
Divine Timing Quotes

There are 1529 quotes

"Trust in Divine timing. It's showing up for you."
"Everything happens for a reason, in God's timing."
"This is the year he's releasing us into the promise of our blessing."
"God came through on time, even if it felt late to us."
"Trust in heaven, trust in the divine, trust in divine timing. Love is coming your way."
"All occasions invite His mercies, and all times are His seasons."
"Your uniqueness will always feel like awkwardness until you get to a season where god shows you its relevance."
"God always answers, it just may not be the way you want it to be answered."
"When the request and the timing are right, but you're not right, God says grow."
"When the request is right, the timing's right, and you're right, then God says go."
"Worth waiting for, divine timing is at work in your love life."
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men."
"He may not come when you want Him, but He's right on time."
"You don't need to move quickly; trust in divine timing."
"You have a purpose, you have an assignment, you have a life God spared your life for such a time as this."
"Divine timing means the divine spirit itself will decide when it's the right time for you to discover and embrace your purpose."
"Divine timing is coming into play with what you desire."
"Trust in the process, in the divine timing. Everything is working out for the highest good of everybody concerned."
"God's timing throws everything off. You might swear you're ready, but there might be a few more things God wants you to set up."
"God does not work on your time clock; He works on His own time clock, in His own good time."
"Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion; for the time to favor her, yea, the set time has come."
"We were born for this. God knew the point in human history to send us into the earth."
"It speaks of God's timing and of God's wisdom."
"Let not your spirit be troubled on account of the times, for the holy and great one has appointed days for all things."
"The matter of timing is that the Lord has his own timetable."
"The issue for us is trusting God enough to trust also His timing."
"When you do it in God's timing, the results will blow your mind."
"God doesn't work on our schedule. He is never too late or too early. He is on time, every time."
"Trust God's timing. Your appointed time will come."
"When you move according to God's divine timetable, you will stop giving your personal power away to things that are going on on the outside of you."
"What may seem like a delay to us could actually be God preparing the way for something even greater."
"Everything happens in divine timing. Everything happens for a reason."
"Good luck on your side, my love... this is like divine timing."
"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time."
"Sometimes God delivers the gift when you decide you can live without it."
"God doesn't give us everything we want as soon as we ask for it, and that's a good thing."
"The Divine will provide you with love when you are ready."
"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time."
"If a storm is holding you back, it means that God wants you to be in a place at the right time."
"Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don’t come until heaven. But for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come."
"God is so good because He will never be too late with His revealing His invitation to us, but He will also never be too early."
"Everything has always and always will be unfolding perfectly within divine timing both in him and in this connection."
"The Lord knows all the secrets; it's a matter of the appointed time of them being revealed."
"God still has a plan for you even if you're delayed."
"God may not come when you want him but he'll be there right on time."
"God's timing is impeccable... it wasn't my time to fight for the championship then but it is going to be my time on May the 18."
"The Lord will intervene in His divine timing."
"Trust in my timing, for the blessings in store for you are beyond your wildest dreams."
"Your whole life is on a rhythm. God has a pace over your life."
"Release any doubt and trust in the unfolding of things and divine timing. Trust the wait and have patience. There's a reason a connection may not be happening yet; it's not the right time."
"Trust in the mystery of the universe, things have been lined up for you for a reason, it's all about divine timing."
"God's miracles usually involve perfect timing."
"Love will show up in time, in divine timing. I know you hate that, but I had to say it."
"The cup is now full because the cup is now full God's going to intervene."
"God's not going to stop that right now until the end."
"If a problem is not fixed yet if an issue is not redeemed it means God is not yet finished."
"I have been learning that faith isn't just faith when it brings to pass my wants, or my desires. But faith is faith because it brings to pass the Lord's will in my life and in His time."
"Faith isn't just faith when you get what you want; it's waiting for the Lord's will to be revealed, and in His time."
"Expect the unexpected in how you eventually come together with divine timing."
"Trust divine timing. Time in itself doesn't really exist."
"God will give you timely help, your time and your help and your season will match."
"I genuinely believe that there is a divine timing to everything."
"Divine timing plays a huge role in this situation."
"Just when it seems like he's not working or he's not there, he is working in the waiting even when we can't see him."
"Trust in the mystery of the universe... lining things up in divine timing."
"Absorb as much as you possibly can because what you're gonna learn is happening in the divine timing."
"Trust in God's perfect timing and rest in the knowledge that he is working all things together for your good."
"God makes everything beautiful in his timing."
"You're okay with taking your time you're okay with you know divine timing just letting the divine you to work in this connection and your patience with your person that seems like you know because you your usual like go with the flow."
"Pay close attention to the signs to the synchronicity divine timing is in order in the next four to five weeks definitely a message coming through."
"The reason you're where you are is because you are a choice bride, and God will only give you to his best."
