
Audience Connection Quotes

There are 334 quotes

"We don't need to agree with the villain, but it goes a long way to making your villain a great one if you can get the audience to empathize with them."
"When you're authentic to what you do and you just do what you're passionate about, people are gonna fuck with it regardless."
"It provides an invaluable opportunity to let the audience in to the mind of our character."
"Wade Wilson's journey is not just a sequence of events, but a narrative rich with Easter eggs, detail, and a deep connection with the audience."
"The key to public speaking is to connect with your audience and realize that it's not about you, it is about your audience."
"If you can't cry at your own movie, how do you expect millions of people to cry in that moment?"
"I didn't expect to be so moved by the end of this three-hour-long epic journey."
"He connects through his audience through a number of avenues, showing his consistent appreciation for them."
"Nolan has the ability to connect audiences with characters."
"That's what actually made people fall in love with us, the recklessness of this show."
"Story is gonna help connect your audience with the content that you're creating."
"It's about the people that really care about your content."
"Creating a meaningful connection with your audience goes beyond just transactions."
"Journalism isn't a dry academic study or a polished set of rules. It is a connection we share with our audience when we're helping them to understand things better."
"The success of the show can be attributed to her ability to connect with her audience."
"The emotional resonance was potent for many."
"What doesn't fade is how your art resonates with people."
"Other characters inevitably fall for the sick girl, and usually, so does the audience."
"To create a truly memorable villain, you have to connect them with the audience in a meaningful way."
"I think people tend to gravitate towards artists who seem genuine and passionate about what they're doing."
"One of the most important things in my opinion that a film critic can do is have a connection with his or her audience."
"Nana's core strength lies in its ability to invoke genuine emotions from the audience."
"If you actually enjoy it, the people who actually f*** with you and see that you enjoy it will find enjoyment in it as well."
"It just feels like they did a good job of capturing exactly what this movie is supposed to mean to us."
"The talk show format outside of being sustainable and relatively easy to spin up also allows for the depth of connection between you and your audience."
"The fact that people have loved the show and supported these characters and enjoyed the work and fallen in love with it the way that we did, it's unbelievable."
"Sharing the thoughts behind it, being transparent because those are the real things that people connect with."
"Capturing emotions in your work can deeply resonate with your audience."
"Her memorable performances continue to resonate with audiences."
"A masterclass in how to create a strong emotional response in your audience."
"Music is 100% for myself... it's so cool that people listen and resonate with it too."
"It’s a crushing character moment that matches a similarly crushing moment for the audience: It’s over."
"Let's see if your audience, the 30-year-olds like us out there, identify with us in liking Olivia Rodrigo."
"She cries she gets emotional she lets people see her as a real person she connects with her audience in an authentic way."
"Write in your own voice that's true to your personality. That's going to build relatability, trust, and credibility with your audience."
"Every content creator that's like you, again, Cardi B, she is me, she is everyone else who didn't get hand-picked."
"You want to create a tribe of people who love what you do and it's relevant to them."
"Re:Zero is targeted at otaku fears—being bullied, hurt, rejected, and alone."
"I love you all and I'll see you all tomorrow. Have a good one."
"They need to give them some sort of backstory to where we can relate."
"I want to be the one you feel most comfortable with and watch the most consistently."
"I'm more like the people's comic than I am the industry comic."
"I hope that I can be a little bit more vulnerable and be more connected with you guys."
"You have to be transparent and honest about something you know a lot about or at least feel very passionate about and people feel that connection and if they connect because they believe you and you're honest it'll work."
"I'm glad that I'm glad that it resonated with people."
"As you grow as a comedian, I think you start feeling a lot more comfortable exposing yourself to the audience, and those jokes to me are the best when I really start getting to know a comedian."
"People like us, not just comedians, but there are people out there that obviously this resonates with them."
"It's not only about being super talented and having something crazy, you have to be relatable to as many people as you can."
"Enter Mommy Dearest... So when one does manage to hit the right buttons we hold on to it for dear life."
"Be authentic and transparent with your audience. Right? And, you know, your audience will connect with you being transparent with them."
"Pop music can serve as a film's memory, instantaneously linking it with its audience."
