
Legal System Quotes

There are 1414 quotes

"We agree that the divorce court system is dreadful."
"Ensuring compliance with constitutional rights is imperative, as it prevents the perpetuation of practices that undermine these fundamental liberties."
"Despite Sanchez initially facing 9 years behind bars, she was ultimately given a suspended sentence."
"I compliment you for the professionalism and dignity you have shown over the last 865 days as you have endured threats against you and your family as well as unjustified attacks in the media and on your reputation as a lawyer."
"We can begin the process of restoring some confidence in the Court by at least insisting on an enforceable code of ethics."
"Judge McAfee might have just opened the flood of whistleblowers."
"All I want to know is, can this ruling be appealed?"
"When police break the law, it can be challenging to hold them accountable."
"The laws can change, but if the hearts don't change, because it is the hearts of men that write the law."
"As difficult as it is for us to hear these cases, imagine how difficult it was for these victims to experience what they did."
"The justices are looking for a way out of this case where they can, if possible, find complete consensus and issue a unanimous decision on a relief arrow narrow point of law that would dispense of this matter."
"What made America a great place for the whole world to invest was the stability, reliability, transparency, and impartiality of our legal system."
"The whole point of the legal system and the justice system is that it's black and white on paper."
"The Supreme Court in Brooklyn reversed her conviction in Eddie Junior's case ruling that there was no evidence of murder in the first place."
"The beauty of the legal code is that we can expand it how far we want."
"95% of all convictions in this country are the result of a plea. We almost never go to trial, we almost never litigate, we don't actually test the evidence in this country very often."
"If you dig into it at all, it's control over custody of children, they have too much power in that respect, they should have far less."
"Nobody wants innocent people to sit in prison for a crime that they didn't commit."
"The whole legal system we have, if no one going... then, this whole medical system we have, is no one going."
"A strong, independent bar is always supposed to be the defense, or at least one line of defense, against tyranny or against government overreach."
"The tragedy we are all witnessing is precisely what our modern international legal system was designed to prevent."
"Law is not about justice; it's the legal system, not the justice system."
"Anatomy of a Fall is a compelling courtroom drama where this lady is put on trial for pushing her husband out a window, allegedly."
"The role of the prosecutor is to pursue justice... enforcement protects citizens from future crime but also offers some measure of satisfaction to the victims of crime."
"Genuine public interest exists in what Grand jurors found after they sifted the evidence and heard from all the witnesses."
"False confessions are common, they are easy to do."
"Of all the convictions that have been overturned through DNA testing, 29% involved false confessions."
"For all the faults of government, its existence does allow for things like workplace safety laws, OSHA, the ability to sue businesses."
"Leticia James is basically sacrificing the fair rule of law just to get Trump."
"Former president Trump has become citizen Trump, with all the defenses of any other criminal defendant."
"Oppression can still happen even with a legal system that is on paper completely equal."
"They don't need to prove a motive, but juries want to know why."
"No case is too small. Everyone deserves justice."
"The law becomes, collectively, what is invested into it by the people who practice it, comment on it, and are affected by it."
"I think it's a whole other conversation, right, like the way the legal system isn't really built to be accessible to people that don't have a lot of money."
"In the pursuit of justice, the verdict stands as a beacon of hope."
"This nightmare has been going on almost 17 years for me, please help end this injustice."
"What kind of trauma is this, to be torn away on one woman's notice from your parents who are not abusive parents to them, who are not endangering them in any way?"
"When two women come out and say, 'We're accused of being victims but we will testify under oath this is not true,' and a judge says, 'Don't care,' I'm like, something fishy is going on."
"Donald Trump is banned from the ballot... in Colorado subject to a Supreme Court appeal."
"Julian Assange, could he actually walk free? This is a big bombshell part of the Assange story for free speech and freedom of the press."
"The presumption of innocence in the legal systems in civilized countries is such a complete bloody miracle."
"The press are constantly going to courthouses and filming outside courthouses as defendants walk in."
"An autopsy by the National Forensic Service found that Jongin died of serious internal bleeding of her organs caused by external force."
"Arresting a child because a child is poor and instead of selling something illegal, they're selling water."
"In this country, we don't leave the decision of guilt or innocence up to the governor, the attorney general, the prosecutors, or the presiding judge; you, ladies and gentlemen, make that decision."
"So many women have been legitimately and systematically abused and gaslit over many years, and when they finally speak up, they get pushed down by the legal system, by society, and even blamed."