"Everything really is in divine timing, everything that happens in your lifetime, it is happening at the perfect time, it is unfolding at the perfect time."
"God doesn't move according to our deadlines... He's eternal."
"Life is about intersections and God's timing."
"You're attracting something that your heart has been yearning for...this is divine timing."
"Humble yourself under God's hand, and He will lift you up in due time."
"The tougher the challenge, the higher the anointing God has for your life."
"God works in seasons and you don't want to miss the season when He opens the door."
"Don't settle, wait for the one that God has for you."
"Prayer definitely works. God answers your prayers when the time is right."
"There is no such thing as an overnight success. When God came in to anoint David, he was the nobody that nobody noticed."
"God is preparing you for the thing that he has already prepared for you."
"Could it be you're in a suddenly moment with God? That you're one prayer away, you're one word away, you're one encounter, one moment, one second, one breath away from God flipping it all around in a moment?"
"The blessing of the Lord is to bring us into the perfect timing of things."
"We're here at this time because God put us here at this time because we have a purpose even if we don't right now recognize it."
"So we have definitely just had to be really patient just really pray and just really trust that whatever God has planned will start to unfold and we'll make so much more sense."
"I am paving this path that will lead you to your dreams. Trust in my timing."
"You are never alone. Now is the acceptable time." - Sid Roth
"Some of God's greatest miracles are not immediate. They are progressive."
"The Rapture can occur at any time, however, the second coming of Christ will not happen until some prophesied end-time events have occurred."
"It closes out a cycle and Wheel of Fortune also indicates that there's divine timing at play."
"The downfalls of God now it feels like it's maybe too soon but you know what who knows."
"Trust in my timing, and my plans for you, for they are always for your good."
"God's best is worth waiting for, I believe He joins us together properly."
"Maybe this really is just God's way of saying hey it's okay for this year to take this step back."
"God wants you to stay patient because his timing is perfect. He has something bigger planned for you."
"Embracing God's timing allows us to prioritize tasks, discern what is truly important, and find peace in His sovereignty."
"Trust in Divine timing and exercise patience, for the best is yet to come. Amen to firmly anchor this proclamation in your life."
"God does everything in its own time and in its own season."
"Time is actually always on your side, and there's such a thing as Divine timing."
"All God is doing is strategically getting you to the place that's called the fullness of time where everything works out for you to be exactly where you need to be."
"God's plan for us is perfect, and His timing is impeccable."
"Surrender to the process; everything happens in divine order."
"God's timing is perfect. Waiting for Him brings blessings beyond what we could ever imagine."
"God's been holding back his best for these last days."
"Perfect timing. Reassurance that things are happening behind the scenes."
"Embrace God's timing, trusting that He knows the best moment."
"God's not returning a day sooner than he has put on his schedule."
"Patience is needed, divine intervention is coming."
"All unfolds with perfection, divine timing, and the miracle of grace."
"God is still on his throne and all things will happen according to his timetable."
"Do you know that sometimes God causes you to experience delays because you are not ready for what he is about to bring or do in your life?"
"Your time is now, for I have listened to your pleas."
"A time when I will fulfill my promises in your life. Those dreams and aspirations, those seemingly unreachable goals, will become reality."
"I accept that everything happens in divine order."
"Trusting God also means trusting in his timing."
"The universe doesn't work on your timing; it works in Divine timing."
"Be patient, it's the work of the Lord that's going to be done in the hearts and it's done over a long period of time."
"All the pieces will fall into place in God's time."
"Trust that there's a divine plan... all your hard work and effort is paying off."
"God is in control of when all of these things take place."
"I'll wait on God because what He has for me is better."
"Your moment is coming because divine timing and the stars are aligning."
"I trust in divine timing... circumstances will shift to bring you what you need."
"This is gonna go well worth the weight, well worth the investment in it, so in divine time things will align."
"However bad things get, there will be deliverance... it comes when God chooses that moment."
"The hour of man's necessity is the hour of God's opportunity."
"Have faith. God is in charge of how this will happen."
"God's timing is always perfect, trust Him instead of panicking."
"Some of the best stuff God will do in your life will not be on your schedule."
"This opportunity is divinely orchestrated, it's coming your way, your stability is coming."
"God is actively waiting for the opportunity when you are ready to receive your healing."
"Thank God it's happening at this time... it's not a coincidence... bless God, hallelujah."
"We're here to rise up and say we're gonna stand in the gap and say what he says and time is about to catch up to his decree because his promises are now intersecting their moment."
"God's timing is perfect, even if it's not always the timing that you hope for or even expect. He always has a plan."
"God's going to get you there, just not that way."
"All things are possible to the Lord... have faith in those promises and live to be worthy of them so that in his time the Lord can make them come true in your life."
"So faith sees the invisible that's revelation. Faith believes the impossible that's why we must ask believing the impossible, that God will do it in His own time and season."
