
Villains Quotes

There are 728 quotes

"Good villains are tailor-made for their protagonists."
"A good way to think about your villain's motivation is to ask, how can you give the audience a chance to understand what it feels like to be in that villain's shoes?"
"Great villains, like great protagonists, have their desires/beliefs complement the theme of the story."
"Seeing all the different villains reformed and move on from their criminal life... every five seconds, I was like, second chance, the second chances."
"Some of the best villains in all of cinema come from Disney's animated library. They're evil, conniving, and at times, damn hilarious."
"Even the coldest of villains are sometimes wives and mothers, women who loved and lost and hoped for something grander than their lives once upon a dream."
"I think the villain or the bad guy is better when you don't really know everything about them."
"Masterminds and mind-control villains present interesting moral quandaries."
"If you find yourself relating to some really sinister villain dude, well, that hits you harder and that's far more interesting."
"An entire cast of villains can unlock group dynamics that you won’t get any other way."
"Having multiple villains lets a writer be more flexible with characters and scenarios."
"More than one villain lets you have more than one villain’s motivation."
"The best villains in media usually have the sort of twisted charisma something about them that makes you actively want to see them on screen."
"If there's one thing everyone remembers about Far Cry, it's the villains."
"None of it is enough to bring the dead to life, but it's a good retaliation for what the villains did to the villagers."
"I do villains for sure, I'm intrigued by that type of acting."
"The Lego DC Super Villains game is fantastic for how they captured each of the DC characters it's ridiculous especially the main villains."
"I love villains who are threatening but have redeeming qualities."
"Give your villain as much care in your character work as you give any other character."
"Batman has what's possibly the greatest collection of villains a superhero can possess."
"Villains drive the plot forward, adding complexity and making for a more dynamic story."
"The villain must be personal, personally connecting to the players' backstories or motivations."
"Make the players feel personally motivated to defeat the villain."
"You can go about making your own villain that fits your campaign."
"The Firefly's inability to recognize that ultimately marks them as villains."
"The best part about Scooby-Doo always was the fact that the real villain was Zali too."
"The Vulture is one of the better villains in the Marvel Universe."
"But it's more than just the jingling keys nature of how the villains are portrayed all sorts of interesting story ideas appear and vanish like clockwork."
"They also portrayed villains have a purpose and a point."
"These are all villains we need to see in the MCU."
"Old George gathers all of the Forever Knights, all of these seemingly episodic villains we've been introduced to."
"Best storytelling is a villain where you can start to kind of see their point of view."
"Vecna, Tiamat, and Jubilex are archetypal bad guys in D&D."
"She was a great villain... it was surprising at the end."
"Flying murder monkeys, angry trees, witches, wizards, and using the death of a dog as leverage against a young farm girl. The Wizard of Oz is a classic."
"Bad days don't last, bad times don't last, but bad guys do."
"I think often villains are more entertaining because of how crazy or wacky they can be."
"Ultron also has a real motivation for his dastardly deeds."
"Mysterio ties everything back to the very first Iron Man movie."
"It was really nice of them to actually give access to some North American streamers, YouTubers, and reviewers."
"Aside from Darth Vader, arguably the two greatest film villains of all time are Gruber and the Joker."
"People like villains. They like to talk about you, but they love to look at you."
"The worst villains are the villains that don't have any motivation other than like just being just being the bad guy who wants to kill the good guys."
"Disney's fat villains include but not limited to Ursula The Little Mermaid the Queen of Hearts Alice in Wonderland Governor Ratcliffe Pocahontas Lawrence The Princess and the Frog and Pete the Mickey Mouse Universe."
"It seems like all the other villains, they reach enlightenment of who it is, that's when they were brought in."
"Villain intros do not get more memorable than this."
"Season 9 also introduces a new race of villains known as the Ori."
"Season 19 Samoa... we saw Russell Hantz, one of the biggest villains in Survivor history, take the prize."
