
Fasting Benefits Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"What happens in the body when we have a period of time without food? Ketone production, reduction in inflammation, change in genetic expression, ability to repair and rejuvenate."
"Making the body think that it did not eat at all can actually be quite beneficial."
"A 36-hour fast... over a 30-day period, not only did they lose more weight than people who just did like one meal a day, but they actually lost the weight in belly fat."
"When I tried fasting, I started seeing changes: people began to lose weight, people's blood pressures came down, diabetes got reversed."
"The great thing about fasting is you get the benefits in the moment, the energy, the mental alertness, and you're getting those other benefits that are going to be preventing all those diseases down the line as well."
"People on these long fasts do very well because they've gone into this stage of fat burning because they're fueling themselves purely on the fat, and their hunger is gone."
"Eating all the time provides that sort of fertile soil... Eating fewer times like three times a day or you do intermittent fasting, what you're going to do is shut down those growth signals."
"During fasting, it's actually one of the best things you can do for yourself from both a mental standpoint and a physiologic standpoint."
"There's a fog or a cloud that just lifts off of your brain... and you'll start thinking in a completely different way."
"The 20-hour fast is where most women are getting the best results."
"A little starvation can really do more for the average sick man than can the best medicines and the best doctors."
"When you're fasting and your body is already burning fat, the best thing for you to do as far as a workout is concerned is do moderate intensity lower and upper body work."
"Frequent fasting... Stop eating all the time and on the go."
"I've seen really powerful and significant changes in people who are doing intermittent fasting and more extended fasting perhaps as much or more than just about any other intervention."
"It was after the fast that the breakthrough happened."
"Fasting is like a catapult, pulling back so you can throw yourself further and further away from Jahannam."
"Fasting was the easiest thing I've got in my life."
"Fasting done correctly can have a very good stabilizing effect on the mind and enhance the function of the mind as well as opening the door to a variety of voices such as clairvoyance clairaudience Clarence etc."
"In the next five to ten years, major cancer treatments associated with adjunctive fasting."
"Daily fasting could increase p53 activity... intimately involved in DNA repair."
"Exercise and fasting - complementary strategies for health and longevity."
"Fasting triggers your immune system to boost up and regrow, enhancing cancer treatment effectiveness."
"Stay hydrated, stay focused—fasting is a journey worth mastering."
"Fasting adds power to your ability to control your state."
"Fasting is very simple... those things that are really simple are usually extremely powerful."
"Just go 14 or 15 hours without eating and eat during those other periods of time."
"If you do a 24-hour fast one day per week, you're on the fence of it being a prolonged fast."
"Stem cells form what are called daughter cells, so each time that we fast we develop stem cells that heal the body."
"Fasting being able to eat the same foods that other people do can be good."
"Supplementing sodium reduces net initial losses and ultimately actually goes on to switch to a positive balance."
"Basically, we've improved ourselves over the course of the fast."
"People don't realize the power of fasting and nutrition."
"Fasting's such an interesting option because it always gives you that option of not eating, remember it's just food that you've eaten in the past."
"Fasting is God's medicine, fasting is a very powerful way to flush the body out."
"Everybody can and should fast every day. In fact, everybody does fast every day when you're sleeping, you're not eating, and you break it with breakfast in the morning. It's an interesting process."
"Fasting shows you have the mental and spiritual capacity to overcome struggles."
"Fasting causes you to focus more on the things of the spirit rather than on the things of this Earth."
"Fasting teaches discipline and empathy for those less fortunate."
"The best thing you can do for your body is practice fasting and really resting your body."
"Fasting... if you have moderate to severe peripheral neuropathy symptoms you absolutely as quick as you can you need to ramp up your daily fasting."
"Not eating for three days, or fasting, lowered insulin by a whopping 69%."
"Fasting, especially intermittent fasting, is the single best thing you could do for your health, the most powerful thing you could do for weight loss."
"Fasting does not slow the metabolism, it repairs it."
"Humility is the greatest benefit of fasting."
"True freedom is being able to say yes or no to both good and evil."
"It's perfect - fasted cardio burns nothing but body fat and still carves you up for hardcore training."
"Eating routine is dual fuel - carbs for gym superpowers, fasting for fat burning."