"I believe these days the Holy Spirit is closing the gap between promise and fulfillment."
"Everything works out if it hasn't worked out yet."
"It's almost like divine timing and they're going to come in around that time frame when a lot of things are just falling together and aligning here for you."
"Just be patient, just wait. It's gonna happen eventually. This is all about God's sovereignty."
"Take the dark out to make room for the light, and trust me, He's right. Now He ain't blessing you; everything's falling apart. Wait till that man is gone; you'll see how you become blessed."
"Slow down, do not be in a rush. Life doesn't wait for anybody. Even when we want things to happen now, things happen in divine timing."
"Listen to your intuition. It's developing. Allow, trust divine timing."
"Embrace what the Lord is doing... the time called for it."
"They know you're worth waiting for, divine timing at work."
"God brought you out for such a time as this."
"Jesus explains why is it that we don't know the hour and the day it's so we will always be ready when he comes."
"The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ will happen on the appointed time."
"His ways are not our ways. He sees things in enormous blocks of time that we can't. He's the alpha omega."
"What if I told you God might be saving your best for last?"
"They feel like you're on this path together where there's divine timing and you're building the connection."
"God knows what you want, God knows what you need, and he's gonna send it to you at the right time."
"God does not always work in the way that makes the least mess or takes the least time."
"If the timing is wrong, God says slow. If you are wrong, God says grow. If the request is right and the timing is right and you are right, God says go."
"This is like really big happy energies and everything's kind of unfolding for you in the near future it's going to be perfect timing divine timing."
"Being patient with yourself, trust in divine timing."
"God is never early, God's never late. He is always right on time, and His plan for you is good."
"Your light is helping divine timing. Right place, right time. As above, so below, you're increasing your light."
"I trust in the perfection of divine timing and allow my life to unfold as it should."
"God's gonna make a way, that's why all these things play out the way they are when they play out."
"I trust your timing, your pace, your renewal, your removal. You have better."
"When you feel overwhelmed and think there's no hope, He can step in and send you a miracle that will lift you up. Trust in God's timing because He is always working behind the scenes making miracles happen just for you."
"The delay is actually the divine path unfolding perfectly."
"Our times are in his hands so we know God allows all things to happen so that everything can fall into place."
"God won't destroy the world yet until He collects His own."
"The Wheel of Fortune is here to help you do that, it has been a divine moment to get that timing just right."
"You've got to believe that you're favored. You've got to be able to believe that this is the generation that God wanted you to be born in."
"You can't find God's best for you without faith."
"Be careful about sharing information about God's blessings in your life too soon with everyone. Let the blessings themselves do the talking."
"There comes a season when God says it's time for your blessings, and no man can stop it."
"If you're in a pause, it's not personal. It's for a divine reason. Your soul family, you're here to come back to realizing that and becoming more of your true selves."
"Trust in the divine, and everything will happen in its right time."
"The joy of the Lord, the justice of Yahweh, is now coming into the Earth. It is an appointed time for it."
"This will be the best time for those that have intimacy with God."
"Trust in that timing, knowing that He is never late nor early but arrives at the exact moment He has planned."
"Remember that God's timing is always worth the wait."
"God will bless you with your portion based on his timing and the will for your life."
"I trust that you will work miracles in my life in your timing and purpose. Surround my life with Miracles every day."
"Your patience will pay off, everything in perfect divine order."
"His timing is different than ours, but when He comes through, He always comes through with the homerun."
"Everything is happening in divine timing, everything is happening in divine purpose. The higher realms are fully in charge, in tune, and light is in control right now."
"This is the divine timing for that temperance, that you truly understand that the abundance comes with self-acknowledgment and an open heart chakra."
"Trust the process whatever God got for me is about to happen."
"The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe."
"The Lord is releasing things that have been locked up for years, centuries for this hour."
"Don't underestimate what God is doing when it seems like God is doing nothing."
"It's happening in divine timing, surrender and trust in the process."
"May we at least trust in the Lord who came to the kingdom for such a time as this."
"Trust divine timing, you're right where you need to be."
"Do you know your answer could be sitting right next to you but you'll never know it until God is ready to reveal it."
"He has anointed you for such a time as this."
"Don't let the devil cause you to take your life before the time."
"I will make a way for you, I'm fighting your battles, prayer is the best medicine, trust my timing, I will never stop helping you, never lose hope."
"Trust in God's timing and his plan for your life. His blessings are on the way. Keep the faith and stay hopeful."
"Now is not the right time, but they'll come to you when they're ready." - "Divine timing is at play."
"For he says, 'In an acceptable time I have heard you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you.'"
"God decided to come when there was crucifixion, right as a point of execution, because it had already been predicted."
"You cannot continue to fight for things that God did not tell you to fight for. Some promises come simply by waiting."