"Unlikable characters can work... villains are a great example of this."
"Teen Titans comedy was gold, the villains were unparalleled."
"Thanos immediately goes to the top tier of Marvel villains."
"Villains make for better stories and we like stories with clear individual villains."
"I could not go to sleep knowing that Penguin and his penguin army were out there."
"Who are the true villains of this story? The one percent."
"There is a reason why the Joker is the character... villains are good villains."
"Everyone wants the bad guy to be a big devil horns and very obvious, but that's never how it goes."
"What makes the superheroes the best is the super villain."
"Spider-Man 3 really took it to the next level, the CGI got better and the fact there were three villains meant each action scene feel very distinctive."
"Darth Vader is the best villain in movie history."
"I think there's always the tragic element to the best villains."
"I remember being actively scared of him growing up which I don't think I can say about any of the other villains."
"Villains really are something that we kind of attach ourselves to almost as much as we attach ourselves to a hero."
"Sometimes a great villain can be a normal human being."
"Oh, and fun fact, right? The solo Black Widow movie, it's rumored Taskmaster is gonna be the villain, which is pretty cool."
"Jared is the ultimate DC Comic super villain because he operates in plain sight, befriending the very Heroes that we depend on and does it all with a smile on his face."
"I think villains are cooler than heroes. I've always found the characters a little deeper and more complex, more memorable."
"Heath Ledger's Joker is arguably the greatest comic book movie villain of all time."
"The most underestimated villain on the show would easily have to be King Sombra."
"What made these villains so alluring in the first place is the fact that they're such wild cards, unexplainable forces of chaos and evil."
"There's no great hero story without a great villain."
"Batman has one of the absolute best rogues galleries."
"Creating compelling villains has seemed to be a major problem on both Netflix and in the MCU."
"Without villains you have no need for heroes."
"If I had to pick one, I don't know if this counts, but I feel like Hannibal Lecter might be one of my favorite horror villains."
"There is this idea of the cool villain with a British accent." - Rafaela
"The thing that's most interesting about this, sure there's villains, you know, there's always a villain or something like that in series, but I think I've never been so emotionally conflicted during one of these shows."
"Heroes can be just like the villains if it suits their agenda."
"I hate it so much when you have a villain who's got a really good point."
"Every villain they bring up when you get a bit of their backstory you find out that they're just someone, a normal person who went through some stuff and became this person."
"Behind every great superhero there's an equally great villain waiting in the shadows to stab that hero in the back."
"The MCU has given us some amazing villains over the years."
"Has there been any villain in the MCU as universally beloved as Loki?"
"Eric Killmonger is the best villain in the MCU."
"Heroes' journeys are good when they have like the villain that's the mirror image of them but going down like a different path, I like that a lot."
"Giving those bad guys in those moments a plan, an idea, a point of view, a character makes this encounter super memorable and interesting."
"A bolt of lightning strikes through it, we might be seeing two Spider-Verse villains here, Electro and Sandman."
"Alfred Hitchcock successfully turned Birds into some of the most terrifying villains in Horror history."
"something considering the legacy of spider-man 3. a part of its negative reputation stems from the bland and visually embarrassing villains electro"
"Definitely one of my favorite villains in this show."
"The Second Age is basically an origin story for these terrifying villains and would be a real shame not to include them in the upcoming series."
"It's not really a surprise to find that Batman has one of the best rogues' galleries out of any DC hero."
"Even the coldest villains are sometimes wives and mothers, women who loved and lost and hoped for something grander in their lives."
"Sometimes the villains are the most interesting and fun characters in the story."
"Master Bro says, 'The Pig as a villain?' Fans want the dark and creepy!"
"There is no denying that Thanos is one of the biggest baddest villains."
"The villains' real threat is the world as a whole."
"We need a good old-fashioned villain once in a while."
"Having a unique antagonist is just another way to solidify them in your memory."
