
Conservatism Quotes

There are 1002 quotes

"Freedom is not the ability to do whatever you want whenever you want to do it. Conservatives believe that freedom is doing what you ought to do."
"The greatest conservative insight is that order is really hard to achieve, it's really precious, and it's really easy to lose."
"The ineffectiveness of government has always been a strong pitch for conservatives."
"Conservatives choose life. And when you really think about it, this is a fundamental pillar of conservatism."
"Misogyny and anti-feminism were important to conservative and new right organizing."
"You might think that you are the only conservative in Austin or Chicago, but you're not. There are other people that share your values."
"David Brooks argues that today you can be a conservative or a Republican, but you can't be both."
"The right is motivated by very little; this is one of the big issues that has motivated them to actually get out and protest."
"It degrades conservatism to have a president who... laughs at it."
"Filmmakers managed to sneak in queerness despite the best efforts of the morally boring conservatives of the time."
"Immigrants are natural conservatives. They have strong family values, they believe in hard work."
"Don't be afraid to spread your conservative beliefs online; do so respectfully and truthfully."
"It's important for people on my side of the conservatives to acknowledge and recognize the importance of history in people's living situations now."
"A lot of these principles are not just conservative; they're just basic American principles."
"Most of the media is left-leaning, so a lot of the conservatives, their voices aren't being heard."
"The new ideas are absent in the Republican Party is obviously untrue. We have a very strong debate that goes on inside sort of the conservative halls of intelligentsia."
"George Will has spent his entire career being conservative. If the conservative movement can't handle people who don't like a particular president, I would suggest the conservative movement is doomed to failure."
"I didn't become a conservative because of black people... It was actually white people... that were giving compelling arguments of why they believed I was actually a conservative."
"You could be liberal in some stuff; you could be conservative in others."
"The far right wants to return to a past social order before social and political transformations upset what they believe was a successful white-dominated Christian patriarchal society."
"If you're conservative, if you're Christian, then Freemasonry is not your home. Your home is in church with Jesus Christ."
"The conservative so-called is the one that says less government, get off my back, get out of my pocket, and let me have more control of my own destiny."
"Conservatism is almost counterculture right now."
"I'll take my conservatism without modification: constitutionalist, market-oriented, and unapologetically American."
"The correct message, the true conservative message is that you are an American, we love you, and we're gonna do whatever it takes to facilitate the best quality of life for you and for your family."
"The future of American conservatism is nationalism; it is putting America first and putting the American family first."
"This is always it, it has been, it is, and it always will be a red herring because look, I'm a conservative and I care about the environment, I care about migrants, and I care about poor people, all of which I think are part of what it means to be a Catholic."
"Traditional conservative themes like pastoralism, family, personal freedom, individualism, liberty, and a focus on the past are all great topics for poems."
"Conservatives need to start understanding why younger generations are so apathetic towards work."
"The Republican Party is at a crossroads. Will we be the party of conservatism or will we follow the siren song of populism unmoored to conservative principles?"
"Be as conservative as you can because bad things sometimes happen. If you're conservative, if you have positive cash flow that you're building up, you will be able to overcome any problems that come along, you'll pay it off, and you'll have a lot of money."
"As a conservative, you deal with the world as it is."
"Conservatives have done a very good job at building out a large propaganda network, making it in quick, digestible bites."
"The best version of what he's trying to sell like an example of what is good art according to Matt Walsh is some of my favorite types of conservative commentary."
"Conservatism is about grit, about determination."
"You need liberals to imagine what might be possible that would be better and you need conservatives to keep them from overdoing it and destroying functional things in the pursuit of that which cannot be."
"True conservatives should be conserving natural resources and thinking about downstream generations."
"They hate Justice Thomas not because his conduct is different from the other eight justices but because he is a black man who dares to be a conservative."
"Tucker has become a spokesman for conservatives who feel that a lot of people are afraid to say things that they know is true."
"Conservatism ultimately, what are we conserving? We're conserving the idealism of the American Founding."
"Conservatives are less afraid than ever before to say what they believe and to stand with conviction."
"Rights-based conservatism has really good points...where common good conservatives make the point...we have a declining culture and country right now."
"What does it mean to be a conservative now? It is to conserve, to rescue those things worth rescuing, to save the things that we love, and let go of the things that don't work."