"It was our responsibility as the prosecution, as ministers of justice, to pursue justice wherever it may lead."
"A killer who knows how to manipulate the legal system is the scariest killer of all."
"Everyone needs to be heard fairly, and right now it seems the system's been set up in such a way that most offenders will never be brought to justice."
"It doesn't work. Kyle Rittenhouse should not have been in jail for 87 days. He was presumed innocent... Get him a nice comfy bed, queen size, four pillows, HD TV."
"The Supreme Court's job is to interpret the Constitution."
"We have a legal system and the legal system is the thing that binds us together."
"Britney Spears' conservatorship has finally ended and it sheds some light on how conservatorships can be controlling and abusive."
"Faith in our elections and the rule of law is paramount to our republic."
"Critical race theory argues that racism is not just a matter of personal prejudice or explicit legal discrimination, but can be found in everyday social practices and is embedded in our legal system."
"The bigger story now, that's in many ways shocking, is that we're learning the feds had a secret plan if Derek Chauvin was acquitted... they were going to file a criminal complaint and arrest him at the courthouse."
"This is the banality of evil. The idea that a 65-year-old woman, who is not a criminal, who is scared of gang violence, wants to protect herself, and is walking to an ATM, I don't know if she should be locked up for four years."
"We're here today because of the ethics mess that has taken place at the Supreme Court."
"Financial markets are more dependent on the support of a relatively healthy system, including a rigorous, fair, and clear legal system; a culture of honesty, integrity, and non-deceptive behavior of participants; and a government that is committed to neutrality and fully respects free trade."
"If all laws were moral and identical with morality, we'd never need to change laws."
"Eileen was diagnosed with borderline personality and antisocial personality disorder, but that didn't seem to make any difference in terms of her sentence."
"At least one corrupt case got exposed that involved a corrupt judge and a corrupt prosecutor."
"It's much more difficult to sway every member of a jury than a single judge."
"Navigating the legal maze is not just about knowing the laws; it's about understanding the stories behind them."
"When the gavel falls, it's not just a verdict. It's the culmination of countless stories, facts, and legal nuances."
"Behind every case file lies a human story, a narrative that transcends legal jargon and touches the essence of justice."
"Demystifying the legal process is about shedding light on the intricacies that define our quest for fairness and equity."
"Unfortunately, the world really does need Daredevil... the legal system is not perfectly infallible; it can be corrupted."
"Perjury is a very, very serious offense to the court."
"This case... has been a case of note. Not just in this community, but... nationwide."
"Prosecutorial discretion is a very powerful and sometimes corrupt doctrine. The prosecutor has the discretion to decide who to prosecute."
"What followed was one of the most transparent and thorough trials in our nation's history."
"The non-prosecution agreement was a blow to the victims and a stain on the justice system."
"I graduated from law school on time, and then I'm exonerated. Record clean."
"Putting one's fate in the hand of 12 strangers sets up conflict, drama, and gripping moments."
"We are quite close to the point when the legal system will have to take this into account."
"The legal system is our Safeguard, our protector and defender of democracy and freedom."
"The real winners of this past week were the lawyers."
"The deterioration of our Law and Order system in this country."
"The court of public opinion carries more weight than the court of law in the modern media age."
"She will be dearly missed by her mother, her three children, kind of break here, although sentencing in Russia is dreadful."
"The court has become a tool for a perpetrator to continue his abuse and control."
"It's deeply disturbing because we should never trust secret justice."
"I'm a fan of cameras in the courtroom because I believe in the same public right for the court to the public to participate effectively as observers."
"Jurors don't always like thinking about the fact that you could be criminally charged for what otherwise looks like an accident."
"John Walker Lindh, the American Taliban, is out. So that's great. Now he gets put in jail, taken care of for 20 years, and then let out."
"There's a lot I still think a lot to be learned from the way celebrity impacted the police investigation in this case."
"If someone accuses you of something, you should have the right to defend yourself."
"That's a real danger to the Integrity of the Judicial System."
"I think lawsuits are a form of checks and balances that are important in this country."
"I'm troubled by the lack of rule of law in this country."
"You are literally allowed to steal up to 950 dollars worth of stuff and they will not prosecute you."
"The law is written and is morphed and changes, evolves and grows."
"Georgia courts of law recognize there are two accepted grounds for disqualifying a prosecuting attorney."
"We surrender control to a judge or a jury, and right or wrong, they get to make the decision."