"His villains always operate best when they can appeal to his own sense of empathy."
"I like it when villains have something unique about them."
"Villains turning good is one of those things that make them really interesting."
"The Daleks are by far the most well-known and popular villain from Doctor Who."
"Innocent people look, point, stare. Bad guys are the ones not looking up."
"These are characters who are not muahaha villains these are villains who more so than villains they're antagonists you know what I mean they have they have their own moral compass of things they're trying to achieve."
"It establishes SJWs as predatory mega villains that will kill you unless you manage to kill them first."
"Spider-Man has the best rogues gallery... They have such a great psychological thing going on."
"Villains are, or at least can be, far more interesting than the heroes."
"The villains are far more interesting to watch."
"A good anime villain can make a series oh so much better."
"Some of the best action anime villains also happen to be the strongest."
"Harumi is one of the most memorable and best villains Ninjago's ever done."
"The MCU is going to start expanding into shows and films that center more on villains, antagonists, and anti-heroes."
"There's more character on display in that grin than most villains get with an entire monologue."
"Every good video game villain has sub bosses that put up a good fight."
"Naruto has some of the most impressive villains in manga that I've seen."
"Godzilla the Series is chock-full of villains, human and monster."
"Are these people like evil? Are they the ultimate villain of Candyman? No, because there's other material oppression that's going on."
"It was like this weird Avengers war between the good guys and bad guys."
"For me, the best villains are ones you can understand or identify with to some degree."
"The Thunderbolts... a group of villains wanting to redeem themselves."
"The antagonist Jon Irenicus remains one of the truly great and evil villains in gaming history."
"I promise you that, I never think we're going to run out of villains, ever, ever."
"In anime, villains are just as captivating as heroes."
"Hateable villains help create the right kind of relatable dynamic in your video game."
"They're definitely villains, but in a way, they're kind of... right."
"Superhero stories are nothing without villains to fight."
"Villains should be written with as much development as you would give the protagonists."
"Doctor Strange and Spider-Man are going to team up in some way to face a multiverse-based threat that will involve past alt-universe villains like Jamie Foxx Electro."
"Develop your villains beyond their facial scars."
"I wanna see...multiple bad guys maybe teaming up."
"Villains who don't actually win but still somehow win."
"It's not just about the characters who are in it, it's also about the villains that the Cinematic Universe creates."
"Judge Claude Frollo is the very best Disney villain of all time."
"Memorable villains need memorable entrances."
"Villains we are told to hate them but deep down we know some of them are cool."
"I love how the villains are just really fighting for their survival."
"There's a really great through line with all the side villains about rehabilitation and putting Spidey's optimism to the test."
"Welcome to Miz Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the best tunes by bad guys in animated films."
"Disney is famous for making some of the most iconic villains ever made."
"A sympathetic villain will always outperform a villain who is just evil for evil's sake."
"Come on, who wouldn't want this? A show about the bad guys of the Crash universe getting up to antics in Cortex Castle."
"Spidey's adventures were larger than life as the webhead would face off against a rogues gallery so iconic it could rival Batman."
"When it comes to villains, they're the perfect pieces to the stories I love."
"The best animated villain almost always have the strongest personalities of the cast."
"Villains should be frightening; it's what makes them memorable."
"Looking back at Zootopia, I find it pretty good amidst the sea of terrible villains of this era of films."
"If there's one thing I love in TV shows, it's the villain actually being a competent person."
"Superheroes who stand the test of time tend to have iconic villains to go up against."
"Who would want to date a villain? I would."
"Spider-Man makes some witty remarks about what's the fascination with his villains and animals did they get inspired by the spider look or is it just plain coincidence."
"Villains are important, in fact, they are essential for the majority of superhero stories."
"Let the villains win once in a while."
"A guaranteed way to pull that off would be to put them up against the deadliest, most ruthless, most unstoppable villains imaginable."