"Every day I pray I'm like god tell me what this audience needs to hear what there's somebody here that needs something specific and I want you to guide me on what to focus on so that that person comes away with what they need."
"Thank you so much for tuning in and just know that Lisa and I really truly love you."
"Twice's lyrics can sometimes be so honest and so close to the audience."
"The send this challenge: connect your song to your audience."
"Poets give expression to what lies deep inside the audience."
"There's something people resonate a lot with the show because the writing is very solid."
"You want an audience who genuinely connects with you, not just a high subscriber count."
"Toy Story 3 appropriately grew up with its audience."
"Let's just do what we do, you know what I'm saying, and the people that love it, they're gonna rock with it."
"I think I'm so close to my audience that no Creator can duplicate because how did I get big it's not my content it's not my it is my personality it's how I connect with the audience."
"When you come out from gorilla... When you're authentic to your character, people are going to connect to you."
"I cannot lie, I am sharing my journey with you."
"It's just been wonderful to work on this show because like it's the best sandbox that I've ever gotten to play in."
"I'm from the Philippines, born and raised."
"I think our audience appreciates getting an inside look into who we are and what motivates us. It's different from dry, robotic media." - Unknown Speaker
"For me it's about conquering that first night and getting through and meeting an audience... feeling like you make a connection."
"People love loving the rock... that billion-dollar smile, that charm, that wit."
"Your audience forgives you because now you're being real. You're a vulnerable person. You're a person who's not bulletproof. We can't just continue to create content all the time and that creates relatability."
"Authenticity and integrity... that's one of the things that resonates with the audience."
"People respond to real and raw... it's more relatable."
"They were like, 'You and Missy hit home with me and my wife.' It helped a lot of people."
"Audiences will always connect with that and go along with that journey with you."
"Thank you for watching, I appreciate you guys so much. Take care of yourselves, I got nothing else for you."
"People watch vloggers like Emma Chamberlain not because of a certain product or a haul or something but because of who that person is and how they make them feel."
"You're an artist because what you love, what matters to you, is something that you have a desperate desire to express to your audience."
"What appeals to you or any audience for that matter is not someone trying to be something they're not."
"It resonates on an emotional level, hits hard."
"Making us laugh and having us fall in love with them is no easy feat."
"It's more intimate. I feel more of a connection."
"I wanted women in the audience to sit there and say, 'I could wear that.'"
"Blessings to you, the fam, man, as always. I want a big shout out to you, an illustrious [] career, you've done so much great [], you've been such, not even on the court, but you're an activist as a man."
"When you talk about the most beloved pro wrestlers in history, it's the ones who made a connection with the audience beyond their on-screen character."
"Richard Thomas's heartfelt performance as John Boy Walton endeared him to audiences worldwide."
"Individuality actually connects with the audience."
"It just will make me feel good and it really matters, people watching this show."
"That was a pretty special moment... become aware of the audience... people's hunger and appetite."
"I think he's one of the wrestlers who's connected with the audience in recent years and made himself a star."
"It makes you really, really care about these folks."
"I just hope that you're entertained and that my stuff makes you happy."
"Thank you guys for watching... you guys mean the world to me."
"I actually really enjoy going live, it's a different type of interaction."
"When you're having fun and you're happy, it always translates on screen."
"Thank you all for watching. I love you guys, hope you guys enjoyed it. I'll see you guys next video. Peace."
"Can she maintain that connection to her audience and still feel like the relatable Girl Next Door?"
"Sharing a piece of me in this form with you guys is real special, and I hope you love it."
"Don't just create searchable content for the sake of views. Create content that connects with who you want to reach and what you're passionate about."
"YouTube is a platform to quickly build know, like, and trust. Use it to warm up cold leads and connect with your audience."
"I think what people crave is authenticity and I think they see that I'm authentic and that I'm not trying to [ __ ] them."
"Anyways, we love you guys so much, if you guys haven't already, make sure you like this video and subscribe to the channel."
"We love you guys so much. See you in the next video."
"You're the voice for everybody feeling the emotion."
"It saves you time, it saves you money, it can improve your connection with your audience."
"It just goes back to telling a good story, being identifiable, being relatable."