"Nancy is guilty of murdering her husband, and it is now up to you to deliver the justice for Chef Dan Brophy and the rest of the Brophy family."
"Thankfully justice was served in this case, which can't always be said."
"How in the world can a mother wait 30 days before reporting her child missing? These are the trials that challenge the legal system and ourselves."
"I remain hopeful. Let's let the criminal justice system, let the courts do what they do. Let's hope we get justice here for Crystal."
"Going to court for these trivial matters is an excellent way to tell the regulatory apparatus."
"The Supreme Court has played the most pivotal role for protecting our fundamental rights."
"You won't believe that this Karen ended up in front of the same judge just four months later."
"I cannot look at that evidence in court and believe for one second that Jonathan Major should not be suing everybody in sight after this."
"I believe there's a greater-than-chance probability that people who thought Kyle Rittenhouse should go to jail just didn't know anything about the case."
"So, even if Danny's sentenced to life, he may be eligible for parole after a certain amount of time. It's at least on the table at this point."
"There cannot be a two-tiered justice system in America."
"There's a new prosecutor, Sonia Monticella, she may be willing to help."
"No prosecutor seems to be determined or seems to have the appetite." - Glenn
"Kyle would have been jailed, would have been likely convicted, but for the public coming to his defense."
"Any prosecutor can do this in such a high-profile case without consequence."
"People become educated and aware of how it works in real life."
"If they can convict Kyle, there is no real self-defense left in America."
"The sanctity of the jury system is to be maintained. A new trial must be granted unless it clearly appears that the subject matter of the communication was harmless and could not have affected the verdict."
"Ultimately it's going to be who has that stronger case to present to the jury."
"No matter what the defendant has done, he is not legally guilty until a prosecutor offers enough evidence to persuade a jury or a judge to convict."
"To see Justice come to some degree is just it's so gratifying it's so important it's it's what we do it's what we're meant to do."
"I will be honest with you, I haven't been back to court in a long time because I don't think I was heard on any level."
"The weaponization of the legal system to advance a political agenda turns the rule of law on its head."
"They cannot beat us at the ballot box, so they try to beat us through the law. That is the country in which we live."
"No, he got away with murder, savagely murdering two people."
"Innocent people accused of crimes should not be put in jail or executed when not guilty."
"A failure to prosecute poses a much greater risk in terms of public confidence in the fair administration of justice."
"There's the law for the rich and powerful, and then there's Donald Trump."
"The mass acceptance of plea deals was born out of an attempt to break working-class solidarity."
"The law needs to be clear and unequivocal here."
"The essence of the complaint is that the broadcast of a rogue judge delivering sentence will have a potency significantly greater than the publication of the written word."
"If a trial judge is unable to follow the law as determined by a higher appellate court, that trial judge is in the wrong line of work."
"The Supreme Court gave itself the power of judicial review."
"The court system itself is flawed... people are in jail that didn't do [ __ ]."
"A fair jury is a jury that's just not yet ready to lynch."
"The fact that his next court appearance isn't until December is already clear evidence that he's being treated differently."
"A system that legitimizes vigilante murder is deeply broken." - Representative Gwen Moore
"She should definitely be charged, if she's not, that really does show you that there are some people in this country that just seem to have privilege."
"The laws of england are the best system for providing liberty that has ever been devised by mankind."
"In order for society to function, police need to be able to arrest people... You win in the courts, and they did." - Tim Pool
"This case is not about her... it's about public faith in the justice system."
"After 37 years the right man is finally facing Justice yet the lives of so many were left broken by mistakes and false accusations."
"Out of every single person in that courtroom, other than maybe people just wanted to come and watch the trial in the gallery, every single person in that courtroom is there because they have to be, because they are required to be."
"The right to a fair and impartial trial is the bedrock of our judicial system."
"If any of you want one thing out of this, the police cooperate with prosecutors every time. They're not on the defense's side."
"No one's above the law, but where would you find 12 people to sit on a jury to convict Donald Trump?"
"You know, it's not good enough just to, we need convictions, not just arresting."
"This jury cared so much about this case. I've never seen a jury do that."
"Laws and policies do not support us the people in general anymore but they support actually some police officers and the minority groups."
"We have a legal system that incentivizes false accusations for money."
"It's actually shocking. I've covered the court for 15 years and the court has gone on for centuries before that but this is exceptionally rare that something like this would happen."