"What they don't realize is that without something at the center of conservatism, civilization collapses."
"The new right is trying to answer that question by saying we have to upend the left's march to the institutions."
"Mainstream conservatives are extraordinarily upset about white supremacism."
"If you are tired of losing and you actually care about your country, then you need to understand and be comfortable with the knowledge that we are going to have to break free from the fake conservatism of the last several decades."
"It's better to be conservative than to overreach."
"There is virtue in conservatism, there really is."
"I did the thing that conservatives actually tell you to do... I actually decided to listen to him and look at full videos instead of just the little clips."
"The right has always been a counter movement, a reactionary movement against movements for freedom and equality."
"We got an interesting development in the case of Kyle Rittenhouse... It may not seem like that big of a deal, but I think it strikes the heart of the conservative argument."
"If there's anything we're going to take from this, let it be the fact that conservatism as an ideology is predicated almost entirely on an inability to understand the world around you."
"It's good to pause and remember just how well things are going for conservatives and for America."
"Do you really think that the right doesn't believe that I mean and I don't know if it's if it's intellectual dishonesty or if they've just really have never spoken to a conservative oftentimes I've just never spoken to a conservative."
"You need conservatives because sometimes the right thing to do is to do what everybody has always done."
"Nothing has ever changed by playing it safe."
"It's harder to be a conservative and come out as a conservative than it is to be gay."
"Back away from that which is novel and untested and in the direction of that which is time-tested."
"What I think we can see now is the emergence of illiberal conservatism, ironically coming under a self-professed liberal prime minister."
"What happens every single time conservatives say anything bothers them, they go, 'I thought you were against cancel culture?'"
"DeSantis has been a good Governor and has enacted conservative policies in a meaningful way."
"Some Bishops in America are not forthcoming, bold, Apostolic when it comes to the church's teaching."
"There's also a shift in the suburbs, and it's moving against the conservative."
"Many people who are on the right are there because they've been traumatized by really low quality dangerous leftist thinking."
"Being reasonable as a conservative is not being a radical."
"Conservatives have this kind of blind loyalty to institutions that no longer exist."
"There's nothing more powerful than the Tea Party."
"Conservatives are calling out this radical ideology."
"The culture wars belied a great rightward shift in politics."
"You cannot tell me that it is in the conservative or American values to say that the best opportunity for future leadership is yesterday's leadership."
"They all act in unison, at the very least can we all acknowledge that there's a different dynamic of checks and balances when there's at least one lone conservative voice?"
"We're just assuming that because it's sun and wind and those are friendly and filled with flowers, it's all okay."
"The left has become an entirely reactionary force. Voters chose brexit, Trump, populism, and conservative nationalism. It's a different kind of politics."
"Critics call it Theocratic and authoritarianism; young conservatives call it an exciting new legal Theory: common good constitutionalism has emerged as a leading Contender to replace originalism as the dormant or dominant legal theory on the right."
"Democratic Republicans championed a strict constructionist view of the Constitution."
"They don't want conservatives speaking on campus."
"I'm a proud conservative, limited government, individual rights, prudence at home, sense abroad."
"He was validating the fears that Fox News provoked in the conservative base by repeating them back to them."
"Conservatism is about limited government. We have respect for moral authority but that does not mean that we have lots of respect for governmental authority."
"It's also why conservatives need to recognize that the cultural issues are the most important ones..."
"You can't humanize conservatives, that's not allowed."
"Brexit is a project of the right, for the right, by the right."
"Conventional conservatives have only been focused on that as it applied to private corporations, whereas they needed to apply it more importantly to ordinary everyday individuals."
"There is always resistance to change because people, once they are happy with an established understanding, do not want to change."
"This was like a lynch mob from people who have political inks and issues with people who have a little bit more conservative esque views."
"In order to be a conservative, you have to be dumb or dishonest. Mostly I think dishonesty, though."
"What needs to be done is people to mean what they say and if you are taking money from conservatives out there under the guys that you're fighting big Tech start fighting big Tech."
"If you're the prime minister of Canada, the man is a villain. But if you're a conservative, particularly a young conservative, it's very likely you think of him as a hero." - Jordan Peterson
"Soph is a 14 year old girl who will not we call you the c-word, she'll do it while espousing views that go against modern progressive thought in pretty much every single way possible."
