce started to doubt his ability to keep himself safe and relied very heavily on the AI."
"This was the birth of the Murder Machine and thus began the Earth's demise."
"Lucius Fox is one of Batman's closest friends and most trusted allies."
"Dick Grayson has taken Batman's place before, and what's more, he was fairly good at it."
"This Batman is not going to be like that. He can see ten steps ahead, he can predict every possible scenario, and he is always prepared."
"Joker being Batman Tyler Durden is an interesting concept."
"He represents the flaws in Batman's philosophy."
"This ending makes Batman just flat-out give up."
"This is the Batman I've been wanting to see on-screen my whole life."
"I chose this life... if I don't live to see another day, Gotham should at least have one of us. It needs Batman."
"But 2017 uh basically saw the ending of the DC rebirth initiative right that's when the whole thing basically began to wrap up and the reality here is that Batman's character is still evolving and it is still changing right."
"This Batman is different. He's actually using the word hope."
"Batman Begins is just so powerful and endlessly rewatchable."
"1989 Batman... loved loved loved everything about that movie."
"I wanted him seasoned, I wanted him experienced, I wanted this to be a Batman that has been through some Wars."
"That's the Batman I just level the playing field a little bit."
"I think he's gonna be a badass Batman I think he's got like I mean he's gonna surprise a lot of people."
"Ben Affleck turned out to be one of the best Batmans we've ever seen."
"With Batman, it's dramatic. I mean, because his private world, there's so much pain from his childhood that he never resolved." - Tara Strong
"I am vengeance, I am the night, I am Batman; that is everything I've ever wanted." - Kevin Conroy
"Rising from the depths of tragedy, he is sworn to fight the forces of evil. He is the Batman."
"With the success of 'The Dark Knight Returns,' Batman had once again hit the mainstream."
"He's an enigma, complicated because he is very much the way a lot of us on some level are."
"Batman training is something that everyone should concern themselves with."
"What Matt Reeves has delivered here is what I describe as the most Batman jumping off the pages of the comic Batman story I've ever seen put to screen."
"Bat mania was born and comic fans everywhere rejoiced when Batman was on television!"
"Batman is the eighth highest-grossing film character in box office history."
"He's the least likely Batman to have a portal machine."
"This movie is the most Batman we've ever seen Batman."
"I loved it. It was cool to see Batman kind of not have it all figured out."
"I thought it was amazing. It definitely was very Batman-ish."
"George Clooney's Bruce Wayne was the most bland, emotionless."
"Arkham Asylum uses its mechanics to delve into every aspect of Batman's abilities and his relationship with his enemies."
"Batman can fight just about anybody, provided he has enough time to prepare."
"It's the best solo Batman movie since The Dark Knight."
"Watching 'The Batman' felt like reading a high-quality graphic novel, like 'The Long Halloween.'"
"Strange needs to see the Batman in action, a man who has somehow managed to sit on the razor's edge between being a man and being a monster."
"Affleck stuff would have been the best Batman film that we ever saw."
"Part of me is very interested in what Matt Reeves is gonna do, but at the same time, I already know what we would have gotten with Ben Affleck is what I as a Batman fan would have wanted."
"Dark Knight is probably the best Batman movie ever made."
"Batman is an action platformer with a strikingly dark graphical style."
"Batman was a big hit for Sunsoft and it's still popular today."
"His gleeful kid-friendly Joker was just as adorable as he was crazy."
"It looks like Ben Affleck's Batman will not be showing up in this Batgirl movie."
"Batman can lose, uh, and we have this upcoming 'The Batman' film featuring the Riddler of course..."
"Batman has one of the absolute best rogues galleries."
"With Robin, Bruce Wayne is essentially recruiting a successor to take over his life's mission."
"Bringing Robin back into the live-action fold would kind of be a cure to the modern version of Batman."
"Finally, after several years hiatus Batman was back and he was at the peak of popularity once again as well as being taken seriously."
"My next dream in life... produce a definitive dark serious version of Batman."
"We have a good Batman folks, cherish it. We have a good Batman."
"Why would he turn on Batman like that? Like, that's ridiculous!"
"This is just, like, a regular old comic book universe where in this one Batman and Commissioner Gordon are dead, and it's up to this ragtag team to move on, and mourn Bruce Wayne, and solve some of his unsolved crimes, and clean up the city."
"There's no more perfect scenario than court of owls for a Batman are engine go back to a game of Arkham at the front."
"This might be the best Batman movie since The Dark Knight."
"It took everything that made Batman the Animated Series so great and gave it a twisted adult spin."
"Matt Reeves delivers a nail-biting, gritty, and fun Batman coming-of-age story."
"Robert Pattinson will be your new favorite Batman."
"I'm really excited about it because, at the core of Batman, he is the pinnacle of human conditioning."
"It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me, Bruce."
"It goes without saying this ride has the potential to be the greatest Batman rollercoaster of all time."
"Batman, on the other hand, made himself who he is."
"The Batman fought his way to the truth. That's who he is. It's who you are."
"Batman's ability to kill enhances the strength of the adaptation rather than hindering it."
"Choosing to be Batman not because of a quest for revenge or out of guilt but because he genuinely wants to do good and help people."
"This is the one that most point to as being the Batman Joker story."
"Out of all the Jokers featured in Batman Beyond, the gang from 'Return of the Joker' were the most memorable."
"What is Batman's fighting skills rating out of a hundred? Batman from the DC extended universe receives a fighting skills rating of 88."
"Heath Ledger did a great job... Heath Ledger's Joker is the best Joker that we've gotten on the big screen."
"Damian Wayne is a really good character... his growth as a character is one of the things that makes him compelling."
"The Lego Batman movie was a lot of fun... a huge love letter to Batman fans."
"Reeves has built a world that could contain that of 3 unique subgenre in 3 different films, while still containing all the bat-lore and established detective noir tones that the first film had."
"The Batman score is so good. There's currently an orchestra touring where they're screening the Batman in its entirety with the orchestra performing the score live in sync."
"Jason Todd would return to DC Comics under the continuity or under the story of a six-part limited series called Batman under the Red Hood..."
"What I'd actually like to see from the Batsuit is a less modernized armored approach."
"Batman: Master tactician... hanging back, calling the shots."
"I wrote Batman with the weight of the world on his shoulders."
"The Batman is dead. Long live the best Batman ever."
"If you're like me, you're just a Fight Night fan and you want something like that, you know, maybe look it up."
"What Batman Begins is really about to me is analyzing our own fears as a society and how we cope with them."
"This Batman feels the most personal of all the other ones that we've ever experienced."
"The Batman by Matt Reeves has actually gotten way closer to answering that question truthfully."
"The Batman takes place in our caped crusader's younger days."
"He doesn't let the Joker fall to his death, he reaches out."
"I just adore the notion that for Bruce, it was never about being a hero. It was literally about the city that he loves and the people that he loves."