"Understanding the laws that govern us are the most effective way to make the changes you want to see."
"My job wasn't to win, like I'm not coming in to win. I'm coming in to find justice and sometimes justice as a DA means that you lose. And that's okay."
"The death penalty system in our country isn't perfect."
"There's overwhelming evidence that this is the person who did the crime."
"I choose to believe in these jurors and I choose to believe that they are entering deliberations with somewhat of an open mind."
"The charges against Jesse Smollett being dropped was a huge miscarriage of justice."
"Maybe that's what Bhutan is doing, deconstructing the district attorney's office from the inside."
"Sometimes the hammer of justice has to fall, and it fell hard today on Jesse Smollett."
"The wheels of justice turn slowly and sometimes the hammer of justice has to fall, and it's falling right here right now."
"We can't have a DA be like this arbitrary gun law we're going to enforce."
"I don't agree with the verdict, okay? And so, I've got to disagree with the sentence."
"We seek the maximum penalty. We don't want to see no more slaps on the wrists."
"The reason that we're doing this is because Leah got up at the crack of dawn this morning to go and attend the hearing on Danny Masterson's sentencing, and of course she brings her unique perspective."
"Protecting innocent people is why we built the legal system."
"Betty walked into prison with a life sentence for murder and at the age of around 70 years old she was walking out with a cane."
"It's highly unusual in our legal system for one person to be the decider of life or death for another person."
"I've been actually getting traction having lawmakers realize that when they invest in Public Defense they are investing in a resource that can be massively beneficial to their community."
"Japan has a conviction rate of 99.9 percent."
"Punish the wrongdoer, don't just release him."
"Dean showed no emotion as the judge read his sentence of 11 years and 10 months in prison which is longer than the typical sentence under Texas law."
"I would not have received a fair trial; there would not have been much of a trial at all."
"People should join juries to promote societal change."
"I've had enough for the whole bunch of laws from both sides."
"Imagine living in that world. You could be accused, tortured, and executed on the basis of nothing more than gossip and superstition."
"This lack of respect will certainly bleed into the public Arena and will contribute to the breakdown of Law and Order."
"The criminal legal system has a role but it's really a subservient role to Public Health."
"We are innocent men. We are very innocent men and in time everyone is going to see that."
"Yes, they cannot give him legal advice they can't explain them what uh case law means the judge can explain her ruling but they can't coach him or give him any legal advice."
"In essence, denying his right to speak does run the risk of the sentence being reversed by the Appellate Court."
"Every Jury has to swear under oath that they are not going to nullify the law."
"Maybe what we should do is simply balance the scales of justice in a way that reflects the reality of how it functions or doesn't today."
"There was a solution to this and it's not going to be without public defender."
"Arguing with the police doesn't get anywhere. The judge is who you argue with."
"If the video of what happened is biased against the prosecution's case, that's because reality is biased against the prosecution's case." - Michael Nolis
"The state sought to put an innocent kid in prison for life, and that was all thanks to the police."
"Justice has been done, and we're very, very happy and proud of this result."
"These folk have in store this, and if y'all thought the last Supreme Court term was crazy."
"Some justice was served and the three men involved in the killing of Ahmad Arbury were found guilty."
"A legal system that is invested in pursuing the more peaceful means of coexistence among its people would aim to ensure a distribution of privilege."
"Every time a defense attorney fights hard, they make the system work."
"Oh, they're letting me out of jail just to shake you down."
"Sadly, most people don't realize that the rule of law just simply doesn't exist in our modern courts."
"Our judiciary and our legal system is so important. It was truly the last line of defense, and it did hold up."
"The court finally for the first time in my lifetime as we can actually treat itself as a court that interprets the text of the constitution."
"The justice system is not seeking justice, morals before the law always."
"If we were spreading misinformation and disinformation, we would not be allowed by the court to be there as media."
"A President who disqualified himself from taking the oath gets sworn in again because the courts punted, we end up with Project 2025: Lawless Trump loyalists running government." - Jessica Denson
"New Jersey is on fire and you don't like it because there have been no fewer than three, I repeat three, separate judges..."
"It's tinged with knowing that the conviction does not stand and that he will be a free man now." - Kate Snow
"I went to jail, they dropped it, it was all dropped."
"He is literally useless because the only thing that we expect of our attorney general is to hold people accountable."
"For all of us, it was just about doing justice."
"I think the Supreme Court is fully politicized... they respond to political pressure."