"You can't simultaneously claim that you know the right is anti science and then when I'm only citing the science you claim it's a conservative position."
"The conservative philosophy, when well executed, just makes a lot of sense."
"Conservatives exist to fight for America and for every single American."
"Ted Cruz is an absurdly well connected hyper-conservative Evangelical Zealot."
"I think we may now have the most conservative Supreme Court in maybe a hundred years."
"Conservatives what do they conserve uh order that's kind of the point not always not perfectly the idea of a conservative is that they're saying this is what works we survive let's keep doing these things let's not do that thing."
"The only consistent principle between these two rulings in two days is that the conservatives have the power on this court."
"It's a time for reflection, for re-evaluation, and for a renewed commitment to the principles that have long defined conservatism."
"It's important that even conservative outlets... be factually correct."
"Most of the anti-speech activities going on on campuses targeted towards conservatives and libertarians."
"Conservative viewpoint that dares to question the status quo."
"Investing in tried and true is not wrong, but investing only in the past I do believe is wrong."
"UFO researchers historically have always many of them have tried to be ultra conservative for that reason."
"We're dealing with a different type of conservative everybody."
"Conservatives believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values, and a strong national defense."
"For Charles Edward, the right wing offered a return to order and strength, but at a price."
"If we are going to have a country, we need to be living in reality. And that means conservatives need to get a little bit tougher about articulating and enforcing that reality."
"The trouble is, it's also written into the mindsets of even some of our more talented conservative politicians."
"Neo conservatism is dead. Maga is taking over. America First is the future."
"We owe them a debt of gratitude for proving many fundamental conservative or classical liberal principles still hold true."
"Conservatism wins because it's ultimately empowering."
"What a small 'c' conservative institution... what a large 'R' Republican institution the Senate is."
"We need to go back to traditionalism, it worked for us."
"The conservative side is positioning itself as the party of families, of men and fatherhood."
"They are the real conservatives, they're the principal conservatives if you will."
"Traditional values are not radical, they're traditional."
"The conservative side has not just become the rebellious side but it's honestly the more interesting side."
"Conservatives exploited racial hostility for political gain."
"Luckily, young people are a lot more intelligent than conservatives insist they are."
"The major media like to pretend that all women think alike and that conservative women are just the exception that proves the rule."
"There's also a new strain of tolerant conservatism."
"They're just there to sort of support the old guard. Oh, absolutely, which really is the old guard's policy now."
"We want to be the kind of central place where people talk about these things. You want the polish of a National Review without the, for lack of a better word, cuckiness of National Review."
"I consider myself an independent with conservative values... it's great when I can agree with somebody that allegedly has a different ideology."
"For the most part, we're seeing a more tame response from conservatives saying we want to make sure every legal vote gets counted..."
"I think one of the things conservatives fail to do is to argue vigorously for the things that they believe."
"The real lesson here is that the mentality conservatives have towards racism in media is non-falsifiable."
"What an amazing week for the rise of a new conservative age."
"Twitter is biased against conservatives period."
"Just do it in a way which harms no one and which does not promote or bolster right-leaning media figures."
"Conservatives have a winning message across so many areas."
"Think about this for a minute. I believe most black people are conservative."
"Sarah's work is valuable to keep the conservative side of the culture war from overcorrecting. Thank you and keep fighting the good fight."
"One of the beautiful things about conservatism is it recognizes the truth of human nature."
"If you're a conservative, you live in San Francisco, I'm sorry."
"The left wants people to believe minority conservatives don't exist."
"The systemic deplatforming and suppression of conservative, traditional, and constitutional-minded thought is a real thing."
"Youth and youthful 'beauty' is always going to be a draw... there is a neoconservative safety and appeal of these women who are not questioning gender normative gender at all."
"Some of the best representation conservatives are getting are from people like me."
"There's one hope for conservatives in this crazy culture: take over the common sense."
"You gotta use your voices out there you can't be afraid to speak and stand up for what you believe in conservative values conservative beliefs."
"Conservatism at its best is about studying the lessons of history and applying them today."
"I think there are lots of good conservatives who want to hear more about the country as it is becoming, not the country as it was."
"The Catholic Church has got to go back to being Catholic."
"Independent Baptist dot church is your website to help you find a new local church that believes the Bible preaches the Bible and does not bow to the modern-day compromise and watered-down Christianity."