"I felt all of her emotions throughout every bit of her singing." - Cory
"The best news is that I like every new character introduced I love the characters and that's what matters."
"And I'll see you guys in the next one, mwahh!"
"Elias got over with the WWE audience."
"The value of a lot of these shows is actually in the community."
"It's all about the connection between the artists and the audience, to me."
"I hope you guys are doing well, I really do."
"My game plan overall was to just connect with the audience as much as possible."
"Create things that you're happy with, and people will connect with it."
"I got 90 seconds to just glide on my smash. The building is rocking, they're singing with me."
"I always think that there's one depressed person in the audience, and if I can make that person happy for however long, if even if it's one joke, like I've done my job. It's worth it."
"A film does well based on how well you've made it. If a film connects with people, it'll do well."
"You could be the greatest wrestler in the world if you don't have that connection with the audience you're just another guy."
"Roy's reaction here... makes him immediately likable."
"Watching someone in a live setting brings all sorts of intimacy to the table that a simple YouTube video just can't."
"Building that emotional connection with the audience, that's something that we work hard at. But it's fun."
"Honestly, it really does make me feel for you. I know it might not seem like it, but seriously, that's the reason I'm making this video."
"I'm in this sport to make people feel something."
"I love you guys I hope this reading resonated or helped you."
"Alexander's portrayal of the sharp-witted attorney earned her critical acclaim and endeared her to audiences worldwide."
"I think James Dean became legendary because of the connection he made with the audience, what he represented, his attitude."
"Influencer is all about an ability to connect with an audience by sharing a story."
"As I sign off, let me just say this... much love to you guys."
"I think I owe it to my fans to be able to go out and let them understand how important they were to me."
"But it brings warmth to my heart to know that I can share these memories with people and that I have an audience to do that"
"for anyone that cried during that Tony Stark scene you know what I'm talking about"
"When you walk out there and see people affected by your music, it's endearing, it means something."
"I think authenticity is the thing that resonates with an audience that just wants their singers to believe in what they're saying."
"I really do think that a lot of people are going to feel understood by the records on this album."
"You started from a humble place and want to better yourselves. That's my audience, that's my demographic."
"That's how you know you're a next level rapper when the listener just sit there and vibe with you, that's how you know."
"Thank you all for letting us into your homes and into your phones."
"Just the sheer fact that you're here watching this right now, whoever you are, you are appreciated."
"And just like I said, man, I hope you guys are having a great Tuesday or whenever you guys watching this."
"I always thought it up on pot and the audience was on pot." - John Waters
"She is the only person on YouTube who just completely puts herself out there and lets herself be so vulnerable for her audience."
"Thank you so much for tuning in, I'm sending you hugs, kisses, and everything."
"It's time for me to share my experience on YouTube and to talk about a little bit but really just so you guys get to know me better."
"I do sit and watch the footage and check my first reaction to what I see. If I laugh, I make a note of it. If I cry and I do cry watching dailies, then I know that if it resonates with me, it's going to resonate with an audience."
"The combination of his authoritative performance as Lucas McCain and his dominating presence on television connected with viewers."
"I've got basketball shorts on that are older than probably half our audience."
"And I will see you in my next video, bye."
"If you resonate with the audience, you're gonna have a much better time of selling to them."
"It took having a director who would direct the film as a drama and believe and love the characters so much that they are portrayed as real as possible, allowing the audience to connect with the movie in a deep way."
"I appreciate you guys so much, and I love you guys so much."
"As long as we approach everything with honesty and just a pure heart, the audience will resonate with that."
"Now I want all of them and you to do the same for your viewers."
"If the original film didn't exist, then this one wouldn't connect with very many people at all."
"Thank you so much for supporting my channel and always being here and enjoying my content because it means more to me than you'll ever know."
"If you are new to my channel, I need you guys to subscribe because you know what this channel is all about. Adventures, it's all about keeping you guys really cool and epic content."
"But stand-up is only, to me, it's only worth it if I am in the audience with the audience."
"The key to connecting with an audience, no matter what you're doing, is authenticity."
"Thank you guys for supporting this series and everything that we do. It means a lot to me. So thank you. See ya."