"Everyone can benefit from 12 hours of not eating."
"Those who fast like this 36 hours once in two weeks live very effulgence, look younger, and live long without diseases."
"Fasting is not about punishing ourselves but about restarting and refreshing."
"Fasting is another great tool to activate autophagy."
"Fasting is zero carbs during the time that you're fasting, so that's the fastest, most powerful way to reduce insulin."
"Number three, reduce carbs. Number four, start doing fasting."
"People find that their concentration improves, their mental abilities improve with fasting."
"Fasting expels toxins in the body but also exposes transgressions in the soul."
"Jesus said, 'However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.'"
"When you fast and when you pray, you connect with God in a very special way."
"Fasting is really trading what is temporary for Eternal. It's trading what's physical for Spiritual."
"The longer you fast, the more you're going to drive your body into your fat stores which are a source of energy in order to survive."
"This is the Wolverine and Logan that Jackman has been waiting to play."
"No matter who you are, no matter how healthy you think you are... you can be healthier if you fast."
"Fasting is the ultimate way to create miracles in your like to bring in that which you desire to just cut the cords with everything that is no longer working."
"Improving sleep is crucial for successful intermittent fasting."
"Fasting breaks traditions; it shifts your routine."
"Fasting acknowledges our weakness and reliance on God's strength."
"If we kick-start them with a fast, it actually becomes a little bit easier to stay in ketosis outside of the fast."
"His hand is coming on your hands through this fast... Wait till you get a double portion anointing this year on your hands."
"Fasting is an acute controlled responsible stressor that is a stronger signal to the body."
"From an adherence standpoint, it just makes sense."
"Fasting is a great tool if you want to manage your weight."
"Fasting will slow your metabolism, but is that bad? We don't always want a lightning-fast metabolism. Your basement metabolic rate will stay elevated."
"Fasting definitely does that, doesn't it? It makes you think within."
"Fasting is a shield, a barrier that will protect you from the punishment of Allah." - Sheikh
"Intermittent fasting is a lifestyle change, not a diet."
"Put your body in a fasting state, which is essentially a healing state."
"Walking in the spirit... you have power... for spiritual warfare... when you're fasting, you're actually becoming stronger spiritually."
"These are dietary diseases, and therefore, we need to fix our diet and use dietary strategies, such as fasting, that we talked about that have been around forever."
"It’s pretty obvious that if you don’t eat, your brain actually works better."
"The very word itself actually tells you it's what meal that breaks your fast."
"The longer the fast, the better the outcome."
"How bad do we want it? The power of fasting."
"Fasting and intermittent fasting are the most important things you can do for your health."
"If you fast and eat 600 calories and my body burns the rest, how much muscle will I lose? The answer is zero."
"We see far more beneficial effects with fasting than just the overall weight loss."
"Fasting is the most powerful tool that you can do."
"Fasting is for you not for God. Fasting changes you; not God. Sacrifice influences God..."
"Fasting sensitizes cancer cells to chemotherapy."
"OMAD would be the best way to go if you want faster results."
"Fasting is the only prerequisite to bring an end to stubborn situations in your life."
"Most diabetics are completely diabetes free after 21 days of water only fasting."
"The fast is causing something beyond human efforts... God supernaturally intervenes."
"There's something deeply intrinsically beneficial to the fasting."
"Fasting does have a ton of health benefits and it can be amazing for the body."
"Autophagy and fasting: the powerhouse combo for body and brain repair."
"Fasting is the best way to control or get control of our eating, it absolutely resets everything in your brain and body."
"I think my brain feel really really good and it makes me feel sharp and I'm on camera all the time so I feel astute I feel sharp I feel like I can articulate things better when I am deeper in a fast."
"Over our Neolithic past, most cultures and religions have had fasting as an integral part... of becoming pure of cleansing our minds."
"Fasting works... But the trick is you got to figure out which version of fasting is going to work best for you."
"Try intermittent fasting for improved digestion and energy levels."
"One of the things about fasting is to see what you go to when you're not feeling great."
"Fasting invokes the supernatural. Expect the supernatural to unfold in your life when you make sacrifices to God."