"We need to go back to the days of the ruthless villains who are smarter, deadlier, more successful, and more revered."
"You make your heroes look good when you make your villains look good."
"The difference between our heroes and our villains is not right and wrong; it is absolute power."
"You really don't see such an emphasis on kitting out the villains like you do here in Knight's Kingdom, and the theme really benefits from it."
"Most Disney Villains excel in one category or another, but aren’t good allrounders."
"...a massive breakout from Arkham Asylum releases the most iconic villains of the Bronze Age and has them working together to create the ultimate challenge for Batman..."
"But should the hell Arc actually happen there's been one question on my mind perhaps above all else and I have an awful lot of questions regarding this chapter but but that question is who will be the villains?"
"Justice League part two would have featured several antagonists teaming up as Lex Luther forms a league of his own and this league would have been composed of Revenge driven villains introduced in the hero's solo films."
"Four of the villains in No Way Home learned that Peter Parker was Spider-Man before their deaths in the respective franchises, but not Electro, Max Dylan, who died in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 before learning his rival's secret."
"My fascination with the villain roster has grown more and more."
"In these many realities, there exists a limitless number of variants of the iconic heroes and villains."
"What separates Our Heroes from our villains is their conclusions to solve an issue."
"Pixar managed to make their twist villains work."
"They always manage to make their stories work with or without villains."
"Villains are among the most compelling characters in media but sometimes they aren't born they're made or they have wickedness thrust upon them but usually the former."
"Chills go down anyone’s spine when they hear names like Judge Frollo, Lotso Huggin’ Bear, Syndrome, or Hades."
"...the dinos instead get taken off the island by the rich villains for personal gain."
"I love this show because I root for the villains just as much as I root for the good guys."
"The mysterious figure now known as Cooler reveals himself scolding Frieza for his arrogance."
"Could other villains in the future cause Hulk to bleed more?"
"They ever talk about how the villains knew Batman better than he did because he didn't know his secret."
"Villain songs lay out the true underlying motivations and understanding of those specific characters that we love."
"Villains are still the true spice of Disney and I hope we will never forget that."
"...I really felt so angry for what Disney has done to all of their villains."
"...our last real villain ended back in 2012 for Disney."
"Disney villains are the spice that brings those films to life."
"It is officially time to create the rankings amongst those who stand out as the baddest of all time."
"I also plan to do separate videos on why I like each individual villain and why they are great."
"The terrible twist villainy that Disney has produced."
"One of the most stupidest villains I've ever seen produced in Prince Hans."
"Turbo and Alistair Krei were fashioned as villains, serving as parallels to the darker side of main characters."
"The world is full of villains who ought to be jumped on."
"Not every bad guy in a movie needs to have a Redemption Arc; you can let your evil villains be."
"All of the characters we've met, all of the evil villains, the Goro say are worse."
"Avatar: The Last Airbender," "The Legend of Korra," and other expansion stories all have one thing in common: amazing villains."
"I think the villains turned out better than the heroes once again."
"I definitely like the designs of the villains better."
"That's starting to become a common theme with all of our bad guys, they're good liars."
"Green Goblin is easily Spider-Man's number one Arch Enemy."
"Villains, have you heard of these words? Go further. Plus Ultra!"
"Shoutout also to the fact that they figured out just the right amount of bad guy villains like the bosses that Thanos had can actually have a smart plan which is to split up and go get the three stones they need."
"The best superheroes often have villains who are their opposite in some way."
"To me, it's the villains...terrifying, unique foes for the Doctor to have a bit of a rumba with."
"I love the villains as well, I adore how Nicky's crush on Miss Piggy makes it hard for him to frame her, seeming genuinely torn about what he's agreed to do, giving him emotional depth as an antagonist."
"The villains make up a big part of what makes the show so successful."
"Our heroes are villains and our villains are heroes."
"Even the villains that Batman faces off against can be scared shitless."