"The reason why I think that the right wing has a better response to that is that all you can ever give is essentially your subjective opinion about these valued instructions."
"Right-wing populists are going to keep winning... politics is bad."
"Genuine conservatives are, I think at the moment, bewildered."
"The anger at Trump existed for Bush, it exists for all conservatives."
"Americans arrangement syndrome is merely the broader version of Trump derangement syndrome."
"These woke fools are just destroying this country they're sharing the economy the political system culture the judicial system."
"Conservatives respect people as individuals."
"The Republican party as we know it must be reformed and the question is will we as conservatives do what we must."
"This election was a victory for 'Barstool conservatism', a revolt against the elites in all forms."
"The Republican Party is the defender of American core principles."
"To say that woke culture can go too far is to side with the status quo."
"They were moving firmly into the nationalist camp and away from the kind of conservatism that CPAC used to believe in."
"If conservatism dies on social media, it will be because we were here having done everything we possibly could."
"We are conservatives. We want gradual change because gradual change will be lasting change."
"Conservatism in 1985 is not quite the same as identifying liberal today."
"I think Trump is more moderate. He's a New York conservative who is not very conservative."
"We won, Republicans won, America won because Amy Comey Barrett demonstrated that she intends to follow the law."
"Conservatives are finally fighting back in a tangible way against big tech censorship."
"Conservative leaders have pathologized their numerous fears of failure and powerlessness into one targetable word; a word that covers almost every group they feel victimized by."
"Academic conservatives don't have the luxury of being dogmatic. They bear a special burden to root their arguments in facts and evidence."
"The right cannot survive, let alone win, if it keeps playing as it has."
"Conservatism is about limited government... very, very different thing."
"But I still maintain that there is no future for the church that is progressive."
"The progressives will drive the church into the ground the same way that they've driven everything else into the ground that they've gotten control of."
"The abandonment of civility from the right feels like a return to some of the worst political elements."
"Conservatives are incredibly fearful all the time. They're terrified."
"Free speech is vital, incontrovertible, non-negotiable. It's a conservative political ideology."
"I would say it's time for conservatives to stop apologizing... you don't apologize and you don't back down."
"Ben Shapiro largely does represent establishment conservatives. American conservatism is a far ideology you just have different flavors."
"He's Jewish, a lot of conservatives will never ever accept him."
"When you come out as a conservative, things get taken from you."
"My dad is conservative, but it was never pushed on me, you know what I mean? So I was logically conservative."
"Conservatism needs to be fun, sexy, and mischievous."
"My conservatism has tended to be more on cultural issues and less on economic issues."
"The death of the west by Patrick Buchanan was a really influential book for me."
"I found conservatives online, I found PragerU, I found videos where people were challenging my belief sets and they were challenging them very strongly."
"Conservatism is all about protecting institutions."
"Conservatives understand the power of the courts."
"The future leadership of the conservative party will take note and try to lead rather than just following the polls."
"The conservative movement is dying dude what is happening."
"At the end of the day, nothing will change if those of us who love the conservative movement don't understand what can be done about it."
"Take money out of the system and invest it in things which are safe."
"The more that we see Republicans stand up and fight, you know that makes a difference. It's definitely not easy."
"Hispanics and Latinos are more conservative than they are liberal, especially on issues of values, morals, pro-life, pro-marriage, anti-rioting."
"Winsome Sears has got a future in politics. She's the most conservative candidate to ever win for lieutenant governor."
"Conservatism always lives at the frontier. It's about adventure, searching for what's next."
"We don't want to see a kid starting with Nicholas Sturgeon who now talks about detesting the conservative. I think that language is really dangerous."
"The Conservatives lack a clear plan for addressing the country's problems."
"You might be labeled a traditionalist or a bigot."
"All proper traditional conservatives should be espousing is to create communities that are attractive and healthy."
"I am NOT a conservative. I am a philosopher which means the only things I want to conserve are reason and evidence."
"Big wins here for conservatives: the Biden administration reverses course on federal grants incentivizing critical race theory in public schools."
"There's an opportunity to create a much more traditionalist conservative, a decent moderate common sense traditionalist conservatism."
"Republicans on the right have kind of overplayed their hand."
"All the empirical evidence supports the conservative vision of success."