"Every time I've ever fasted something, I've seen growth or clarity of mind."
"Intermittent fasting is good... As long as you eat wisely."
"Many times we underestimate the power of fasting... it's meant to help you hear what God's saying."
"On the days that I was fasting, my mental clarity, my energy, everything was through the roof."
"Don't be afraid of fasting let your body use its own energy every one of those fat cells is basically a little energy bar just waiting to be cracked open."
"For the average person in this country, it's probably fasting... where you're gonna get the most bang for your buck with the least side-effects."
"One other key strategy for the type of intermittent fasting that I'm recommending is the use of key nutrients."
"It just lets you fast for longer periods. You're not hungry, you're not suffering, you're not weak, you're not tired."
"The best ways to improve insulin sensitivity is to lower your insulin, and fasting is the most effective rapid way of lowering insulin."
"You need to allow the body to enter the fasting state for many other metabolic benefits to happen."
"Frequent eating will lower the amount of testosterone; fasting is very beneficial."
"Fasting has helped me see things completely differently."
"Fasting is not just good for your physical, it's also good for your mental."
"Fasting is a great tool to help and deepen the process of repentance."
"You want to get fucking results you fucking fast your fucking balls off get lean in like two or three months."
"Fasting was always tied into this idea of being a very healthy tradition."
"Fasting is another thing that's really important that we should do."
"Exercise during the fasting period will accelerate the onset of the elevation in ketones and accentuate the increase in ketones. This will give a boost to all the mechanisms activated by fasting."
"Continue on with healthy eating if you want to move forward and you can reap the benefit of a 5-day water fast."
"It feels better. What percent? You can't. Fifty percent just to get that feeling, it's worth fasting."
"Fasting seems like a promising and relatively safe way to promote your health."
"There are some things that only happen when you and I fast. When we fast, we go from knowing God's resume to personally experiencing his power."
"Most people, men or women who do fasting, are going to feel great after the first couple days when they figure it out."
"Fasting is like a Swiss Army knife, an incredibly impactful tool that has far more use than just weight loss."
"Fasting has something within it that is way beyond our maybe our intellectual understanding."
"It's when you're not eating food is when your body can most effectively repair itself, heal itself, reduce fat."
"When you fast, your body will significantly decrease its requirement of carbs for energy and instead of breaking down muscle, it'll mostly rely on stored body fat for energy."
"Fasting is very healthy... it's not going to harm them, and it will benefit them in the long run."
"I'm feeling like doing a 48-hour fast, so I'm going to lay down the benefits."
"After fasting for just 24 to 32 hours, your body should most likely be out of glycogen and entirely rely on its own fat stores for energy."
"Omad's going to boost your productivity because during those long hours when you are fasted, you should be extremely productive."
"Fasting these long durations also improves the autophagy; it promotes cellular regeneration."
"The biggest benefit to me with intermittent fasting is not body composition changes, it's the element of Mastery that comes with it."
"Fasting has shown to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression and improve social functioning."
"As women, we encounter various health issues during both pre and postmenopausal periods; fasting is a simple, easy, free tool that you can utilize to have major health improvements in your life."
"Ketosis equals health-promoting; fasting equals regeneration."
"Fasting is a major way to improve our ability to age better."
"Fasting is the best thing to do in this life because it also boosts your health."
"Periods of intermittent fasting can dramatically improve our insulin levels and our insulin sensitivity can start to be restored back towards normal functioning."
"Intermittent fasting may prevent brain degeneration and may possibly even improve symptoms in those where they're already apparent."
"Intermittent fasting may help to prevent some cancers and could in certain circumstances be beneficial alongside cancer treatments to make them more effective."
"Almost 90 percent of the participants... reduced their diabetes medication requirements after doing the intermittent fasting."
"Why do I fast? To gain focus, because sometimes when you eat a lot, food can become a distraction."
"If you skip the breakfast, you are walking into breakthroughs."
"Fasting saves us of the destructive tendencies of eating."
"Autophagy during fasting periods is essential for maintaining cellular health and function."
"I'm into it, you know what a good thing about a fast is, it makes you appreciate anything."
"If I could change a surgery by getting somebody to fast for 48 hours, I could change their outcome significantly."