"I just want to make people laugh and it developed into this audience of young women that felt like they had an older sister."
"We're in a space now where vulnerability is required to connect with our audience."
"Why do you want to remain faceless? There's no right or wrong answer, but just something to think about. It does help create a potential deeper connection with your audience."
"You guys just make my dreams come true by letting me be here and show up, and the fact that you guys like my videos means the most to me."
"Even if you have brain damage, if your music has been able to reach people at a level that they accept it and they relate to it... that's what separates the people that become really successful from those that aren't quite at that same level."
"The biggest value has always been to talk about musicality. The end is the musicality, right? The end is to move the emotions of someone, yourself, and the person you're playing for."
"I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all so much for watching and just being a part of my YouTube family."
"It just absolutely connects with people while being very niche and broad at the exact same time, that's when you have a fantastic comedy."
"He played such a perfect vessel for the audience."
"Visual storytelling connects with your audience. Methods like live streaming help humanize your brand and help grow customer loyalty and trust."
"This is what we do it for. This is who we're talking to when we're talking to this camera in the middle of a park and everyone walking by staring at us. We're talking to you guys."
"I don't know why one comment like that would mean more than a hundred 'I love this videos', but for some reason, just knowing that one oddball out there like me, that wanted to see this, got to see it, that's what made my channel really, I feel like."
"Every single piece of content should start by connecting with the person on the problem you're about to solve."
"I figured you know for my audience, get to know you a little bit better."
"...I cannot thank you guys so much for your your blessings of just being subscribed to me and like wanting to watch my videos and having a relationship with me..."
"It was a huge tragedy for him, yet it survived 13 years and with over 5 million viewers identifying with this grubby working-class philosopher."
"I love you guys. I just want you to know that I love you very much, and thank you for subscribing to my channel."
"That's all I have time for today... I hope you all enjoyed today's video... I love you all so so much and I'll see you all next time."
"So shout out to Benjie bear and all the puppies who love him that watch my videos."
"If my comedy can go to other places like that and tap into other people's lives, I'm doing my job."
"I'm trying to get inside your head."
"I'm telling you all of this, because I believe in transparency and honesty with you as the viewer."
"By considering natural bio rhythms, designers can create designs that connect with the audience on a deeper level."
"I received fan mails emails comments just people begging me to bring the cakes back they just enjoyed that much they enjoyed it that much your honor."
"I will never take this for granted that you guys listen to this. So, we will keep coming at it, I guess, and thank you. Love you. See you next week. Bye."
"ad is trying to be better for y'all you know what I mean"
"It's about trying to make a connection with our audience."
"You can post all of the beautifully designed graphics in the world, but if you don't have a true brand backing it up—meaning the way you connect with your audience, the personality behind your brand—you're not going to see growth."
"Sharing aspects of behind the curtain, behind the scenes with your audience and therefore building a deeper connection with them."
"If there's even one person out there who feels that way about my videos I would love to just post consistently again because it brings me so much joy."
"Nobody's touching on the lane that I'm getting the most love at, the ladies. I was loved being real, so I spoke to them in a way that nobody else was speaking."
"There's a lot of very small but very smart changes to characters that alter the way the audience is going to connect and relate to them."
"You've made this whole thing really fun. And seeing all your comments and the likes, it really touches the guy's heart, you know? So, um, thanks for the first half of the ride, and hopefully, the second half is even better."
"Straighting fun it makes it fun it's an amazing online platform to create your own website, connect with your audience and even generate revenue with one easy to use platform."
"As long as you made a connection and delivered something that impressed the audience through the music, priorities were sort of there."
"Thank you guys so much. I'll see you all next time. Bye."
"Your story is worth hearing... as a brand, as a business, as a photographer, as a human."
"I just want to say uh thanks for listening. We heart you so much."
"When you go on stage with the feeling of love, the audience feels that."
"The quartet's mission is to creatively evoke powerful emotions in their audience."
"Thank you for letting me come into your homes."
"These performances resonated deeply with audiences, earning her accolades and solidifying her position as a versatile actress."
"Every great story starts with a character wounded like this unless it's a superhero that's a separate genre that has their own rules but most of the movies you love have a hero who's wounded."